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1645 lines
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mod econ;
use crate::{
site::{namegen::NameGen, Castle, Settlement, Site as WorldSite, Tree},
util::{attempt, seed_expan, DHashMap, NEIGHBORS},
Index, IndexRef, Land,
use common::{
store::{Id, Store},
uniform_idx_as_vec2, BiomeKind, MapSizeLg, TerrainChunkSize, TERRAIN_CHUNK_BLOCKS_LG,
use core::{fmt, hash::BuildHasherDefault, ops::Range};
use fxhash::FxHasher64;
use rand::prelude::*;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use tracing::{debug, info, warn};
use vek::*;
const fn initial_civ_count(map_size_lg: MapSizeLg) -> u32 {
// NOTE: since map_size_lg's dimensions must fit in a u16, we can safely add
// them here.
// NOTE: 48 at "default" scale of 10 × 10 chunk bits (1024 × 1024 chunks).
(3 << (map_size_lg.vec().x + map_size_lg.vec().y)) >> 16
pub struct CaveInfo {
pub location: (Vec2<i32>, Vec2<i32>),
pub name: String,
pub struct Civs {
pub civs: Store<Civ>,
pub places: Store<Place>,
pub pois: Store<PointOfInterest>,
pub tracks: Store<Track>,
/// We use this hasher (FxHasher64) because
/// (1) we don't care about DDOS attacks (ruling out SipHash);
/// (2) we care about determinism across computers (ruling out AAHash);
/// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
pub track_map: DHashMap<Id<Site>, DHashMap<Id<Site>, Id<Track>>>,
pub bridges: DHashMap<Vec2<i32>, (Vec2<i32>, Id<Site>)>,
pub sites: Store<Site>,
pub caves: Store<CaveInfo>,
// Change this to get rid of particularly horrid seeds
const SEED_SKIP: u8 = 5;
const POI_THINNING_DIST_SQRD: i32 = 300;
pub struct GenCtx<'a, R: Rng> {
sim: &'a mut WorldSim,
rng: R,
impl<'a, R: Rng> GenCtx<'a, R> {
pub fn reseed(&mut self) -> GenCtx<'_, impl Rng> {
let mut entropy = self.rng.gen::<[u8; 32]>();
entropy[0] = entropy[0].wrapping_add(SEED_SKIP); // Skip bad seeds
GenCtx {
sim: self.sim,
rng: ChaChaRng::from_seed(entropy),
impl Civs {
pub fn generate(seed: u32, sim: &mut WorldSim, index: &mut Index) -> Self {
let mut this = Self::default();
let rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
let name_rng = rng.clone();
let mut name_ctx = GenCtx { sim, rng: name_rng };
if index.features().peak_naming {
info!("starting peak naming");
this.name_peaks(&mut name_ctx);
if index.features().biome_naming {
info!("starting biome naming");
this.name_biomes(&mut name_ctx);
let initial_civ_count = initial_civ_count(sim.map_size_lg());
let mut ctx = GenCtx { sim, rng };
// info!("starting cave generation");
// this.generate_caves(&mut ctx);
info!("starting civilisation creation");
for _ in 0..initial_civ_count {
debug!("Creating civilisation...");
if this.birth_civ(&mut ctx.reseed()).is_none() {
warn!("Failed to find starting site for civilisation.");
info!(?initial_civ_count, "all civilisations created");
for _ in 0..initial_civ_count * 3 {
attempt(5, || {
let (loc, kind) = match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..64) {
0..=5 => (
find_site_loc(&mut ctx, (&this.castle_enemies(), 40), SiteKind::Castle)?,
28..=31 => {
if index.features().site2_giant_trees {
&mut ctx,
(&this.tree_enemies(), 40),
} else {
&mut ctx,
(&this.tree_enemies(), 40),
32..=37 => (
&mut ctx,
(&this.gnarling_enemies(), 40),
// 32..=37 => (SiteKind::Citadel, (&castle_enemies, 20)),
38..=43 => (
&mut ctx,
(&this.chapel_site_enemies(), 40),
_ => (
find_site_loc(&mut ctx, (&this.dungeon_enemies(), 40), SiteKind::Dungeon)?,
Some(this.establish_site(&mut ctx.reseed(), loc, |place| Site {
center: loc,
site_tmp: None,
// Tick
//=== old economy is gone
// Flatten ground around sites
for site in this.sites.values() {
let wpos = site.center * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e: u32| e as i32);
let (radius, flatten_radius) = match &site.kind {
SiteKind::Settlement => (32i32, 10.0f32),
SiteKind::Dungeon => (8i32, 3.0),
SiteKind::Castle => (16i32, 5.0),
SiteKind::Refactor => (32i32, 10.0),
SiteKind::CliffTown => (32i32, 10.0),
SiteKind::SavannahPit => (36i32, 20.0),
SiteKind::DesertCity => (64i32, 25.0),
SiteKind::ChapelSite => (36i32, 10.0),
SiteKind::Tree => (12i32, 8.0),
SiteKind::GiantTree => (12i32, 8.0),
SiteKind::Gnarling => (16i32, 10.0),
SiteKind::Citadel => (16i32, 0.0),
SiteKind::Bridge(_, _) => (0, 0.0),
let (raise, raise_dist, make_waypoint): (f32, i32, bool) = match &site.kind {
SiteKind::Settlement => (10.0, 6, true),
SiteKind::Castle => (0.0, 6, true),
_ => (0.0, 0, false),
// Flatten ground
if let Some(center_alt) = ctx.sim.get_alt_approx(wpos) {
for offs in Spiral2d::new().take(radius.pow(2) as usize) {
let center_alt = center_alt
+ if offs.magnitude_squared() <= raise_dist.pow(2) {
} else {
}; // Raise the town centre up a little
let pos = site.center + offs;
let factor = ((1.0
- (site.center - pos).map(|e| e as f32).magnitude()
/ flatten_radius.max(0.01))
* 1.25)
let rng = &mut ctx.rng;
// Don't disrupt chunks that are near water
.filter(|chunk| !chunk.river.near_water())
.map(|chunk| {
let diff = Lerp::lerp_precise(chunk.alt, center_alt, factor) - chunk.alt;
// Make sure we don't fall below sea level (fortunately, we don't have
// to worry about the case where water_alt is already set to a correct
// value higher than alt, since this chunk should have been filtered
// out in that case).
