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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
1503 lines
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1503 lines
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use super::*;
use crate::{
site2::{self, aabr_with_z, Fill, Primitive, Structure as SiteStructure},
util::{attempt, Grid, RandomField, Sampler, CARDINALS, DIRS},
use common::{
assets::{self, AssetExt, AssetHandle},
generation::{ChunkSupplement, EntityInfo},
store::{Id, Store},
BiomeKind, Block, BlockKind, SpriteKind, Structure, StructuresGroup, TerrainChunkSize,
use core::{f32, hash::BuildHasherDefault};
use fxhash::FxHasher64;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use rand::{prelude::*, seq::SliceRandom};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use vek::*;
pub struct Dungeon {
name: String,
origin: Vec2<i32>,
alt: i32,
seed: u32,
noise: RandomField,
floors: Vec<Floor>,
difficulty: u32,
pub struct GenCtx<'a, R: Rng> {
land: &'a Land<'a>,
rng: &'a mut R,
pub struct Colors {
pub stone: (u8, u8, u8),
const ALT_OFFSET: i32 = -2;
struct DungeonDistribution(Vec<(u32, f32)>);
impl assets::Asset for DungeonDistribution {
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
lazy_static! {
static ref DUNGEON_DISTRIBUTION: Vec<(u32, f32)> =
fn floor_amount(difficulty: u32) -> u32 { 3 + difficulty / 2 }
impl Dungeon {
pub fn generate(wpos: Vec2<i32>, land: &Land, rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Self {
let mut ctx = GenCtx { land, rng };
.choose_weighted(&mut ctx.rng, |pair| pair.1)
.map(|(difficulty, _)| *difficulty)
.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to choose difficulty (check instruction in config). Error: {}",
let floors = floor_amount(difficulty);
Self {
name: {
let name = NameGen::location(ctx.rng).generate();
match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..5) {
0 => format!("{} Dungeon", name),
1 => format!("{} Lair", name),
2 => format!("{} Crib", name),
3 => format!("{} Catacombs", name),
_ => format!("{} Pit", name),
origin: wpos - TILE_SIZE / 2,
alt: ctx.land.get_alt_approx(wpos) as i32 + 6,
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
noise: RandomField::new(ctx.rng.gen()),
floors: (0..floors)
.scan(Vec2::zero(), |stair_tile, level| {
let (floor, st) =
Floor::generate(&mut ctx, *stair_tile, level as i32, difficulty);
*stair_tile = st;
pub fn name(&self) -> &str { &self.name }
pub fn get_origin(&self) -> Vec2<i32> { self.origin }
pub fn radius(&self) -> f32 {
.map(|floor| (TILE_SIZE * floor.tiles.size()).magnitude_squared())
.map(|d| (d as f32).sqrt() / 2.0)
#[allow(clippy::needless_update)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
pub fn spawn_rules(&self, wpos: Vec2<i32>) -> SpawnRules {
SpawnRules {
trees: wpos.distance_squared(self.origin) > 64i32.pow(2),
pub fn difficulty(&self) -> u32 { self.difficulty }
pub fn apply_supplement<'a>(
&'a self,
// NOTE: Used only for dynamic elements like chests and entities!
dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng,
wpos2d: Vec2<i32>,
supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement,
) {
let rpos = wpos2d - self.origin;
let area = Aabr {
min: rpos,
max: rpos + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32),
// Add waypoint
let pos = self.origin.map2(FLOOR_SIZE, |e, sz| e + sz as i32 / 2);
if area.contains_point(pos - self.origin) {
EntityInfo::at(Vec3::new(pos.x as f32, pos.y as f32, self.alt as f32) + 5.0)
let mut z = self.alt + ALT_OFFSET;
for floor in &self.floors {
z -= floor.total_depth();
let origin = Vec3::new(self.origin.x, self.origin.y, z);
floor.apply_supplement(dynamic_rng, area, origin, supplement);
const TILE_SIZE: i32 = 13;
pub enum StairsKind {
pub enum Tile {
UpStair(Id<Room>, StairsKind),
impl Tile {
fn is_passable(&self) -> bool {
Tile::UpStair(_, _) | Tile::DownStair(_) | Tile::Room(_) | Tile::Tunnel
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum RoomKind {
pub struct Room {
seed: u32,
loot_density: f32,
kind: RoomKind,
area: Rect<i32, i32>,
height: i32,
pillars: Option<i32>, // Pillars with the given separation
pits: Option<i32>, // Pits filled with lava
difficulty: u32,
impl Room {
fn fill_fight_cell(
supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement,
dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng,
tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>,
wpos2d: Vec2<i32>,
