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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
This will ask the bparticipant for a list of all channels and their respective connection arguments. With that one could prob reach the remote side. The data is gathered by scheduler (or channel for the listener code). It requeres some read logs so we shouldn't abuse that function call. in bparticipant we have a new manager that also properly shuts down as the Participant holds the sender to the respective receiver. The sender is always dropped. inside the Mutex via disconnect and outside via Drop (we need 2 Options as otherwise we would create a runtime inside async context implicitly o.O ) (also i didn't liked the alternative by just overwriting the sender with a fake one, i want a propper Option that can be taken) The code might also come handy in the future when we implement a auto-reconnect feature in the bparticipant.
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#![cfg_attr(test, deny(rust_2018_idioms))]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
//! Crate to handle high level networking of messages with different
//! requirements and priorities over a number of protocols
//! To start with the `veloren_network` crate you should focus on the 3
//! elementar structs [`Network`], [`Participant`] and [`Stream`].
//! Say you have an application that wants to communicate with other application
//! over a Network or on the same computer. Now each application instances the
//! struct [`Network`] once with a new [`Pid`]. The Pid is necessary to identify
//! other [`Networks`] over the network protocols (e.g. TCP, UDP, QUIC, MPSC)
//! To connect to another application, you must know it's [`ConnectAddr`]. One
//! side will call [`connect`], the other [`connected`]. If successful both
//! applications will now get a [`Participant`].
//! This [`Participant`] represents the connection between those 2 applications.
//! over the respective [`ConnectAddr`] and with it the chosen network
//! protocol. However messages can't be send directly via [`Participants`],
//! instead you must open a [`Stream`] on it. Like above, one side has to call
//! [`open`], the other [`opened`]. [`Streams`] can have a different priority
//! and [`Promises`].
//! You can now use the [`Stream`] to [`send`] and [`recv`] in both directions.
//! You can send all kind of messages that implement [`serde`].
//! As the receiving side needs to know the format, it sometimes is useful to
//! always send a specific Enum and then handling it with a big `match`
//! statement This create makes heavily use of `async`, except for [`send`]
//! which returns always directly.
//! For best practices see the `examples` folder of this crate containing useful
//! code snippets, a simple client/server below. Of course due to the async
//! nature, no strict client server separation is necessary
//! # Examples
//! ```rust
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use tokio::{join, runtime::Runtime, time::sleep};
//! use veloren_network::{ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Network, Pid, Promises};
//! // Client
//! async fn client(runtime: &Runtime) -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)).await; // `connect` MUST be after `listen`
//! let client_network = Network::new(Pid::new(), runtime);
//! let server = client_network
//! .connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap()))
//! .await?;
//! let mut stream = server
//! .open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)
//! .await?;
//! stream.send("Hello World")?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! // Server
//! async fn server(runtime: &Runtime) -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let server_network = Network::new(Pid::new(), runtime);
//! server_network
//! .listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap()))
//! .await?;
//! let client = server_network.connected().await?;
//! let mut stream = client.opened().await?;
//! let msg: String = stream.recv().await?;
//! println!("Got message: {}", msg);
//! assert_eq!(msg, "Hello World");
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
//! runtime.block_on(async {
//! let (result_c, result_s) = join!(client(&runtime), server(&runtime),);
//! result_c?;
//! result_s?;
//! Ok(())
//! })
//! }
//! ```
//! [`Network`]: crate::api::Network
//! [`Networks`]: crate::api::Network
//! [`connect`]: crate::api::Network::connect
//! [`connected`]: crate::api::Network::connected
//! [`Participant`]: crate::api::Participant
//! [`Participants`]: crate::api::Participant
//! [`open`]: crate::api::Participant::open
//! [`opened`]: crate::api::Participant::opened
//! [`Stream`]: crate::api::Stream
//! [`Streams`]: crate::api::Stream
//! [`send`]: crate::api::Stream::send
//! [`recv`]: crate::api::Stream::recv
//! [`Pid`]: network_protocol::Pid
//! [`ListenAddr`]: crate::api::ListenAddr
//! [`ConnectAddr`]: crate::api::ConnectAddr
//! [`Promises`]: network_protocol::Promises
mod api;
mod channel;
mod message;
mod metrics;
mod participant;
mod scheduler;
mod util;
pub use api::{
ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Network, NetworkConnectError, NetworkError, Participant,
ParticipantError, Stream, StreamError, StreamParams,
pub use message::Message;
pub use network_protocol::{InitProtocolError, Pid, Promises};