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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Also fixes various other miscellaneous bugs.
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646 lines
27 KiB
use crate::render::{self, mesh::Quad, ColLightFmt, ColLightInfo, TerrainPipeline};
use common_base::span;
use vek::*;
type TerrainVertex = <TerrainPipeline as render::Pipeline>::Vertex;
type TodoRect = (
pub struct GreedyConfig<D, FL, FG, FO, FS, FP, FT> {
pub data: D,
/// The minimum position to mesh, in the coordinate system used
/// for queries against the volume.
pub draw_delta: Vec3<i32>,
/// For each dimension i, for faces drawn in planes *parallel* to i,
/// represents the number of voxels considered along dimension i in those
/// planes, starting from `draw_delta`.
pub greedy_size: Vec3<usize>,
/// For each dimension i, represents the number of planes considered
/// *orthogonal* to dimension i, starting from `draw_delta`. This should
/// usually be the same as greedy_size.
/// An important exception is during chunk rendering (where vertical faces
/// at chunk boundaries would otherwise be rendered twice, and also
/// force us to use more than 5 bits to represent x and y
/// positions--though there may be a clever way around the latter).
/// Thus, for chunk rendering we set the number of *vertical* planes to
/// one less than the chunk size along the x and y dimensions, but keep
/// the number of *horizontal* planes large enough to cover the whole
/// chunk.
pub greedy_size_cross: Vec3<usize>,
/// Given a position, return the lighting information for the voxel at that
/// position.
pub get_light: FL,
/// Given a position, return the glow information for the voxel at that
/// position (i.e: additional non-sun light).
pub get_glow: FG,
/// Given a position, return the opacity information for the voxel at that
/// position. Currently, we don't support real translucent lighting, so the
/// value should either be `false` (for opaque blocks) or `true`
/// (otherwise).
pub get_opacity: FO,
/// Given a position and a normal, should we draw the face between the
/// position and position - normal (i.e. the voxel "below" this vertex)?
/// If so, provide its orientation, together with any other meta
/// information required for the mesh that needs to split up faces. For
/// example, terrain faces currently record a bit indicating whether
/// they are exposed to water or not, so we should not merge faces where
/// one is submerged in water and the other is not, even if they
/// otherwise have the same orientation, dimensions, and are
/// next to each other.
pub should_draw: FS,
/// Create an opaque quad (used for only display rendering) from its
/// top-left atlas position, the rectangle's dimensions in (2D) atlas
/// space, a world position, the u and v axes of the rectangle in (3D)
/// world space, the normal facing out frmo the rectangle in world
/// space, and meta information common to every voxel in this rectangle.
pub push_quad: FP,
/// Given a position and the lighting information for a face at that
/// position, return the texel for the face at that position.
pub make_face_texel: FT,
/// A suspended greedy mesh, with enough information to recover color data.
/// The reason this exists is that greedy meshing is split into two parts.
/// First, the meshing itself needs to be performed; secondly, we generate a
/// texture atlas. We do things in this order to avoid having to copy all the
/// old vertices to the correct location. However, when trying to use the same
/// texture atlas for more than one model, this approach runs into the
/// problem that enough model information needs to be remembered to be able to
/// generate the colors after the function returns, so we box up the actual
/// coloring part as a continuation. When called with a final tile size and
/// vector, the continuation will consume the color data and write it to the
/// vector.
pub type SuspendedMesh<'a> = dyn for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut ColLightInfo) + 'a;
/// Shared state for a greedy mesh, potentially passed along to multiple models.
/// For an explanation of why we want this, see `SuspendedMesh`.
pub struct GreedyMesh<'a> {
atlas: guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator,
col_lights_size: Vec2<u16>,
max_size: guillotiere::Size,
suspended: Vec<Box<SuspendedMesh<'a>>>,
impl<'a> GreedyMesh<'a> {
/// Construct a new greedy mesher.
/// Takes as input the maximum allowable size of the texture atlas used to
/// store the light/color data for this mesh.
/// NOTE: It is an error to pass any size > u16::MAX.
/// Even aside from the above limitation, this will not necessarily always
/// be the same as the maximum atlas size supported by the hardware.
