mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Humidity and temperature are now indexed to uniform altitude *over land chunks* (and water chunks adjacent to land) rather than over the whole range of altitude. This is necessary in order to satisfy the uniformity conditions of the formula for weighted sum CDF. Additionally, fixes the computation of whether a tree should be generated or not. Previously, it was using a source of randomness scaled to use much less than the full 0-1 range; this has been resolved. This makes for much nicer and more gradual transitions between densities and reduces the amount of completely barren landscapes, while also making forests larger. Finally, this commit adds a server command, debug_column, which returns some useful debug information about a column given an x and y coordinate. This is useful for debugging worldgen.
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mod location;
mod settlement;
mod util;
// Reexports
pub use self::location::Location;
pub use self::settlement::Settlement;
use self::util::{
cdf_irwin_hall, uniform_idx_as_vec2, uniform_noise, vec2_as_uniform_idx, InverseCdf,
use crate::{
util::{seed_expan, Sampler, StructureGen2d},
use common::{
terrain::{BiomeKind, TerrainChunkSize},
use noise::{
BasicMulti, Billow, HybridMulti, MultiFractal, NoiseFn, RidgedMulti, Seedable, SuperSimplex,
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use std::{
ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub},
use vek::*;
pub const WORLD_SIZE: Vec2<usize> = Vec2 { x: 1024, y: 1024 };
/// Calculates the smallest distance along an axis (x, y) from an edge of
/// the world. This value is maximal at WORLD_SIZE / 2 and minimized at the extremes
/// (0 or WORLD_SIZE on one or more axes). It then divides the quantity by cell_size,
/// so the final result is 1 when we are not in a cell along the edge of the world, and
/// ranges between 0 and 1 otherwise (lower when the chunk is closer to the edge).
fn map_edge_factor(posi: usize) -> f32 {
.map2(WORLD_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32), |e, sz| {
(sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / 16.0
/// A structure that holds cached noise values and cumulative distribution functions for the input
/// that led to those values. See the definition of InverseCdf for a description of how to
/// interpret the types of its fields.
struct GenCdf {
humid_base: InverseCdf,
temp_base: InverseCdf,
alt_base: InverseCdf,
chaos: InverseCdf,
alt: InverseCdf,
alt_no_seawater: InverseCdf,
pub(crate) struct GenCtx {
pub turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub turb_y_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub chaos_nz: RidgedMulti,
pub alt_nz: HybridMulti,
pub hill_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub temp_nz: SuperSimplex,
// Fresh groundwater (currently has no effect, but should influence humidity)
pub dry_nz: BasicMulti,
// Humidity noise
pub humid_nz: Billow,
// Small amounts of noise for simulating rough terrain.
pub small_nz: BasicMulti,
pub rock_nz: HybridMulti,
pub cliff_nz: HybridMulti,
pub warp_nz: BasicMulti,
pub tree_nz: BasicMulti,
pub cave_0_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub cave_1_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub structure_gen: StructureGen2d,
pub region_gen: StructureGen2d,
pub cliff_gen: StructureGen2d,
pub struct WorldSim {
pub seed: u32,
pub(crate) chunks: Vec<SimChunk>,
pub(crate) locations: Vec<Location>,
pub(crate) gen_ctx: GenCtx,
pub rng: ChaChaRng,
impl WorldSim {
pub fn generate(mut seed: u32) -> Self {
let mut seed = &mut seed;
let mut gen_seed = || {
*seed = seed_expan::diffuse(*seed);
let mut gen_ctx = GenCtx {
turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
turb_y_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
chaos_nz: RidgedMulti::new().set_octaves(7).set_seed(gen_seed()),
hill_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
alt_nz: HybridMulti::new()
temp_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
dry_nz: BasicMulti::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
small_nz: BasicMulti::new().set_octaves(2).set_seed(gen_seed()),
rock_nz: HybridMulti::new().set_persistence(0.3).set_seed(gen_seed()),
cliff_nz: HybridMulti::new().set_persistence(0.3).set_seed(gen_seed()),
warp_nz: BasicMulti::new().set_octaves(3).set_seed(gen_seed()),
tree_nz: BasicMulti::new()
cave_0_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
cave_1_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(gen_seed()),
structure_gen: StructureGen2d::new(gen_seed(), 32, 24),
region_gen: StructureGen2d::new(gen_seed(), 400, 96),
cliff_gen: StructureGen2d::new(gen_seed(), 80, 56),
humid_nz: Billow::new()
// .set_octaves(6)
// .set_persistence(0.5)
// "Base" of the chunk, to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale (multiplied value is
// from -0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 1.1) to 0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.9),
// but value here is from -0.275 to 0.225).
