mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
When a chaser's route finishes calculating, the chaser may already be a few blocks away from the starting position, thanks to movement inertia. The path finding code finds the point along the route closest to the chaser's position. This calculation only considered the xy coordinates when finding the closest point. This caused issues whenever the calculated route goes below the chaser's position (for example, when the chaser is on top of a bridge and the route circled around to go under the bridge). In this case, there was a chance that the closest point was the one below the bridge. This caused the chaser to try to move directly to a directly inaccessible block. The fix was to remove the xy() filter so that the closest point algorithm also considered the z coordinate.
1061 lines
39 KiB
1061 lines
39 KiB
use crate::{
astar::{Astar, PathResult},
vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol},
use common_base::span;
use hashbrown::hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder;
#[cfg(rrt_pathfinding)] use hashbrown::HashMap;
use kiddo::{distance::squared_euclidean, KdTree}; // For RRT paths (disabled for now)
use rand::distributions::Uniform;
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
#[cfg(rrt_pathfinding)] use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use vek::*;
// Path
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Path<T> {
nodes: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Default for Path<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
nodes: Vec::default(),
impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Path<T> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Self {
nodes: iter.into_iter().collect(),
impl<T> IntoIterator for Path<T> {
type IntoIter = std::vec::IntoIter<T>;
type Item = T;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.nodes.into_iter() }
impl<T> Path<T> {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.nodes.is_empty() }
pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.nodes.len() }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> { self.nodes.iter() }
pub fn start(&self) -> Option<&T> { self.nodes.first() }
pub fn end(&self) -> Option<&T> { self.nodes.last() }
pub fn nodes(&self) -> &[T] { &self.nodes }
// Route: A path that can be progressed along
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Route {
path: Path<Vec3<i32>>,
next_idx: usize,
impl From<Path<Vec3<i32>>> for Route {
fn from(path: Path<Vec3<i32>>) -> Self { Self { path, next_idx: 0 } }
pub struct TraversalConfig {
/// The distance to a node at which node is considered visited.
pub node_tolerance: f32,
/// The slowdown factor when following corners.
/// 0.0 = no slowdown on corners, 1.0 = total slowdown on corners.
pub slow_factor: f32,
/// Whether the agent is currently on the ground.
pub on_ground: bool,
/// Whether the agent is currently in water.
pub in_liquid: bool,
/// The distance to the target below which it is considered reached.
pub min_tgt_dist: f32,
/// Whether the agent can climb.
pub can_climb: bool,
/// Whether the agent can fly.
pub can_fly: bool,
const DIAGONALS: [Vec2<i32>; 8] = [
Vec2::new(1, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 1),
Vec2::new(-1, 1),
Vec2::new(-1, 0),
Vec2::new(-1, -1),
Vec2::new(0, -1),
Vec2::new(1, -1),
impl Route {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path<Vec3<i32>> { &self.path }
pub fn next(&self, i: usize) -> Option<Vec3<i32>> {
self.path.nodes.get(self.next_idx + i).copied()
pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool { self.next(0).is_none() }
pub fn traverse<V>(
&mut self,
vol: &V,
pos: Vec3<f32>,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: &TraversalConfig,
) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, f32)>
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let (next0, next1, next_tgt, be_precise) = loop {
// If we've reached the end of the path, stop
let next0 = self.next(0)?;
let next1 = self.next(1).unwrap_or(next0);
// Stop using obstructed paths
if !walkable(vol, next1) {
return None;
let be_precise = DIAGONALS.iter().any(|pos| {
(-1..2).all(|z| {
vol.get(next0 + Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, z))
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
// Map position of node to middle of block
let next_tgt = next0.map(|e| e as f32) + Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
let closest_tgt = next_tgt.map2(pos, |tgt, pos| pos.clamped(tgt.floor(), tgt.ceil()));
// Determine whether we're close enough to the next to to consider it completed
let dist_sqrd = pos.xy().distance_squared(closest_tgt.xy());
if dist_sqrd
