mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
So first off all we had to update the toolchain, i think everything in september is okay, but we got with this current version. Then we had to update several dependencies, which broke: - need a specific fix of winit, i think we want to get rid of this with iced, hopefully, because its buggy as hell. update wayland client to 0.27 - use a updated version of glutin which has wayland-client 0.27 and no longer the broke version 0.23 - update conrod to use modern copypasta 0.7 - use `packed_simd_2` instead of `packed_simd` as the owner of the create abandoned the project. - adjust all the coding to work with the newer glutin and winit version. that also includes fixing a macro in one of the dependencies that did some crazy conversion from 1 event type to another event type. It was called `convert_event` - make a `simd` feature which is default and introduce conditional compiling. AS I HAVE NO IDEA OF SIMD AND THE CODE. AND I DIDN'T INTRODUCE THE ERROR IN THE FIRST PLACE, WE PANIC FOR NON SIMD CASE FOR NOW. BUT IT WORKS FOR TESTS. - tarpaulin doesnt support no-default-features. so we have to `sed` them away. semms fair.
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mod watcher;
pub use self::watcher::BlocksOfInterest;
use crate::{
mesh::{greedy::GreedyMesh, Meshable},
ColLightFmt, ColLightInfo, Consts, FluidPipeline, GlobalModel, Instances, Mesh, Model,
RenderError, Renderer, ShadowPipeline, SpriteInstance, SpriteLocals, SpritePipeline,
TerrainLocals, TerrainPipeline, Texture,
use super::{math, LodData, SceneData};
use common::{
assets::{Asset, Ron},
terrain::{sprite, Block, SpriteKind, TerrainChunk},
vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol, RectRasterableVol, SampleVol},
volumes::vol_grid_2d::{VolGrid2d, VolGrid2dError},
use core::{f32, fmt::Debug, i32, marker::PhantomData, time::Duration};
use crossbeam::channel;
use dot_vox::DotVoxData;
use enum_iterator::IntoEnumIterator;
use guillotiere::AtlasAllocator;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use image::DynamicImage;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use tracing::warn;
use treeculler::{BVol, Frustum, AABB};
use vek::*;
const SPRITE_SCALE: Vec3<f32> = Vec3::new(1.0 / 11.0, 1.0 / 11.0, 1.0 / 11.0);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
enum Visibility {
OutOfRange = 0,
InRange = 1,
Visible = 2,
pub struct TerrainChunkData {
// GPU data
load_time: f32,
opaque_model: Model<TerrainPipeline>,
fluid_model: Option<Model<FluidPipeline>>,
col_lights: guillotiere::AllocId,
sprite_instances: HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Instances<SpriteInstance>>,
locals: Consts<TerrainLocals>,
pub blocks_of_interest: BlocksOfInterest,
visible: Visibility,
can_shadow_point: bool,
can_shadow_sun: bool,
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
frustum_last_plane_index: u8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct ChunkMeshState {
pos: Vec2<i32>,
started_tick: u64,
is_worker_active: bool,
/// A type produced by mesh worker threads corresponding to the position and
/// mesh of a chunk.
struct MeshWorkerResponse {
pos: Vec2<i32>,
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
opaque_mesh: Mesh<TerrainPipeline>,
fluid_mesh: Mesh<FluidPipeline>,
col_lights_info: ColLightInfo,
sprite_instances: HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Vec<SpriteInstance>>,
started_tick: u64,
blocks_of_interest: BlocksOfInterest,
/// Configuration data for an individual sprite model.
struct SpriteModelConfig<Model> {
/// Data for the .vox model associated with this sprite.
model: Model,
/// Sprite model center (as an offset from 0 in the .vox file).
offset: (f32, f32, f32),
/// LOD axes (how LOD gets applied along each axis, when we switch
/// to an LOD model).
lod_axes: (f32, f32, f32),
/// Configuration data for a group of sprites (currently associated with a
/// particular SpriteKind).
struct SpriteConfig<Model> {
/// All possible model variations for this sprite.
