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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
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596 lines
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use super::*;
use common::{
rtsim::{Memory, MemoryItem},
use rand_distr::{Distribution, Normal};
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use tracing::warn;
use world::{
civ::{Site, Track},
IndexRef, World,
pub struct Entity {
pub is_loaded: bool,
pub pos: Vec3<f32>,
pub seed: u32,
pub last_tick: u64,
pub controller: RtSimController,
pub brain: Brain,
const PERM_SPECIES: u32 = 0;
const PERM_BODY: u32 = 1;
const PERM_LOADOUT: u32 = 2;
const PERM_LEVEL: u32 = 3;
const PERM_GENUS: u32 = 4;
impl Entity {
pub fn rng(&self, perm: u32) -> impl Rng { RandomPerm::new(self.seed + perm) }
pub fn get_body(&self) -> comp::Body {
match self.rng(PERM_GENUS).gen::<f32>() {
// we want 5% airships, 45% birds, 50% humans
x if x < 0.05 => comp::Body::Ship(comp::ship::Body::DefaultAirship),
x if x < 0.45 => {
let species = *(&comp::bird_medium::ALL_SPECIES)
.choose(&mut self.rng(PERM_SPECIES))
comp::bird_medium::Body::random_with(&mut self.rng(PERM_BODY), &species).into()
x if x < 0.50 => {
let species = *(&comp::bird_large::ALL_SPECIES)
.choose(&mut self.rng(PERM_SPECIES))
comp::bird_large::Body::random_with(&mut self.rng(PERM_BODY), &species).into()
_ => {
let species = *(&comp::humanoid::ALL_SPECIES)
.choose(&mut self.rng(PERM_SPECIES))
comp::humanoid::Body::random_with(&mut self.rng(PERM_BODY), &species).into()
pub fn get_name(&self) -> String {
use common::{generation::get_npc_name, npc::NPC_NAMES};
let npc_names = NPC_NAMES.read();
match self.get_body() {
comp::Body::BirdMedium(b) => {
get_npc_name(&npc_names.bird_medium, b.species).to_string()
comp::Body::BirdLarge(b) => get_npc_name(&npc_names.bird_large, b.species).to_string(),
comp::Body::Dragon(b) => get_npc_name(&npc_names.dragon, b.species).to_string(),
comp::Body::Humanoid(b) => get_npc_name(&npc_names.humanoid, b.species).to_string(),
comp::Body::Ship(_) => "Veloren Air".to_string(),
//TODO: finish match as necessary
_ => unimplemented!(),
pub fn get_level(&self) -> u32 {
(self.rng(PERM_LEVEL).gen::<f32>().powi(2) * 15.0).ceil() as u32
pub fn get_loadout(&self) -> comp::inventory::loadout::Loadout {
let mut rng = self.rng(PERM_LOADOUT);
let main_tool = comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
.choose(&mut rng)
let back = match rng.gen_range(0..5) {
0 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
1 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
2 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
3 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
_ => None,
let lantern = match rng.gen_range(0..3) {
0 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
1 => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
_ => Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
let chest = Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
let pants = Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
let shoulder = Some(comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect(
LoadoutBuilder::build_loadout(self.get_body(), Some(main_tool), None, None)
pub fn tick(&mut self, time: &Time, terrain: &TerrainGrid, world: &World, index: &IndexRef) {
self.brain.route = match self.brain.route.clone() {
Travel::Lost => {
match self.get_body() {
comp::Body::Humanoid(_) => {
if let Some(nearest_site_id) = world
.filter(|s| s.1.is_settlement() || s.1.is_castle())
.min_by_key(|(_, site)| {
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32
.map(|(id, _)| id)
// The path choosing code works best when Humanoids can assume they are
// in a town that has at least one path. If the Human isn't in a town
// with at least one path, we need to get them to a town that does.