< traversal_cfg.node_tolerance.powi(2) * if be_precise { 0.25 } else { 1.0 }
&& (((pos.z - closest_tgt.z > 1.2 || (pos.z - closest_tgt.z > -0.2 && traversal_cfg.on_ground))
&& (pos.z - closest_tgt.z < 1.2 || (pos.z - closest_tgt.z < 2.9 && vel.z < -0.05))
&& vel.z <= 0.0
// Only consider the node reached if there's nothing solid between us and it
&& (vol
.ray(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.5, closest_tgt + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.5)
> pos.distance(closest_tgt) * 0.9 || dist_sqrd < 0.5)
&& self.next_idx < self.path.len())
|| (traversal_cfg.in_liquid
&& pos.z < closest_tgt.z + 0.8
&& pos.z > closest_tgt.z))
// Node completed, move on to the next one
self.next_idx += 1;
} else {
// The next node hasn't been reached yet, use it as a target
break (next0, next1, next_tgt, be_precise);
fn gradient(line: LineSegment2<f32>) -> f32 {
let r = (line.start.y - line.end.y) / (line.start.x - line.end.x);
if r.is_nan() { 100000.0 } else { r }
fn intersect(a: LineSegment2<f32>, b: LineSegment2<f32>) -> Option<Vec2<f32>> {
let ma = gradient(a);
let mb = gradient(b);
let ca = a.start.y - ma * a.start.x;
let cb = b.start.y - mb * b.start.x;
if (ma - mb).abs() < 0.0001 || (ca - cb).abs() < 0.0001 {
} else {
let x = (cb - ca) / (ma - mb);
let y = ma * x + ca;
Some(Vec2::new(x, y))
// We don't always want to aim for the centre of block since this can create
// jerky zig-zag movement. This function attempts to find a position
// inside a target block's area that aligned nicely with our velocity.
// This has a twofold benefit:
// 1. Entities can move at any angle when
// running on a flat surface
// 2. We don't have to search diagonals when
// pathfinding - cartesian positions are enough since this code will
// make the entity move smoothly along them
let corners = [
Vec2::new(0, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 0), // Repeated start
let vel_line = LineSegment2 {
start: pos.xy(),
end: pos.xy() + vel.xy() * 100.0,
let align = |block_pos: Vec3<i32>, precision: f32| {
let lerp_block =
|x, precision| Lerp::lerp(x, block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32), precision);
.filter_map(|i| {
let edge_line = LineSegment2 {
start: lerp_block(
(block_pos.xy() + corners[i]).map(|e| e as f32),
end: lerp_block(
(block_pos.xy() + corners[i + 1]).map(|e| e as f32),
intersect(vel_line, edge_line).filter(|intersect| {
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32 + 1.0),
< 0.001
.min_by_key(|intersect: &Vec2<f32>| {
(intersect.distance_squared(vel_line.end) * 1000.0) as i32
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
.flat_map(|i| (0..2).map(move |j| Vec2::new(i, j)))
.map(|rpos| block_pos + rpos)
.map(|block_pos| {
let block_posf = block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32);
let proj = vel_line.projected_point(block_posf);
let clamped = lerp_block(
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
(proj.distance_squared(clamped), clamped)
.min_by_key(|(d2, _)| (d2 * 1000.0) as i32)
let bez = CubicBezier2 {
start: pos.xy(),
ctrl0: pos.xy() + vel.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default() * 1.0,
ctrl1: align(next0, 1.0),
end: align(next1, 1.0),
// Use a cubic spline of the next few targets to come up with a sensible target
// position. We want to use a position that gives smooth movement but is
// also accurate enough to avoid the agent getting stuck under ledges or
// falling off walls.
let next_dir = bez
let straight_factor = next_dir
let bez = CubicBezier2 {
start: pos.xy(),
ctrl0: pos.xy() + vel.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default() * 1.0,
ctrl1: align(
(1.0 - if (next0.z as f32 - pos.z).abs() < 0.25 && !be_precise {
} else {
end: align(next1, 1.0),
let tgt2d = bez.evaluate(if (next0.z as f32 - pos.z).abs() < 0.25 {
} else {
let tgt = if be_precise {
} else {
Vec3::from(tgt2d) + Vec3::unit_z() * next_tgt.z
tgt - pos,
// Control the entity's speed to hopefully stop us falling off walls on sharp
// corners. This code is very imperfect: it does its best but it
// can still fail for particularly fast entities.
straight_factor * traversal_cfg.slow_factor + (1.0 - traversal_cfg.slow_factor),
.filter(|(bearing, _)| bearing.z < 2.1)
/// A self-contained system that attempts to chase a moving target, only
/// performing pathfinding if necessary
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Chaser {
last_search_tgt: Option<Vec3<f32>>,
/// `bool` indicates whether the Route is a complete route to the target
route: Option<(Route, bool)>,
/// We use this hasher (AAHasher) because:
/// (1) we care about DDOS attacks (ruling out FxHash);
/// (2) we don't care about determinism across computers (we can use
/// AAHash).