let alt_base = uniform_noise(|_, wposf| {
(gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(12_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// chaos produces a value in [0.1, 1.24]. It is a meta-level factor intended to reflect how
// "chaotic" the region is--how much weird stuff is going on on this terrain.
let chaos = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
// From 0 to 1.6, but the distribution before the max is from -1 and 1, so there is a
// 50% chance that hill will end up at 0.
let hill = (0.0
+ gen_ctx
.mul(1.0) as f32
+ gen_ctx
.mul(0.3) as f32)
(gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(3_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// [0, 1] * [0.25, 1] = [0, 1] (but probably towards the lower end)
(gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(6_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// Chaos is always increased by a little when we're on a hill (but remember that
// hill is 0 about 50% of the time).
// [0, 1] + 0.15 * [0, 1.6] = [0, 1.24]
.add(0.2 * hill)
// We can't have *no* chaos!
// We ignore sea level because we actually want to be relative to sea level here and want
// things in CONFIG.mountain_scale units, but otherwise this is a correct altitude
// calculation. Note that this is using the "unadjusted" temperature.
let alt = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
// This is the extension upwards from the base added to some extra noise from -1 to 1.
// The extra noise is multiplied by alt_main (the mountain part of the extension)
// clamped to [0.25, 1], and made 60% larger (so the extra noise is between [-1.6, 1.6],
// and the final noise is never more than 160% or less than 40% of the original noise,
// depending on altitude).
// Adding this to alt_main thus yields a value between -0.4 (if alt_main = 0 and
// gen_ctx = -1) and 2.6 (if alt_main = 1 and gen_ctx = 1). When the generated small_nz
// value hits -0.625 the value crosses 0, so most of the points are above 0.
// Then, we add 1 and divide by 2 to get a value between 0.3 and 1.8.
let alt_main = {
// Extension upwards from the base. A positive number from 0 to 1 curved to be
// maximal at 0. Also to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale.
let alt_main = (gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(2_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
(0.0 + alt_main
+ (gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(300.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// Now we can compute the final altitude using chaos.
// We multiply by chaos clamped to [0.1, 1.24] to get a value between 0.03 and 2.232 for
// alt_pre, then multiply by CONFIG.mountain_scale and add to the base and sea level to
// get an adjusted value, then multiply the whole thing by map_edge_factor
// (TODO: compute final bounds).
Some((alt_base[posi].1 + alt_main.mul(chaos[posi].1)).mul(map_edge_factor(posi)))
// Check whether any tiles around this tile are not water (since Lerp will ensure that they
// are included).
let pure_water = |posi| {
let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi);
for x in pos.x - 1..=pos.x + 1 {
for y in pos.y - 1..=pos.y + 1 {
if x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < WORLD_SIZE.x as i32 && y < WORLD_SIZE.y as i32 {
let posi = vec2_as_uniform_idx(Vec2::new(x, y));
if alt[posi].1.mul(CONFIG.mountain_scale) > 0.0 {
return false;
// A version of alt that is uniform over *non-seawater* (or land-adjacent seawater) chunks.
let alt_no_seawater = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
if pure_water(posi) {
} else {
// -1 to 1.
let temp_base = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
if pure_water(posi) {
} else {
Some(gen_ctx.temp_nz.get((wposf.div(12000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// 0 to 1, hopefully.
let humid_base = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
// Check whether any tiles around this tile are water.
