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//! Load assets (images or voxel data) from files
use dot_vox::DotVoxData;
use image::DynamicImage;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::{borrow::Cow, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
pub use assets_manager::{
asset::{DirLoadable, Ron},
self, BincodeLoader, BytesLoader, JsonLoader, LoadFrom, Loader, RonLoader, StringLoader,
source::{self, Source},
Asset, AssetCache, BoxedError, Compound, Error, SharedString,
mod fs;
lazy_static! {
/// The HashMap where all loaded assets are stored in.
static ref ASSETS: AssetCache<fs::FileSystem> =
#[cfg(feature = "hot-reloading")]
pub fn start_hot_reloading() { ASSETS.enhance_hot_reloading(); }
pub type AssetHandle<T> = assets_manager::Handle<'static, T>;
pub type AssetGuard<T> = assets_manager::AssetGuard<'static, T>;
pub type AssetDirHandle<T> = assets_manager::DirHandle<'static, T, fs::FileSystem>;
pub type ReloadWatcher = assets_manager::ReloadWatcher<'static>;
/// The Asset trait, which is implemented by all structures that have their data
/// stored in the filesystem.
pub trait AssetExt: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static {
/// Function used to load assets from the filesystem or the cache.
/// Example usage:
/// ```no_run
/// use veloren_common_assets::{AssetExt, Image};
/// let my_image = Image::load("core.ui.backgrounds.city").unwrap();
/// ```
fn load(specifier: &str) -> Result<AssetHandle<Self>, Error>;
/// Function used to load assets from the filesystem or the cache and return
/// a clone.
fn load_cloned(specifier: &str) -> Result<Self, Error>
Self: Clone,
fn load_or_insert_with(
specifier: &str,
default: impl FnOnce(Error) -> Self,
) -> AssetHandle<Self> {
Self::load(specifier).unwrap_or_else(|err| Self::get_or_insert(specifier, default(err)))
/// Function used to load essential assets from the filesystem or the cache.
/// It will panic if the asset is not found. Example usage:
/// ```no_run
/// use veloren_common_assets::{AssetExt, Image};
/// let my_image = Image::load_expect("core.ui.backgrounds.city");
/// ```
fn load_expect(specifier: &str) -> AssetHandle<Self> {
fn expect_failed(err: Error) -> ! {
"Failed loading essential asset: {} (error={:?})",
// Avoid using `unwrap_or_else` to avoid breaking `#[track_caller]`
match Self::load(specifier) {
Ok(handle) => handle,
Err(err) => expect_failed(err),
/// Function used to load essential assets from the filesystem or the cache
/// and return a clone. It will panic if the asset is not found.
fn load_expect_cloned(specifier: &str) -> Self
Self: Clone,
fn load_owned(specifier: &str) -> Result<Self, Error>;
fn get_or_insert(specifier: &str, default: Self) -> AssetHandle<Self>;
/// Loads directory and all files in it
/// # Errors
/// An error is returned if the given id does not match a valid readable
/// directory.
/// When loading a directory recursively, directories that can't be read are
/// ignored.