// NOTE: Could make constant per sprite type, but eliminating this indirection and
// allocation is probably not that important considering how sprites are used.
variations: Vec<SpriteModelConfig<Model>>,
/// The extent to which the sprite sways in the window.
/// 0.0 is normal.
wind_sway: f32,
/// Configuration data for all sprite models.
/// NOTE: Model is an asset path to the appropriate sprite .vox model.
type SpriteSpec = sprite::sprite_kind::PureCases<Option<SpriteConfig<String>>>;
/// Function executed by worker threads dedicated to chunk meshing.
#[allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
fn mesh_worker<V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug>(
pos: Vec2<i32>,
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
started_tick: u64,
volume: <VolGrid2d<V> as SampleVol<Aabr<i32>>>::Sample,
max_texture_size: u16,
chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>,
range: Aabb<i32>,
sprite_data: &HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Vec<SpriteData>>,
sprite_config: &SpriteSpec,
) -> MeshWorkerResponse {
span!(_guard, "mesh_worker");
let (opaque_mesh, fluid_mesh, _shadow_mesh, (bounds, col_lights_info)) =
volume.generate_mesh((range, Vec2::new(max_texture_size, max_texture_size)));
MeshWorkerResponse {
z_bounds: (bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z),
// Extract sprite locations from volume
sprite_instances: {
span!(_guard, "extract sprite_instances");
let mut instances = HashMap::new();
for x in 0..V::RECT_SIZE.x as i32 {
for y in 0..V::RECT_SIZE.y as i32 {
for z in z_bounds.0 as i32..z_bounds.1 as i32 + 1 {
let rel_pos = Vec3::new(x, y, z);
let wpos = Vec3::from(pos * V::RECT_SIZE.map(|e: u32| e as i32)) + rel_pos;
let block = if let Ok(block) = volume.get(wpos) {
} else {
let sprite = if let Some(sprite) = block.get_sprite() {
} else {
if let Some(cfg) = sprite.elim_case_pure(&sprite_config) {
let seed = wpos.x as u64 * 3
+ wpos.y as u64 * 7
+ wpos.x as u64 * wpos.y as u64; // Awful PRNG
let ori = (block.get_ori().unwrap_or((seed % 4) as u8 * 2)) & 0b111;
let variation = seed as usize % cfg.variations.len();
let key = (sprite, variation);
// NOTE: Safe because we called sprite_config_for already.
// NOTE: Safe because 0 ≤ ori < 8
let sprite_data = &sprite_data[&key][0];
let instance = SpriteInstance::new(
.rotated_z(f32::consts::PI * 0.25 * ori as f32)
(rel_pos.map(|e| e as f32) + Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0))
blocks_of_interest: BlocksOfInterest::from_chunk(&chunk),
struct SpriteData {
/* mat: Mat4<f32>, */
locals: Consts<SpriteLocals>,
model: Model<SpritePipeline>,
/* scale: Vec3<f32>, */
offset: Vec3<f32>,
pub struct Terrain<V: RectRasterableVol> {
atlas: AtlasAllocator,
sprite_config: Arc<SpriteSpec>,
chunks: HashMap<Vec2<i32>, TerrainChunkData>,
/// Temporary storage for dead chunks that might still be shadowing chunks
/// in view. We wait until either the chunk definitely cannot be
/// shadowing anything the player can see, the chunk comes back into
/// view, or for daylight to end, before removing it (whichever comes
/// first).
/// Note that these chunks are not complete; for example, they are missing
/// texture data.
shadow_chunks: Vec<(Vec2<i32>, TerrainChunkData)>,
/* /// Secondary index into the terrain chunk table, used to sort through chunks by z index from
/// the top down.
z_index_down: BTreeSet<Vec3<i32>>,
/// Secondary index into the terrain chunk table, used to sort through chunks by z index from
/// the bottom up.
z_index_up: BTreeSet<Vec3<i32>>, */
// The mpsc sender and receiver used for talking to meshing worker threads.