astar: Option<Astar<Vec3<i32>, DefaultHashBuilder>>,
impl Chaser {
/// Returns bearing and speed
/// Bearing is a Vec3<f32> dictating the direction of movement
/// Speed is an f32 between 0.0 and 1.0
pub fn chase<V>(
&mut self,
vol: &V,
pos: Vec3<f32>,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
tgt: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: TraversalConfig,
) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, f32)>
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
span!(_guard, "chase", "Chaser::chase");
let pos_to_tgt = pos.distance(tgt);
// If we're already close to the target then there's nothing to do
let end = self
.and_then(|(r, _)| r.path.end().copied())
.map(|e| e.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5))
if ((pos - end) * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 2.0)).magnitude_squared()
< traversal_cfg.min_tgt_dist.powi(2)
self.route = None;
return None;
let bearing = if let Some((end, complete)) = self
.and_then(|(r, complete)| Some((r.path().end().copied()?, *complete)))
let end_to_tgt = end.map(|e| e as f32).distance(tgt);
// If the target has moved significantly since the path was generated then it's
// time to search for a new path. Also, do this randomly from time
// to time to avoid any edge cases that cause us to get stuck. In
// theory this shouldn't happen, but in practice the world is full
// of unpredictable obstacles that are more than willing to mess up
// our day. TODO: Come up with a better heuristic for this
if end_to_tgt > pos_to_tgt * 0.3 + 5.0 && complete {
} else if thread_rng().gen::<f32>() < 0.001 {
self.route = None;
} else {
.and_then(|(r, _)| r.traverse(vol, pos, vel, &traversal_cfg))
} else {
// There is no route found yet
// If a bearing has already been determined, use that
if let Some((bearing, speed)) = bearing {
Some((bearing, speed))
} else {
// Since no bearing has been determined yet, a new route will be
// calculated if the target has moved, pathfinding is not complete,
// or there is no route
let tgt_dir = (tgt - pos).xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default();
// Only search for a path if the target has moved from their last position. We
// don't want to be thrashing the pathfinding code for targets that
// we're unable to access!
if self
.map(|last_tgt| last_tgt.distance(tgt) > pos_to_tgt * 0.15 + 5.0)
|| self.astar.is_some()
|| self.route.is_none()
self.last_search_tgt = Some(tgt);
// NOTE: Enable air paths when air braking has been figured out
let (path, complete) = /*if cfg!(rrt_pathfinding) && traversal_cfg.can_fly {
find_air_path(vol, pos, tgt, &traversal_cfg)
} else */{
find_path(&mut self.astar, vol, pos, tgt, &traversal_cfg)
self.route = path.map(|path| {
let start_index = path
.min_by_key(|(_, node)| {
node.map(|e| e as f32).distance_squared(pos + tgt_dir) as i32
.map(|(idx, _)| idx);
Route {
next_idx: start_index.unwrap_or(0),
// Start traversing the new route if it exists
if let Some(bearing) = self
.and_then(|(r, _)| r.traverse(vol, pos, vel, &traversal_cfg))
} else {
// At this point no route is available and no bearing
// has been determined, so we start sampling terrain.
// Check for falling off walls and try moving straight
// towards the target if falling is not a danger
let walking_towards_edge = (-3..2).all(|z| {
(pos + Vec3::<f32>::from(tgt_dir) * 2.5).map(|e| e as i32)
+ Vec3::unit_z() * z,
.map(|b| b.is_air())
// Enable when airbraking/flight is figured out
/*if traversal_cfg.can_fly {
Some(((tgt - pos) , 1.0))
} else */
if !walking_towards_edge || traversal_cfg.can_fly {
Some(((tgt - pos) * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0))
} else {
// This is unfortunately where an NPC will stare blankly
// into space. No route has been found and no temporary
// bearing would suffice. Hopefully a route will be found
// in the coming ticks.
