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pub mod bound;
mod buffer;
pub mod consts;
mod error;
pub mod instances;
pub mod mesh;
pub mod model;
pub mod pipelines;
pub mod renderer;
pub mod texture;
// Reexports
pub use self::{
mesh::{Mesh, Quad, Tri},
model::{DynamicModel, Model, SubModel},
clouds::Locals as CloudsLocals,
debug::{DebugPipeline, Locals as DebugLocals, Vertex as DebugVertex},
BoneData as FigureBoneData, BoneMeshes, FigureLayout, FigureModel,
Locals as FigureLocals,
fluid::Vertex as FluidVertex,
lod_terrain::{LodData, Vertex as LodTerrainVertex},
particle::{Instance as ParticleInstance, Vertex as ParticleVertex},
postprocess::Locals as PostProcessLocals,
shadow::{Locals as ShadowLocals, PointLightMatrix},
skybox::{create_mesh as create_skybox_mesh, Vertex as SkyboxVertex},
Instance as SpriteInstance, SpriteGlobalsBindGroup, SpriteVerts,
terrain::{Locals as TerrainLocals, TerrainLayout, Vertex as TerrainVertex},
create_quad as create_ui_quad,
create_quad_vert_gradient as create_ui_quad_vert_gradient, create_tri as create_ui_tri,
BoundLocals as UiBoundLocals, Locals as UiLocals, Mode as UiMode,
TextureBindGroup as UiTextureBindGroup, Vertex as UiVertex,
GlobalModel, Globals, GlobalsBindGroup, GlobalsLayouts, Light, Shadow,
DebugDrawer, Drawer, FigureDrawer, FigureShadowDrawer, FirstPassDrawer, ParticleDrawer,
PreparedUiDrawer, SecondPassDrawer, ShadowPassDrawer, SpriteDrawer, TerrainDrawer,
TerrainShadowDrawer, ThirdPassDrawer, UiDrawer,
ColLightInfo, Renderer,
pub use wgpu::{AddressMode, FilterMode};
pub trait Vertex: Clone + bytemuck::Pod {
const STRIDE: wgpu::BufferAddress;
// Whether these types of verts use the quad index buffer for drawing them
const QUADS_INDEX: Option<wgpu::IndexFormat>;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Anti-aliasing modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum AaMode {
/// Fast approximate antialiasing.
/// This is a screen-space technique, and therefore works fine with greedy
/// meshing.
/// Multisampling AA, up to 4 samples per pixel.
/// NOTE: MSAA modes don't (currently) work with greedy meshing, and will
/// also struggle in the future with deferred shading, so they may be
/// removed in the future.
/// Multisampling AA, up to 8 samples per pixel.
/// NOTE: MSAA modes don't (currently) work with greedy meshing, and will
/// also struggle in the future with deferred shading, so they may be
/// removed in the future.
/// Multisampling AA, up to 16 samples per pixel.
/// NOTE: MSAA modes don't (currently) work with greedy meshing, and will
/// also struggle in the future with deferred shading, so they may be
/// removed in the future.
impl Default for AaMode {
fn default() -> Self { AaMode::Fxaa }
/// Cloud modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum CloudMode {
/// No clouds. As cheap as it gets.
/// Clouds, but barely. Ideally, any machine should be able to handle this
/// just fine.
/// Enough visual detail to be pleasing, but generally using poor-but-cheap
/// approximations to derive parameters
/// More detail. Enough to look good in most cases. For those that value
/// looks but also high framerates.
/// High, but with extra compute power thrown at it to smooth out subtle
/// imperfections
/// Lots of detail with good-but-costly derivation of parameters.
impl Default for CloudMode {
fn default() -> Self { CloudMode::High }
/// Fluid modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum FluidMode {
/// "Cheap" water. This water implements no waves, no reflections, no
/// diffraction, and no light attenuation through water. As a result,
/// it can be much cheaper than shiny reflection.
/// "Shiny" water. This water implements waves on the surfaces, some
/// attempt at reflections, and tries to compute accurate light
/// attenuation through water (this is what results in the
/// colors changing as you descend into deep water).
/// Unfortunately, the way the engine is currently set up, calculating
/// accurate attenuation is a bit difficult; we use estimates from
/// horizon maps for the current water altitude, which can both be off
/// by up to (max_altitude / 255) meters, only has per-chunk horizontal
/// resolution, and cannot handle edge cases like horizontal water (e.g.