chunk.water_alt = CONFIG.sea_level.max(chunk.water_alt + diff);
chunk.alt += diff;
chunk.basement += diff;
chunk.rockiness = 0.0;
chunk.surface_veg *= 1.0 - factor * rng.gen_range(0.25..0.9);
if make_waypoint && offs == Vec2::zero() {
chunk.contains_waypoint = true;
// Place sites in world
let mut cnt = 0;
for sim_site in this.sites.values_mut() {
cnt += 1;
let wpos = sim_site
.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| {
e * sz as i32 + sz as i32 / 2
let mut rng = ctx.reseed().rng;
let site = index.sites.insert({
let index_ref = IndexRef {
colors: &index.colors(),
features: &index.features(),
match &sim_site.kind {
SiteKind::Settlement => {
WorldSite::settlement(Settlement::generate(wpos, Some(ctx.sim), &mut rng))
SiteKind::Dungeon => WorldSite::dungeon(site2::Site::generate_dungeon(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::Castle => {
WorldSite::castle(Castle::generate(wpos, Some(ctx.sim), &mut rng))
SiteKind::Refactor => WorldSite::refactor(site2::Site::generate_city(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::CliffTown => WorldSite::cliff_town(site2::Site::generate_cliff_town(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::SavannahPit => {
&mut rng,
SiteKind::DesertCity => WorldSite::desert_city(
site2::Site::generate_desert_city(&Land::from_sim(ctx.sim), &mut rng, wpos),
SiteKind::Tree => {
WorldSite::tree(Tree::generate(wpos, &Land::from_sim(ctx.sim), &mut rng))
SiteKind::GiantTree => WorldSite::giant_tree(site2::Site::generate_giant_tree(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::Gnarling => WorldSite::gnarling(site2::Site::generate_gnarling(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::ChapelSite => WorldSite::chapel_site(
site2::Site::generate_chapel_site(&Land::from_sim(ctx.sim), &mut rng, wpos),
SiteKind::Citadel => WorldSite::gnarling(site2::Site::generate_citadel(
&mut rng,
SiteKind::Bridge(a, b) => WorldSite::bridge(site2::Site::generate_bridge(
&mut rng,
sim_site.site_tmp = Some(site);
let site_ref = &index.sites[site];
let radius_chunks =
(site_ref.radius() / TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f32).ceil() as usize;
for pos in Spiral2d::new()
.map(|offs| sim_site.center + offs)
.take((radius_chunks * 2).pow(2))
ctx.sim.get_mut(pos).map(|chunk| chunk.sites.push(site));
debug!(?sim_site.center, "Placed site at location");
info!(?cnt, "all sites placed");
// remember neighbor information in economy
for (s1, val) in this.track_map.iter() {
if let Some(index1) = this.sites.get(*s1).site_tmp {
for (s2, t) in val.iter() {
if let Some(index2) = this.sites.get(*s2).site_tmp {
if index.sites.get(index1).do_economic_simulation()
&& index.sites.get(index2).do_economic_simulation()
let cost = this.tracks.get(*t).path.len();
.add_neighbor(index2, cost);
.add_neighbor(index1, cost);
// collect natural resources
let sites = &mut index.sites;
.for_each(|posi| {
let chpos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(ctx.sim.map_size_lg(), posi);
let wpos = chpos.map(|e| e as i64) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i64);
let closest_site = (*sites)
.filter(|s| !matches!(s.1.kind, crate::site::SiteKind::Dungeon(_)))
.min_by_key(|(_id, s)| s.get_origin().map(|e| e as i64).distance_squared(wpos));
if let Some((_id, s)) = closest_site {
let distance_squared = s.get_origin().map(|e| e as i64).distance_squared(wpos);
.add_chunk(ctx.sim.get(chpos).unwrap(), distance_squared);
.for_each(|(_, s)| s.economy.cache_economy());
fn generate_caves(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) {
let mut water_caves = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..ctx.sim.get_size().product() / 10_000 {
self.generate_cave(ctx, &mut water_caves);
// Floodfills cave water.