/// For instance, since we want to reserve 4 bits for a bone index for
/// figures in their shadow vertex, the atlas parameter for figures has
/// to have at least 2 bits of the normal; thus, it can only take up at
/// most 30 bits total, meaning we are restricted to "only" at most 2^15
/// × 2^15 atlases even if the hardware supports larger ones.
pub fn new(max_size: guillotiere::Size) -> Self {
span!(_guard, "new", "GreedyMesh::new");
let min_max_dim = max_size.width.min(max_size.height);
min_max_dim >= 4,
"min_max_dim={:?} >= 4 ({:?}",
// TODO: Collect information to see if we can choose a good value here.
let large_size_threshold = 256.min(min_max_dim / 2 + 1);
let small_size_threshold = 33.min(large_size_threshold / 2 + 1);
let size = guillotiere::Size::new(32, 32).min(max_size);
let atlas =
guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator::with_options(size, &guillotiere::AllocatorOptions {
alignment: guillotiere::Size::new(1, 1),
let col_lights_size = Vec2::new(1u16, 1u16);
Self {
suspended: Vec::new(),
/// Perform greedy meshing on a model, separately producing "pure" model
/// data (the opaque mesh, together with atlas positions connecting
/// each rectangle with texture information), and raw light and color
/// data ready to be used as a texture (accessible with `finalize`).
/// Texture data built up within the same greedy mesh will be inserted
/// into the same atlas, which can be used to group texture data for
/// things like figures that are the result of meshing multiple models.
/// Returns an estimate of the bounds of the current meshed model.
/// For more information on the config parameter, see [GreedyConfig].
pub fn push<M: PartialEq, D: 'a, FL, FG, FO, FS, FP, FT>(
&mut self,
config: GreedyConfig<D, FL, FG, FO, FS, FP, FT>,
) where
FL: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + 'a,
FG: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + 'a,
FO: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> bool + 'a,
FS: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>, Vec3<i32>, Vec2<Vec3<i32>>) -> Option<(bool, M)>,
FP: FnMut(Vec2<u16>, Vec2<Vec2<u16>>, Vec3<f32>, Vec2<Vec3<f32>>, Vec3<f32>, &M),
FT: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>, u8, u8) -> <<ColLightFmt as gfx::format::Formatted>::Surface as gfx::format::SurfaceTyped>::DataType + 'a,
span!(_guard, "push", "GreedyMesh::push");
let cont = greedy_mesh(
&mut self.atlas,
&mut self.col_lights_size,
/// Finalize the mesh, producing texture color data for the whole model.
/// By delaying finalization until the contents of the whole texture atlas
/// are known, we can perform just a single allocation to construct a
/// precisely fitting atlas. This will also let us (in the future)
/// suspend meshing partway through in order to meet frame budget, and
/// potentially use a single staged upload to the GPU.
/// Returns the ColLightsInfo corresponding to the constructed atlas.
pub fn finalize(self) -> ColLightInfo {
span!(_guard, "finalize", "GreedyMesh::finalize");
let cur_size = self.col_lights_size;
let col_lights = vec![
TerrainVertex::make_col_light(254, 0, Rgb::broadcast(254));
usize::from(cur_size.x) * usize::from(cur_size.y)
let mut col_lights_info = (col_lights, cur_size);
self.suspended.into_iter().for_each(|cont| {
cont(&mut col_lights_info);
pub fn max_size(&self) -> guillotiere::Size { self.max_size }
fn greedy_mesh<'a, M: PartialEq, D: 'a, FL, FG, FO, FS, FP, FT>(
atlas: &mut guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator,
col_lights_size: &mut Vec2<u16>,
max_size: guillotiere::Size,
GreedyConfig {
mut data,
mut should_draw,
mut push_quad,
}: GreedyConfig<D, FL, FG, FO, FS, FP, FT>,
) -> Box<SuspendedMesh<'a>>
FL: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + 'a,
FG: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + 'a,
FO: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> bool + 'a,
FS: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>, Vec3<i32>, Vec2<Vec3<i32>>) -> Option<(bool, M)>,
FP: FnMut(Vec2<u16>, Vec2<Vec2<u16>>, Vec3<f32>, Vec2<Vec3<f32>>, Vec3<f32>, &M),
FT: for<'r> FnMut(&'r mut D, Vec3<i32>, u8, u8) -> <<ColLightFmt as gfx::format::Formatted>::Surface as gfx::format::SurfaceTyped>::DataType + 'a,
span!(_guard, "greedy_mesh");
// TODO: Collect information to see if we can choose a good value here.