fn walkable<V>(vol: &V, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> bool
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let below = vol
.get(pos - Vec3::unit_z())
let a = vol.get(pos).ok().copied().unwrap_or_else(Block::empty);
let b = vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z())
let on_ground = below.is_filled();
let in_liquid = a.is_liquid();
(on_ground || in_liquid) && !a.is_solid() && !b.is_solid()
/// Attempt to search for a path to a target, returning the path (if one was
/// found) and whether it is complete (reaches the target)
fn find_path<V>(
astar: &mut Option<Astar<Vec3<i32>, DefaultHashBuilder>>,
vol: &V,
startf: Vec3<f32>,
endf: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: &TraversalConfig,
) -> (Option<Path<Vec3<i32>>>, bool)
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let is_walkable = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| walkable(vol, *pos);
let get_walkable_z = |pos| {
let mut z_incr = 0;
for _ in 0..32 {
let test_pos = pos + Vec3::unit_z() * z_incr;
if is_walkable(&test_pos) {
return Some(test_pos);
z_incr = -z_incr + if z_incr <= 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
let (start, end) = match (
get_walkable_z(startf.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)),
get_walkable_z(endf.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)),
) {
(Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end),
_ => return (None, false),
let heuristic = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| (pos.distance_squared(end) as f32).sqrt();
let neighbors = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| {
let pos = *pos;
const DIRS: [Vec3<i32>; 17] = [
Vec3::new(0, 1, 0), // Forward
Vec3::new(0, 1, 1), // Forward upward
Vec3::new(0, 1, -1), // Forward downward
Vec3::new(0, 1, -2), // Forward downwardx2
Vec3::new(1, 0, 0), // Right
Vec3::new(1, 0, 1), // Right upward
Vec3::new(1, 0, -1), // Right downward
Vec3::new(1, 0, -2), // Right downwardx2
Vec3::new(0, -1, 0), // Backwards
Vec3::new(0, -1, 1), // Backward Upward
Vec3::new(0, -1, -1), // Backward downward
Vec3::new(0, -1, -2), // Backward downwardx2
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 0), // Left
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 1), // Left upward
Vec3::new(-1, 0, -1), // Left downward
Vec3::new(-1, 0, -2), // Left downwardx2
Vec3::new(0, 0, -1), // Downwards
const JUMPS: [Vec3<i32>; 4] = [
Vec3::new(0, 1, 2), // Forward Upwardx2
Vec3::new(1, 0, 2), // Right Upwardx2
Vec3::new(0, -1, 2), // Backward Upwardx2
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 2), // Left Upwardx2
// let walkable = [
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(1, 0, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(-1, 0, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(0, 1, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(0, -1, 0))),
// ];
// const DIAGONALS: [(Vec3<i32>, [usize; 2]); 8] = [
// (Vec3::new(1, 1, 0), [0, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, 1, 0), [1, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(1, -1, 0), [0, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, -1, 0), [1, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(1, 1, 1), [0, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, 1, 1), [1, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(1, -1, 1), [0, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, -1, 1), [1, 3]),
// ];
.filter(|_| {
vol.get(pos - Vec3::unit_z())
.map(|b| !b.is_liquid())
|| traversal_cfg.can_climb
|| traversal_cfg.can_fly
.map(move |dir| (pos, dir))
.filter(move |(pos, dir)| {
(traversal_cfg.can_fly || is_walkable(pos) && is_walkable(&(*pos + **dir)))
&& ((dir.z < 1
|| vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 2)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
&& (dir.z < 2
|| vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 3)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
&& (dir.z >= 0
|| vol
.get(pos + *dir + Vec3::unit_z() * 2)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
.map(move |(pos, dir)| pos + dir)
// .chain(
// .iter()
// .filter(move |(dir, [a, b])| {
// is_walkable(&(pos + *dir)) && walkable[*a] &&
// walkable[*b] })
// .map(move |(dir, _)| pos + *dir),
// )
let transition = |a: &Vec3<i32>, b: &Vec3<i32>| {
let crow_line = LineSegment2 {
start: startf.xy(),
end: endf.xy(),
// Modify the heuristic a little in order to prefer paths that take us on a
// straight line toward our target. This means we get smoother movement.