while let Some(loc) = water_caves.pop() {
let cave = ctx.sim.get(loc).unwrap().cave.1;
for l in NEIGHBORS {
let l = loc + l;
if let Some(o_cave) = ctx.sim.get_mut(l).map(|c| &mut c.cave.1) {
// Contains cave
if o_cave.alt != 0.0 {
let should_fill = o_cave.water_alt < cave.water_alt
&& o_cave.alt - o_cave.width < cave.water_alt as f32;
if should_fill {
o_cave.water_alt = cave.water_alt;
o_cave.water_dist = 0.0;
// If we don't fill and the cave has no water, continue filling distance
else if o_cave.water_alt == i32::MIN
&& o_cave.water_dist > cave.water_dist + 1.0
o_cave.water_dist = cave.water_dist + 1.0;
// TODO: Move this
fn generate_cave(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
submerged_cave_chunks: &mut Vec<Vec2<i32>>,
) {
let mut pos = ctx
.map(|sz| ctx.rng.gen_range(0..sz as i32) as f32);
let mut vel = pos
.map2(ctx.sim.get_size(), |pos, sz| sz as f32 / 2.0 - pos)
let path = (-100..100)
.filter_map(|i: i32| {
let depth = (i.abs() as f32 / 100.0 * std::f32::consts::PI / 2.0).cos();
vel = (vel
+ Vec2::new(
let old_pos = pos.map(|e| e as i32);
pos = (pos + vel * 0.5)
.clamped(Vec2::zero(), ctx.sim.get_size().map(|e| e as f32 - 1.0));
Some((pos.map(|e| e as i32), depth)).filter(|(pos, _)| *pos != old_pos)
for locs in path.windows(3) {
let to_prev_idx = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == locs[0].0 - locs[1].0)
.expect("Track locations must be neighbors")
let to_next_idx = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == locs[2].0 - locs[1].0)
.expect("Track locations must be neighbors")
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[0].0).unwrap().cave.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((to_prev_idx as u8 + 4) % 8);
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[1].0).unwrap().cave.0.neighbors |=
(1 << (to_prev_idx as u8)) | (1 << (to_next_idx as u8));
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[2].0).unwrap().cave.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((to_next_idx as u8 + 4) % 8);
for loc in path.iter() {
let mut chunk = ctx.sim.get_mut(loc.0).unwrap();
let depth = loc.1 * 250.0 - 20.0;
chunk.cave.1.alt =
chunk.alt - depth + ctx.rng.gen_range(-4.0..4.0) * (depth > 10.0) as i32 as f32;
chunk.cave.1.width = ctx.rng.gen_range(6.0..32.0);
chunk.cave.0.offset = Vec2::new(ctx.rng.gen_range(-16..17), ctx.rng.gen_range(-16..17));
if chunk.cave.1.alt + chunk.cave.1.width + 5.0 > chunk.alt {
chunk.spawn_rate = 0.0;
let cave_min_alt = chunk.cave.1.alt - chunk.cave.1.width;
let cave_max_alt = chunk.cave.1.alt + chunk.cave.1.width;
let submerged = chunk.alt - 2.0 < chunk.water_alt
&& chunk.alt < cave_max_alt
&& cave_min_alt < chunk.water_alt
&& chunk.river.near_water()
// Only do this for caves at the sea level for now.
// The reason being that floodfilling from a water alt to an alt lower than the water alt causes problems.