let mut todo_rects = Vec::with_capacity(1024);
// x (u = y, v = z)
Vec3::new(greedy_size.y, greedy_size.z, greedy_size_cross.x),
|pos| {
&mut data,
draw_delta + Vec3::new(pos.z, pos.x, pos.y),
Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z()),
|pos, dim, &(faces_forward, ref meta)| {
let pos = Vec3::new(pos.z, pos.x, pos.y);
let uv = Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_y(), Vec3::unit_z());
let norm = Vec3::unit_x();
let atlas_pos = add_to_atlas(
&mut todo_rects,
|atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta| {
push_quad(atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta)
// y (u = z, v = x)
Vec3::new(greedy_size.z, greedy_size.x, greedy_size_cross.y),
|pos| {
&mut data,
draw_delta + Vec3::new(pos.y, pos.z, pos.x),
Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_x()),
|pos, dim, &(faces_forward, ref meta)| {
let pos = Vec3::new(pos.y, pos.z, pos.x);
let uv = Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_z(), Vec3::unit_x());
let norm = Vec3::unit_y();
let atlas_pos = add_to_atlas(
&mut todo_rects,
|atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta| {
push_quad(atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta)
// z (u = x, v = y)
Vec3::new(greedy_size.x, greedy_size.y, greedy_size_cross.z),
|pos| {
&mut data,
draw_delta + Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z),
Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y()),
|pos, dim, &(faces_forward, ref meta)| {
let pos = Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
let uv = Vec2::new(Vec3::unit_x(), Vec3::unit_y());
let norm = Vec3::unit_z();
let atlas_pos = add_to_atlas(
&mut todo_rects,
|atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta| {
push_quad(atlas_pos, dim, pos, draw_dim, norm, meta)
Box::new(move |col_lights_info| {
let mut data = data;
&mut data,
/// Greedy meshing a single cross-section.
// TODO: See if we can speed a lot of this up using SIMD.
fn greedy_mesh_cross_section<M: PartialEq>(
dims: Vec3<usize>,
// Should we draw a face here (below this vertex)? If so, provide its meta information.
mut draw_face: impl FnMut(Vec3<i32>) -> Option<M>,
// Vertex, width and height, and meta information about the block.
mut push_quads: impl FnMut(Vec3<usize>, Vec2<usize>, &M),
) {
span!(_guard, "greedy_mesh_cross_section");
// mask represents which faces are either set while the other is unset, or unset
// while the other is set.
let mut mask = (0..dims.y * dims.x).map(|_| None).collect::<Vec<_>>();
(0..dims.z + 1).for_each(|d| {
// Compute mask
mask.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(posi, mask)| {
let i = posi % dims.x;
let j = posi / dims.x;
// NOTE: Safe because dims.z actually fits in a u16.
*mask = draw_face(Vec3::new(i as i32, j as i32, d as i32));
(0..dims.y).for_each(|j| {
let mut i = 0;
while i < dims.x {
// Compute width (number of set x bits for this row and layer, starting at the
// current minimum column).
if let Some(ori) = &mask[j * dims.x + i] {
let width = 1 + mask[j * dims.x + i + 1..j * dims.x + dims.x]
.take_while(move |&mask| mask.as_ref() == Some(ori))
let max_x = i + width;
// Compute height (number of rows having w set x bits for this layer, starting
// at the current minimum column and row).
let height = 1
+ (j + 1..dims.y)
.take_while(|h| {
mask[h * dims.x + i..h * dims.x + max_x]
.all(|mask| mask.as_ref() == Some(ori))
let max_y = j + height;
// Add quad.
push_quads(Vec3::new(i, j, d), Vec2::new(width, height), ori);
// Unset mask bits in drawn region, so we don't try to re-draw them.
