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use common::{terrain::TerrainGrid, vol::ReadVol};
use common_base::span;
use core::{f32::consts::PI, fmt::Debug};
use num::traits::{real::Real, FloatConst};
use treeculler::Frustum;
use vek::*;
pub const NEAR_PLANE: f32 = 0.0625;
pub const FAR_PLANE: f32 = 524288.06; // excessive precision: 524288.0625
const FIRST_PERSON_INTERP_TIME: f32 = 0.1;
const THIRD_PERSON_INTERP_TIME: f32 = 0.1;
const FREEFLY_INTERP_TIME: f32 = 0.0;
const LERP_ORI_RATE: f32 = 15.0;
const CLIPPING_MODE_DISTANCE: f32 = 20.0;
pub const MIN_ZOOM: f32 = 0.1;
// Possible TODO: Add more modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum CameraMode {
FirstPerson = 0,
ThirdPerson = 1,
Freefly = 2,
impl Default for CameraMode {
fn default() -> Self { Self::ThirdPerson }
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Dependents {
pub view_mat: Mat4<f32>,
pub view_mat_inv: Mat4<f32>,
pub proj_mat: Mat4<f32>,
pub proj_mat_inv: Mat4<f32>,
/// Specifically there for satisfying our treeculler dependency, which can't
/// handle inverted depth planes.
pub proj_mat_treeculler: Mat4<f32>,
pub cam_pos: Vec3<f32>,
pub cam_dir: Vec3<f32>,
pub struct Camera {
tgt_focus: Vec3<f32>,
focus: Vec3<f32>,
tgt_ori: Vec3<f32>,
ori: Vec3<f32>,
tgt_dist: f32,
dist: f32,
tgt_fov: f32,
fov: f32,
tgt_fixate: f32,
fixate: f32,
aspect: f32,
mode: CameraMode,
last_time: Option<f64>,
dependents: Dependents,
frustum: Frustum<f32>,
fn clamp_and_modulate(ori: Vec3<f32>) -> Vec3<f32> {
Vec3 {
// Wrap camera yaw
x: ori.x.rem_euclid(2.0 * PI),
// Clamp camera pitch to the vertical limits
y: ori.y.min(PI / 2.0 - 0.0001).max(-PI / 2.0 + 0.0001),
// Wrap camera roll
z: ori.z.rem_euclid(2.0 * PI),
/// Generalized method to construct a perspective projection with x ∈ [-1,1], y
/// ∈ [-1,1], z ∈ [0,1] given fov_y_radians, aspect_ratio, 1/n, and 1/f. Note
/// that you pass in *1/n* and *1/f*, not n and f like you normally would for a
/// perspective projection; this is done to enable uniform handling of both
/// finite and infinite far planes.
/// The only requirements on n and f are: 1/n ≠ 1/f, and 0 ≤ 1/n * 1/f.
/// This ensures that the near and far plane are not identical (or else your
/// projection would not cover any distance), and that they have the same sign
/// (or else we cannot rely on clipping to properly fix your scene). This also
/// ensures that at least one of 1/n and 1/f is not 0, and by construction it
/// guarantees that neither n nor f are 0; these are required in order to make
/// sense of the definition of near and far planes, and avoid collapsing all
/// depths to a single point.
/// For "typical" projections (matching perspective_lh_no), you would satisfy
/// the stronger requirements. We give the typical conditions for each bullet
/// point, and then explain the consequences of not satisfying these conditions:
/// * 1/n < 1/f (0 to 1 depth planes, meaning n = near and f = far; if f < n,
/// depth planes go from 1 to 0, meaning f = near and n = far, aka "reverse
/// depth").
/// This is by far the most
/// likely thing to want to change; inverted depth coordinates have *far*
/// better accuracy for DirectX / Metal / WGPU-like APIs, when using
/// floating point depth, while not being *worse* than the alternative
/// (OpenGL-like depth, or when using fixed-point / integer depth). For
/// maximum benefit, make sure you are using Depth32F, as on most platforms
/// this is the only depth buffer size where floating point can be used.