/// waterfalls) well. We are okay with the latter, and will try to fix
/// the former soon.
/// Another issue is that we don't always know whether light is *blocked*,
/// which causes attenuation to be computed incorrectly; this can be
/// addressed by using shadow maps (at least for terrain).
impl Default for FluidMode {
fn default() -> Self { FluidMode::Shiny }
/// Lighting modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum LightingMode {
/// Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF lighting model. Attempts to generate a
/// physically plausible (to some extent) lighting distribution.
/// This model may not work as well with purely directional lighting, and is
/// more expensive than the other models.
/// Standard Lambertian lighting model, with only diffuse reflections. The
/// cheapest lighting model by a decent margin, but the performance
/// difference between it and Blinn-Phong will probably only be
/// significant on low-end machines that are bottlenecked on fragment
/// shading.
/// Standard Blinn-Phong shading, combing Lambertian diffuse reflections and
/// specular highlights.
impl Default for LightingMode {
fn default() -> Self { LightingMode::BlinnPhong }
/// Shadow map settings.
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ShadowMapMode {
/// Multiple of default resolution (default, which is 1.0, is currently
/// the closest higher power of two above the length of the longest
/// diagonal of the screen resolution, but this may change).
pub resolution: f32,
impl Default for ShadowMapMode {
fn default() -> Self { Self { resolution: 1.0 } }
/// Shadow modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ShadowMode {
/// No shadows at all. By far the cheapest option.
/// Shadow map (render the scene from each light source, and also renders
/// LOD shadows using horizon maps).
/// Point shadows (draw circles under figures, up to a configured maximum;
/// also render LOD shadows using horizon maps). Can be expensive on
/// some machines, probably mostly due to horizon mapping; the point
/// shadows are not rendered too efficiently, but that can probably
/// be addressed later.
#[serde(other)] // Would normally be on `Map`, but only allowed on unit variants
impl Default for ShadowMode {
fn default() -> Self { ShadowMode::Map(Default::default()) }
impl core::convert::TryFrom<ShadowMode> for ShadowMapMode {
type Error = ();
/// Get the shadow map details if they exist.
fn try_from(value: ShadowMode) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
if let ShadowMode::Map(map) = value {
} else {
impl ShadowMode {
pub fn is_map(&self) -> bool { matches!(self, Self::Map(_)) }
/// Upscale mode settings.
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UpscaleMode {
// Determines non-UI graphics upscaling. 0.25 to 2.0.
pub factor: f32,
impl Default for UpscaleMode {
fn default() -> Self { Self { factor: 1.0 } }
/// Present modes
/// See https://docs.rs/wgpu/0.7.0/wgpu/enum.PresentMode.html
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum PresentMode {
impl Default for PresentMode {
fn default() -> Self { Self::Immediate }
impl From<PresentMode> for wgpu::PresentMode {
fn from(mode: PresentMode) -> Self {
match mode {
PresentMode::Fifo => wgpu::PresentMode::Fifo,
PresentMode::Mailbox => wgpu::PresentMode::Mailbox,
PresentMode::Immediate => wgpu::PresentMode::Immediate,
/// Render modes
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RenderMode {
pub aa: AaMode,
pub cloud: CloudMode,
pub fluid: FluidMode,
pub lighting: LightingMode,
pub shadow: ShadowMode,
pub bloom: bool,
pub upscale_mode: UpscaleMode,
pub present_mode: PresentMode,
pub profiler_enabled: bool,
impl RenderMode {
fn split(self) -> (PipelineModes, OtherModes) {
PipelineModes {
aa: self.aa,
cloud: self.cloud,
fluid: self.fluid,
lighting: self.lighting,
shadow: self.shadow,
bloom: self.bloom,
OtherModes {
upscale_mode: self.upscale_mode,
present_mode: self.present_mode,
profiler_enabled: self.profiler_enabled,
/// Render modes that require pipeline recreation (e.g. shader recompilation)
/// when changed
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PipelineModes {
aa: AaMode,
cloud: CloudMode,
fluid: FluidMode,
lighting: LightingMode,
pub shadow: ShadowMode,
bloom: bool,
/// Other render modes that don't effect pipelines
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Debug)]
struct OtherModes {
upscale_mode: UpscaleMode,
present_mode: PresentMode,
profiler_enabled: bool,