
420 lines
17 KiB

use super::img_ids;
use common::{
armor::{Armor, ArmorKind, Protection},
tool::{Hands, Tool, ToolKind},
ItemDefinitionId, ItemDesc, ItemKind, MaterialKind, MaterialStatManifest,
trade::{Good, SitePrices},
use conrod_core::image;
use i18n::{fluent_args, Localization};
use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Write};
pub fn price_desc<'a>(
prices: &Option<SitePrices>,
item_definition_id: ItemDefinitionId<'_>,
i18n: &'a Localization,
) -> Option<(Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>, f32)> {
let prices = prices.as_ref()?;
let materials = TradePricing::get_materials(&item_definition_id)?;
let coinprice = prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0);
let buyprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0)
let sellprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0 * e.1.trade_margin())
let deal_goodness: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or(0.0))
/ prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0)
/ (materials.len() as f32);
let deal_goodness = deal_goodness.log(2.0);
let buy_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-buy", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => buyprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", buyprice / coinprice),
let sell_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-sell", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => sellprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", sellprice / coinprice),
let deal_goodness = match deal_goodness {
x if x < -2.5 => 0.0,
x if x < -1.05 => 0.25,
x if x < -0.95 => 0.5,
x if x < 0.0 => 0.75,
_ => 1.0,
Some((buy_string, sell_string, deal_goodness))
pub fn kind_text<'a>(kind: &ItemKind, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
match kind {
ItemKind::Armor(armor) => armor_kind(armor, i18n),
ItemKind::Tool(tool) => Cow::Owned(format!(
"{} ({})",
tool_kind(tool, i18n),
tool_hands(tool, i18n)
ItemKind::ModularComponent(mc) => {
if let Some(toolkind) = mc.toolkind() {
"{} {}",
i18n.get_msg(&format!("common-weapons-{}", toolkind.identifier_name())),
} else {
ItemKind::Glider => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-glider"),
ItemKind::Consumable { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-consumable"),
ItemKind::Throwable { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-throwable"),
ItemKind::Utility { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-utility"),
ItemKind::Ingredient { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-ingredient"),
ItemKind::Lantern { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-kind-lantern"),
ItemKind::TagExamples { .. } => Cow::Borrowed(""),
pub fn material_kind_text<'a>(kind: &MaterialKind, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
match kind {
MaterialKind::Metal { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-material-metal"),
MaterialKind::Wood { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-material-wood"),
MaterialKind::Stone { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-material-stone"),
MaterialKind::Cloth { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-material-cloth"),
MaterialKind::Hide { .. } => i18n.get_msg("common-material-hide"),
pub fn stats_count(item: &dyn ItemDesc, msm: &MaterialStatManifest) -> usize {
match &*item.kind() {
ItemKind::Armor(armor) => {
let armor_stats = armor.stats(msm);
armor_stats.energy_reward.is_some() as usize
+ armor_stats.energy_max.is_some() as usize
+ armor_stats.stealth.is_some() as usize
+ armor_stats.crit_power.is_some() as usize
+ armor_stats.poise_resilience.is_some() as usize
+ as usize
+ (item.num_slots() > 0) as usize
ItemKind::Tool(_) => 7,
ItemKind::Consumable { effects, .. } => effects.len(),
ItemKind::ModularComponent { .. } => 7,
_ => 0,
pub fn line_count(item: &dyn ItemDesc, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, i18n: &Localization) -> usize {
match &*item.kind() {
ItemKind::Consumable { effects, .. } => {
let descs = consumable_desc(effects, i18n);
let mut lines = 0;
for desc in descs {
lines += desc.matches('\n').count() + 1;
_ => stats_count(item, msm),
/// Takes N `effects` and returns N effect descriptions
/// If effect isn't intended to have description, returns empty string
/// FIXME: handle which effects should have description in `stats_count`
/// to not waste space in item box
pub fn consumable_desc(effects: &[Effect], i18n: &Localization) -> Vec<String> {
let mut descriptions = Vec::new();
for effect in effects {
let mut description = String::new();
if let Effect::Buff(buff) = effect {
let strength =;
let dur_secs =|d| d.as_secs_f32());
let str_total = dur_secs.map_or(strength, |secs| strength * secs);
let format_float =
|input: f32| format!("{:.1}", input).trim_end_matches(".0").to_string();
let buff_desc = match buff.kind {
BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::Potion => i18n