tile_pos: Vec2<i32>,
) {
let enemy_spawn_tile = self.area.center();
// Don't spawn enemies in a pillar
let enemy_tile_is_pillar = self.pillars.map_or(false, |pillar_space| {
.map(|e| e.rem_euclid(pillar_space) == 0)
let enemy_spawn_tile = enemy_spawn_tile + if enemy_tile_is_pillar { 1 } else { 0 };
// Toss mobs in the center of the room
if tile_pos == enemy_spawn_tile && wpos2d == tile_wcenter.xy() {
let entities = match self.difficulty {
0 => enemy_0(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
1 => enemy_1(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
2 => enemy_2(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
3 => enemy_3(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
4 => enemy_4(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
5 => enemy_5(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
_ => enemy_fallback(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
for entity in entities {
} else {
// Turrets
// Turret has 1/5000 chance to spawn per voxel in fight room
if dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..5000) == 0 {
let pos = tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32)
+ Vec3::<u32>::iota()
.map(|e| {
(RandomField::new(self.seed.wrapping_add(10 + e))
% 32) as i32
- 16
.map(|e| e as f32 / 16.0);
match self.difficulty {
3 => {
let turret = turret_3(pos);
5 => {
let turret = turret_5(pos);
_ => {},
fn fill_miniboss_cell(
supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement,
dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng,
tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>,
wpos2d: Vec2<i32>,
tile_pos: Vec2<i32>,
) {
let miniboss_spawn_tile = self.area.center();
// Don't spawn the miniboss in a pillar
let miniboss_tile_is_pillar = self.pillars.map_or(false, |pillar_space| {
.map(|e| e.rem_euclid(pillar_space) == 0)
let miniboss_spawn_tile = miniboss_spawn_tile + if miniboss_tile_is_pillar { 1 } else { 0 };
if tile_pos == miniboss_spawn_tile && tile_wcenter.xy() == wpos2d {
let entities = match self.difficulty {
0 => mini_boss_0(tile_wcenter),
1 => mini_boss_1(tile_wcenter),
2 => mini_boss_2(tile_wcenter),
3 => mini_boss_3(tile_wcenter),
4 => mini_boss_4(tile_wcenter),
5 => mini_boss_5(dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter),
_ => mini_boss_fallback(tile_wcenter),
for entity in entities {
fn fill_boss_cell(
supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement,
tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>,
wpos2d: Vec2<i32>,
tile_pos: Vec2<i32>,
) {
let boss_spawn_tile = self.area.center();
// Don't spawn the boss in a pillar
let boss_tile_is_pillar = self.pillars.map_or(false, |pillar_space| {
.map(|e| e.rem_euclid(pillar_space) == 0)
let boss_spawn_tile = boss_spawn_tile + if boss_tile_is_pillar { 1 } else { 0 };
if tile_pos == boss_spawn_tile && wpos2d == tile_wcenter.xy() {
let entities = match self.difficulty {
0 => boss_0(tile_wcenter),
1 => boss_1(tile_wcenter),
2 => boss_2(tile_wcenter),
3 => boss_3(tile_wcenter),
4 => boss_4(tile_wcenter),
5 => boss_5(tile_wcenter),
_ => boss_fallback(tile_wcenter),
for entity in entities {
struct Floor {
tile_offset: Vec2<i32>,
tiles: Grid<Tile>,
rooms: Store<Room>,
solid_depth: i32,
hollow_depth: i32,
stair_tile: Vec2<i32>,
final_level: bool,
difficulty: u32,
const FLOOR_SIZE: Vec2<i32> = Vec2::new(18, 18);
impl Floor {
fn generate(
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
stair_tile: Vec2<i32>,
level: i32,
difficulty: u32,
) -> (Self, Vec2<i32>) {
const MAX_WIDTH: u32 = 4;
let floors = floor_amount(difficulty);
let final_level = level == floors as i32 - 1;
let width = (2 + difficulty / 2).min(MAX_WIDTH);
let height = (15 + difficulty * 3).min(30);
let new_stair_tile = if final_level {
} else {
std::iter::from_fn(|| {
Some(FLOOR_SIZE.map(|sz| ctx.rng.gen_range(-sz / 2 + 2..sz / 2 - 1)))
.filter(|pos| *pos != stair_tile)
.max_by_key(|pos| (*pos - stair_tile).map(|e| e.abs()).sum())
let tile_offset = -FLOOR_SIZE / 2;
let mut this = Floor {
tiles: Grid::new(FLOOR_SIZE, Tile::Solid),
rooms: Store::default(),
solid_depth: if level == 0 { 80 } else { 32 },
hollow_depth: 30,
stair_tile: new_stair_tile - tile_offset,
const STAIR_ROOM_HEIGHT: i32 = 13;
// Create rooms for entrance and exit
let upstair_room = this.create_room(Room {
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
loot_density: 0.0,
kind: RoomKind::Peaceful,