pub fn load_dir<T: DirLoadable>(
specifier: &str,
recursive: bool,
) -> Result<AssetDirHandle<T>, Error> {
let specifier = specifier.strip_suffix(".*").unwrap_or(specifier);
ASSETS.load_dir(specifier, recursive)
/// Loads directory and all files in it
/// # Panics
/// 1) If can't load directory (filesystem errors)
/// 2) If file can't be loaded (parsing problem)
pub fn read_expect_dir<T: DirLoadable>(
specifier: &str,
recursive: bool,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = AssetGuard<T>> {
fn expect_failed(err: Error) -> ! {
"Failed loading directory: {} (error={:?})",
// Avoid using `unwrap_or_else` to avoid breaking `#[track_caller]`
match load_dir::<T>(specifier, recursive) {
Ok(dir) => dir.ids().map(|entry| T::load_expect(entry).read()),
Err(err) => expect_failed(err),
impl<T: Compound> AssetExt for T {
fn load(specifier: &str) -> Result<AssetHandle<Self>, Error> { ASSETS.load(specifier) }
fn load_owned(specifier: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> { ASSETS.load_owned(specifier) }
fn get_or_insert(specifier: &str, default: Self) -> AssetHandle<Self> {
ASSETS.get_or_insert(specifier, default)
pub struct Image(pub Arc<DynamicImage>);
impl Image {
pub fn to_image(&self) -> Arc<DynamicImage> { Arc::clone(&self.0) }
pub struct ImageLoader;
impl Loader<Image> for ImageLoader {
fn load(content: Cow<[u8]>, ext: &str) -> Result<Image, BoxedError> {
let format = image::ImageFormat::from_extension(ext)
.ok_or_else(|| format!("Invalid file extension {}", ext))?;
let image = image::load_from_memory_with_format(&content, format)?;
impl Asset for Image {
type Loader = ImageLoader;
const EXTENSIONS: &'static [&'static str] = &["png", "jpg"];
pub struct DotVoxAsset(pub DotVoxData);
pub struct DotVoxLoader;
impl Loader<DotVoxAsset> for DotVoxLoader {
fn load(content: std::borrow::Cow<[u8]>, _: &str) -> Result<DotVoxAsset, BoxedError> {
let data = dot_vox::load_bytes(&content).map_err(|err| err.to_owned())?;
impl Asset for DotVoxAsset {
type Loader = DotVoxLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "vox";
/// Return path to repository root by searching 10 directories back
pub fn find_root() -> Option<PathBuf> {
std::env::current_dir().map_or(None, |path| {
// If we are in the root, push path
if path.join(".git").exists() {
return Some(path);
// Search .git directory in parent directries
for ancestor in path.ancestors().take(10) {
if ancestor.join(".git").exists() {
return Some(ancestor.to_path_buf());
lazy_static! {
/// Lazy static to find and cache where the asset directory is.
/// Cases we need to account for:
/// 1. Running through airshipper (`assets` next to binary)
/// 2. Install with package manager and run (assets probably in `/usr/share/veloren/assets` while binary in `/usr/bin/`)
/// 3. Download & hopefully extract zip (`assets` next to binary)
/// 4. Running through cargo (`assets` in workspace root but not always in cwd incase you `cd voxygen && cargo r`)
/// 5. Running executable in the target dir (`assets` in workspace)
/// 6. Running tests (`assets` in workspace root)
pub static ref ASSETS_PATH: PathBuf = {
let mut paths = Vec::new();
// Note: Ordering matters here!
// 1. VELOREN_ASSETS environment variable
if let Ok(var) = std::env::var("VELOREN_ASSETS") {
// 2. Executable path
if let Ok(mut path) = std::env::current_exe() {
// 3. Root of the repository
if let Some(path) = find_root() {
// 4. System paths
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "android")))]
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", result).into());
} else if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/.local/share/veloren/", result).into());
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_DIRS") {
result.split(':').for_each(|x| paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", x).into()));
} else {
// Fallback
let fallback_paths = vec!["/usr/local/share", "/usr/share"];
for fallback_path in fallback_paths {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", fallback_path).into());
tracing::trace!("Possible asset locations paths={:?}", paths);
for mut path in paths.clone() {
if !path.ends_with("assets") {
path = path.join("assets");
if path.is_dir() {
tracing::info!("Assets found path={}", path.display());
return path;
"Asset directory not found. In attempting to find it, we searched:\n{})",
paths.iter().fold(String::new(), |mut a, path| {
a += &path.to_string_lossy();
a += "\n";
mod tests {
use std::{ffi::OsStr, fs::File};
use walkdir::WalkDir;
/// Fail unless all `.ron` asset files successfully parse to `ron::Value`.
fn parse_all_ron_files_to_value() {
let ext = OsStr::new("ron");
.map(|ent| {
ent.expect("Failed to walk over asset directory")
.filter(|path| path.is_file())
.filter(|path| {
.map_or(false, |e| ext == e.to_ascii_lowercase())
.for_each(|path| {
let file = File::open(&path).expect("Failed to open the file");
if let Err(err) = ron::de::from_reader::<_, ron::Value>(file) {
println!("{:?}", path);
println!("{:#?}", err);
panic!("Parse failed");
#[cfg(feature = "asset_tweak")]
pub mod asset_tweak {
//! Set of functions and macros for easy tweaking values
//! using our asset cache machinery.
