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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Shift click goes 1 at a time, Ctrl click automatically balances the trade w.r.t. that quantity.
407 lines
13 KiB
407 lines
13 KiB
use crate::{
comp::inventory::{slot::InvSlotId, trade_pricing::TradePricing, Inventory},
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tracing::{trace, warn};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TradePhase {
/// Clients submit `TradeAction` to the server, which adds the Uid of the
/// player out-of-band (i.e. without trusting the client to say who it's
/// accepting on behalf of)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TradeAction {
AddItem {
item: InvSlotId,
quantity: u32,
ours: bool,
RemoveItem {
item: InvSlotId,
quantity: u32,
ours: bool,
/// Accept needs the phase indicator to avoid progressing too far in the
/// trade if there's latency and a player presses the accept button
/// multiple times
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TradeResult {
/// Items are not removed from the inventory during a PendingTrade: all the
/// items are moved atomically (if there's space and both parties agree) upon
/// completion
/// Since this stores `InvSlotId`s (i.e. references into inventories) instead of
/// items themselves, there aren't any duplication/loss risks from things like
/// dropped connections or declines, since the server doesn't have to move items
/// from a trade back into a player's inventory.
/// On the flip side, since they are references to *slots*, if a player could
/// swap items in their inventory during a trade, they could mutate the trade,
/// enabling them to remove an item from the trade even after receiving the
/// counterparty's phase2 accept. To prevent this, we disallow all
/// forms of inventory manipulation in `server::events::inventory_manip` if
/// there's a pending trade that's past phase1 (in phase1, the trade should be
/// mutable anyway).
/// Inventory manipulation in phase1 may be beneficial to trade (e.g. splitting
/// a stack of items, once that's implemented), but should reset both phase1
/// accept flags to make the changes more visible.
/// Another edge case prevented by using `InvSlotId`s is that it disallows
/// trading currently-equipped items (since `EquipSlot`s are disjoint from
/// `InvSlotId`s), which avoids the issues associated with trading equipped bags
/// that may still have contents.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct PendingTrade {
/// `parties[0]` is the entity that initiated the trade, parties[1] is the
/// other entity that's being traded with
pub parties: [Uid; 2],
/// `offers[i]` represents the items and quantities of the party i's items
/// being offered
pub offers: [HashMap<InvSlotId, u32>; 2],
/// The current phase of the trade
pub phase: TradePhase,
/// `accept_flags` indicate that which parties wish to proceed to the next
/// phase of the trade
pub accept_flags: [bool; 2],
impl TradePhase {
fn next(self) -> TradePhase {
match self {
TradePhase::Mutate => TradePhase::Review,
TradePhase::Review => TradePhase::Complete,
TradePhase::Complete => TradePhase::Complete,
impl PendingTrade {
pub fn new(party: Uid, counterparty: Uid) -> PendingTrade {
PendingTrade {
parties: [party, counterparty],
offers: [HashMap::new(), HashMap::new()],
phase: TradePhase::Mutate,
accept_flags: [false, false],
pub fn phase(&self) -> TradePhase { self.phase }
pub fn should_commit(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.phase, TradePhase::Complete) }
pub fn which_party(&self, party: Uid) -> Option<usize> {
.find(|(_, x)| **x == party)
.map(|(i, _)| i)
/// Invariants:
/// - A party is never shown as offering more of an item than they own
/// - Offers with a quantity of zero get removed from the trade
/// - Modifications can only happen in phase 1
/// - Whenever a trade is modified, both accept flags get reset
/// - Accept flags only get set for the current phase
pub fn process_trade_action(
&mut self,
mut who: usize,
action: TradeAction,
inventories: &[&Inventory],
) {
use TradeAction::*;
match action {
AddItem {
quantity: delta,
} => {
if self.phase() == TradePhase::Mutate && delta > 0 {
if !ours {
who = 1 - who;
let total = self.offers[who].entry(item).or_insert(0);
let owned_quantity =
inventories[who].get(item).map(|i| i.amount()).unwrap_or(0);
*total = total.saturating_add(delta).min(owned_quantity);
self.accept_flags = [false, false];
RemoveItem {
quantity: delta,
} => {
if self.phase() == TradePhase::Mutate {
if !ours {
who = 1 - who;
.and_replace_entry_with(|_, mut total| {
total = total.saturating_sub(delta);
if total > 0 { Some(total) } else { None }
self.accept_flags = [false, false];
Accept(phase) => {
if self.phase == phase {
self.accept_flags[who] = true;
