Nadja von Reitzenstein Čerpnjak 2d2ffa2b10 Add SRV lookup functionality to voxygen
This will make voxygen issue a SRV lookup when connecting to a host, allowing server owners to configure non-standard ports for servers and host servers using vanity domains easily. It additionally allows servers to be hosted on both QUIC and TCP at the same time, with the client connecting to the preferred protocol automatically, but gracefully falling back if a connection is not possible.
2024-02-07 14:28:37 +01:00

152 lines
4.7 KiB

use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio::net::lookup_host;
use tracing::trace;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum ConnectionArgs {
///hostname: (hostname|ip):[<port>]
Quic {
hostname: String,
prefer_ipv6: bool,
validate_tls: bool,
///hostname: (hostname|ip):[<port>]
Tcp {
hostname: String,
prefer_ipv6: bool,
/// SRV lookup
/// SRV lookups can not contain a port, but will be able to connect to
/// configured port automatically. If a connection with a port is given,
/// this will gracefully fall back to TCP.
Srv {
hostname: String,
prefer_ipv6: bool,
validate_tls: bool,
use_quic: bool,
impl ConnectionArgs {
const DEFAULT_PORT: u16 = 14004;
/// Parse ip address or resolves hostname.
/// Note: If you use an ipv6 address, the number after the last
/// colon will be used as the port unless you use [] around the address.
pub(crate) async fn resolve(
address: &str,
prefer_ipv6: bool,
) -> Result<Vec<SocketAddr>, std::io::Error> {
// `lookup_host` will internally try to parse it as a SocketAddr
// 1. Assume it's a hostname + port
match lookup_host(address).await {
Ok(s) => {
trace!("Host lookup succeeded");
Ok(sort_ipv6(s, prefer_ipv6))
Err(e) => {
// 2. Assume its a hostname without port
match lookup_host((address, ConnectionArgs::DEFAULT_PORT)).await {
Ok(s) => {
trace!("Host lookup without ports succeeded");
Ok(sort_ipv6(s, prefer_ipv6))
Err(_) => Err(e), // Todo: evaluate returning both errors
pub(crate) async fn try_connect<F>(
network: &network::Network,
address: &str,
override_port: Option<u16>,
prefer_ipv6: bool,
f: F,
) -> Result<network::Participant, crate::error::Error>
F: Fn(SocketAddr) -> network::ConnectAddr,
use crate::error::Error;
let mut participant = None;
for mut addr in resolve(address, prefer_ipv6)
// Override the port if one was passed. Used for SRV lookups which get port info
// out-of-band
if let Some(port) = override_port {
match network.connect(f(addr)).await {
Ok(p) => {
participant = Some(Ok(p));
Err(e) => participant = Some(Err(Error::NetworkErr(e))),
participant.unwrap_or_else(|| Err(Error::Other("No Ip Addr provided".to_string())))
fn sort_ipv6(s: impl Iterator<Item = SocketAddr>, prefer_ipv6: bool) -> Vec<SocketAddr> {
let (mut first_addrs, mut second_addrs) =
s.partition::<Vec<_>, _>(|a| a.is_ipv6() == prefer_ipv6);
Iterator::chain(first_addrs.drain(..), second_addrs.drain(..)).collect::<Vec<_>>()
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
async fn resolve_localhost() {
let args = resolve("localhost", false).await.expect("resolve failed");
assert!(args.len() == 1 || args.len() == 2);
assert_eq!(args[0].ip(), IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST));
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 14004);
let args = resolve("localhost:666", false)
.expect("resolve failed");
assert!(args.len() == 1 || args.len() == 2);
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 666);
async fn resolve_ipv6() {
let args = resolve("localhost", true).await.expect("resolve failed");
assert!(args.len() == 1 || args.len() == 2);
assert_eq!(args[0].ip(), Ipv6Addr::LOCALHOST);
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 14004);
async fn tresolve() {
let args = resolve("", false).await.expect("resolve failed");
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 14004);
let args = resolve("", false).await.expect("resolve failed");
assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 14004);
assert_eq!(args[0].ip(), IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST));
let args = resolve("", false).await.expect("resolve failed");
assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 14004);
assert_eq!(args[0].ip(), IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(55, 66, 77, 88)));
let args = resolve("", false)
.expect("resolve failed");
assert_eq!(args.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(args[0].port(), 776);
assert_eq!(args[0].ip(), IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::LOCALHOST));