/// It is a bit unintuitive to prove this, but it turns out that when using
/// 1 to 0 depth planes, the point where the depth buffer has its worst
/// precision is not at the far plane (as with 0 to 1 depth planes) nor at
/// the near plane, as you might expect, but exactly at far/2 (the
/// near plane setting does not affect the point of minimum accuracy at
/// all!). However, don't let this fool you into believing the point of
/// worst precision has simply been moved around--for *any* fixed Δz that is
/// the minimum amount of depth precision you want over the whole range, and
/// any near plane, you can set the far plane farther (generally much much
/// farther!) with reversed clip space than you can with standard clip space
/// while still getting at least that much depth precision in the worst
/// case. Nor is this a small worst-case; for many desirable near and far
/// plane combinations, more than half the visible space will have
/// completely unusable precision under 0 to 1 depth, while having much better
/// than needed precision under 1 to 0 depth.
/// To compute the exact (at least "roughly exact") worst-case accuracy for
/// floating point depth and a given precision target Δz, for reverse clip
/// planes (this can be computed for the non-reversed case too, but it's
/// painful and the values are horrible, so don't bother), we compute
/// (assuming a finite far plane--see below for details on the infinite
/// case) the change in the integer representation of the mantissa at z=n/2:
/// ```ignore
/// e = floor(ln(near/(far - near))/ln(2))
/// db/dz = 2^(2-e) / ((1 / far - 1 / near) * (far)^2)
/// ```
/// Then the maximum precision you can safely use to get a change in the
/// integer representation of the mantissa (assuming 32-bit floating points)
/// is around:
/// ```ignore
/// abs(2^(-23) / (db/dz)).
/// ```
/// In particular, if your worst-case target accuracy over the depth range
/// is Δz, you should be okay if:
/// ```ignore
/// abs(Δz * (db/dz)) * 2^(23) ≥ 1.
/// ```
/// This only accounts for precision of the final floating-point value, so
/// it's possible that artifacts may be introduced elsewhere during the
/// computation that reduce precision further; the most famous example of
/// this is that OpenGL wipes out most of the precision gains by going from
/// [-1,1] to [0,1] by letting
/// ```ignore
/// clip space depth = depth * 0.5 + 0.5
/// ```
/// which results in huge precision errors by removing nearly all the
/// floating point values with the most precision (those close to 0).
/// Fortunately, most such artifacts are absent under the wgpu/DirectX/Metal
/// depth clip space model, so with any luck remaining depth errors due to
/// the perspective warp itself should be minimal.
/// * 0 ≠ 1/far (finite far plane). When this is false, the far plane is at
/// infinity; this removes the restriction of having a far plane at all, often
/// with minimal reduction in accuracy for most values in the scene. In fact,
/// in almost all cases with non-reversed depth planes, it *improves* accuracy
/// over the finite case for the vast majority of the range; however, you
/// should be using reversed depth planes, and if you are then there is a
/// quite natural accuracy vs. distance tradeoff in the infinite case.
/// When using an infinite far plane, the worst-case accuracy is *always* at
/// infinity, and gets progressively worse as you get farther away from the
/// near plane. However, there is a second advantage that may not be
/// immediately apparent: the perspective warp becomes much simpler,
/// potentially removing artifacts! Specifically, in the 0 to 1 depth plane
/// case, the assigned depth value (after perspective division) becomes:
/// ```ignore
/// depth = 1 - near/z
/// ```
/// while in the 1 to 0 depth plane case (which you should be using), the
/// equation is even simpler:
/// ```ignore
/// depth = near/z
/// ```
/// In the 1 to 0 case, in particular, you can see that the depth value is
/// *linear in z in log space.* This lets us compute, for any given target
/// precision, a *very* simple worst-case upper bound on the maximum
/// absolute z value for which that precision can be achieved (the upper
/// bound is tight in some cases, but in others may be conservative):
/// ```ignore
/// db/dz ≥ 1/z
/// ```
/// Plugging that into our old formula, we find that we attain the required
/// precision at least in the range (again, this is for the 1 to 0 infinite
/// case only!):
/// ```ignore
/// abs(z) ≤ Δz * 2^23
/// ```
/// One thing you may notice is that this worst-case bound *does not depend
/// on the near plane.* This means that (within reason) you can put the near
/// plane as close as you like and still attain this bound. Of course, the
/// bound is not completely tight, but it should not be off by more than a
/// factor of 2 or so (informally proven, not made rigorous yet), so for most
/// practical purposes you can set the near plane as low as you like in this
/// case.