let nearest_site = &world.civs().sites[nearest_site_id];
let site_wpos =
nearest_site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist =
site_wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
if dist < 64_u32.pow(2) {
Travel::InSite {
site_id: nearest_site_id,
} else {
Travel::Direct {
target_id: nearest_site_id,
} else {
// Somehow no nearest site could be found
// Logically this should never happen, but if it does the rtsim entity
// will just sit tight
warn!("Nearest site could not be found");
comp::Body::Ship(_) => {
if let Some((target_id, site)) = world
.filter(|s| match self.get_body() {
comp::Body::Ship(_) => s.1.is_settlement(),
_ => s.1.is_dungeon(),
.filter(|_| thread_rng().gen_range(0i32..4) == 0)
.min_by_key(|(_, site)| {
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist =
wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
dist + if dist < 96_u32.pow(2) { 100_000_000 } else { 0 }
let mut rng = thread_rng();
if let (Ok(normalpos), Ok(normaloff)) =
(Normal::new(0.0, 64.0), Normal::new(0.0, 256.0))
let mut path = Vec::<Vec2<i32>>::default();
let target_site_pos = site.center.map(|e| e as f32)
* TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f32);
let offset_site_pos =
target_site_pos.map(|v| v + normalpos.sample(&mut rng));
let offset_dir = (offset_site_pos - self.pos.xy()).normalized();
let dist = (offset_site_pos - self.pos.xy()).magnitude();
let midpoint = self.pos.xy() + offset_dir * (dist / 2.0);
let perp_dir = offset_dir.rotated_z(PI / 2.0);
let offset = normaloff.sample(&mut rng);
let inbetween_pos = midpoint + (perp_dir * offset);
path.push(inbetween_pos.map(|e| e as i32));
path.push(target_site_pos.map(|e| e as i32));
Travel::CustomPath {
progress: 0,
} else {
Travel::Direct { target_id }
} else {
_ => {
if let Some(target_id) = world
.filter(|s| match self.get_body() {
comp::Body::Ship(_) => s.1.is_settlement(),
_ => s.1.is_dungeon(),
.filter(|_| thread_rng().gen_range(0i32..4) == 0)
.min_by_key(|(_, site)| {
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist =
wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
dist + if dist < 96_u32.pow(2) { 100_000 } else { 0 }
.map(|(id, _)| id)
Travel::Direct { target_id }
} else {
Travel::InSite { site_id } => {
if !self.get_body().is_humanoid() {
// Non humanoids don't care if they start at a site
} else if let Some(target_id) = world
.filter(|sid| {
let site = world.civs().sites.get(*sid);
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist = wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
dist > 96_u32.pow(2)
.filter(|sid| {
if let Some(last_visited) = self.brain.last_visited {
*sid != last_visited
} else {
.choose(&mut thread_rng())
if let Some(track_id) = world.civs().track_between(site_id, target_id) {
self.brain.last_visited = Some(site_id);
Travel::Path {
progress: 0,
reversed: false,
} else {
// This should never trigger, since neighbors returns a list of sites for
// which a track exists going from the current town.
warn!("Could not get track after selecting from neighbor list");
self.brain.last_visited = Some(site_id);
Travel::Direct { target_id }
} else if let Some(target_id) = world
.filter(|s| s.1.is_settlement() | s.1.is_castle())
.filter(|_| thread_rng().gen_range(0i32..4) == 0)
.min_by_key(|(_, site)| {
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist = wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
dist + if dist < 96_u32.pow(2) { 100_000 } else { 0 }
.map(|(id, _)| id)
// This code should only trigger when no paths out of the current town exist.
// The traveller will attempt to directly travel to another town
self.brain.last_visited = Some(site_id);
Travel::Direct { target_id }
} else {
// No paths we're picked, so stay in town. This will cause direct travel on the
// next tick.
self.brain.last_visited = Some(site_id);
Travel::InSite { site_id }
Travel::Direct { target_id } => {
let site = &world.civs().sites[target_id];
let destination_name = site
.map_or("".to_string(), |id| index.sites[id].name().to_string());
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let dist = wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
if dist < 64_u32.pow(2) {
Travel::InSite { site_id: target_id }
} else {
let travel_to = self.pos.xy()
+ Vec3::from(
(wpos.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5) - self.pos.xy())
) * 64.0;
let travel_to_alt = world
.get_alt_approx(travel_to.map(|e| e as i32))
.unwrap_or(0.0) as i32;
let travel_to = terrain
travel_to.x as i32,
travel_to.y as i32,
.map(|e| e as f32)
+ Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
self.controller.travel_to = Some((travel_to, destination_name));
self.controller.speed_factor = 0.70;
Travel::Direct { target_id }
Travel::CustomPath {
} => {
let site = &world.civs().sites[target_id];