&& chunk.water_alt <= CONFIG.sea_level;
if submerged {
chunk.cave.1.water_alt = chunk.water_alt as i32;
chunk.cave.1.water_dist = 0.0;
self.caves.insert(CaveInfo {
location: (
path.first().unwrap().0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e: u32| e as i32),
path.last().unwrap().0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e: u32| e as i32),
name: {
let name = NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate();
match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..7) {
0 => format!("{} Hole", name),
1 => format!("{} Cavern", name),
2 => format!("{} Hollow", name),
3 => format!("{} Tunnel", name),
4 => format!("{} Mouth", name),
5 => format!("{} Grotto", name),
_ => format!("{} Den", name),
pub fn place(&self, id: Id<Place>) -> &Place { self.places.get(id) }
pub fn sites(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Site> + '_ { self.sites.values() }
fn display_info(&self) {
for (id, civ) in self.civs.iter() {
println!("# Civilisation {:?}", id);
println!("Name: <unnamed>");
println!("Homeland: {:#?}", self.places.get(civ.homeland));
for (id, site) in self.sites.iter() {
println!("# Site {:?}", id);
println!("{:#?}", site);
/// Return the direct track between two places
pub fn track_between(&self, a: Id<Site>, b: Id<Site>) -> Option<Id<Track>> {
.and_then(|dests| dests.get(&b))
.or_else(|| self.track_map.get(&b).and_then(|dests| dests.get(&a)))
/// Return an iterator over a site's neighbors
pub fn neighbors(&self, site: Id<Site>) -> impl Iterator<Item = Id<Site>> + '_ {
let to = self
.map(|dests| dests.keys())
let fro = self
.filter(move |(_, dests)| dests.contains_key(&site))
.map(|(p, _)| p);
to.chain(fro).filter(move |p| **p != site).copied()
/// Find the cheapest route between two places
fn route_between(&self, a: Id<Site>, b: Id<Site>) -> Option<(Path<Id<Site>>, f32)> {
let heuristic = move |p: &Id<Site>| {
.distance_squared(self.sites.get(b).center) as f32)
let neighbors = |p: &Id<Site>| self.neighbors(*p);
let transition =
|a: &Id<Site>, b: &Id<Site>| self.tracks.get(self.track_between(*a, *b).unwrap()).cost;
let satisfied = |p: &Id<Site>| *p == b;
// We use this hasher (FxHasher64) because
// (1) we don't care about DDOS attacks (ruling out SipHash);
// (2) we care about determinism across computers (ruling out AAHash);
// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
let mut astar = Astar::new(
.poll(100, heuristic, neighbors, transition, satisfied)
.and_then(|path| astar.get_cheapest_cost().map(|cost| (path, cost)))
fn birth_civ(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) -> Option<Id<Civ>> {
// TODO: specify SiteKind based on where a suitable location is found
let kind = match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..64) {
0..=10 => SiteKind::CliffTown,
11..=12 => SiteKind::DesertCity,
13..=18 => SiteKind::SavannahPit,
_ => SiteKind::Refactor,
let site = attempt(100, || {
let loc = find_site_loc(ctx, (&self.town_enemies(), 60), kind)?;
Some(self.establish_site(ctx, loc, |place| Site {
site_tmp: None,
center: loc,
/* most economic members have moved to site/Economy */
/* last_exports: Stocks::from_default(0.0),
* export_targets: Stocks::from_default(0.0),
* //trade_states: Stocks::default(), */
let civ = self.civs.insert(Civ {
capital: site,
homeland: self.sites.get(site).place,
fn establish_place(
&mut self,
_ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
loc: Vec2<i32>,
_area: Range<usize>,
) -> Id<Place> {
self.places.insert(Place { center: loc })
/// Adds lake POIs and names them
fn name_biomes(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) {
let map_size_lg = ctx.sim.map_size_lg();
let world_size = map_size_lg.chunks();
let mut biomes: Vec<(common::terrain::BiomeKind, Vec<usize>)> = Vec::new();
let mut explored = vec![false; world_size.x as usize * world_size.y as usize];
let mut to_floodfill = Vec::new();
let mut to_explore = Vec::new();
// TODO: have start point in center and ignore ocean?
let start_point = 0;
while let Some(exploring) = to_explore.pop() {
if explored[exploring] {
// Should always be a chunk on the map
let biome = ctx.sim.chunks[exploring].get_biome();
let mut filled = Vec::new();
while let Some(filling) = to_floodfill.pop() {
explored[filling] = true;
for neighbour in common::terrain::neighbors(map_size_lg, filling) {
if explored[neighbour] {
let n_biome = ctx.sim.chunks[neighbour].get_biome();
if n_biome == biome {
} else {
biomes.push((biome, filled));
common_base::prof_span!("after flood fill");
let mut biome_count = 0;
for biome in biomes {
let name = match biome.0 {
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Lake if biome.1.len() as u32 > 200 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
["Lake", "Loch"].choose(&mut ctx.rng).unwrap(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_lake_custom()
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Lake if biome.1.len() as u32 > 10 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_lake_custom(),
["Pool", "Well", "Pond"].choose(&mut ctx.rng).unwrap()
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Grassland if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => {
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_grassland_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_grassland_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Ocean if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_ocean_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_ocean_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