if pure_water(posi) {
} else {
(gen_ctx.humid_nz.get(wposf.div(1024.0).into_array()) as f32)
let gen_cdf = GenCdf {
let mut chunks = Vec::new();
for i in 0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y {
chunks.push(SimChunk::generate(i, &mut gen_ctx, &gen_cdf));
let mut this = Self {
seed: *seed,
locations: Vec::new(),
rng: ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(*seed)),
/// Prepare the world for simulation
pub fn seed_elements(&mut self) {
let mut rng = self.rng.clone();
let cell_size = 16;
let grid_size = WORLD_SIZE / cell_size;
let loc_count = 100;
let mut loc_grid = vec![None; grid_size.product()];
let mut locations = Vec::new();
// Seed the world with some locations
for _ in 0..loc_count {
let cell_pos = Vec2::new(
self.rng.gen::<usize>() % grid_size.x,
self.rng.gen::<usize>() % grid_size.y,
let wpos = (cell_pos * cell_size + cell_size / 2)
.map2(Vec2::from(TerrainChunkSize::SIZE), |e, sz: u32| {
e as i32 * sz as i32 + sz as i32 / 2
locations.push(Location::generate(wpos, &mut rng));
loc_grid[cell_pos.y * grid_size.x + cell_pos.x] = Some(locations.len() - 1);
// Find neighbours
let mut loc_clone = locations
.map(|l| l.center)
for i in 0..locations.len() {
let pos = locations[i].center;
loc_clone.sort_by_key(|(_, l)| l.distance_squared(pos));
loc_clone.iter().skip(1).take(2).for_each(|(j, _)| {
// Simulate invasion!
let invasion_cycles = 25;
for _ in 0..invasion_cycles {
for i in 0..grid_size.x {
for j in 0..grid_size.y {
if loc_grid[j * grid_size.x + i].is_none() {
const R_COORDS: [i32; 5] = [-1, 0, 1, 0, -1];
let idx = self.rng.gen::<usize>() % 4;
let loc = Vec2::new(i as i32 + R_COORDS[idx], j as i32 + R_COORDS[idx + 1])
.map(|e| e as usize);
loc_grid[j * grid_size.x + i] =
loc_grid.get(loc.y * grid_size.x + loc.x).cloned().flatten();
// Place the locations onto the world
let gen = StructureGen2d::new(self.seed, cell_size as u32, cell_size as u32 / 2);
for i in 0..WORLD_SIZE.x {
for j in 0..WORLD_SIZE.y {
let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(i as i32, j as i32);
let block_pos = Vec2::new(
chunk_pos.x * TerrainChunkSize::SIZE.x as i32,
chunk_pos.y * TerrainChunkSize::SIZE.y as i32,
let _cell_pos = Vec2::new(i / cell_size, j / cell_size);
// Find the distance to each region
let near = gen.get(chunk_pos);
let mut near = near
.map(|(pos, seed)| RegionInfo {
chunk_pos: *pos,
block_pos: pos.map2(Vec2::from(TerrainChunkSize::SIZE), |e, sz: u32| {
e * sz as i32
dist: (pos - chunk_pos).map(|e| e as f32).magnitude(),
seed: *seed,
// Sort regions based on distance
near.sort_by(|a, b| a.dist.partial_cmp(&b.dist).unwrap());
let nearest_cell_pos = near[0].chunk_pos.map(|e| e as usize) / cell_size;
self.get_mut(chunk_pos).unwrap().location = loc_grid
.get(nearest_cell_pos.y * grid_size.x + nearest_cell_pos.x)
.map(|loc_idx| LocationInfo { loc_idx, near });
let town_size = 200;
let in_town = self
.map(|l| {
< town_size * town_size
if in_town {
self.get_mut(chunk_pos).unwrap().spawn_rate = 0.0;
self.rng = rng;
self.locations = locations;
pub fn get(&self, chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&SimChunk> {
if chunk_pos
.map2(WORLD_SIZE, |e, sz| e >= 0 && e < sz as i32)
} else {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&mut SimChunk> {
if chunk_pos
.map2(WORLD_SIZE, |e, sz| e >= 0 && e < sz as i32)
Some(&mut self.chunks[vec2_as_uniform_idx(chunk_pos)])
} else {