let destination_name = site
.map_or("".to_string(), |id| index.sites[id].name().to_string());
if let Some(wpos) = &path.get(progress) {
let dist = wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
if dist < 16_u32.pow(2) {
if progress + 1 < path.len() {
Travel::CustomPath {
progress: progress + 1,
} else {
Travel::InSite { site_id: target_id }
} else {
let travel_to = self.pos.xy()
+ Vec3::from(
(wpos.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5) - self.pos.xy())
) * 64.0;
let travel_to_alt = world
.get_alt_approx(travel_to.map(|e| e as i32))
.unwrap_or(0.0) as i32;
let travel_to = terrain
travel_to.x as i32,
travel_to.y as i32,
.map(|e| e as f32)
+ Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
self.controller.travel_to = Some((travel_to, destination_name));
self.controller.speed_factor = 0.70;
Travel::CustomPath {
} else {
Travel::Direct { target_id }
Travel::Path {
} => {
let track = &world.civs().tracks.get(track_id);
let site = &world.civs().sites[target_id];
let destination_name = site
.map_or("".to_string(), |id| index.sites[id].name().to_string());
let nth = if reversed {
track.path().len() - progress - 1
} else {
if let Some(sim_pos) = track.path().iter().nth(nth) {
let chunkpos = sim_pos * TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let wpos = if let Some(pathdata) = world.sim().get_nearest_path(chunkpos) {
pathdata.1.map(|e| e as i32)
} else {
let dist = wpos.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(self.pos.xy()) as u32;
match dist {
d if d < 16_u32.pow(2) => {
if progress + 1 >= track.path().len() {
Travel::Direct { target_id }
} else {
Travel::Path {
progress: progress + 1,
d if d > 256_u32.pow(2) => {
if !reversed && progress == 0 {
Travel::Path {
progress: 0,
reversed: true,
} else {
_ => {
let travel_to = self.pos.xy()
+ Vec3::from(
(wpos.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5) - self.pos.xy())
) * 64.0;
let travel_to_alt = world
.get_alt_approx(travel_to.map(|e| e as i32))
as i32;
let travel_to = terrain
travel_to.x as i32,
travel_to.y as i32,
.map(|e| e as f32)
+ Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
self.controller.travel_to = Some((travel_to, destination_name));
self.controller.speed_factor = 0.70;
Travel::Path {
} else {
// This code should never trigger. If we've gone outside the bounds of the
// tracks vec then a logic bug has occured. I actually had
// an off by one error that caused this to trigger and
// resulted in travellers getting stuck in towns.
warn!("Progress out of bounds while following track");
// Forget old memories
.retain(|memory| memory.time_to_forget > time.0);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Travel {
// The initial state all entities start in, and a fallback for when a state has stopped making
// sense. Non humanoids will always revert to this state after reaching their goal since the
// current site they are in doesn't change their behavior.
// When an rtsim entity reaches a site it will switch to this state to restart their
// pathfinding from the beginning. Useful when the entity needs to know its current site to
// decide their next target.
InSite {
site_id: Id<Site>,
// Move directly to a target site. Used by birds mostly, but also by humands who cannot find a
// path.
Direct {
target_id: Id<Site>,
// Follow a custom path to reach the destination. Airships define a custom path to reduce the
// chance of collisions.
CustomPath {
target_id: Id<Site>,
path: Vec<Vec2<i32>>,
progress: usize,
// Follow a track defined in the track_map to reach a site. Humanoids do this whenever
// possible.
Path {
target_id: Id<Site>,
track_id: Id<Track>,
progress: usize,
reversed: bool,
impl Default for Travel {
fn default() -> Self { Self::Lost }
pub struct Brain {
begin: Option<Id<Site>>,
tgt: Option<Id<Site>>,
route: Travel,
last_visited: Option<Id<Site>>,
memories: Vec<Memory>,
impl Brain {
pub fn add_memory(&mut self, memory: Memory) { self.memories.push(memory); }
pub fn remembers_mood(&self) -> bool {
.any(|memory| matches!(&memory.item, MemoryItem::Mood { .. }))
pub fn set_mood(&mut self, memory: Memory) {
if let MemoryItem::Mood { .. } = memory.item {
if self.remembers_mood() {
while let Some(position) = self
.position(|mem| matches!(&mem.item, MemoryItem::Mood { .. }))
pub fn get_mood(&self) -> Option<&Memory> {
.find(|memory| matches!(&memory.item, MemoryItem::Mood { .. }))
pub fn remembers_character(&self, name_to_remember: &str) -> bool {
self.memories.iter().any(|memory| matches!(&memory.item, MemoryItem::CharacterInteraction { name, .. } if name == name_to_remember))
pub fn remembers_fight_with_character(&self, name_to_remember: &str) -> bool {
self.memories.iter().any(|memory| matches!(&memory.item, MemoryItem::CharacterFight { name, .. } if name == name_to_remember))