(j..max_y).for_each(|l| {
mask[l * dims.x + i..l * dims.x + max_x]
.for_each(|mask| {
*mask = None;
// Update x value.
i = max_x;
} else {
i += 1;
fn add_to_atlas(
atlas: &mut guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator,
todo_rects: &mut Vec<TodoRect>,
pos: Vec3<usize>,
uv: Vec2<Vec3<u16>>,
dim: Vec2<usize>,
norm: Vec3<i16>,
faces_forward: bool,
max_size: guillotiere::Size,
cur_size: &mut Vec2<u16>,
) -> guillotiere::Rectangle {
// TODO: Check this conversion.
let atlas_rect;
loop {
// NOTE: Conversion to i32 is safe because he x, y, and z dimensions for any
// chunk index must fit in at least an i16 (lower for x and y, probably
// lower for z).
let res = atlas.allocate(guillotiere::Size::new(dim.x as i32 + 1, dim.y as i32 + 1));
if let Some(atlas_rect_) = res {
atlas_rect = atlas_rect_;
// Allocation failure.
let current_size = atlas.size();
if current_size == max_size {
// NOTE: Currently, if we fail to allocate a terrain chunk in the atlas and we
// have already reached the maximum texture size, we choose to just skip the
// geometry and log a warning, rather than panicking or trying to use a fallback
// technique (e.g. a texture array).
// FIXME: Either make more robust, or explicitly document that limits on texture
// size need to be respected for terrain data (the OpenGL minimum requirement is
// 1024 × 1024, but in practice almost all computers support 4096 × 4096 or
// higher; see
// https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/report/opengl/feature/GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE).
"Could not add texture to atlas using simple allocator (pos={:?}, dim={:?});we \
could not fit the whole model into a single texture on this machine
(max texture size={:?}, so we are discarding this rectangle.",
pos, dim, max_size
// Otherwise, we haven't reached max size yet, so double the size (or reach the
// max texture size) and try again.
let new_size = guillotiere::Size::new(
// NOTE: Conversion is correct because our initial max size for the atlas was
// a u16 and we never grew the atlas, meaning all valid coordinates within the
// atlas also fit into a u16.
*cur_size = Vec2::new(
cur_size.x.max(atlas_rect.max.x as u16),
cur_size.y.max(atlas_rect.max.y as u16),
// NOTE: pos can be converted safely from usize to i32 because all legal block
// coordinates in this chunk must fit in an i32 (actually we have the much
// stronger property that this holds across the whole map).
let norm = norm.map(i32::from);
pos.map(|e| e as i32) + if faces_forward { -norm } else { Vec3::zero() },
if faces_forward { norm } else { -norm },
/// We deferred actually recording the colors within the rectangles in order to
/// generate a texture of minimal size; we now proceed to create and populate
/// it.
// TODO: Consider using the heavier interface (not the simple one) which seems
// to provide builtin support for what we're doing here.
// TODO: See if we can speed this up using SIMD.
fn draw_col_lights<D>(
(col_lights, cur_size): &mut ColLightInfo,
data: &mut D,
todo_rects: Vec<TodoRect>,
draw_delta: Vec3<i32>,
mut get_light: impl FnMut(&mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32,
mut get_glow: impl FnMut(&mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> f32,
mut get_opacity: impl FnMut(&mut D, Vec3<i32>) -> bool,
mut make_face_texel: impl FnMut(&mut D, Vec3<i32>, u8, u8) -> <<ColLightFmt as gfx::format::Formatted>::Surface as gfx::format::SurfaceTyped>::DataType,
) {
todo_rects.into_iter().for_each(|(pos, uv, rect, delta)| {
// NOTE: Conversions are safe because width, height, and offset must be
// non-negative, and because every allocated coordinate in the atlas must be in
// bounds for the original size, max_texture_size, which fit into a u16.
let width = (rect.max.x - rect.min.x) as u16;
let height = (rect.max.y - rect.min.y) as u16;
let left = rect.min.x as u16;
let top = rect.min.y as u16;
let uv = uv.map(|e| e.map(i32::from));
let pos = pos + draw_delta;
(0..height).for_each(|v| {
let start = usize::from(cur_size.x) * usize::from(top + v) + usize::from(left);
.zip(&mut col_lights[start..start + usize::from(width)])
.for_each(|(u, col_light)| {
let pos = pos + uv.x * i32::from(u) + uv.y * i32::from(v);
// TODO: Consider optimizing to take advantage of the fact that this whole
// face should be facing nothing but air (this is not currently true, but
// could be if we used the right AO strategy).
// Each indirect light needs to come in through the direct light.
// Thus, we assign each light a score based on opacity (currently just 0 or
// 1, but it could support translucent lights in the future).