//! Because of how macros works, you will not find
//! [tweak] and [tweak_from] macros in this module,
//! import it from [assets](super) crate directly.
//! Will hot-reload (if corresponded feature is enabled).
// TODO: don't use the same ASSETS_PATH as game uses?
use super::{Asset, AssetExt, RonLoader, ASSETS_PATH};
use ron::ser::{to_writer_pretty, PrettyConfig};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{fs, path::Path};
/// Specifier to use with tweak functions in this module
/// `Tweak("test")` will be interpreted as `<assets_dir>/tweak/test.ron`.
/// `Asset(&["path", "to", "file"])` will be interpreted as
/// `<assets_dir>/path/to/file.ron`
pub enum Specifier<'a> {
Tweak(&'a str),
Asset(&'a [&'a str]),
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct AssetTweakWrapper<T>(T);
impl<T> Asset for AssetTweakWrapper<T>
T: Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + 'static + DeserializeOwned,
type Loader = RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
/// Read value from file, will panic if file doesn't exist.
/// If you don't have a file or its content is invalid,
/// this function will panic.
/// If you want to have some default content,
/// read documentation for [tweak_expect_or_create] for more.
/// # Examples:
/// How not to use.
/// ```should_panic
/// use veloren_common_assets::asset_tweak::{tweak_expect, Specifier};
/// // will panic if you don't have a file
/// let specifier = Specifier::Asset(&["no_way_we_have_this_directory", "x"]);
/// let x: i32 = tweak_expect(specifier);
/// ```
/// How to use.
/// ```
/// use std::fs;
/// use veloren_common_assets::{
/// asset_tweak::{tweak_expect, Specifier},
/// };
/// // you need to create file first
/// let tweak_path = ASSETS_PATH.join("tweak/year.ron");
/// // note parentheses
/// fs::write(&tweak_path, b"(10)");
/// let y: i32 = tweak_expect(Specifier::Tweak("year"));
/// assert_eq!(y, 10);
/// // Specifier::Tweak is just a shorthand
/// // for Specifier::Asset(&["tweak", ..])
/// let y1: i32 = tweak_expect(Specifier::Asset(&["tweak", "year"]));
/// assert_eq!(y1, 10);
/// // you may want to remove this file later
/// std::fs::remove_file(tweak_path);
/// ```
pub fn tweak_expect<T>(specifier: Specifier) -> T
T: Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + 'static + DeserializeOwned,
let asset_specifier = match specifier {
Specifier::Tweak(specifier) => format!("tweak.{}", specifier),
Specifier::Asset(path) => path.join("."),
let handle = <AssetTweakWrapper<T> as AssetExt>::load_expect(&asset_specifier);
let AssetTweakWrapper(value) = handle.cloned();
// Helper function to create new file to tweak.
// The file will be filled with passed value
// returns passed value.
fn create_new<T>(tweak_dir: &Path, filename: &str, value: T) -> T
T: Sized + Send + Sync + 'static + DeserializeOwned + Serialize,
fs::create_dir_all(tweak_dir).expect("failed to create directory for tweak files");
let f = fs::File::create(tweak_dir.join(filename)).unwrap_or_else(|error| {
panic!("failed to create file {:?}. Error: {:?}", filename, error)
let tweaker = AssetTweakWrapper(&value);
if let Err(e) = to_writer_pretty(f, &tweaker, PrettyConfig::new()) {
panic!("failed to write to file {:?}. Error: {:?}", filename, e);
// Helper function to get directory and file from asset list.
// Converts ["path", "to", "file"] to (String("path/to"), "file")
fn directory_and_name<'a>(path: &'a [&'a str]) -> (String, &'a str) {
let (file, path) = path.split_last().expect("empty asset list");
let directory = path.join("/");
(directory, file)
/// Read a value from asset, creating file if not exists.