["Sea", "Bay", "Gulf", "Deep", "Depths", "Ocean", "Blue",]
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Mountain if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => {
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_mountain_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_mountain_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Snowland if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => {
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_snowland_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_snowland_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Desert if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_desert_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_desert_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
"Desert", "Sands", "Sandsea", "Drifts", "Dunes", "Droughts", "Flats",
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Swamp if biome.1.len() as u32 > 200 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_swamp_engl(),
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Jungle if biome.1.len() as u32 > 85 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_jungle_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_jungle_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Forest if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_forest_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_forest_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
["Forest", "Woodlands", "Woods", "Glades", "Grove", "Weald",]
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Savannah if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => {
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_savannah_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_savannah_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Taiga if biome.1.len() as u32 > 750 => Some(format!(
"{} {}",
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_taiga_engl(),
NameGen::location(&mut ctx.rng).generate_taiga_custom()
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
.choose(&mut ctx.rng)
_ => None,
if let Some(name) = name {
// find average center of the biome
let center = biome
.map(|b| {
uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, *b).as_::<f32>() / biome.1.len() as f32
// Select the point closest to the center
let idx = *biome
.min_by_key(|&b| center.distance_squared(uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, *b)))
let id = self.pois.insert(PointOfInterest {
loc: uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, idx),
kind: PoiKind::Biome(biome.1.len() as u32),
for chunk in biome.1 {
ctx.sim.chunks[chunk].poi = Some(id);
biome_count += 1;
info!(?biome_count, "all biomes named");
/// Adds mountain POIs and name them
fn name_peaks(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) {
let map_size_lg = ctx.sim.map_size_lg();
const MIN_MOUNTAIN_ALT: f32 = 600.0;
const MIN_MOUNTAIN_CHAOS: f32 = 0.35;
let rng = &mut ctx.rng;
let sim_chunks = &ctx.sim.chunks;
let peaks = sim_chunks
.filter(|(posi, chunk)| {
let neighbor_alts_max = common::terrain::neighbors(map_size_lg, *posi)
.map(|i| sim_chunks[i].alt as u32)
chunk.alt > MIN_MOUNTAIN_ALT
&& chunk.chaos > MIN_MOUNTAIN_CHAOS
&& neighbor_alts_max.map_or(false, |n_alt| chunk.alt as u32 > n_alt)
.map(|(posi, chunk)| {
uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi),
(chunk.alt - CONFIG.sea_level) as u32,
.collect::<Vec<(usize, Vec2<i32>, u32)>>();
let mut num_peaks = 0;
let mut removals = vec![false; peaks.len()];
for (i, peak) in peaks.iter().enumerate() {
for (k, n_peak) in peaks.iter().enumerate() {
// If the difference in position of this peak and another is
// below a threshold and this peak's altitude is lower, remove the
// peak from the list
if i != k
&& (peak.1).distance_squared(n_peak.1) < POI_THINNING_DIST_SQRD
&& peak.2 <= n_peak.2
// Remove this peak
// This cannot panic as `removals` is the same length as `peaks`
// i is the index in `peaks`
removals[i] = true;
.filter(|&(i, _)| !removals[i])
.for_each(|(_, (_, loc, alt))| {
num_peaks += 1;
self.pois.insert(PointOfInterest {
name: {
let name = NameGen::location(rng).generate();
if *alt < 1000 {
match rng.gen_range(0..6) {
0 => format!("{} Bluff", name),
1 => format!("{} Crag", name),
_ => format!("{} Hill", name),
} else {
match rng.gen_range(0..8) {
0 => format!("{}'s Peak", name),
1 => format!("{} Peak", name),
2 => format!("{} Summit", name),
_ => format!("Mount {}", name),
kind: PoiKind::Peak(*alt),
loc: *loc,
info!(?num_peaks, "all peaks named");
fn establish_site(
&mut self,
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
loc: Vec2<i32>,
site_fn: impl FnOnce(Id<Place>) -> Site,
) -> Id<Site> {
const SITE_AREA: Range<usize> = 1..4; //64..256;
fn establish_site(
civs: &mut Civs,
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
loc: Vec2<i32>,
site_fn: impl FnOnce(Id<Place>) -> Site,
) -> Id<Site> {
let place = match ctx.sim.get(loc).and_then(|site| site.place) {
Some(place) => place,
None => civs.establish_place(ctx, loc, SITE_AREA),
let site = establish_site(self, ctx, loc, site_fn);
// Find neighbors
const MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE: f32 = 2000.0;
let mut nearby = self
.filter(|(_, p)| {
| SiteKind::Settlement
| SiteKind::CliffTown
| SiteKind::SavannahPit
| SiteKind::DesertCity
| SiteKind::Castle
.map(|(id, p)| (id, (p.center.distance_squared(loc) as f32).sqrt()))
.filter(|(_, dist)| *dist < MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE)
nearby.sort_by_key(|(_, dist)| *dist as i32);