1.0 + crow_line.distance_to_point(b.xy().map(|e| e as f32)) * 0.025
+ (b.z - a.z - 1).max(0) as f32 * 10.0
let satisfied = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| pos == &end;
let mut new_astar = match astar.take() {
None => Astar::new(25_000, start, heuristic, DefaultHashBuilder::default()),
Some(astar) => astar,
let path_result = new_astar.poll(100, heuristic, neighbors, transition, satisfied);
*astar = Some(new_astar);
match path_result {
PathResult::Path(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), true)
PathResult::None(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), false)
PathResult::Exhausted(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), false)
PathResult::Pending => (None, false),
// Enable when airbraking/sensible flight is a thing
fn find_air_path<V>(
vol: &V,
startf: Vec3<f32>,
endf: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: &TraversalConfig,
) -> (Option<Path<Vec3<i32>>>, bool)
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let radius = traversal_cfg.node_tolerance;
let mut connect = false;
let total_dist_sqrd = startf.distance_squared(endf);
// First check if a straight line path works
if vol
.ray(startf + Vec3::unit_z(), endf + Vec3::unit_z())
>= total_dist_sqrd
let mut path = Vec::new();
path.push(endf.map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
connect = true;
(Some(path.into_iter().collect()), connect)
// Else use RRTs
} else {
let is_traversable = |start: &Vec3<f32>, end: &Vec3<f32>| {
vol.ray(*start, *end)
> (*start).distance_squared(*end)
// is_fluid();
informed_rrt_connect(start, end, is_traversable)
/// Attempts to find a path from a start to the end using an informed
/// RRT-Connect algorithm. A point is sampled from a bounding spheroid
/// between the start and end. Two separate rapidly exploring random
/// trees extend toward the sampled point. Nodes are stored in k-d trees
/// for quicker nearest node calculations. Points are sampled until the
/// trees connect. A final path is then reconstructed from the nodes.
/// This pathfinding algorithm is more appropriate for 3D pathfinding
/// with wider gaps, such as flying through a forest than for terrain
/// with narrow gaps, such as navigating a maze.
/// Returns a path and whether that path is complete or not.
fn informed_rrt_connect(
start: Vec3<f32>,
end: Vec3<f32>,
is_valid_edge: impl Fn(&Vec3<f32>, &Vec3<f32>) -> bool,
) -> (Option<Path<Vec3<i32>>>, bool) {
let mut path = Vec::new();
// Each tree has a vector of nodes
let mut node_index1: usize = 0;
let mut node_index2: usize = 0;
let mut nodes1 = Vec::new();
let mut nodes2 = Vec::new();
// The parents hashmap stores nodes and their parent nodes as pairs to
// retrace the complete path once the two RRTs connect
let mut parents1 = HashMap::new();
let mut parents2 = HashMap::new();
// The path vector stores the path from the appropriate terminal to the
// connecting node or vice versa
let mut path1 = Vec::new();
let mut path2 = Vec::new();
// K-d trees are used to find the closest nodes rapidly
let mut kdtree1 = KdTree::new();
let mut kdtree2 = KdTree::new();
// Add the start as the first node of the first k-d tree
.add(&[startf.x, startf.y, startf.z], node_index1)
node_index1 += 1;
// Add the end as the first node of the second k-d tree
.add(&[endf.x, endf.y, endf.z], node_index2)
node_index2 += 1;
let mut connection1_idx = 0;
let mut connection2_idx = 0;
let mut connect = false;
// Scalar non-dimensional value that is proportional to the size of the
// sample spheroid volume. This increases in value until a path is found.