area: Rect::from((stair_tile - tile_offset - 1, Extent2::broadcast(3))),
pillars: None,
pits: None,
if final_level {
// Boss room
this.create_room(Room {
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
loot_density: 0.0,
kind: RoomKind::Boss,
area: Rect::from((
new_stair_tile - tile_offset - MAX_WIDTH as i32 - 1,
Extent2::broadcast(width as i32 * 2 + 1),
height: height as i32,
pillars: Some(2),
pits: None,
} else {
// Create downstairs room
let downstair_room = this.create_room(Room {
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
loot_density: 0.0,
kind: RoomKind::Peaceful,
area: Rect::from((new_stair_tile - tile_offset - 1, Extent2::broadcast(3))),
pillars: None,
pits: None,
new_stair_tile - tile_offset,
let stair_kind = if ctx.rng.gen::<f32>() < 0.3 {
} else {
stair_tile - tile_offset,
Tile::UpStair(upstair_room, stair_kind),
this.create_rooms(ctx, level, 7);
// Create routes between all rooms
let room_areas = this.rooms.values().map(|r| r.area).collect::<Vec<_>>();
for a in room_areas.iter() {
for b in room_areas.iter() {
this.create_route(ctx, a.center(), b.center());
(this, new_stair_tile)
fn create_room(&mut self, room: Room) -> Id<Room> {
let area = room.area;
let id = self.rooms.insert(room);
for x in 0..area.extent().w {
for y in 0..area.extent().h {
.set(area.position() + Vec2::new(x, y), Tile::Room(id));
fn create_rooms(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, level: i32, n: usize) {
let dim_limits = (3, 6);
for _ in 0..n {
let area = match attempt(64, || {
let sz = Vec2::<i32>::zero().map(|_| ctx.rng.gen_range(dim_limits.0..dim_limits.1));
let pos = FLOOR_SIZE.map2(sz, |floor_sz, room_sz| {
ctx.rng.gen_range(0..floor_sz + 1 - room_sz)
let area = Rect::from((pos, Extent2::from(sz)));
// The room, but with some personal space
let area_border = Rect::from((pos - 1, Extent2::from(sz) + 2));
// Ensure no overlap
if self
.any(|r| r.area.collides_with_rect(area_border))
return None;
}) {
Some(area) => area,
None => return,
let loot_density = |difficulty, level| {
let max_floor = floor_amount(difficulty);
// We count floors from 0, don't divide by zero
let current_floor = level + 1;
let ratio = f64::from(current_floor) / f64::from(max_floor);
// filter starting floors
let ratio = 0.0_f64.max(ratio - 0.55);
0.00175 * ratio as f32
match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..5) {
// Miniboss room
0 => self.create_room(Room {
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
loot_density: loot_density(self.difficulty, level),
kind: RoomKind::Miniboss,
height: ctx.rng.gen_range(15..20),
pillars: Some(ctx.rng.gen_range(2..=4)),
pits: None,
difficulty: self.difficulty,
//// Lava platforming room
//1 => self.create_room(Room {
// seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
// loot_density: 0.0,
// kind: RoomKind::LavaPlatforming,
// area,
// height: ctx.rng.gen_range(10..15),
// pillars: None,
// pits: Some(1),
// difficulty: self.difficulty,
// Fight room with enemies in it
_ => self.create_room(Room {
seed: ctx.rng.gen(),
loot_density: loot_density(self.difficulty, level),
kind: RoomKind::Fight,
height: ctx.rng.gen_range(10..15),
pillars: if ctx.rng.gen_range(0..4) == 0 {
} else {
pits: None,
difficulty: self.difficulty,
fn create_route(&mut self, _ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, a: Vec2<i32>, b: Vec2<i32>) {
let heuristic = move |l: &Vec2<i32>| (l - b).map(|e| e.abs()).reduce_max() as f32;
let neighbors = |l: &Vec2<i32>| {
let l = *l;
.map(move |dir| l + dir)
.filter(|pos| self.tiles.get(*pos).is_some())
let transition = |_a: &Vec2<i32>, b: &Vec2<i32>| match self.tiles.get(*b) {
Some(Tile::Room(_)) | Some(Tile::Tunnel) => 1.0,
Some(Tile::Solid) => 25.0,
Some(Tile::UpStair(_, _)) | Some(Tile::DownStair(_)) => 0.0,
_ => 100000.0,
let satisfied = |l: &Vec2<i32>| *l == b;
// We use this hasher (FxHasher64) because
// (1) we don't care about DDOS attacks (ruling out SipHash);
// (2) we don't care about determinism across computers (we could use AAHash);
// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
let mut astar = Astar::new(
let path = astar
FLOOR_SIZE.product() as usize + 1,
.expect("No route between locations - this shouldn't be able to happen");
for pos in path.iter() {
if let Some(tile @ Tile::Solid) = self.tiles.get_mut(*pos) {
*tile = Tile::Tunnel;
fn apply_supplement(
// NOTE: Used only for dynamic elements like chests and entities!
dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng,
area: Aabr<i32>,
origin: Vec3<i32>,
supplement: &mut ChunkSupplement,
) {
// Add stair waypoint
let stair_rcenter =
Vec3::from((self.stair_tile + self.tile_offset).map(|e| e * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2));
if area.contains_point(stair_rcenter.xy()) {
let offs = Vec2::new(
* (TILE_SIZE as f32 / 2.0 - 4.0);
if !self.final_level {
EntityInfo::at((origin + stair_rcenter).map(|e| e as f32)
+ Vec3::from(offs)) .into_waypoint(),
for x in area.min.x..area.max.x {
for y in area.min.y..area.max.y {
let tile_pos = Vec2::new(x, y).map(|e| e.div_euclid(TILE_SIZE)) - self.tile_offset;
let wpos2d = origin.xy() + Vec2::new(x, y);
if let Some(Tile::Room(room)) = self.tiles.get(tile_pos) {
let room = &self.rooms[*room];
let tile_wcenter = origin
+ Vec3::from(
Vec2::new(x, y)
.map(|e| e.div_euclid(TILE_SIZE) * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2),
match room.kind {
RoomKind::Fight => room.fill_fight_cell(
RoomKind::Miniboss => room.fill_miniboss_cell(
RoomKind::Boss => {
room.fill_boss_cell(supplement, tile_wcenter, wpos2d, tile_pos)
RoomKind::Peaceful | RoomKind::LavaPlatforming => {},
fn total_depth(&self) -> i32 { self.solid_depth + self.hollow_depth }
// Find orientation of a position relative to another position
fn relative_ori(pos1: Vec2<i32>, pos2: Vec2<i32>) -> u8 {
if (pos1.x - pos2.x).abs() < (pos1.y - pos2.y).abs() {
if pos1.y > pos2.y { 4 } else { 8 }
} else {
if pos1.x > pos2.x { 2 } else { 6 }
fn enemy_0(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-0.bow"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-0.staff"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-0.spear"),
fn enemy_1(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-1.bow"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-1.staff"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-1.spear"),
fn enemy_2(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-2.bow"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-2.staff"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-2.spear"),
fn enemy_3(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-3.bow"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-3.staff"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-3.spear"),
fn enemy_4(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-4.bow"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-4.staff"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-4.spear"),
fn enemy_5(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(1..=3);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
// TODO: give enemies health skills?
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=4) {
0 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-5.warlock"),
1 => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-5.warlord"),
_ => entity.with_asset_expect("common.entity.dungeon.tier-5.cultist"),
fn enemy_fallback(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let number = dynamic_rng.gen_range(2..=4);
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(number, || {
let entity = EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32));
fn turret_3(pos: Vec3<f32>) -> EntityInfo {
fn turret_5(pos: Vec3<f32>) -> EntityInfo {
fn boss_0(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_1(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_2(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_3(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(2, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_4(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_5(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn boss_fallback(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_0(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_1(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(8, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_2(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(6, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_3(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let mut entities = Vec::new();
entities.resize_with(3, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_4(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_5(dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng, tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
let mut entities = Vec::new();
match dynamic_rng.gen_range(0..=2) {
0 => {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
entities.resize_with(entities.len() + 2, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
1 => {