if let SiteKind::Refactor
| SiteKind::Settlement
| SiteKind::CliffTown
| SiteKind::SavannahPit
| SiteKind::DesertCity
| SiteKind::Castle = self.sites[site].kind
for (nearby, _) in nearby.into_iter().take(5) {
// Find a novel path
if let Some((path, cost)) = find_path(
|start| self.bridges.get(&start).map(|(end, _)| *end),
) {
// Find a path using existing paths
if self
.route_between(site, nearby)
// If the novel path isn't efficient compared to existing routes, don't use it
.filter(|(_, route_cost)| *route_cost < cost * 3.0)
// Write the track to the world as a path
for locs in path.nodes().windows(3) {
let mut randomize_offset = false;
if let Some((i, _)) = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == locs[0] - locs[1])
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[0]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((i as u8 + 4) % 8);
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[1]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << (i as u8);
randomize_offset = true;
if let Some((i, _)) = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == locs[2] - locs[1])
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[2]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((i as u8 + 4) % 8);
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[1]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << (i as u8);
randomize_offset = true;
} else if !self.bridges.contains_key(&locs[1]) {
let center = (locs[1] + locs[2]) / 2;
let id =
establish_site(self, &mut ctx.reseed(), center, move |place| {
Site {
kind: SiteKind::Bridge(locs[1], locs[2]),
site_tmp: None,
self.bridges.insert(locs[1], (locs[2], id));
self.bridges.insert(locs[2], (locs[1], id));
let to_prev_idx = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == (locs[0] - locs[1]).map(|e| e.signum()))
.expect("Track locations must be neighbors")
let to_next_idx = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, dir)| **dir == (locs[2] - locs[1]).map(|e| e.signum()))
.expect("Track locations must be neighbors")
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[0]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((to_prev_idx as u8 + 4) % 8);
ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[2]).unwrap().path.0.neighbors |=
1 << ((to_next_idx as u8 + 4) % 8);
let mut chunk = ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[1]).unwrap();
chunk.path.0.neighbors |=
(1 << (to_prev_idx as u8)) | (1 << (to_next_idx as u8));
if randomize_offset {
let mut chunk = ctx.sim.get_mut(locs[1]).unwrap();
chunk.path.0.offset = Vec2::new(
// Take note of the track
let track = self.tracks.insert(Track { cost, path });
.insert(nearby, track);
fn gnarling_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
SiteKind::Tree | SiteKind::GiantTree => None,
_ => Some(s.center),
fn chapel_site_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
SiteKind::Tree | SiteKind::GiantTree => None,
_ => Some(s.center),
fn dungeon_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
SiteKind::Tree | SiteKind::GiantTree => None,
_ => Some(s.center),
fn tree_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
SiteKind::Castle => Some(s.center),
_ if s.is_settlement() => Some(s.center),
_ => None,
fn castle_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| {
if s.is_settlement() {
} else {
fn town_enemies(&self) -> Vec<Vec2<i32>> {
.filter_map(|s| match s.kind {
SiteKind::Castle | SiteKind::Citadel => None,
_ => Some(s.center),
/// Attempt to find a path between two locations
fn find_path(
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
get_bridge: impl Fn(Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Vec2<i32>>,
a: Vec2<i32>,
b: Vec2<i32>,
) -> Option<(Path<Vec2<i32>>, f32)> {
const MAX_PATH_ITERS: usize = 100_000;
let sim = &ctx.sim;
let heuristic = move |l: &Vec2<i32>| (l.distance_squared(b) as f32).sqrt();
let get_bridge = &get_bridge;
let neighbors = |l: &Vec2<i32>| {
let l = *l;
.filter_map(move |dir| walk_in_dir(sim, get_bridge, l, *dir))
.map(move |(p, _)| p)
let transition = |a: &Vec2<i32>, b: &Vec2<i32>| {
1.0 + walk_in_dir(sim, get_bridge, *a, (*b - *a).map(|e| e.signum()))
.map_or(10000.0, |(_, cost)| cost)
let satisfied = |l: &Vec2<i32>| *l == b;
// We use this hasher (FxHasher64) because
// (1) we don't care about DDOS attacks (ruling out SipHash);
// (2) we care about determinism across computers (ruling out AAHash);
// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
let mut astar = Astar::new(
.poll(MAX_PATH_ITERS, heuristic, neighbors, transition, satisfied)
.and_then(|path| astar.get_cheapest_cost().map(|cost| (path, cost)))
/// Return Some if travel between a location and a chunk next to it is permitted
/// If permitted, the approximate relative const of traversal is given
// (TODO: by whom?)
fn walk_in_dir(
sim: &WorldSim,
get_bridge: impl Fn(Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Vec2<i32>>,
a: Vec2<i32>,
dir: Vec2<i32>,
) -> Option<(Vec2<i32>, f32)> {
if let Some(p) = get_bridge(a).filter(|p| (p - a).map(|e| e.signum()) == dir) {
// Traversing an existing bridge has no cost.
Some((p, 0.0))
} else if loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, a + dir) {
let a_chunk = sim.get(a)?;
let b_chunk = sim.get(a + dir)?;
let hill_cost = ((b_chunk.alt - a_chunk.alt).abs() / 5.0).powi(2);
let water_cost = (b_chunk.water_alt - b_chunk.alt + 8.0).clamped(0.0, 8.0) * 3.0; // Try not to path swamps / tidal areas
let wild_cost = if b_chunk.path.0.is_way() {
0.0 // Traversing existing paths has no additional cost!