// We keep the sender component for no reason other than to clone it and send it to new
// workers.
mesh_send_tmp: channel::Sender<MeshWorkerResponse>,
mesh_recv: channel::Receiver<MeshWorkerResponse>,
mesh_todo: HashMap<Vec2<i32>, ChunkMeshState>,
// GPU data
sprite_data: Arc<HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Vec<SpriteData>>>,
sprite_col_lights: Texture<ColLightFmt>,
col_lights: Texture<ColLightFmt>,
waves: Texture,
phantom: PhantomData<V>,
impl TerrainChunkData {
pub fn can_shadow_sun(&self) -> bool {
self.visible == Visibility::Visible || self.can_shadow_sun
impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
#[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
pub fn new(renderer: &mut Renderer) -> Self {
// Load all the sprite config data.
let sprite_config = Ron::<SpriteSpec>::load("voxygen.voxel.sprite_manifest")
.expect("Failed to find sprite model data!");
// Create a new mpsc (Multiple Produced, Single Consumer) pair for communicating
// with worker threads that are meshing chunks.
let (send, recv) = channel::unbounded();
let (atlas, col_lights) =
Self::make_atlas(renderer).expect("Failed to create atlas texture");
let max_texture_size = renderer.max_texture_size();
let max_size =
guillotiere::Size::new(i32::from(max_texture_size), i32::from(max_texture_size));
let mut greedy = GreedyMesh::new(max_size);
let mut locals_buffer = [SpriteLocals::default(); 8];
let sprite_config_ = &sprite_config;
// NOTE: Tracks the start vertex of the next model to be meshed.
let sprite_data: HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), _> = SpriteKind::into_enum_iter()
.filter_map(|kind| Some((kind, kind.elim_case_pure(&sprite_config_).as_ref()?)))
.flat_map(|(kind, sprite_config)| {
let wind_sway = sprite_config.wind_sway;
move |(
SpriteModelConfig {
)| {
let scaled = [1.0, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2];
let offset = Vec3::from(*offset);
let lod_axes = Vec3::from(*lod_axes);
let model = DotVoxData::load_expect(model);
let zero = Vec3::zero();
let model_size = model
|&dot_vox::Model {
size: dot_vox::Size { x, y, z },
}| Vec3::new(x, y, z),
let max_model_size = Vec3::new(15.0, 15.0, 63.0);
let model_scale = max_model_size.map2(model_size, |max_sz: f32, cur_sz| {
let scale = max_sz / max_sz.max(cur_sz as f32);
if scale < 1.0 && (cur_sz as f32 * scale).ceil() > max_sz {
scale - 0.001
} else {
let sprite_mat: Mat4<f32> =
move |greedy: &mut GreedyMesh, renderer: &mut Renderer| {
(kind, variation),
.map(|&lod_scale_orig| {
let lod_scale = model_scale
* if lod_scale_orig == 1.0 {
} else {
lod_axes * lod_scale_orig
+ lod_axes
.map(|e| if e == 0.0 { 1.0 } else { 0.0 })
// Mesh generation exclusively acts using side effects; it
// has no
// interesting return value, but updates the mesh.