entities.resize_with(2, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
_ => {
entities.resize_with(10, || {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
fn mini_boss_fallback(tile_wcenter: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec<EntityInfo> {
EntityInfo::at(tile_wcenter.map(|e| e as f32))
pub fn tilegrid_nearest_wall(tiles: &Grid<Tile>, rpos: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Vec2<i32>> {
let tile_pos = rpos.map(|e| e.div_euclid(TILE_SIZE));
.map(|dir| tile_pos + *dir)
.filter(|other_tile_pos| {
.filter(|tile| tile.is_passable())
.map(|other_tile_pos| {
other_tile_pos * TILE_SIZE,
(other_tile_pos + 1) * TILE_SIZE - 1,
.min_by_key(|nearest| rpos.distance_squared(*nearest))
pub fn spiral_staircase(
origin: Vec3<i32>,
radius: f32,
inner_radius: f32,
stretch: f32,
) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool> {
Box::new(move |pos: Vec3<i32>| {
let pos = pos - origin;
if (pos.xy().magnitude_squared() as f32) < inner_radius.powi(2) {
} else if (pos.xy().magnitude_squared() as f32) < radius.powi(2) {
((pos.x as f32).atan2(pos.y as f32) / (f32::consts::PI * 2.0) * stretch + pos.z as f32)
< 1.5
} else {
pub fn wall_staircase(
origin: Vec3<i32>,
radius: f32,
stretch: f32,
) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool> {
Box::new(move |pos: Vec3<i32>| {
let pos = pos - origin;
if (pos.x.abs().max(pos.y.abs())) as f32 > 0.6 * radius {
((pos.x as f32).atan2(pos.y as f32) / (f32::consts::PI * 2.0) * stretch + pos.z as f32)
< 1.0
} else {
pub fn inscribed_polystar(
origin: Vec2<i32>,
radius: f32,
sides: usize,
) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool> {
Box::new(move |pos| {
use std::f32::consts::TAU;
let rpos: Vec2<f32> = pos.xy().as_() - origin.as_();
let is_border = rpos.magnitude_squared() > (radius - 2.0).powi(2);
let is_line = (0..sides).into_iter().any(|i| {
let f = |j: f32| {
let t = j * TAU / sides as f32;
radius * Vec2::new(t.cos(), t.sin())
let line = LineSegment2 {
start: f(i as f32),
end: f((i + 2) as f32),
line.distance_to_point(rpos) <= 1.0
is_border || is_line
pub fn make_wall_contours(
tiles: Arc<Grid<Tile>>,
floor_corner: Vec2<i32>,
floor_z: i32,
wall_thickness: f32,
tunnel_height: f32,
) -> Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool> {
Box::new(move |pos| {
let rpos = pos.xy() - floor_corner;
let dist_to_wall = tilegrid_nearest_wall(&tiles, rpos)
.map(|nearest| (nearest.distance_squared(rpos) as f32).sqrt())
.unwrap_or(TILE_SIZE as f32);
let tunnel_dist =
1.0 - (dist_to_wall - wall_thickness).max(0.0) / (TILE_SIZE as f32 - wall_thickness);
dist_to_wall < wall_thickness
|| ((pos.z - floor_z) as f32) >= tunnel_height * (1.0 - tunnel_dist.powi(4))
impl Floor {
fn render(&self, painter: &Painter, dungeon: &Dungeon, floor_z: i32) {
// Calculate an AABB and corner for the AABB that covers the current floor.
let floor_corner = dungeon.origin + TILE_SIZE * self.tile_offset;
let floor_aabb = Aabb {
min: floor_corner.with_z(floor_z),
max: (floor_corner + TILE_SIZE * self.tiles.size())
.with_z(floor_z + self.total_depth()),
let floor_prim = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(floor_aabb));
// This is copied from `src/layer/mod.rs`. It should be moved into
// a util file somewhere
let noisy_color = |color: Rgb<u8>, factor: u32| {
let nz = RandomField::new(0).get(Vec3::new(floor_corner.x, floor_corner.y, floor_z));
color.map(|e| {
(e as u32 + nz % (factor * 2))
.min(255) as u8
// Declare the various kinds of blocks that will be used as fills
let vacant = Block::air(SpriteKind::Empty);
// FIXME: Lava and stone color hardcoded here, it is available in colors.ron
// but that file is not accessed from site2 yet
let lava = Block::new(BlockKind::Lava, noisy_color(Rgb::new(184, 39, 0), 8));
let stone = Block::new(BlockKind::Rock, Rgb::new(150, 150, 175));
let stone_purple = Block::new(BlockKind::GlowingRock, Rgb::new(96, 0, 128));
// Sprites are randomly positioned and have random kinds, this primitive
// produces a box of dots that will later get truncated to just the
// floor, and the corresponding fill places the random kinds where the
// mask says to
let floor_sprite = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(
Box::new(|pos| RandomField::new(7331).chance(pos, 0.001)),
let floor_sprite_fill = Fill::Sampling(Arc::new(|pos| {
match (RandomField::new(1337).get(pos) / 2) % 30 {
0 => SpriteKind::Apple,
1 => SpriteKind::VeloriteFrag,
2 => SpriteKind::Velorite,
3..=8 => SpriteKind::Mushroom,
9..=15 => SpriteKind::FireBowlGround,
_ => SpriteKind::ShortGrass,
let wall_thickness = 3.0;
let tunnel_height = if self.final_level { 16.0 } else { 8.0 };
