
192 lines
4.9 KiB

use crate::{combat::DamageContributor, comp, terrain::SpriteKind, uid::Uid, DamageSource};
use comp::{beam, item::Reagent, poise::PoiseState, skillset::SkillGroupKind, UtteranceKind};
use hashbrown::HashSet;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use vek::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct HealthChangeInfo {
pub amount: f32,
pub crit: bool,
pub target: Uid,
pub by: Option<DamageContributor>,
pub cause: Option<DamageSource>,
pub instance: u64,
/// An outcome represents the final result of an instantaneous event. It implies
/// that said event has already occurred. It is not a request for that event to
/// occur, nor is it something that may be cancelled or otherwise altered. Its
/// primary purpose is to act as something for frontends (both server and
/// client) to listen to in order to receive feedback about events in the world.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Outcome {
Explosion {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
power: f32,
radius: f32,
is_attack: bool,
reagent: Option<Reagent>, // How can we better define this?
Lightning {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
ProjectileShot {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
body: comp::Body,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
ProjectileHit {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
body: comp::Body,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
source: Option<Uid>,
target: Option<Uid>,
Beam {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
specifier: beam::FrontendSpecifier,
ExpChange {
uid: Uid,
exp: u32,
xp_pools: HashSet<SkillGroupKind>,
SkillPointGain {
uid: Uid,
skill_tree: SkillGroupKind,
total_points: u16,
ComboChange {
uid: Uid,
combo: u32,
BreakBlock {
pos: Vec3<i32>,
color: Option<Rgb<u8>>,
SummonedCreature {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
body: comp::Body,
HealthChange {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
info: HealthChangeInfo,
Death {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
Block {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
parry: bool,
uid: Uid,
PoiseChange {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
state: PoiseState,
GroundSlam {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
IceSpikes {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
IceCrack {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
FlashFreeze {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
Steam {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
LaserBeam {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
CyclopsCharge {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
FlamethrowerCharge {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
Utterance {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
body: comp::Body,
kind: UtteranceKind,
Glider {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
wielded: bool,
SpriteDelete {
pos: Vec3<i32>,
sprite: SpriteKind,
SpriteUnlocked {
pos: Vec3<i32>,
FailedSpriteUnlock {
pos: Vec3<i32>,
Whoosh {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
Swoosh {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
FireShockwave {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
GroundDig {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
PortalActivated {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
TeleportedByPortal {
pos: Vec3<f32>,
impl Outcome {
pub fn get_pos(&self) -> Option<Vec3<f32>> {
match self {
Outcome::Explosion { pos, .. }
// TODO: Include this, but allow it to be sent to clients when outside of the VD
// | Outcome::Lightning { pos }
| Outcome::ProjectileShot { pos, .. }
| Outcome::ProjectileHit { pos, .. }
| Outcome::Beam { pos, .. }
| Outcome::SummonedCreature { pos, .. }
| Outcome::HealthChange { pos, .. }
| Outcome::Death { pos, .. }
| Outcome::Block { pos, .. }
| Outcome::PoiseChange { pos, .. }
| Outcome::GroundSlam { pos }
| Outcome::FlashFreeze { pos }
| Outcome::Whoosh { pos }
| Outcome::Swoosh { pos }
| Outcome::IceSpikes { pos }
| Outcome::Steam { pos }
| Outcome::FireShockwave { pos }
| Outcome::IceCrack { pos }
| Outcome::Utterance { pos, .. }
| Outcome::CyclopsCharge { pos }
| Outcome::FlamethrowerCharge { pos }
| Outcome::LaserBeam { pos }
| Outcome::GroundDig { pos }
| Outcome::PortalActivated { pos }
| Outcome::TeleportedByPortal { pos}
| Outcome::Glider { pos, .. } => Some(*pos),
Outcome::BreakBlock { pos, .. }
| Outcome::SpriteUnlocked { pos }
| Outcome::SpriteDelete { pos, .. }
| Outcome::FailedSpriteUnlock { pos } => Some(|e| e as f32 + 0.5)),
Outcome::ExpChange { .. }
| Outcome::ComboChange { .. }
| Outcome::Lightning { .. }
| Outcome::SkillPointGain { .. } => None,