/// * 0 < 1/near (positive near plane--best used when moving *to* left-handed
/// spaces, as we normally do in OpenGL and DirectX). A use case for *not*
/// doing this is that it allows moving *from* a left-handed space *to* a
/// right-handed space in WGPU / DirectX / Metal coordinates; this means that
/// if matrices were already set up for OpenGL using functions like look_at_rh
/// that assume right-handed coordinates, we can simply switch these to
/// look_at_lh and use a right-handed perspective projection with a negative
/// near plane, to get correct rendering behavior. Details are out of scope
/// for this comment.
/// Note that there is one final, very important thing that affects possible
/// precision--the actual underlying precision of the floating point format at a
/// particular value! As your z values go up, their precision will shrink, so
/// if at all possible try to shrink your z values down to the lowest range in
/// which they can be. Unfortunately, this cannot be part of the perspective
/// projection itself, because by the time z gets to the projection it is
/// usually too late for values to still be integers (or coarse-grained powers
/// of 2). Instead, try to scale down x, y, and z as soon as possible before
/// submitting them to the GPU, ideally by as large as possible of a power of 2
/// that works for your use case. Not only will this improve depth precision
/// and recall, it will also help address other artifacts caused by values far
/// from z (such as improperly rounded rotations, or improper line equations due
/// to greedy meshing).
/// TODO: Consider passing fractions rather than 1/n and 1/f directly, even
/// though the logic for why it should be okay to pass them directly is probably
/// sound (they are both valid z values in the range, so gl_FragCoord.w will be
/// assigned to this, meaning if they are imprecise enough then the whole
/// calculation will be similarly imprecise).
/// TODO: Since it's a bit confusing that n and f are not always near and far,
/// and a negative near plane can (probably) be emulated with simple actions on
/// the perspective matrix, consider removing this functionality and replacing
/// our assertion with a single condition: `(1/far) * (1/near) < (1/near)²`.
pub fn perspective_lh_zo_general<T>(
fov_y_radians: T,
aspect_ratio: T,
inv_n: T,
inv_f: T,
) -> Mat4<T>
T: Real + FloatConst + Debug,
// Per comments, we only need these two assertions to make sure our calculations
// make sense.
inv_n, inv_f,
"The near and far plane distances cannot be equal, found: {:?} = {:?}",
inv_n, inv_f
T::zero() <= inv_n * inv_f,
"The near and far plane distances must have the same sign, found: {:?} * {:?} < 0",
// TODO: Would be nice to separate out the aspect ratio computations.
let two = T::one() + T::one();
let tan_half_fovy = (fov_y_radians / two).tan();
let m00 = T::one() / (aspect_ratio * tan_half_fovy);
let m11 = T::one() / tan_half_fovy;
let m23 = -T::one() / (inv_n - inv_f);
let m22 = inv_n * (-m23);
/// Same as perspective_lh_zo_general, but for right-handed source spaces.
pub fn perspective_rh_zo_general<T>(
fov_y_radians: T,
aspect_ratio: T,
inv_n: T,
inv_f: T,
) -> Mat4<T>
T: Real + FloatConst + Debug,
let mut m = perspective_lh_zo_general(fov_y_radians, aspect_ratio, inv_n, inv_f);
m[(2, 2)] = -m[(2, 2)];
m[(3, 2)] = -m[(3, 2)];
impl Camera {
/// Create a new `Camera` with default parameters.
pub fn new(aspect: f32, mode: CameraMode) -> Self {
// Make sure aspect is valid
let aspect = if aspect.is_normal() { aspect } else { 1.0 };
let dist = match mode {
CameraMode::ThirdPerson => 10.0,
CameraMode::FirstPerson | CameraMode::Freefly => MIN_ZOOM,
Self {
tgt_focus: Vec3::unit_z() * 10.0,
focus: Vec3::unit_z() * 10.0,
tgt_ori: Vec3::zero(),
ori: Vec3::zero(),
tgt_dist: dist,
tgt_fov: 1.1,
fov: 1.1,
tgt_fixate: 1.0,
fixate: 1.0,
last_time: None,
dependents: Dependents {
view_mat: Mat4::identity(),
view_mat_inv: Mat4::identity(),
proj_mat: Mat4::identity(),
proj_mat_inv: Mat4::identity(),
proj_mat_treeculler: Mat4::identity(),
cam_pos: Vec3::zero(),
cam_dir: Vec3::unit_y(),
frustum: Frustum::from_modelview_projection(Mat4::identity().into_col_arrays()),
/// Compute the transformation matrices (view matrix and projection matrix)
/// and position of the camera.