let pillar_thickness: i32 = 4;
// Several primitives and fills use the tile information for finding the nearest
// wall, a copy of the tilegrid for the floor is stored in an Arc to
// avoid making a copy for each primitive
let tiles = Arc::new(self.tiles.clone());
// The way the ceiling is curved around corners and near hallways is intricate
// enough that it's easiest to do with a sampling primitive, this gets
// masked per room so that it's more efficient to query
let wall_contours = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(floor_prim, {
let tiles = Arc::clone(&tiles);
make_wall_contours(tiles, floor_corner, floor_z, wall_thickness, tunnel_height)
// The surface 1 unit thicker than the walls is used to place the torches onto
let wall_contour_surface = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(floor_prim, {
let tiles = Arc::clone(&tiles);
wall_thickness + 1.0,
tunnel_height - 1.0,
// The sconces use a sampling-based fill to orient them properly relative to the
// walls/staircases/pillars
let light_offset: i32 = 7;
let sconces_wall = Fill::Sampling(Arc::new(move |pos| {
let rpos = pos.xy() - floor_corner;
let nearest = tilegrid_nearest_wall(&tiles, rpos);
let ori = Floor::relative_ori(rpos, nearest.unwrap_or_default());
let sconces_inward = Fill::Sampling(Arc::new(move |pos| {
let rpos = pos.xy() - floor_corner;
let tile_pos = rpos.map(|e| e.div_euclid(TILE_SIZE));
let tile_center = tile_pos * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
let ori = Floor::relative_ori(rpos, tile_center);
let sconces_outward = Fill::Sampling(Arc::new(move |pos| {
let rpos = pos.xy() - floor_corner;
let tile_pos = rpos.map(|e| e.div_euclid(TILE_SIZE));
let tile_center = tile_pos * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE / 2;
let ori = Floor::relative_ori(tile_center, rpos);
// The lighting mask is a grid of thin AABB planes with the same period as the
// tile grid, but offset by `lighting_offset`, used to space the torches
// on the walls/pillars/staircases
let lighting_mask = {
let mut lighting_mask_x = painter.prim(Primitive::Empty);
let floor_w = floor_aabb.max.x - floor_aabb.min.x;
for i in 0..floor_w / light_offset {
let j = floor_corner.x + i * TILE_SIZE + light_offset;
let plane = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: floor_aabb.min.with_x(j - 1),
max: floor_aabb.max.with_x(j),
lighting_mask_x = painter.prim(Primitive::or(plane, lighting_mask_x));
let mut lighting_mask_y = painter.prim(Primitive::Empty);
let floor_h = floor_aabb.max.y - floor_aabb.min.y;
for i in 0..floor_h / light_offset {
let j = floor_corner.y + i * TILE_SIZE + light_offset;
let plane = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: floor_aabb.min.with_y(j - 1),
max: floor_aabb.max.with_y(j),
lighting_mask_y = painter.prim(Primitive::or(plane, lighting_mask_y));
painter.prim(Primitive::xor(lighting_mask_x, lighting_mask_y))
// Declare collections of various disjoint primitives that need postprocessing
// after handling all the local information per-tile
let mut stairs_bb = Vec::new();
let mut stairs = Vec::new();
let mut pillars = Vec::new();
let mut boss_room_center = None;
let mut sprites = Vec::new();
// This loop processes the tile grid, carving out rooms and tunnels and
// collecting stair/pillar/sprite info to place afterwards
for (tile_pos, tile) in self.tiles.iter() {
let tile_corner = dungeon.origin + TILE_SIZE * (self.tile_offset + tile_pos);
let tile_aabr = Aabr {
min: tile_corner,
max: tile_corner + Vec2::broadcast(TILE_SIZE),
let tile_center = tile_corner + Vec2::broadcast(TILE_SIZE / 2);
let (mut height, room) = match tile {
Tile::UpStair(room, _) => (self.hollow_depth, Some(room)),
Tile::DownStair(room) => (self.hollow_depth, Some(room)),
Tile::Room(room) => (self.hollow_depth, Some(room)),
Tile::Tunnel => (tunnel_height as i32, None),
Tile::Solid => continue,
// Sprites are contained to the level above the floor, and not within walls
let sprite_layer = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabr_with_z(
floor_z..floor_z + 1,
let sprite_layer = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(sprite_layer, wall_contours));
// Lights are 2 units above the floor, and aligned with the `lighting_mask` grid
let lighting_plane = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabr_with_z(
floor_z + 1..floor_z + 2,
let lighting_plane = painter.prim(Primitive::and(lighting_plane, lighting_mask));
let mut chests = None;
if let Some(room) = room.map(|i| self.rooms.get(*i)) {
height = height.min(room.height);
if let Tile::UpStair(_, kind) = tile {