if self.accept_flags[0] && self.accept_flags[1] {
self.phase = self.phase.next();
self.accept_flags = [false, false];
Decline => {},
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct TradeId(usize);
pub struct Trades {
pub next_id: TradeId,
pub trades: HashMap<TradeId, PendingTrade>,
pub entity_trades: HashMap<Uid, TradeId>,
impl Trades {
pub fn begin_trade(&mut self, party: Uid, counterparty: Uid) -> TradeId {
let id = self.next_id;
self.next_id = TradeId(id.0.wrapping_add(1));
.insert(id, PendingTrade::new(party, counterparty));
self.entity_trades.insert(party, id);
self.entity_trades.insert(counterparty, id);
pub fn process_trade_action<'a, F: Fn(Uid) -> Option<&'a Inventory>>(
&mut self,
id: TradeId,
who: Uid,
action: TradeAction,
get_inventory: F,
) {
trace!("for trade id {:?}, message {:?}", id, action);
if let Some(trade) = self.trades.get_mut(&id) {
if let Some(party) = trade.which_party(who) {
let mut inventories = Vec::new();
for party in trade.parties.iter() {
match get_inventory(*party) {
Some(inventory) => inventories.push(inventory),
None => return,
trade.process_trade_action(party, action, &*inventories);
} else {
"An entity who is not a party to trade {:?} tried to modify it",
} else {
warn!("Attempt to modify nonexistent trade id {:?}", id);
pub fn decline_trade(&mut self, id: TradeId, who: Uid) -> Option<Uid> {
let mut to_notify = None;
if let Some(trade) = self.trades.remove(&id) {
match trade.which_party(who) {
Some(i) => {
// let the other person know the trade was declined
to_notify = Some(trade.parties[1 - i])
None => {
"An entity who is not a party to trade {:?} tried to decline it",
// put it back
self.trades.insert(id, trade);
} else {
warn!("Attempt to decline nonexistent trade id {:?}", id);
/// See the doc comment on `common::trade::PendingTrade` for the
/// significance of these checks
pub fn in_trade_with_property<F: FnOnce(&PendingTrade) -> bool>(
uid: &Uid,
f: F,
) -> bool {
.and_then(|trade_id| self.trades.get(trade_id))
// if any of the option lookups failed, we're not in any trade
pub fn in_immutable_trade(&self, uid: &Uid) -> bool {
self.in_trade_with_property(uid, |trade| trade.phase() != TradePhase::Mutate)
pub fn in_mutable_trade(&self, uid: &Uid) -> bool {
self.in_trade_with_property(uid, |trade| trade.phase() == TradePhase::Mutate)
pub fn implicit_mutation_occurred(&mut self, uid: &Uid) {
if let Some(trade_id) = self.entity_trades.get(uid) {
.map(|trade| trade.accept_flags = [false, false]);
impl Default for Trades {
fn default() -> Trades {
Trades {
next_id: TradeId(0),
trades: HashMap::new(),
entity_trades: HashMap::new(),
// we need this declaration in common for Merchant loadout creation, it is not
// directly related to trade between entities, but between sites (more abstract)
// economical information
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Good {
Tools, // weapons, farming tools
Ingredients, // raw material for Armor+Tools+Potions
Coin, // exchange material across sites
impl Default for Good {
fn default() -> Self {
Good::Terrain(crate::terrain::BiomeKind::Void) // Arbitrary
impl Good {
/// The discounting factor applied when selling goods back to a merchant
pub fn trade_margin(&self) -> f32 {
match self {
Good::Tools | Good::Armor => 0.5,
Good::Food | Good::Potions | Good::Ingredients => 0.75,
Good::Coin => 1.0,
// Certain abstract goods (like Territory) shouldn't be attached to concrete items;
// give a sale price of 0 if the player is trying to sell a concrete item that somehow
// has one of these categories
_ => 0.0,
// ideally this would be a real Id<Site> but that is from the world crate
pub type SiteId = u64;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SiteInformation {
pub id: SiteId,
pub unconsumed_stock: HashMap<Good, f32>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct SitePrices {
pub values: HashMap<Good, f32>,
impl SitePrices {
pub fn balance(
offers: &[HashMap<InvSlotId, u32>; 2],
inventories: &[Option<ReducedInventory>; 2],
who: usize,
reduce: bool,
) -> f32 {
.map(|(slot, amount)| {
.map(|ri| {
ri.inventory.get(slot).map(|item| {
let (material, factor) = TradePricing::get_material(&item.name);
* factor
* (*amount as f32)
* if reduce { material.trade_margin() } else { 1.0 }
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ReducedInventoryItem {
pub name: String,
pub amount: u32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct ReducedInventory {
pub inventory: HashMap<InvSlotId, ReducedInventoryItem>,
impl ReducedInventory {
pub fn from(inventory: &Inventory) -> Self {
let items = inventory
.filter(|(_, it)| it.is_some())
.map(|(sl, it)| {
(sl, ReducedInventoryItem {
name: it.as_ref().unwrap().item_definition_id().to_string(),
amount: it.as_ref().unwrap().amount(),
Self { inventory: items }