// Thus, indirect_u_opacity and indirect_v_opacity are multiplied by
// direct_opacity, and indirect_uv_opacity is multiplied by
// the maximum of both of u and v's indirect opacities (since there are
// two choices for how to get to the direct surface).
let pos = pos
+ if u + 1 == width { -uv.x } else { Vec3::zero() }
+ if v + 1 == height { -uv.y } else { Vec3::zero() };
let uv = Vec2::new(
if u + 1 == width { -uv.x } else { uv.x },
if v + 1 == height { -uv.y } else { uv.y },
let light_pos = pos + delta;
// Currently, we assume that direct_opacity is 1 (if it's 0, you can't see
// the face anyway, since it's blocked by the block directly in front of it).
// TODO: If we add non-0/1 opacities, fix this.
// bottom-left block
let direct_u_opacity = get_opacity(data, light_pos - uv.x);
// top-right block
let direct_v_opacity = get_opacity(data, light_pos - uv.y);
// NOTE: Since we only support 0/1 opacities currently, we assume
// direct_opacity is 1, and the light value will be zero anyway for objects
// with opacity 0, we only "multiply" by indirect_uv_opacity for now (since
// it's the only one that could be 0 even if its light value is not).
// However, "spiritually" these light values are all being multiplied by
// their opacities.
let darkness = (
// Light from the bottom-right-front block to this vertex always
// appears on this face, since it's the block this face is facing (so
// it can't be blocked by anything).
get_light(data, light_pos)
+ get_light(data, light_pos - uv.x)
+ get_light(data, light_pos - uv.y)
+ if direct_u_opacity || direct_v_opacity {
get_light(data, light_pos - uv.x - uv.y)
} else {
) / 4.0;
let glowiness = (get_glow(data, light_pos)
+ get_glow(data, light_pos - uv.x)
+ get_glow(data, light_pos - uv.y)
+ if direct_u_opacity || direct_v_opacity {
get_glow(data, light_pos - uv.x - uv.y)
} else {
/ 4.0;
let light = (darkness * 31.5) as u8;
let glow = (glowiness * 31.5) as u8;
*col_light = make_face_texel(data, pos, light, glow);
/// Precondition: when this function is called, atlas_pos should reflect an
/// actual valid position in a texture atlas (meaning it should fit into a u16).
// TODO: See if we can speed a lot of this up using SIMD.
fn create_quad_greedy<M>(
origin: Vec3<usize>,
dim: Vec2<usize>,
uv: Vec2<Vec3<u16>>,
norm: Vec3<i16>,
faces_forward: bool,
meta: &M,
atlas_pos: guillotiere::Rectangle,
mut push_quad: impl FnMut(Vec2<u16>, Vec2<Vec2<u16>>, Vec3<f32>, Vec2<Vec3<f32>>, Vec3<f32>, &M),
) {
let origin = origin.map(|e| e as f32);
// NOTE: Conversion to f32 safe by function precondition (u16 can losslessly
// cast to f32, and dim fits in a u16).
let draw_dim = uv.map2(dim.map(|e| e as f32), |e, f| e.map(f32::from) * f);
let dim = Vec2::new(Vec2::new(dim.x as u16, 0), Vec2::new(0, dim.y as u16));
let (draw_dim, dim, /* uv, */ norm) = if faces_forward {
(draw_dim, dim, norm)
} else {
Vec2::new(draw_dim.y, draw_dim.x),
Vec2::new(dim.y, dim.x),
let norm = norm.map(f32::from);
// NOTE: Conversion to u16 safe by function precondition.
let atlas_pos = Vec2::new(atlas_pos.min.x as u16, atlas_pos.min.y as u16);
push_quad(atlas_pos, dim, origin, draw_dim, norm, meta);
pub fn create_quad<O: render::Pipeline, M>(
atlas_pos: Vec2<u16>,
dim: Vec2<Vec2<u16>>,
origin: Vec3<f32>,
draw_dim: Vec2<Vec3<f32>>,
norm: Vec3<f32>,
meta: &M,
create_vertex: impl Fn(Vec2<u16>, Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>, &M) -> O::Vertex,
) -> Quad<O> {
create_vertex(atlas_pos, origin, norm, meta),
create_vertex(atlas_pos + dim.x, origin + draw_dim.x, norm, meta),
atlas_pos + dim.x + dim.y,
origin + draw_dim.x + draw_dim.y,
create_vertex(atlas_pos + dim.y, origin + draw_dim.y, norm, meta),