pub fn get_base_z(&self, chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<f32> {
self.get(chunk_pos).and_then(|_| {
.map(|i| (0..2).map(move |j| (i, j)))
.map(|(i, j)| {
self.get(chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, j))
.map(|c| c.get_base_z())
.fold(None, |a: Option<f32>, x| a.map(|a| a.min(x)).or(Some(x)))
pub fn get_interpolated<T, F>(&self, pos: Vec2<i32>, mut f: F) -> Option<T>
T: Copy + Default + Add<Output = T> + Mul<f32, Output = T>,
F: FnMut(&SimChunk) -> T,
let pos = pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::SIZE.into(), |e, sz: u32| {
e as f64 / sz as f64
let cubic = |a: T, b: T, c: T, d: T, x: f32| -> T {
let x2 = x * x;
// Catmull-Rom splines
let co0 = a * -0.5 + b * 1.5 + c * -1.5 + d * 0.5;
let co1 = a + b * -2.5 + c * 2.0 + d * -0.5;
let co2 = a * -0.5 + c * 0.5;
let co3 = b;
co0 * x2 * x + co1 * x2 + co2 * x + co3
let mut x = [T::default(); 4];
for (x_idx, j) in (-1..3).enumerate() {
let y0 = f(self.get(pos.map2(Vec2::new(j, -1), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q))?);
let y1 = f(self.get(pos.map2(Vec2::new(j, 0), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q))?);
let y2 = f(self.get(pos.map2(Vec2::new(j, 1), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q))?);
let y3 = f(self.get(pos.map2(Vec2::new(j, 2), |e, q| e.max(0.0) as i32 + q))?);
x[x_idx] = cubic(y0, y1, y2, y3, pos.y.fract() as f32);
Some(cubic(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], pos.x.fract() as f32))
pub struct SimChunk {
pub chaos: f32,
pub alt_base: f32,
pub alt: f32,
pub temp: f32,
pub dryness: f32,
pub humidity: f32,
pub rockiness: f32,
pub is_cliffs: bool,
pub near_cliffs: bool,
pub tree_density: f32,
pub forest_kind: ForestKind,
pub spawn_rate: f32,
pub location: Option<LocationInfo>,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RegionInfo {
pub chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>,
pub block_pos: Vec2<i32>,
pub dist: f32,
pub seed: u32,
pub struct LocationInfo {
pub loc_idx: usize,
pub near: Vec<RegionInfo>,
impl SimChunk {
fn generate(posi: usize, gen_ctx: &mut GenCtx, gen_cdf: &GenCdf) -> Self {
let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi);
let wposf = (pos * TerrainChunkSize::SIZE.map(|e| e as i32)).map(|e| e as f64);
// FIXME: Currently unused, but should represent fresh groundwater level.
// Should be correlated a little with humidity, somewhat negatively with altitude,
// and very negatively with difference in temperature from zero.
let dryness = gen_ctx.dry_nz.get(
* 150.0,
gen_ctx.dry_nz.get((wposf.add(0.0).div(500.0)).into_array()) * 150.0,
) as f32;
let (_, alt_base) = gen_cdf.alt_base[posi];
let map_edge_factor = map_edge_factor(posi);
let (_, chaos) = gen_cdf.chaos[posi];
let (humid_uniform, _) = gen_cdf.humid_base[posi];
let (_, alt_pre) = gen_cdf.alt[posi];
let (alt_uniform, _) = gen_cdf.alt_no_seawater[posi];
let (temp_uniform, _) = gen_cdf.temp_base[posi];
// Take the weighted average of our randomly generated base humidity, the scaled
// negative altitude, and other random variable (to add some noise) to yield the
// final humidity. Note that we are using the "old" version of chaos here.
const HUMID_WEIGHTS: [f32; 2] = [1.0, 1.0];
let humidity = cdf_irwin_hall(&HUMID_WEIGHTS, [humid_uniform, 1.0 - alt_uniform]);
// We also correlate temperature negatively with altitude using different weighting than we
// use for humidity.