// Construct the staircase that connects this tile to the matching DownStair
// tile on the floor above (or to the surface if this is the top floor), and a
// hollow bounding box to place air in
let center = tile_center.with_z(floor_z);
let radius = TILE_SIZE as f32 / 2.0;
let aabb = aabr_with_z(tile_aabr, floor_z..floor_z + self.total_depth());
let bb = painter.prim(match kind {
StairsKind::Spiral => Primitive::Cylinder(aabb),
StairsKind::WallSpiral => Primitive::Aabb(aabb),
let stair = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(bb, match kind {
StairsKind::Spiral => spiral_staircase(center, radius, 0.5, 9.0),
StairsKind::WallSpiral => wall_staircase(center, radius, 27.0),
// Construct the lights that go inside the staircase, starting above the
// ceiling to avoid placing them floating in mid-air
let mut lights = painter.prim(Primitive::Empty);
for i in height..self.total_depth() {
if i % 9 == 0 {
let mut light = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: aabb.min.with_z(floor_z + i),
max: aabb.max.with_z(floor_z + i + 1),
let inner = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: (aabb.min + Vec3::new(1, 1, 0)).with_z(floor_z + i),
max: (aabb.max - Vec3::new(1, 1, 0)).with_z(floor_z + i + 1),
light = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(light, inner));
lights = painter.prim(Primitive::or(light, lights));
lights = painter.prim(Primitive::and(lights, lighting_mask));
stairs.push((stair, lights));
if matches!(tile, Tile::Room(_) | Tile::DownStair(_)) {
let seed = room.seed;
let loot_density = room.loot_density;
let difficulty = room.difficulty;
// Place chests with a random distribution based on the
// room's loot density in valid sprite locations,
// filled based on the room's difficulty
let chest_sprite = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(
Box::new(move |pos| RandomField::new(seed).chance(pos, loot_density * 0.5)),
let chest_sprite_fill = Fill::Block(Block::air(match difficulty {
0 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest0,
1 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest1,
2 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest2,
3 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest3,
4 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest4,
5 => SpriteKind::DungeonChest5,
_ => SpriteKind::Chest,
chests = Some((chest_sprite, chest_sprite_fill));
// If a room has pits, place them
if room.pits.is_some() {
// Make an air pit
let tile_pit = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabr_with_z(
floor_z - 7..floor_z,
let tile_pit = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(tile_pit, wall_contours));
painter.fill(tile_pit, Fill::Block(vacant));
// Fill with lava
let tile_lava = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabr_with_z(
floor_z - 7..floor_z - 5,
let tile_lava = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(tile_lava, wall_contours));
painter.fill(tile_lava, Fill::Block(lava));
if room
.map(|pit_space| {
tile_pos.map(|e| e.rem_euclid(pit_space) == 0).reduce_and()
let platform = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: (tile_center - Vec2::broadcast(pillar_thickness - 1))
.with_z(floor_z - 7),
max: (tile_center + Vec2::broadcast(pillar_thickness)).with_z(floor_z),
painter.fill(platform, Fill::Block(stone));
// If a room has pillars, the current tile aligns with the pillar spacing, and
// we're not too close to a wall (i.e. the adjacent tiles are rooms and not
// hallways/solid), place a pillar
if room
.map(|pillar_space| {
.map(|e| e.rem_euclid(pillar_space) == 0)
.map(|dir| tile_pos + *dir)
.all(|other_tile_pos| {
matches!(self.tiles.get(other_tile_pos), Some(Tile::Room(_)))
let mut pillar = painter.prim(Primitive::Cylinder(Aabb {
min: (tile_center - Vec2::broadcast(pillar_thickness - 1))
max: (tile_center + Vec2::broadcast(pillar_thickness))
.with_z(floor_z + height),
let base = painter.prim(Primitive::Cylinder(Aabb {
min: (tile_center - Vec2::broadcast(1 + pillar_thickness - 1))
max: (tile_center + Vec2::broadcast(1 + pillar_thickness))
.with_z(floor_z + 1),
let scale = (pillar_thickness + 2) as f32 / pillar_thickness as f32;
let mut lights = painter
.prim(Primitive::scale(pillar, Vec2::broadcast(scale).with_z(1.0)));
lights = painter.prim(Primitive::and(lighting_plane, lights));
// Only add the base (and shift the lights up)
// for boss-rooms pillars
if room.kind == RoomKind::Boss {
lights = painter.prim(Primitive::translate(lights, 3 * Vec3::unit_z()));
pillar = painter.prim(Primitive::or(pillar, base));
pillars.push((tile_center, pillar, lights));