.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-health", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"str_total" => format_float(str_total),
BuffKind::EnergyRegen => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-energy_regen", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"str_total" => format_float(str_total),
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-increase_max_energy", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"strength" => format_float(strength),
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-increase_max_health", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"strength" => format_float(strength),
BuffKind::Invulnerability => i18n.get_msg("buff-stat-invulnerability"),
| BuffKind::Burning
| BuffKind::CampfireHeal
| BuffKind::Cursed
| BuffKind::ProtectingWard
| BuffKind::Crippled
| BuffKind::Frenzied
| BuffKind::Frozen
| BuffKind::Wet
| BuffKind::Ensnared
| BuffKind::Poisoned
| BuffKind::Hastened => Cow::Borrowed(""),
write!(&mut description, "{}", buff_desc).unwrap();
let dur_desc = if let Some(dur_secs) = dur_secs {
match buff.kind {
BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::EnergyRegen => i18n
.get_msg_ctx("buff-text-over_seconds", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"dur_secs" => dur_secs
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth
| BuffKind::Invulnerability => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-text-for_seconds", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"dur_secs" => dur_secs
| BuffKind::Burning
| BuffKind::Potion
| BuffKind::CampfireHeal
| BuffKind::Cursed
| BuffKind::ProtectingWard
| BuffKind::Crippled
| BuffKind::Frenzied
| BuffKind::Frozen
| BuffKind::Wet
| BuffKind::Ensnared
| BuffKind::Poisoned
| BuffKind::Hastened => Cow::Borrowed(""),
} else if let BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::EnergyRegen =
} else {
write!(&mut description, " {}", dur_desc).unwrap();
// Armor
fn armor_kind<'a>(armor: &Armor, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let kind = match armor.kind {
ArmorKind::Shoulder => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-shoulders"),
ArmorKind::Chest => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-chest"),
ArmorKind::Belt => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-belt"),
ArmorKind::Hand => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-hands"),
ArmorKind::Pants => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-legs"),
ArmorKind::Foot => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-feet"),
ArmorKind::Back => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-back"),
ArmorKind::Ring => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-ring"),
ArmorKind::Neck => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-neck"),
ArmorKind::Head => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-head"),
ArmorKind::Tabard => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-tabard"),
ArmorKind::Bag => i18n.get_msg("hud-bag-bag"),
// Tool
fn tool_kind<'a>(tool: &Tool, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let kind = match tool.kind {
ToolKind::Sword => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-sword"),
ToolKind::Axe => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-axe"),
ToolKind::Hammer => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-hammer"),
ToolKind::Bow => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-bow"),
ToolKind::Dagger => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-dagger"),
ToolKind::Staff => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-staff"),
ToolKind::Sceptre => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-sceptre"),
ToolKind::Shield => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-shield"),
ToolKind::Spear => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-spear"),
ToolKind::Blowgun => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-blowgun"),
ToolKind::Natural => i18n.get_msg("common-weapons-natural"),
ToolKind::Debug => i18n.get_msg("common-tool-debug"),
ToolKind::Farming => i18n.get_msg("common-tool-farming"),
ToolKind::Instrument => i18n.get_msg("common-tool-instrument"),
ToolKind::Pick => i18n.get_msg("common-tool-pick"),
ToolKind::Empty => i18n.get_msg("common-empty"),
/// Output the number of hands needed to hold a tool
pub fn tool_hands<'a>(tool: &Tool, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
let hands = match tool.hands {
Hands::One => i18n.get_msg("common-hands-one"),
Hands::Two => i18n.get_msg("common-hands-two"),
/// Compare two type, output a colored character to show comparison
pub fn comparison<T: PartialOrd>(first: T, other: T) -> (&'static str, conrod_core::Color) {
if first == other {
("", conrod_core::color::GREY)
} else if other < first {
("", conrod_core::color::GREEN)
} else {
("", conrod_core::color::RED)
/// Compare two Option type, output a colored character to show comparison