} else {
3.0 // + (1.0 - b_chunk.tree_density) * 20.0 // Prefer going through forests, for aesthetics
Some((a + dir, 1.0 + hill_cost + water_cost + wild_cost))
} else if dir.x == 0 || dir.y == 0 {
(4..=5).find_map(|i| {
loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, a + dir * i)
.then(|| (a + dir * i, 120.0 + (i - 4) as f32 * 10.0))
} else {
/// Return true if a position is suitable for walking on
fn loc_suitable_for_walking(sim: &WorldSim, loc: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
if sim.get(loc).is_some() {
!NEIGHBORS.iter().any(|n| {
sim.get(loc + *n)
.map_or(false, |chunk| chunk.river.near_water())
} else {
/// Return true if a site could be constructed between a location and a chunk
/// next to it is permitted (TODO: by whom?)
fn site_in_dir(sim: &WorldSim, a: Vec2<i32>, dir: Vec2<i32>, site_kind: SiteKind) -> bool {
loc_suitable_for_site(sim, a, site_kind) && loc_suitable_for_site(sim, a + dir, site_kind)
/// Return true if a position is suitable for site construction (TODO:
/// criteria?)
fn loc_suitable_for_site(sim: &WorldSim, loc: Vec2<i32>, site_kind: SiteKind) -> bool {
fn check_chunk_occupation(sim: &WorldSim, loc: Vec2<i32>, radius: i32) -> bool {
for x in (-radius)..radius {
for y in (-radius)..radius {
let check_loc =
loc + Vec2::new(x, y).map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| e * sz as i32);
if sim.get(check_loc).map_or(false, |c| !c.sites.is_empty()) {
return false;
let not_occupied = check_chunk_occupation(sim, loc, site_kind.exclusion_radius());
site_kind.is_suitable_loc(loc, sim) && not_occupied
/// Attempt to search for a location that's suitable for site construction
fn find_site_loc(
ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>,
avoid: (&Vec<Vec2<i32>>, i32),
site_kind: SiteKind,
) -> Option<Vec2<i32>> {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = 10000;
let mut loc = None;
let (avoid_locs, distance) = avoid;
for _ in 0..MAX_ATTEMPTS {
let test_loc = loc.unwrap_or_else(|| {
ctx.rng.gen_range(0..ctx.sim.get_size().x as i32),
ctx.rng.gen_range(0..ctx.sim.get_size().y as i32),
if avoid_locs
.any(|l| l.distance_squared(test_loc) < distance * distance)
if loc_suitable_for_site(ctx.sim, test_loc, site_kind) {
return Some(test_loc);
loc = ctx.sim.get(test_loc).and_then(|c| {
site_kind.is_suitable_loc(test_loc, ctx.sim).then_some(
.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| e / (sz as i32)),
warn!("Failed to place site {:?}.", site_kind);
pub struct Civ {
capital: Id<Site>,
homeland: Id<Place>,
pub struct Place {
pub center: Vec2<i32>,
/* act sort of like territory with sites belonging to it
* nat_res/NaturalResources was moved to Economy
* nat_res: NaturalResources, */
pub struct Track {
/// Cost of using this track relative to other paths. This cost is an
/// arbitrary unit and doesn't make sense unless compared to other track
/// costs.
cost: f32,
path: Path<Vec2<i32>>,
impl Track {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path<Vec2<i32>> { &self.path }
pub struct Site {
pub kind: SiteKind,
// TODO: Remove this field when overhauling
pub site_tmp: Option<Id<crate::site::Site>>,
pub center: Vec2<i32>,
pub place: Id<Place>,
impl fmt::Display for Site {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
writeln!(f, "{:?}", self.kind)?;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SiteKind {
Bridge(Vec2<i32>, Vec2<i32>),
impl SiteKind {
pub fn is_suitable_loc(&self, loc: Vec2<i32>, sim: &WorldSim) -> bool {
let on_land = || -> bool {
if let Some(chunk) = sim.get(loc) {
&& !chunk.river.is_lake()
&& !chunk.river.is_river()
&& !chunk.is_underwater()
&& !matches!(
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Lake | common::terrain::BiomeKind::Ocean
} else {
let on_flat_terrain = || -> bool {
.map(|grad| grad < 1.0)
sim.get(loc).map_or(false, |chunk| {
let suitable_for_town = |score_threshold: f32| -> bool {
const RESOURCE_RADIUS: i32 = 1;
let mut river_chunks = 0;
let mut lake_chunks = 0;
let mut ocean_chunks = 0;
let mut rock_chunks = 0;
let mut tree_chunks = 0;
let mut farmable_chunks = 0;
let mut farmable_needs_irrigation_chunks = 0;
let mut land_chunks = 0;
let check_loc = loc
+ Vec2::new(x, y)
.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| e * sz as i32);
sim.get(check_loc).map(|c| {
if num::abs(chunk.alt - c.alt) < 200.0 {
if c.river.is_river() {
