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304 lines
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use crate::{
assets::{self, AssetExt, AssetHandle},
item::{modular, tool::AbilityMap, ItemDef, ItemTag, MaterialStatManifest},
Inventory, Item,
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RecipeInput {
TagSameItem(ItemTag, u32),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Recipe {
pub output: (Arc<ItemDef>, u32),
/// Input required for recipe, amount of input needed, whether input should
/// be tracked as a modular component
pub inputs: Vec<(RecipeInput, u32, bool)>,
pub craft_sprite: Option<SpriteKind>,
impl Recipe {
/// Perform a recipe, returning a list of missing items on failure
pub fn craft_simple(
inv: &mut Inventory,
// Vec tying an input to a slot
slots: Vec<(u32, InvSlotId)>,
ability_map: &AbilityMap,
msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
) -> Result<Vec<Item>, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> {
let mut slot_claims = HashMap::new();
let mut unsatisfied_requirements = Vec::new();
// Checks each input against slots in the inventory. If the slots contain an
// item that fulfills the need of the input, marks some of the item as claimed
// up to quantity needed for the crafting input. If the item either
// cannot be used, or there is insufficient quantity, adds input and
// number of materials needed to unsatisfied requirements.
.for_each(|(i, (input, mut required, _is_component))| {
// Check used for recipes that have an input that is not consumed, e.g.
// craftsman hammer
let mut contains_any = false;
// Gets all slots provided for this input by the frontend
let input_slots = slots
.filter_map(|(j, slot)| if i as u32 == *j { Some(slot) } else { None });
// Goes through each slot and marks some amount from each slot as claimed
for slot in input_slots {
// Checks that the item in the slot can be used for the input
if let Some(item) = inv
.filter(|item| item.matches_recipe_input(input))
// Gets the number of items claimed from the slot, or sets to 0 if slot has
// not been claimed by another input yet
let claimed = slot_claims.entry(*slot).or_insert(0);
let available = item.amount().saturating_sub(*claimed);
let provided = available.min(required);
required -= provided;
*claimed += provided;
contains_any = true;
// If there were not sufficient items to cover requirement between all provided
// slots, or if non-consumed item was not present, mark input as not satisfied
if required > 0 || !contains_any {
unsatisfied_requirements.push((input, required));
// If there are no unsatisfied requirements, create the items produced by the
// recipe in the necessary quantity and remove the items that the recipe
// consumes
if unsatisfied_requirements.is_empty() {
for (slot, to_remove) in slot_claims.iter() {
for _ in 0..*to_remove {
let _ = inv
.take(*slot, ability_map, msm)
.expect("Expected item to exist in the inventory");
let (item_def, quantity) = &self.output;
let crafted_item = Item::new_from_item_def(Arc::clone(item_def), &[], ability_map, msm);
let mut crafted_items = Vec::with_capacity(*quantity as usize);
for _ in 0..*quantity {
crafted_items.push(crafted_item.duplicate(ability_map, msm));
} else {
pub fn inputs(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (&RecipeInput, u32, bool)> {
.map(|(item_def, amount, is_mod_comp)| (item_def, *amount, *is_mod_comp))
/// Determine whether the inventory contains the ingredients for a recipe.
/// If it does, return a vec of inventory slots that contain the
/// ingredients needed, whose positions correspond to particular recipe
/// inputs. If items are missing, return the missing items, and how many
/// are missing.