pub fn compute_dependents(&mut self, terrain: &TerrainGrid) {
self.compute_dependents_full(terrain, |block| block.is_opaque())
/// The is_fluid argument should return true for transparent voxels.
pub fn compute_dependents_full<V: ReadVol>(
&mut self,
terrain: &V,
is_transparent: fn(&V::Vox) -> bool,
) {
span!(_guard, "compute_dependents", "Camera::compute_dependents");
// TODO: More intelligent function to decide on which strategy to use
if self.tgt_dist < CLIPPING_MODE_DISTANCE {
self.compute_dependents_near(terrain, is_transparent)
} else {
self.compute_dependents_far(terrain, is_transparent)
fn compute_dependents_near<V: ReadVol>(
&mut self,
terrain: &V,
is_transparent: fn(&V::Vox) -> bool,
) {
const FRUSTUM_PADDING: [Vec3<f32>; 4] = [
Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, -1.0),
Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
// Calculate new frustum location as there may have been lerp towards tgt_dist
// Without this, there will be camera jumping back and forth in some scenarios
// TODO: Optimize and fix clipping still happening if self.dist << self.tgt_dist
// Use tgt_dist, as otherwise we end up in loop due to dist depending on frustum
// and vice versa
let local_dependents = self.compute_dependents_helper(self.tgt_dist);
let frustum = self.compute_frustum(&local_dependents);
let dist = {
.map(|(pos, padding)| {
let fwd = self.forward();
// TODO: undo once treeculler is vek15.7
let transformed = Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
transformed + 0.6 * (fwd.cross(*padding) + fwd.cross(*padding).cross(fwd))
.chain([(self.focus - self.forward() * (self.dist + 0.5))]) // Padding to behind
.map(|pos| {
match terrain
.ray(self.focus, pos)
(d, Ok(Some(_))) => f32::min(d, self.tgt_dist),
(_, Ok(None)) => self.dist,
(_, Err(_)) => self.dist,
if self.dist >= dist {
self.dist = dist;
// Recompute only if needed
if (dist - self.tgt_dist).abs() > f32::EPSILON {
let dependents = self.compute_dependents_helper(dist);
self.frustum = self.compute_frustum(&dependents);
self.dependents = dependents;
} else {
self.dependents = local_dependents;
self.frustum = frustum;
fn compute_dependents_far<V: ReadVol>(
&mut self,
terrain: &V,
is_transparent: fn(&V::Vox) -> bool,
) {
let dist = {
let (start, end) = (self.focus - self.forward() * self.dist, self.focus);
match terrain
.ray(start, end)
.until(|b| !is_transparent(b))
(d, Ok(Some(_))) => f32::min(self.dist - d - 0.03, self.dist),
(_, Ok(None)) => self.dist,
(_, Err(_)) => self.dist,
let dependents = self.compute_dependents_helper(dist);
self.frustum = self.compute_frustum(&dependents);
self.dependents = dependents;
fn compute_dependents_helper(&self, dist: f32) -> Dependents {
let view_mat = Mat4::<f32>::identity()
* Mat4::translation_3d(-Vec3::unit_z() * dist)
* Mat4::rotation_z(self.ori.z)
* Mat4::rotation_x(self.ori.y)
* Mat4::rotation_y(self.ori.x)
* Mat4::rotation_3d(PI / 2.0, -Vec4::unit_x())
* Mat4::translation_3d(-self.focus.map(|e| e.fract()));
let view_mat_inv: Mat4<f32> = view_mat.inverted();
let fov = self.get_effective_fov();
// NOTE: We reverse the far and near planes to produce an inverted depth
// buffer (1 to 0 z planes).
let proj_mat =
perspective_rh_zo_general(fov, self.aspect, 1.0 / FAR_PLANE, 1.0 / NEAR_PLANE);
// For treeculler, we also produce a version without inverted depth.