let mut opaque_mesh = Mesh::new();
Meshable::<SpritePipeline, &mut GreedyMesh>::generate_mesh(
&mut opaque_mesh,
wind_sway >= 0.4 && lod_scale_orig == 1.0,
let model = renderer.create_model(&opaque_mesh).expect(
"Failed to upload sprite model data to the GPU!",
let sprite_scale = Vec3::one() / lod_scale;
let sprite_mat: Mat4<f32> =
sprite_mat * Mat4::scaling_3d(sprite_scale);
|(ori, locals)| {
let sprite_mat = sprite_mat
.rotated_z(f32::consts::PI * 0.25 * ori as f32);
*locals = SpriteLocals::new(
SpriteData {
/* vertex_range */ model,
locals: renderer.create_consts(&locals_buffer).expect(
"Failed to upload sprite locals to the GPU!",
.map(|mut f| f(&mut greedy, renderer))
let sprite_col_lights = ShadowPipeline::create_col_lights(renderer, greedy.finalize())
.expect("Failed to upload sprite color and light data to the GPU!");
Self {
chunks: HashMap::default(),
shadow_chunks: Vec::default(),
mesh_send_tmp: send,
mesh_recv: recv,
mesh_todo: HashMap::default(),
sprite_data: Arc::new(sprite_data),
waves: renderer
.expect("Failed to create wave texture"),
phantom: PhantomData,
fn make_atlas(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
) -> Result<(AtlasAllocator, Texture<ColLightFmt>), RenderError> {
span!(_guard, "make_atlas", "Terrain::make_atlas");
let max_texture_size = renderer.max_texture_size();
let atlas_size =
guillotiere::Size::new(i32::from(max_texture_size), i32::from(max_texture_size));
let atlas = AtlasAllocator::with_options(atlas_size, &guillotiere::AllocatorOptions {
// TODO: Verify some good empirical constants.
small_size_threshold: 128,
large_size_threshold: 1024,
let texture = renderer.create_texture_raw(
1 as gfx::texture::Level,
(0, 0),
Ok((atlas, texture))
fn remove_chunk_meta(&mut self, _pos: Vec2<i32>, chunk: &TerrainChunkData) {
/* let (zmin, zmax) = chunk.z_bounds;
self.z_index_up.remove(Vec3::from(zmin, pos.x, pos.y));
self.z_index_down.remove(Vec3::from(zmax, pos.x, pos.y)); */
fn insert_chunk(&mut self, pos: Vec2<i32>, chunk: TerrainChunkData) {
if let Some(old) = self.chunks.insert(pos, chunk) {
self.remove_chunk_meta(pos, &old);
/* let (zmin, zmax) = chunk.z_bounds;
self.z_index_up.insert(Vec3::from(zmin, pos.x, pos.y));
self.z_index_down.insert(Vec3::from(zmax, pos.x, pos.y)); */
fn remove_chunk(&mut self, pos: Vec2<i32>) {
if let Some(chunk) = self.chunks.remove(&pos) {
self.remove_chunk_meta(pos, &chunk);
// Temporarily remember dead chunks for shadowing purposes.
self.shadow_chunks.push((pos, chunk));
if let Some(_todo) = self.mesh_todo.remove(&pos) {
//Do nothing on todo mesh removal.
/// Maintain terrain data. To be called once per tick.
#[allow(clippy::for_loops_over_fallibles)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
#[allow(clippy::len_zero)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
pub fn maintain(
&mut self,
renderer: &mut Renderer,
scene_data: &SceneData,
focus_pos: Vec3<f32>,
loaded_distance: f32,
view_mat: Mat4<f32>,
proj_mat: Mat4<f32>,
) -> (Aabb<f32>, Vec<math::Vec3<f32>>, math::Aabr<f32>) {
// Remove any models for chunks that have been recently removed.
// Note: Does this before adding to todo list just in case removed chunks were
// replaced with new chunks (although this would probably be recorded as
// modified chunks)
for &pos in &scene_data.state.terrain_changes().removed_chunks {
// Remove neighbors from meshing todo
for i in -1..2 {
for j in -1..2 {
if i != 0 || j != 0 {
self.mesh_todo.remove(&(pos + Vec2::new(i, j)));
span!(_guard, "maintain", "Terrain::maintain");
let current_tick = scene_data.tick;
let current_time = scene_data.state.get_time();
let mut visible_bounding_box: Option<Aabb<f32>> = None;
// Add any recently created or changed chunks to the list of chunks to be
// meshed.