// Keep track of the boss room to be able to add decorations later
if room.kind == RoomKind::Boss {
boss_room_center =
Some(floor_corner + TILE_SIZE * room.area.center() + TILE_SIZE / 2);
// Carve out the room's air inside the walls
let tile_air = painter.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabr_with_z(
floor_z..floor_z + height,
let tile_air = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(tile_air, wall_contours));
painter.fill(tile_air, Fill::Block(vacant));
// Place torches on the walls with the aforementioned spacing
let sconces_layer = painter.prim(Primitive::and(tile_air, lighting_plane));
let sconces_layer = painter.prim(Primitive::and(sconces_layer, wall_contour_surface));
painter.fill(sconces_layer, sconces_wall.clone());
// Defer chest/floor sprite placement
if let Some((chest_sprite, chest_sprite_fill)) = chests {
let chest_sprite = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(chest_sprite, wall_contours));
sprites.push((chest_sprite, chest_sprite_fill));
let floor_sprite = painter.prim(Primitive::and(sprite_layer, floor_sprite));
sprites.push((floor_sprite, floor_sprite_fill.clone()));
// Place a glowing purple septagonal star inscribed in a circle in the boss room
if let Some(boss_room_center) = boss_room_center {
let magic_circle_bb = painter.prim(Primitive::Cylinder(Aabb {
min: (boss_room_center - 3 * Vec2::broadcast(TILE_SIZE) / 2).with_z(floor_z - 1),
max: (boss_room_center + 3 * Vec2::broadcast(TILE_SIZE) / 2).with_z(floor_z),
let magic_circle = painter.prim(Primitive::sampling(
inscribed_polystar(boss_room_center, 1.4 * TILE_SIZE as f32, 7),
painter.fill(magic_circle, Fill::Block(stone_purple));
// Place pillars and pillar lights facing the pillars
for (pos, pillar, lights) in pillars.iter() {
// Avoid placing pillars that would cover the septagonal star
if let Some(boss_room_center) = boss_room_center {
if pos.distance_squared(boss_room_center) < (3 * TILE_SIZE / 2).pow(2) {
painter.fill(*lights, sconces_inward.clone());
painter.fill(*pillar, Fill::Block(stone));
// Carve out space for the stairs
for stair_bb in stairs_bb.iter() {
painter.fill(*stair_bb, Fill::Block(vacant));
// Prevent sprites from floating above the stairs
let stair_bb_up = painter.prim(Primitive::translate(*stair_bb, Vec3::unit_z()));
for (sprite, _) in sprites.iter_mut() {
*sprite = painter.prim(Primitive::diff(*sprite, stair_bb_up));
// Place the stairs themselves, and lights within the stairwells
for (stair, lights) in stairs.iter() {
painter.fill(*lights, sconces_outward.clone());
painter.fill(*stair, Fill::Block(stone));
// Place the sprites
for (sprite, sprite_fill) in sprites.into_iter() {
painter.fill(sprite, sprite_fill);
impl SiteStructure for Dungeon {
fn render(&self, _site: &site2::Site, land: &Land, painter: &Painter) {
let origin = (self.origin + Vec2::broadcast(TILE_SIZE / 2)).with_z(self.alt + ALT_OFFSET);
lazy_static! {
pub static ref JUNGLE: AssetHandle<StructuresGroup> =
pub static ref GRASSLAND: AssetHandle<StructuresGroup> =
pub static ref DESERT: AssetHandle<StructuresGroup> =
let biome = land
.map_or(BiomeKind::Void, |c| c.get_biome());
let entrances = match biome {
BiomeKind::Jungle => *JUNGLE,
BiomeKind::Desert => *DESERT,
let entrances = entrances.read();
let entrance = entrances[self.seed as usize % entrances.len()].clone();
let entrance_prim = painter.prim(Primitive::Prefab(Box::new(entrance.clone())));
let entrance_prim = painter.prim(Primitive::translate(entrance_prim, origin));
Fill::Prefab(Box::new(entrance), origin, self.seed),
let mut z = self.alt + ALT_OFFSET;
for floor in &self.floors {
z -= floor.total_depth();
floor.render(painter, self, z);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_creating_bosses() {
let tile_wcenter = Vec3::new(0, 0, 0);
// FIXME: Uses random, test may be not great
fn test_creating_enemies() {
let mut dynamic_rng = rand::thread_rng();
let random_position = Vec3::new(0, 0, 0);
enemy_0(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_1(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_2(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_3(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_4(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_5(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
enemy_fallback(&mut dynamic_rng, random_position);
// FIXME: Uses random, test may be not great
fn test_creating_minibosses() {
let mut dynamic_rng = rand::thread_rng();
let tile_wcenter = Vec3::new(0, 0, 0);
mini_boss_5(&mut dynamic_rng, tile_wcenter);
fn test_creating_turrets() {
let pos = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);