let mut search_parameter = 0.01;
// Maximum of 7000 iterations
for _i in 0..7000 {
if connect {
// Sample a point on the bounding spheroid
let (sampled_point1, sampled_point2) = {
let point = point_on_prolate_spheroid(startf, endf, search_parameter);
(point, point)
// Find the nearest nodes to the the sampled point
let nearest_index1 = kdtree1
&[sampled_point1.x, sampled_point1.y, sampled_point1.z],
.map_or(0, |n| *n.1);
let nearest_index2 = kdtree2
&[sampled_point2.x, sampled_point2.y, sampled_point2.z],
.map_or(0, |n| *n.1);
let nearest1 = nodes1[nearest_index1];
let nearest2 = nodes2[nearest_index2];
// Extend toward the sampled point from the nearest node of each tree
let new_point1 = nearest1 + (sampled_point1 - nearest1).normalized().map(|a| a * radius);
let new_point2 = nearest2 + (sampled_point2 - nearest2).normalized().map(|a| a * radius);
// Ensure the new nodes are valid/traversable
if is_valid_edge(&nearest1, &new_point1) {
.add(&[new_point1.x, new_point1.y, new_point1.z], node_index1)
parents1.insert(node_index1, nearest_index1);
node_index1 += 1;
// Check if the trees connect
if let Ok((check, index)) = kdtree2.nearest_one(
&[new_point1.x, new_point1.y, new_point1.z],
) {
if check < radius {
let connection = nodes2[*index];
connection2_idx = *index;
connection1_idx = nodes1.len() - 1;
parents1.insert(node_index1, node_index1 - 1);
connect = true;
// Repeat the validity check for the second tree
if is_valid_edge(&nearest2, &new_point2) {
.add(&[new_point2.x, new_point2.y, new_point1.z], node_index2)
parents2.insert(node_index2, nearest_index2);
node_index2 += 1;
// Again check for a connection
if let Ok((check, index)) = kdtree1.nearest_one(
&[new_point2.x, new_point2.y, new_point1.z],
) {
if check < radius {
let connection = nodes1[*index];
connection1_idx = *index;
connection2_idx = nodes2.len() - 1;
parents2.insert(node_index2, node_index2 - 1);
connect = true;
// Increase the search parameter to widen the sample volume
search_parameter += 0.02;
if connect {
// Construct paths from the connection node to the start and end
let mut current_node_index1 = connection1_idx;
while current_node_index1 > 0 {
current_node_index1 = *parents1.get(¤t_node_index1).unwrap_or(&0);
path1.push(nodes1[current_node_index1].map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
let mut current_node_index2 = connection2_idx;
while current_node_index2 > 0 {
current_node_index2 = *parents2.get(¤t_node_index2).unwrap_or(&0);
path2.push(nodes2[current_node_index2].map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
// Join the two paths together in the proper order and remove duplicates
path.append(&mut path1);
path.append(&mut path2);
} else {
// If the trees did not connect, construct a path from the start to
// the closest node to the end
let mut current_node_index1 = kdtree1
.nearest_one(&[endf.x, endf.y, endf.z], &squared_euclidean)
.map_or(0, |c| *c.1);
// Attempt to pick a node other than the start node
for _i in 0..3 {
if current_node_index1 == 0
|| nodes1[current_node_index1].distance_squared(startf) < 4.0
if let Some(index) = parents1.values().choose(&mut thread_rng()) {
current_node_index1 = *index;
} else {
} else {
path1.push(nodes1[current_node_index1].map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
// Construct the path
while current_node_index1 != 0 && nodes1[current_node_index1].distance_squared(startf) > 4.0
current_node_index1 = *parents1.get(¤t_node_index1).unwrap_or(&0);
path1.push(nodes1[current_node_index1].map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
path.append(&mut path1);
let mut new_path = Vec::new();
let mut node = path[0];
let mut node_idx = 0;
let num_nodes = path.len();
let end = path[num_nodes - 1];
while node != end {
let next_idx = if node_idx + 4 > num_nodes - 1 {
num_nodes - 1
} else {
node_idx + 4
let next_node = path[next_idx];
let start_pos = node.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5);
let end_pos = next_node.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5);
if vol
.ray(start_pos, end_pos)
> (start_pos).distance_squared(end_pos)
node_idx = next_idx;
} else {
node_idx += 1;
node = path[node_idx];
path = new_path;
/// Returns a random point within a radially symmetrical ellipsoid with given
/// foci and a `search parameter` to determine the size of the ellipse beyond
/// the foci. Technically the point is within a prolate spheroid translated and
/// rotated to the proper place in cartesian space.
/// The search_parameter is a float that relates to the length of the string for
/// a two dimensional ellipse or the size of the ellipse beyond the foci. In
/// this case that analogy still holds as the ellipse is radially symmetrical
/// along the axis between the foci. The value of the search parameter must be
/// greater than zero. In order to increase the sample area, the
/// search_parameter should be increased linearly as the search continues.
pub fn point_on_prolate_spheroid(
focus1: Vec3<f32>,
focus2: Vec3<f32>,
search_parameter: f32,
) -> Vec3<f32> {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
// Uniform distribution
let range = Uniform::from(0.0..1.0);
// Midpoint is used as the local origin
let midpoint = 0.5 * (focus1 + focus2);
// Radius between the start and end of the path
let radius: f32 = focus1.distance(focus2);
// The linear eccentricity of an ellipse is the distance from the origin to a
// focus A prolate spheroid is a half-ellipse rotated for a full revolution
// which is why ellipse variables are used frequently in this function
let linear_eccentricity: f32 = 0.5 * radius;
// For an ellipsoid, three variables determine the shape: a, b, and c.