span!(guard, "Add new/modified chunks to mesh todo list");
for (modified, pos) in scene_data
.map(|c| (true, c))
.map(|c| (false, c)),
// What happens if the block on the edge of a chunk gets modified? We need to
// spawn a mesh worker to remesh its neighbour(s) too since their
// ambient occlusion and face elision information changes too!
for i in -1..2 {
for j in -1..2 {
let pos = pos + Vec2::new(i, j);
if !self.chunks.contains_key(&pos) || modified {
let mut neighbours = true;
for i in -1..2 {
for j in -1..2 {
neighbours &= scene_data
.get_key(pos + Vec2::new(i, j))
if neighbours {
self.mesh_todo.insert(pos, ChunkMeshState {
started_tick: current_tick,
is_worker_active: false,
// Add the chunks belonging to recently changed blocks to the list of chunks to
// be meshed
span!(guard, "Add chunks with modified blocks to mesh todo list");
// TODO: would be useful if modified blocks were grouped by chunk
for pos in scene_data
.map(|(p, _)| *p)
// Handle block changes on chunk borders
// Remesh all neighbours because we have complex lighting now
// TODO: if lighting is on the server this can be updated to only remesh when
// lighting changes in that neighbouring chunk or if the block
// change was on the border
for x in -1..2 {
for y in -1..2 {
let neighbour_pos = pos + Vec3::new(x, y, 0);
let neighbour_chunk_pos = scene_data.state.terrain().pos_key(neighbour_pos);
// Only remesh if this chunk has all its neighbors
let mut neighbours = true;
for i in -1..2 {
for j in -1..2 {
neighbours &= scene_data
.get_key(neighbour_chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, j))
if neighbours {
self.mesh_todo.insert(neighbour_chunk_pos, ChunkMeshState {
pos: neighbour_chunk_pos,
started_tick: current_tick,
is_worker_active: false,
// Limit ourselves to u16::MAX even if larger textures are supported.
let max_texture_size = renderer.max_texture_size();
span!(guard, "Queue meshing from todo list");
for (todo, chunk) in self
.filter(|todo| !todo.is_worker_active)
.min_by_key(|todo| todo.started_tick)
// Find a reference to the actual `TerrainChunk` we're meshing
.and_then(|todo| {
let pos = todo.pos;
Some((todo, scene_data.state
// TODO: find a alternative!
if scene_data.thread_pool.queued_jobs() > 0 {
// Find the area of the terrain we want. Because meshing needs to compute things
// like ambient occlusion and edge elision, we also need the borders
// of the chunk's neighbours too (hence the `- 1` and `+ 1`).
let aabr = Aabr {
min: todo
.map2(VolGrid2d::<V>::chunk_size(), |e, sz| e * sz as i32 - 1),
max: todo.pos.map2(VolGrid2d::<V>::chunk_size(), |e, sz| {
(e + 1) * sz as i32 + 1
// Copy out the chunk data we need to perform the meshing. We do this by taking
// a sample of the terrain that includes both the chunk we want and
// its neighbours.
let volume = match scene_data.state.terrain().sample(aabr) {
Ok(sample) => sample, /* TODO: Ensure that all of the chunk's neighbours still
* exist to avoid buggy shadow borders */
// Either this chunk or its neighbours doesn't yet exist, so we keep it in the
// queue to be processed at a later date when we have its neighbours.