const TEMP_WEIGHTS: [f32; 2] = [2.0, 1.0];
let temp = cdf_irwin_hall(&TEMP_WEIGHTS, [temp_uniform, 1.0 - alt_uniform])
// Convert to [-1, 1]
let alt_base = alt_base.mul(CONFIG.mountain_scale);
let alt = CONFIG
let cliff = gen_ctx.cliff_nz.get((wposf.div(2048.0)).into_array()) as f32 + chaos * 0.2;
// Logistic regression. Make sure x ∈ (0, 1).
let logit = |x: f32| x.ln() - x.neg().ln_1p();
// 0.5 + 0.5 * tanh(ln(1 / (1 - 0.1) - 1) / (2 * (sqrt(3)/pi)))
let logistic_2_base = 3.0f32.sqrt().mul(f32::consts::FRAC_2_PI);
// Assumes μ = 0, σ = 1
let logistic_cdf = |x: f32| x.div(logistic_2_base).tanh().mul(0.5).add(0.5);
// No trees in the ocean or with zero humidity (currently)
let tree_density = if alt <= CONFIG.sea_level + 5.0 {
} else {
let tree_density = (gen_ctx.tree_nz.get((wposf.div(1024.0)).into_array()) as f32)
.mul(1.2 - chaos * 0.95)
// Tree density should go (by a lot) with humidity.
if humidity <= 0.0 || tree_density <= 0.0 {
} else if humidity >= 1.0 || tree_density >= 1.0 {
} else {
// Weighted logit sum.
logistic_cdf(logit(humidity) + 0.5 * logit(tree_density))
// rescale to (-0.95, 0.95)
Self {
rockiness: (gen_ctx.rock_nz.get((wposf.div(1024.0)).into_array()) as f32)
is_cliffs: cliff > 0.5
&& dryness > 0.05
&& alt > CONFIG.sea_level + 5.0
&& dryness.abs() > 0.075,
near_cliffs: cliff > 0.25,
forest_kind: if temp > 0.0 {
if temp > CONFIG.desert_temp {
if humidity > CONFIG.jungle_hum {
// Forests in desert temperatures with extremely high humidity
// should probably be different from palm trees, but we use them
// for now.
} else if humidity > CONFIG.forest_hum {
} else if humidity > CONFIG.desert_hum {
// Low but not desert humidity, so we should really have some other
// terrain...
} else {
} else if temp > CONFIG.tropical_temp {
if humidity > CONFIG.jungle_hum {
} else if humidity > CONFIG.forest_hum {
// NOTE: Probably the wrong kind of tree for this climate.
} else if humidity > CONFIG.desert_hum {
// Low but not desert... need something besides savannah.
} else {
} else {
if humidity > CONFIG.jungle_hum {
// Temperate climate with jungle humidity...
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humid_subtropical_climates are often
// densely wooded and full of water. Semitropical rainforests, basically.
// For now we just treet them like other rainforests.
} else if humidity > CONFIG.forest_hum {
// Moderate climate, moderate humidity.
} else if humidity > CONFIG.desert_hum {
// With moderate temperature and low humidity, we should probably see
// something different from savannah, but oh well...
} else {
} else {
// For now we don't take humidity into account for cold climates (but we really
// should!) except that we make sure we only have snow pines when there is snow.
if temp <= CONFIG.snow_temp && humidity > CONFIG.forest_hum {
} else if humidity > CONFIG.desert_hum {
} else {
// Should really have something like tundra.
spawn_rate: 1.0,
location: None,
pub fn get_base_z(&self) -> f32 {
self.alt - self.chaos * 50.0 - 16.0
pub fn get_name(&self, world: &WorldSim) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(loc) = &self.location {
} else {
pub fn get_biome(&self) -> BiomeKind {
if self.alt < CONFIG.sea_level {
} else if self.chaos > 0.6 {
} else if self.temp > CONFIG.desert_temp {
} else if self.temp < CONFIG.snow_temp {
} else if self.tree_density > 0.65 {
} else {