
235 lines
9.1 KiB

use crate::{
character_state::OutputEvents, tool::Stats, CharacterState, MeleeConstructor, StateUpdate,
behavior::{CharacterBehavior, JoinData},
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::time::Duration;
use vek::*;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Strike<T> {
/// Used to construct the Melee attack
pub melee_constructor: MeleeConstructor,
/// Initial buildup duration of stage (how long until state can deal damage)
pub buildup_duration: T,
/// Duration of stage spent in swing (controls animation stuff, and can also
/// be used to handle movement separately to buildup)
pub swing_duration: T,
/// At what fraction of the swing duration to apply the melee "hit"
pub hit_timing: f32,
/// Initial recover duration of stage (how long until character exits state)
pub recover_duration: T,
/// How much forward movement there is in the swing portion of the stage
pub movement: StrikeMovement,
/// Adjusts turning rate during the attack
pub ori_modifier: f32,
impl Strike<f32> {
pub fn to_duration(self) -> Strike<Duration> {
Strike::<Duration> {
melee_constructor: self.melee_constructor,
buildup_duration: Duration::from_secs_f32(self.buildup_duration),
swing_duration: Duration::from_secs_f32(self.swing_duration),
hit_timing: self.hit_timing,
recover_duration: Duration::from_secs_f32(self.recover_duration),
movement: self.movement,
ori_modifier: self.ori_modifier,
pub fn adjusted_by_stats(self, stats: Stats) -> Self {
Self {
melee_constructor: self.melee_constructor.adjusted_by_stats(stats),
buildup_duration: self.buildup_duration / stats.speed,
swing_duration: self.swing_duration / stats.speed,
hit_timing: self.hit_timing,
recover_duration: self.recover_duration / stats.speed,
movement: self.movement,
ori_modifier: self.ori_modifier,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Default)]
pub struct StrikeMovement {
pub buildup: Option<ForcedMovement>,
pub swing: Option<ForcedMovement>,
pub recover: Option<ForcedMovement>,
// TODO: Completely rewrite this with skill tree rework. Don't bother converting
// to melee constructor.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
/// Separated out to condense update portions of character state
pub struct StaticData {
/// Data for each stage
pub strikes: Vec<Strike<Duration>>,
/// The amount of energy consumed with each swing
pub energy_cost_per_strike: f32,
/// Whether or not the state should progress through all strikes
/// automatically once the state is entered
pub auto_progress: bool,
pub ability_info: AbilityInfo,
/// A sequence of attacks that can incrementally become faster and more
/// damaging.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Data {
/// Struct containing data that does not change over the course of the
/// character state
pub static_data: StaticData,
/// Whether the attack was executed already
pub exhausted: bool,
/// Whether the strike should skip recover
pub start_next_strike: bool,
/// Timer for each stage
pub timer: Duration,
/// Checks what section a strike is in, if a strike is currently being
/// performed
pub stage_section: StageSection,
/// Index of the strike that is currently in progress, or if not in a strike
/// currently the next strike that will occur
pub completed_strikes: usize,
impl CharacterBehavior for Data {
fn behavior(&self, data: &JoinData, output_events: &mut OutputEvents) -> StateUpdate {
let mut update = StateUpdate::from(data);
handle_orientation(data, &mut update, 1.0, None);
handle_move(data, &mut update, 0.7);
handle_interrupts(data, &mut update, output_events);
let strike_data = self.strike_data();
match self.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
if let Some(movement) = strike_data.movement.buildup {
handle_forced_movement(data, &mut update, movement);
if self.timer < strike_data.buildup_duration {
// Build up
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = tick_attack_or_default(data, self.timer, None);
} else {
// Transitions to swing section of stage
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = Duration::default();
c.stage_section = StageSection::Action;
StageSection::Action => {
if let Some(movement) = strike_data.movement.swing {
handle_forced_movement(data, &mut update, movement);
if input_is_pressed(data, self.static_data.ability_info.input)
|| self.static_data.auto_progress
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
// Only have the next strike skip the recover period of this strike if not
// every strike in the combo is complete yet
c.start_next_strike =
(c.completed_strikes + 1) < c.static_data.strikes.len();
if self.timer.as_secs_f32()
> strike_data.hit_timing * strike_data.swing_duration.as_secs_f32()
&& !self.exhausted
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = tick_attack_or_default(data, self.timer, None);
c.exhausted = true;
let crit_data = get_crit_data(data, self.static_data.ability_info);
let tool_stats = get_tool_stats(data, self.static_data.ability_info);
.create_melee(crit_data, tool_stats),
} else if self.timer < strike_data.swing_duration {
// Swings
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = tick_attack_or_default(data, self.timer, None);
} else if self.start_next_strike {
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.completed_strikes += 1;
next_strike(data, &mut update);
} else {
// Transitions to recover section of stage
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = Duration::default();
c.stage_section = StageSection::Recover;
StageSection::Recover => {
if let Some(movement) = strike_data.movement.recover {
handle_forced_movement(data, &mut update, movement);
if self.timer < strike_data.recover_duration {
// Recovery
if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
c.timer = tick_attack_or_default(data, self.timer, None);
} else {
// Return to wielding
end_melee_ability(data, &mut update);
_ => {
// If it somehow ends up in an incorrect stage section
end_melee_ability(data, &mut update);
impl Data {
pub fn strike_data(&self) -> &Strike<Duration> {
&self.static_data.strikes[self.completed_strikes % self.static_data.strikes.len()]
fn next_strike(data: &JoinData, update: &mut StateUpdate) {
let revert_to_wield = if let CharacterState::ComboMelee2(c) = &mut update.character {
if update
c.exhausted = false;
c.start_next_strike = false;
c.timer = Duration::default();
c.stage_section = StageSection::Buildup;
} else {
} else {
if revert_to_wield {
end_melee_ability(data, update)