let proj_mat_treeculler =
perspective_rh_zo_general(fov, self.aspect, 1.0 / NEAR_PLANE, 1.0 / FAR_PLANE);
Dependents {
proj_mat_inv: proj_mat.inverted(),
cam_pos: Vec3::from(view_mat_inv * Vec4::unit_w()),
cam_dir: Vec3::from(view_mat_inv * -Vec4::unit_z()),
fn compute_frustum(&mut self, dependents: &Dependents) -> Frustum<f32> {
* dependents.view_mat
* Mat4::translation_3d(-self.focus.map(|e| e.trunc())))
pub fn frustum(&self) -> &Frustum<f32> { &self.frustum }
pub fn dependents(&self) -> Dependents { self.dependents }
/// Rotate the camera about its focus by the given delta, limiting the input
/// accordingly.
pub fn rotate_by(&mut self, delta: Vec3<f32>) {
let delta = delta * self.fixate;
// Wrap camera yaw
self.tgt_ori.x = (self.tgt_ori.x + delta.x).rem_euclid(2.0 * PI);
// Clamp camera pitch to the vertical limits
self.tgt_ori.y = (self.tgt_ori.y + delta.y)
.min(PI / 2.0 - 0.001)
.max(-PI / 2.0 + 0.001);
// Wrap camera roll
self.tgt_ori.z = (self.tgt_ori.z + delta.z).rem_euclid(2.0 * PI);
/// Set the orientation of the camera about its focus.
pub fn set_orientation(&mut self, ori: Vec3<f32>) { self.tgt_ori = clamp_and_modulate(ori); }
/// Set the orientation of the camera about its focus without lerping.
pub fn set_orientation_instant(&mut self, ori: Vec3<f32>) {
self.ori = self.tgt_ori;
/// Zoom the camera by the given delta, limiting the input accordingly.
pub fn zoom_by(&mut self, delta: f32, cap: Option<f32>) {
if self.mode == CameraMode::ThirdPerson {
// Clamp camera dist to the 2 <= x <= infinity range
self.tgt_dist = (self.tgt_dist + delta).max(2.0);
if let Some(cap) = cap {
self.tgt_dist = self.tgt_dist.min(cap);
/// Zoom with the ability to switch between first and third-person mode.
/// Note that cap > 18237958000000.0 can cause panic due to float overflow
pub fn zoom_switch(&mut self, delta: f32, cap: f32) {
if delta > 0_f32 || self.mode != CameraMode::FirstPerson {
let t = self.tgt_dist + delta;
const MIN_THIRD_PERSON: f32 = 2.35;
match self.mode {
CameraMode::ThirdPerson => {
} else {
self.tgt_dist = t;
CameraMode::FirstPerson => {
self.tgt_dist = MIN_THIRD_PERSON;
_ => {},
self.tgt_dist = self.tgt_dist.min(cap);
/// Get the distance of the camera from the focus
pub fn get_distance(&self) -> f32 { self.dist }
/// Set the distance of the camera from the focus (i.e., zoom).
pub fn set_distance(&mut self, dist: f32) { self.tgt_dist = dist; }
pub fn update(&mut self, time: f64, dt: f32, smoothing_enabled: bool) {
// This is horribly frame time dependent, but so is most of the game
let delta = self.last_time.replace(time).map_or(0.0, |t| time - t);
if (self.dist - self.tgt_dist).abs() > 0.01 {
self.dist = Lerp::lerp(
0.65 * (delta as f32) / self.interp_time(),
if (self.fov - self.tgt_fov).abs() > 0.01 {
self.fov = Lerp::lerp(
0.65 * (delta as f32) / self.interp_time(),
if (self.fixate - self.tgt_fixate).abs() > 0.01 {
self.fixate = Lerp::lerp(
0.65 * (delta as f32) / self.interp_time(),
if (self.focus - self.tgt_focus).magnitude_squared() > 0.001 {
let lerped_focus = Lerp::lerp(
(delta as f32) / self.interp_time()
* if matches!(self.mode, CameraMode::FirstPerson) {
} else {
self.focus.x = lerped_focus.x;
self.focus.y = lerped_focus.y;
// Always lerp in z
self.focus.z = lerped_focus.z;
let lerp_angle = |a: f32, b: f32, rate: f32| {
let offs = [-2.0 * PI, 0.0, 2.0 * PI]
.min_by_key(|offs: &&f32| ((a - (b + *offs)).abs() * 1000.0) as i32)
Lerp::lerp(a, b + *offs, rate)
let ori = if smoothing_enabled {
lerp_angle(self.ori.x, self.tgt_ori.x, LERP_ORI_RATE * dt),
Lerp::lerp(self.ori.y, self.tgt_ori.y, LERP_ORI_RATE * dt),
lerp_angle(self.ori.z, self.tgt_ori.z, LERP_ORI_RATE * dt),
} else {
self.ori = clamp_and_modulate(ori);
pub fn interp_time(&self) -> f32 {
match self.mode {
CameraMode::FirstPerson => FIRST_PERSON_INTERP_TIME,
CameraMode::ThirdPerson => THIRD_PERSON_INTERP_TIME,
CameraMode::Freefly => FREEFLY_INTERP_TIME,
/// Get the focus position of the camera.