// These are the distance from the center/origin to the surface on the
// x, y, and z axes, respectively.
// For a prolate spheroid a and b are equal.
// c is determined by adding the search parameter to the linear eccentricity.
// As the search parameter increases the size of the spheroid increases
let c: f32 = linear_eccentricity + search_parameter;
// The width is calculated to prioritize increasing width over length of
// the ellipsoid
let a: f32 = (c.powi(2) - linear_eccentricity.powi(2)).powf(0.5);
// The width should be the same in both the x and y directions
let b: f32 = a;
// The parametric spherical equation for an ellipsoid measuring from the
// center point is as follows:
// x = a * cos(theta) * cos(lambda)
// y = b * cos(theta) * sin(lambda)
// z = c * sin(theta)
// where -0.5 * PI <= theta <= 0.5 * PI
// and 0.0 <= lambda < 2.0 * PI
// Select these two angles using the uniform distribution defined at the
// beginning of the function from 0.0 to 1.0
let rtheta: f32 = PI * range.sample(&mut rng) - 0.5 * PI;
let lambda: f32 = 2.0 * PI * range.sample(&mut rng);
// Select a point on the surface of the ellipsoid
let point = Vec3::new(
a * rtheta.cos() * lambda.cos(),
b * rtheta.cos() * lambda.sin(),
c * rtheta.sin(),
// NOTE: Theoretically we should sample a point within the spheroid
// requiring selecting a point along the radius. In my tests selecting
// a point *on the surface* of the spheroid results in sampling that is
// "good enough". The following code is commented out to reduce expense.
//let surface_point = Vec3::new(a * rtheta.cos() * lambda.cos(), b *
// rtheta.cos() * lambda.sin(), c * rtheta.sin()); let magnitude =
// surface_point.magnitude(); let direction = surface_point.normalized();
//// Randomly select a point along the vector to the previously selected surface
//// point using the uniform distribution
//let point = magnitude * range.sample(&mut rng) * direction;
// Now that a point has been selected in local space, it must be rotated and
// translated into global coordinates
// NOTE: Don't rotate about the z axis as the point is already randomly
// selected about the z axis
//let dx = focus2.x - focus1.x;
//let dy = focus2.y - focus1.y;
let dz = focus2.z - focus1.z;
// Phi and theta are the angles from the x axis in the x-y plane and from
// the z axis, respectively. (As found in spherical coordinates)
// These angles are used to rotate the random point in the spheroid about
// the local origin
// Rotate about z axis by phi
//let phi: f32 = if dx.abs() > 0.0 {
// (dy / dx).atan()
//} else {
// 0.5 * PI
// This is unnecessary as rtheta is randomly selected between 0.0 and 2.0 * PI
// let rot_z_mat = Mat3::new(phi.cos(), -1.0 * phi.sin(), 0.0, phi.sin(),
// phi.cos(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// Rotate about perpendicular vector in the xy plane by theta
let theta: f32 = if radius > 0.0 {
(dz / radius).acos()
} else {
// Vector from focus1 to focus2
let r_vec = focus2 - focus1;
// Perpendicular vector in xy plane
let perp_vec = Vec3::new(-1.0 * r_vec.y, r_vec.x, 0.0).normalized();
let l = perp_vec.x;
let m = perp_vec.y;
let n = perp_vec.z;
// Rotation matrix for rotation about a vector
let rot_2_mat = Mat3::new(
l * l * (1.0 - theta.cos()),
m * l * (1.0 - theta.cos()) - n * theta.sin(),
n * l * (1.0 - theta.cos()) + m * theta.sin(),
l * m * (1.0 - theta.cos()) + n * theta.sin(),
m * m * (1.0 - theta.cos()) + theta.cos(),
n * m * (1.0 - theta.cos()) - l * theta.sin(),
l * n * (1.0 - theta.cos()) - m * theta.sin(),
m * n * (1.0 - theta.cos()) + l * theta.sin(),
n * n * (1.0 - theta.cos()) + theta.cos(),
// Get the global coordinates of the point by rotating and adding the origin
// rot_z_mat is unneeded due to the random rotation defined by lambda
// let global_coords = midpoint + rot_2_mat * (rot_z_mat * point);
midpoint + rot_2_mat * point