pub fn inventory_contains_ingredients(
inv: &Inventory,
) -> Result<Vec<(u32, InvSlotId)>, Vec<(&RecipeInput, u32)>> {
// Hashmap tracking the quantity that needs to be removed from each slot (so
// that it doesn't think a slot can provide more items than it contains)
let mut slot_claims = HashMap::<InvSlotId, u32>::new();
// Important to be a vec and to remain separate from slot_claims as it must
// remain ordered, unlike the hashmap
let mut slots = Vec::<(u32, InvSlotId)>::new();
// The inputs to a recipe that have missing items, and the amount missing
let mut missing = Vec::<(&RecipeInput, u32)>::new();
for (i, (input, mut needed, _)) in self.inputs().enumerate() {
let mut contains_any = false;
// Checks through every slot, filtering to only those that contain items that
// can satisfy the input
for (inv_slot_id, slot) in inv.slots_with_id() {
if let Some(item) = slot
.filter(|item| item.matches_recipe_input(&*input))
let claim = slot_claims.entry(inv_slot_id).or_insert(0);
slots.push((i as u32, inv_slot_id));
let can_claim = (item.amount().saturating_sub(*claim)).min(needed);
*claim += can_claim;
needed -= can_claim;
contains_any = true;
if needed > 0 || !contains_any {
missing.push((input, needed));
if missing.is_empty() {
} else {
pub enum SalvageError {
pub fn try_salvage(
inv: &mut Inventory,
slot: InvSlotId,
ability_map: &AbilityMap,
msm: &MaterialStatManifest,
) -> Result<Vec<Item>, SalvageError> {
if inv.get(slot).map_or(false, |item| item.is_salvageable()) {
let salvage_item = inv.get(slot).expect("Expected item to exist in inventory");
let salvage_output: Vec<_> = salvage_item
if salvage_output.is_empty() {
// If no output items, assume salvaging was a failure
// TODO: If we ever change salvaging to have a percent chance, remove the check
// of outputs being empty (requires assets to exist for rock and wood materials
// so that salvaging doesn't silently fail)
} else {
// Remove item that is being salvaged
let _ = inv
.take(slot, ability_map, msm)
.expect("Expected item to exist in inventory");
// Return the salvaging output
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RecipeBook {
recipes: HashMap<String, Recipe>,
impl RecipeBook {
pub fn get(&self, recipe: &str) -> Option<&Recipe> { self.recipes.get(recipe) }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl ExactSizeIterator<Item = (&String, &Recipe)> { self.recipes.iter() }
pub fn get_available(&self, inv: &Inventory) -> Vec<(String, Recipe)> {
.filter(|(_, recipe)| recipe.inventory_contains_ingredients(inv).is_ok())
.map(|(name, recipe)| (name.clone(), recipe.clone()))
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RawRecipeInput {
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct RawRecipe {
pub(crate) output: (String, u32),
pub(crate) inputs: Vec<(RawRecipeInput, u32, bool)>,
pub(crate) craft_sprite: Option<SpriteKind>,
#[derive(Clone, Deserialize)]
pub(crate) struct RawRecipeBook(pub(crate) HashMap<String, RawRecipe>);
impl assets::Asset for RawRecipeBook {
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
impl assets::Compound for RecipeBook {
fn load<S: assets::source::Source + ?Sized>(
cache: &assets::AssetCache<S>,
specifier: &str,
) -> Result<Self, assets::BoxedError> {
fn load_item_def(spec: &(String, u32)) -> Result<(Arc<ItemDef>, u32), assets::Error> {
let def = Arc::<ItemDef>::load_cloned(&spec.0)?;
Ok((def, spec.1))
fn load_recipe_input(
(input, amount, is_mod_comp): &(RawRecipeInput, u32, bool),
) -> Result<(RecipeInput, u32, bool), assets::Error> {
let def = match &input {
RawRecipeInput::Item(name) => RecipeInput::Item(Arc::<ItemDef>::load_cloned(name)?),
RawRecipeInput::Tag(tag) => RecipeInput::Tag(*tag),
RawRecipeInput::TagSameItem(tag) => RecipeInput::TagSameItem(*tag, *amount),
Ok((def, *amount, *is_mod_comp))
let mut raw = cache.load::<RawRecipeBook>(specifier)?.cloned();
// Avoid showing purple-question-box recipes until the assets are added
// (the `if false` is needed because commenting out the call will add a warning
// that there are no other uses of append_modular_recipes)
// if false {
modular::append_modular_recipes(&mut raw);
// }
let recipes = raw
RawRecipe {
)| {
let inputs = inputs
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let output = load_item_def(output)?;
Ok((name.clone(), Recipe {
craft_sprite: *craft_sprite,
.collect::<Result<_, assets::Error>>()?;
Ok(RecipeBook { recipes })
pub fn default_recipe_book() -> AssetHandle<RecipeBook> {