pub fn get_focus_pos(&self) -> Vec3<f32> { self.focus }
/// Set the focus position of the camera.
pub fn set_focus_pos(&mut self, focus: Vec3<f32>) { self.tgt_focus = focus; }
/// Set the focus position of the camera, without lerping.
pub fn force_focus_pos(&mut self, focus: Vec3<f32>) {
self.tgt_focus = focus;
self.focus = focus;
/// Get the aspect ratio of the camera.
pub fn get_aspect_ratio(&self) -> f32 { self.aspect }
/// Set the aspect ratio of the camera.
pub fn set_aspect_ratio(&mut self, aspect: f32) {
self.aspect = if aspect.is_normal() { aspect } else { 1.0 };
/// Get the orientation of the camera.
pub fn get_orientation(&self) -> Vec3<f32> { self.ori }
/// Get the field of view of the camera in radians, taking into account
/// fixation.
pub fn get_effective_fov(&self) -> f32 { self.fov * self.fixate }
// /// Get the field of view of the camera in radians.
// pub fn get_fov(&self) -> f32 { self.fov }
/// Set the field of view of the camera in radians.
pub fn set_fov(&mut self, fov: f32) { self.tgt_fov = fov; }
/// Set the 'fixation' proportion, allowing the camera to focus in with
/// precise aiming. Fixation is applied on top of the regular FoV.
pub fn set_fixate(&mut self, fixate: f32) { self.tgt_fixate = fixate; }
/// Set the FOV in degrees
pub fn set_fov_deg(&mut self, fov: u16) {
//Magic value comes from pi/180; no use recalculating.
self.set_fov((fov as f32) * 0.01745329)
/// Set the mode of the camera.
pub fn set_mode(&mut self, mode: CameraMode) {
if self.mode != mode {
self.mode = mode;
match self.mode {
CameraMode::ThirdPerson => {
self.zoom_by(5.0, None);
CameraMode::FirstPerson => {
CameraMode::Freefly => {
/// Get the mode of the camera
pub fn get_mode(&self) -> CameraMode {
// Perform a bit of a trick... don't report first-person until the camera has
// lerped close enough to the player.
match self.mode {
CameraMode::FirstPerson if self.dist < 0.5 => CameraMode::FirstPerson,
CameraMode::FirstPerson => CameraMode::ThirdPerson,
mode => mode,
/// Cycle the camera to its next valid mode. If is_admin is false then only
/// modes which are accessible without admin access will be cycled to.
pub fn next_mode(&mut self, is_admin: bool, has_target: bool) {
if has_target {
self.set_mode(match self.mode {
CameraMode::ThirdPerson => CameraMode::FirstPerson,
CameraMode::FirstPerson => {
if is_admin {
} else {
CameraMode::Freefly => CameraMode::ThirdPerson,
} else {
/// Return a unit vector in the forward direction for the current camera
/// orientation
pub fn forward(&self) -> Vec3<f32> {
f32::sin(self.ori.x) * f32::cos(self.ori.y),
f32::cos(self.ori.x) * f32::cos(self.ori.y),
/// Return a unit vector in the right direction for the current camera
/// orientation
pub fn right(&self) -> Vec3<f32> {
const UP: Vec3<f32> = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/// Return a unit vector in the forward direction on the XY plane for
/// the current camera orientation
pub fn forward_xy(&self) -> Vec2<f32> { Vec2::new(f32::sin(self.ori.x), f32::cos(self.ori.x)) }
/// Return a unit vector in the right direction on the XY plane for
/// the current camera orientation
pub fn right_xy(&self) -> Vec2<f32> { Vec2::new(f32::cos(self.ori.x), -f32::sin(self.ori.x)) }