pub fn option_comparison<T: PartialOrd>(
first: &Option<T>,
other: &Option<T>,
) -> (&'static str, conrod_core::Color) {
if let Some(first) = first {
if let Some(other) = other {
if first == other {
("", conrod_core::color::GREY)
} else if other < first {
("", conrod_core::color::GREEN)
} else {
("", conrod_core::color::RED)
} else {
("", conrod_core::color::GREEN)
} else if other.is_some() {
("", conrod_core::color::RED)
} else {
("", conrod_core::color::GREY)
/// Output protection as a string
pub fn protec2string(stat: Protection) -> String {
match stat {
Protection::Normal(a) => format!("{:.1}", a),
Protection::Invincible => "Inf".to_string(),
pub fn ability_image(imgs: &img_ids::Imgs, ability_id: &str) -> image::Id {
match ability_id {
// Debug stick
"common.abilities.debug.forwardboost" => imgs.flyingrod_m1,
"common.abilities.debug.upboost" => imgs.flyingrod_m2,
"common.abilities.debug.possess" => imgs.snake_arrow_0,
// Sword
"common.abilities.sword.balanced_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.balanced_thrust" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.balanced_finisher" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.offensive_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.offensive_finisher" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.offensive_advance" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.crippling_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.crippling_finisher" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.crippling_strike" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.crippling_gouge" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.cleaving_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.cleaving_finisher" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.cleaving_spin" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.cleaving_dive" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.defensive_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.defensive_bulwark" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.defensive_retreat" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.parrying_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.parrying_parry" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.parrying_riposte" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.parrying_counter" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.heavy_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.heavy_finisher" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.heavy_pommelstrike" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.heavy_fortitude" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.mobility_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.mobility_feint" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.mobility_agility" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.reaching_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.reaching_charge" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.reaching_flurry" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.reaching_skewer" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.airslash_combo" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.airslash_vertical" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.airslash_horizontal" => imgs.not_found,
"common.abilities.sword.airslash_whirlwind" => imgs.not_found,
// Axe
"common.abilities.axe.doublestrike" => imgs.twohaxe_m1,
"common.abilities.axe.spin" => imgs.axespin,
"common.abilities.axe.leap" => imgs.skill_axe_leap_slash,
// Hammer
"common.abilities.hammer.singlestrike" => imgs.twohhammer_m1,
"common.abilities.hammer.charged" => imgs.hammergolf,
"common.abilities.hammer.leap" => imgs.hammerleap,
// Bow
"common.abilities.bow.charged" => imgs.bow_m1,
"common.abilities.bow.repeater" => imgs.bow_m2,
"common.abilities.bow.shotgun" => imgs.skill_bow_jump_burst,
// Staff
"common.abilities.staff.firebomb" => imgs.fireball,
"common.abilities.staff.flamethrower" => imgs.flamethrower,
"common.abilities.staff.fireshockwave" => imgs.fire_aoe,
// Sceptre
"common.abilities.sceptre.lifestealbeam" => imgs.skill_sceptre_lifesteal,
"common.abilities.sceptre.healingaura" => imgs.skill_sceptre_heal,
"common.abilities.sceptre.wardingaura" => imgs.skill_sceptre_aura,
// Shield
"common.abilities.shield.tempbasic" => imgs.onehshield_m1,
"common.abilities.shield.block" => imgs.onehshield_m2,
// Dagger
"common.abilities.dagger.tempbasic" => imgs.onehdagger_m1,
// Pickaxe
"common.abilities.pick.swing" => imgs.mining,
// Instruments
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
"" => imgs.instrument,
_ => imgs.not_found,
pub fn ability_description<'a>(
ability_id: &str,
loc: &'a Localization,
) -> (Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>) {
let ability = ability_id.replace('.', "-");
(loc.get_msg(&ability), loc.get_attr(&ability, "desc"))