/// If file exists will read a value from such file
/// using [tweak_expect].
/// File should look like that (note the parentheses).
/// ```text
/// assets/tweak/x.ron
/// (5)
/// ```
/// # Example:
/// Tweaking integer value
/// ```
/// use veloren_common_assets::{
/// asset_tweak::{tweak_expect_or_create, Specifier},
/// };
/// // first time it will create the file
/// let x: i32 = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Tweak("stars"), 5);
/// let file_path = ASSETS_PATH.join("tweak/stars.ron");
/// assert!(file_path.is_file());
/// assert_eq!(x, 5);
/// // next time it will read value from file
/// // whatever you will pass as default
/// let x1: i32 = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Tweak("stars"), 42);
/// assert_eq!(x1, 5);
/// // you may want to remove this file later
/// std::fs::remove_file(file_path);
/// ```
pub fn tweak_expect_or_create<T>(specifier: Specifier, value: T) -> T
T: Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + 'static + DeserializeOwned + Serialize,
let (dir, filename) = match specifier {
Specifier::Tweak(name) => (ASSETS_PATH.join("tweak"), format!("{}.ron", name)),
Specifier::Asset(list) => {
let (directory, name) = directory_and_name(list);
(ASSETS_PATH.join(directory), format!("{}.ron", name))
if Path::new(&dir.join(&filename)).is_file() {
} else {
create_new(&dir, &filename, value)
/// Convinient macro to quickly tweak value.
/// Will use [Specifier]`::Tweak` specifier and call
/// [tweak_expect] if passed only name
/// or [tweak_expect_or_create] if default is passed.
/// # Examples:
/// ```
/// // note that you need to export it from `assets` crate,
/// // not from `assets::asset_tweak`
/// use veloren_common_assets::{tweak, ASSETS_PATH};
/// // you need to create file first
/// let own_path = ASSETS_PATH.join("tweak/grizelda.ron");
/// // note parentheses
/// std::fs::write(&own_path, b"(10)");
/// let z: i32 = tweak!("grizelda");
/// assert_eq!(z, 10);
/// // voila, you don't need to care about creating file first
/// let p: i32 = tweak!("peter", 8);
/// let created_path = ASSETS_PATH.join("tweak/peter.ron");
/// assert!(created_path.is_file());
/// assert_eq!(p, 8);
/// // will use default value only first time
/// // if file exists, will load from this file
/// let p: i32 = tweak!("peter", 50);
/// assert_eq!(p, 8);
/// // you may want to remove this file later
/// std::fs::remove_file(own_path);
/// std::fs::remove_file(created_path);
/// ```
macro_rules! tweak {
($name:literal) => {{
use $crate::asset_tweak::{tweak_expect, Specifier::Tweak};
($name:literal, $default:expr) => {{
use $crate::asset_tweak::{tweak_expect_or_create, Specifier::Tweak};
tweak_expect_or_create(Tweak($name), $default)
/// Convinient macro to quickly tweak value from some existing path.
/// Will use [Specifier]`::Asset` specifier and call
/// [tweak_expect] if passed only name
/// or [tweak_expect_or_create] if default is passed.
/// The main use case is when you have some object
/// which needs constant tuning of values, but you can't afford
/// loading a file.
/// So you can use tweak_from! and then just copy values from asset
/// to your object.