river_chunks += 1;
if c.river.is_lake() {
lake_chunks += 1;
if c.river.is_ocean() {
ocean_chunks += 1;
if c.tree_density > 0.7 {
tree_chunks += 1;
if c.rockiness < 0.3 && c.temp > CONFIG.snow_temp {
if c.surface_veg > 0.5 {
farmable_chunks += 1;
} else {
match c.get_biome() {
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Savannah => {
farmable_needs_irrigation_chunks += 1
common::terrain::BiomeKind::Desert => {
farmable_needs_irrigation_chunks += 1
_ => (),
if !c.river.is_river() && !c.river.is_lake() && !c.river.is_ocean()
land_chunks += 1;
// Mining is different since presumably you dig into the hillside
if c.rockiness > 0.7 && c.alt - chunk.alt > -10.0 {
rock_chunks += 1;
let has_river = river_chunks > 1;
let has_lake = lake_chunks > 1;
let vegetation_implies_potable_water = chunk.tree_density > 0.4
&& !matches!(chunk.get_biome(), common::terrain::BiomeKind::Swamp);
let warm_or_firewood = chunk.temp > CONFIG.snow_temp || tree_chunks > 2;
let has_potable_water = {
has_river || (has_lake && chunk.alt > 100.0) || vegetation_implies_potable_water
let has_building_materials = tree_chunks > 0
|| rock_chunks > 0
|| chunk.temp > CONFIG.tropical_temp && (has_river || has_lake);
let water_rich = lake_chunks + river_chunks > 2;
let can_grow_rice = water_rich
&& chunk.humidity + 1.0 > CONFIG.jungle_hum
&& chunk.temp + 1.0 > CONFIG.tropical_temp;
let farming_score = if can_grow_rice {
farmable_chunks * 2
} else {
} + if water_rich {
} else {
let fish_score = lake_chunks + ocean_chunks;
let food_score = farming_score + fish_score;
let mining_score = if tree_chunks > 1 { rock_chunks } else { 0 };
let forestry_score = if has_river { tree_chunks } else { 0 };
let trading_score =
std::cmp::min(std::cmp::min(land_chunks, ocean_chunks), river_chunks);
let industry_score = 3.0 * (food_score as f32 + 1.0).log2()
+ 2.0 * (forestry_score as f32 + 1.0).log2()
+ (mining_score as f32 + 1.0).log2()
+ (trading_score as f32 + 1.0).log2();
&& has_building_materials
&& industry_score > score_threshold
&& warm_or_firewood
// Because of how the algorithm for site2 towns work, they have to start on land.
&& on_land()
match self {
SiteKind::Gnarling => {
&& on_flat_terrain()
&& (-0.3..0.4).contains(&chunk.temp)
&& chunk.tree_density > 0.75
SiteKind::GiantTree | SiteKind::Tree => {
&& on_flat_terrain()
&& chunk.tree_density > 0.4
&& (-0.3..0.4).contains(&chunk.temp)
SiteKind::Citadel => true,
SiteKind::CliffTown => {
&& chunk.near_cliffs()
&& suitable_for_town(4.0)
SiteKind::SavannahPit => {
matches!(chunk.get_biome(), BiomeKind::Savannah)
&& !chunk.near_cliffs()
&& !chunk.river.near_water()
&& suitable_for_town(4.0)
SiteKind::DesertCity => {
&& !chunk.near_cliffs()
&& suitable_for_town(4.0)
SiteKind::ChapelSite => {
matches!(chunk.get_biome(), BiomeKind::Ocean)
&& CONFIG.sea_level < chunk.alt + 1.0
SiteKind::Castle => {
if chunk.tree_density > 0.4 || chunk.river.near_water() || chunk.near_cliffs() {
return false;
const HILL_RADIUS: i32 = 3 * TERRAIN_CHUNK_BLOCKS_LG as i32;
let check_loc = loc + Vec2::new(x, y);
if let Some(true) = sim
.map(|surrounding_alt| surrounding_alt > chunk.alt + 1.0)
return false;
// Castles are really big, so to avoid parts of them ending up
// underwater or in other awkward positions
// we have to do this
if sim
.map_or(true, |c| c.is_underwater() || c.near_cliffs())
return false;
SiteKind::Dungeon => on_land(),
SiteKind::Refactor | SiteKind::Settlement => suitable_for_town(6.7),
SiteKind::Bridge(_, _) => true,
impl SiteKind {
pub fn exclusion_radius(&self) -> i32 {
// FIXME: Provide specific values for each individual SiteKind
match self {
SiteKind::Dungeon => 4,
_ => 8, // This is just an arbitrary value
impl Site {
pub fn is_dungeon(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, SiteKind::Dungeon) }
pub fn is_settlement(&self) -> bool {
| SiteKind::Refactor
| SiteKind::CliffTown
| SiteKind::DesertCity
| SiteKind::SavannahPit
pub fn is_castle(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, SiteKind::Castle) }
pub fn is_bridge(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.kind, SiteKind::Bridge(_, _)) }
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct PointOfInterest {
pub name: String,
pub kind: PoiKind,
pub loc: Vec2<i32>,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum PoiKind {
/// Peak stores the altitude
/// Lake stores a metric relating to size