/// # Examples:
/// ```no_run
/// // note that you need to export it from `assets` crate,
/// // not from `assets::asset_tweak`
/// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// use veloren_common_assets::{tweak_from, ASSETS_PATH};
/// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
/// struct Data {
/// x: i32,
/// y: i32,
/// }
/// let default = Data { x: 5, y: 7 };
/// let data: Data = tweak_from!(&["common", "body", "dimensions"], default);
/// ```
macro_rules! tweak_from {
($path:expr) => {{
use $crate::asset_tweak::{tweak_expect, Specifier::Asset};
($path:expr, $default:expr) => {{
use $crate::asset_tweak::{tweak_expect_or_create, Specifier::Asset};
tweak_expect_or_create(Asset($path), $default)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::{
fs::{self, File},
struct DirectoryGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path>,
dir: P,
impl<P> DirectoryGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path>,
fn create(dir: P) -> Self {
fs::create_dir_all(&dir).expect("failed to create directory");
Self { dir }
impl<P> Drop for DirectoryGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path>,
fn drop(&mut self) { fs::remove_dir(&self.dir).expect("failed to remove directory"); }
struct FileGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path> + Debug,
file: P,
impl<P> FileGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path> + Debug,
fn create(file: P) -> (Self, File) {
let f = File::create(&file)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to create file {:?}", &file));
(Self { file }, f)
fn hold(file: P) -> Self { Self { file } }
impl<P> Drop for FileGuard<P>
P: AsRef<Path> + Debug,
fn drop(&mut self) {
fs::remove_file(&self.file).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("failed to remove file {:?}. Error: {:?}", &self.file, e)
// helper function to create environment with needed directory and file
// and responsible for cleaning
fn run_with_file(tweak_path: &[&str], test: impl Fn(&mut File)) {
let (tweak_dir, tweak_name) = directory_and_name(tweak_path);
let tweak_folder = ASSETS_PATH.join(tweak_dir);
let tweak_file = tweak_folder.join(format!("{}.ron", tweak_name));
let _dir_guard = DirectoryGuard::create(tweak_folder);
let (_file_guard, mut file) = FileGuard::create(tweak_file);
test(&mut file);
fn test_tweaked_int() {
let tweak_path = &["tweak_test_int", "tweak"];
run_with_file(tweak_path, |file| {
file.write_all(b"(5)").expect("failed to write to the file");
let x: i32 = tweak_expect(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path));
assert_eq!(x, 5);
fn test_tweaked_string() {
let tweak_path = &["tweak_test_string", "tweak"];
run_with_file(tweak_path, |file| {
file.write_all(br#"("Hello Zest")"#)
.expect("failed to write to the file");
let x: String = tweak_expect(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path));
assert_eq!(x, "Hello Zest".to_owned());
fn test_tweaked_hashmap() {
type Map = std::collections::HashMap<String, i32>;
let tweak_path = &["tweak_test_map", "tweak"];
run_with_file(tweak_path, |file| {
"wow": 4,
"such": 5,
.expect("failed to write to the file");
let x: Map = tweak_expect(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path));
let mut map = Map::new();
map.insert("wow".to_owned(), 4);
map.insert("such".to_owned(), 5);
assert_eq!(x, map);
fn test_tweaked_with_macro_struct() {
// partial eq and debug because of assert_eq in this test
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Wow {
such: i32,
field: f32,
let tweak_path = &["tweak_test_struct", "tweak"];
run_with_file(tweak_path, |file| {
such: 5,
field: 35.752346,
.expect("failed to write to the file");
let x: Wow = crate::tweak_from!(tweak_path);
let expected = Wow {
such: 5,
field: 35.752_346,
assert_eq!(x, expected);
fn run_with_path(tweak_path: &[&str], test: impl Fn(&Path)) {
let (tweak_dir, tweak_name) = directory_and_name(tweak_path);
let tweak_folder = ASSETS_PATH.join(tweak_dir);
let test_path = tweak_folder.join(format!("{}.ron", tweak_name));
let _file_guard = FileGuard::hold(&test_path);
fn test_create_tweak() {
let tweak_path = &["tweak_create_test", "tweak"];
run_with_path(tweak_path, |test_path| {
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 5);
// Recheck it loads back correctly
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 5);
fn test_create_tweak_deep() {
let tweak_path = &["so_much", "deep_test", "tweak_create_test", "tweak"];
run_with_path(tweak_path, |test_path| {
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 5);
// Recheck it loads back correctly
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 5);
fn test_create_but_prioritize_loaded() {
let tweak_path = &["tweak_create_and_prioritize_test", "tweak"];
run_with_path(tweak_path, |test_path| {
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 5);
// Recheck it loads back
// with content as priority
fs::write(test_path, b"(10)").expect("failed to write to the file");
let x = tweak_expect_or_create(Specifier::Asset(tweak_path), 5);
assert_eq!(x, 10);