Err(VolGrid2dError::NoSuchChunk) => {
_ => panic!("Unhandled edge case"),
// The region to actually mesh
let min_z = volume
.fold(i32::MAX, |min, (_, chunk)| chunk.get_min_z().min(min));
let max_z = volume
.fold(i32::MIN, |max, (_, chunk)| chunk.get_max_z().max(max));
let aabb = Aabb {
min: Vec3::from(aabr.min) + Vec3::unit_z() * (min_z - 2),
max: Vec3::from(aabr.max) + Vec3::unit_z() * (max_z + 2),
// Clone various things so that they can be moved into the thread.
let send = self.mesh_send_tmp.clone();
let pos = todo.pos;
// Queue the worker thread.
let started_tick = todo.started_tick;
let sprite_data = Arc::clone(&self.sprite_data);
let sprite_config = Arc::clone(&self.sprite_config);
scene_data.thread_pool.execute(move || {
let sprite_data = sprite_data;
let _ = send.send(mesh_worker(
(min_z as f32, max_z as f32),
todo.is_worker_active = true;
// Receive a chunk mesh from a worker thread and upload it to the GPU, then
// store it. Only pull out one chunk per frame to avoid an unacceptable
// amount of blocking lag due to the GPU upload. That still gives us a
// 60 chunks / second budget to play with.
span!(guard, "Get/upload meshed chunk");
if let Ok(response) = self.mesh_recv.recv_timeout(Duration::new(0, 0)) {
match self.mesh_todo.get(&response.pos) {
// It's the mesh we want, insert the newly finished model into the terrain model
// data structure (convert the mesh to a model first of course).
Some(todo) if response.started_tick <= todo.started_tick => {
let started_tick = todo.started_tick;
let load_time = self
.map(|chunk| chunk.load_time)
.unwrap_or(current_time as f32);
// TODO: Allocate new atlas on allocation failure.
let (tex, tex_size) = response.col_lights_info;
let atlas = &mut self.atlas;
let allocation = atlas
.expect("Not yet implemented: allocate new atlas on allocation failure.");
// NOTE: Cast is safe since the origin was a u16.
let atlas_offs = Vec2::new(
allocation.rectangle.min.x as u16,
allocation.rectangle.min.y as u16,
if let Err(err) = renderer.update_texture(
) {
warn!("Failed to update texture: {:?}", err);
self.insert_chunk(response.pos, TerrainChunkData {
opaque_model: renderer
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
fluid_model: if response.fluid_mesh.vertices().len() > 0 {
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
} else {
col_lights: allocation.id,
sprite_instances: response
.map(|(kind, instances)| {
"Failed to upload chunk sprite instances to the GPU!",
locals: renderer
.create_consts(&[TerrainLocals {
model_offs: Vec3::from(
response.pos.map2(VolGrid2d::<V>::chunk_size(), |e, sz| {
e as f32 * sz as f32
atlas_offs: Vec4::new(
.expect("Failed to upload chunk locals to the GPU!"),
visible: Visibility::OutOfRange,
can_shadow_point: false,
can_shadow_sun: false,
blocks_of_interest: response.blocks_of_interest,
z_bounds: response.z_bounds,
frustum_last_plane_index: 0,
if response.started_tick == started_tick {
// Chunk must have been removed, or it was spawned on an old tick. Drop the mesh
// since it's either out of date or no longer needed.
Some(_todo) => {},
None => {},
// Construct view frustum
span!(guard, "Construct view frustum");
let focus_off = focus_pos.map(|e| e.trunc());
let frustum = Frustum::from_modelview_projection(
(proj_mat * view_mat * Mat4::translation_3d(-focus_off)).into_col_arrays(),
// Update chunk visibility
span!(guard, "Update chunk visibility");
let chunk_sz = V::RECT_SIZE.x as f32;
for (pos, chunk) in &mut self.chunks {
let chunk_pos = pos.as_::<f32>() * chunk_sz;
chunk.can_shadow_sun = false;
// Limit focus_pos to chunk bounds and ensure the chunk is within the fog
// boundary
let nearest_in_chunk = Vec2::from(focus_pos).clamped(chunk_pos, chunk_pos + chunk_sz);
let distance_2 = Vec2::<f32>::from(focus_pos).distance_squared(nearest_in_chunk);
let in_range = distance_2 < loaded_distance.powf(2.0);
if !in_range {
chunk.visible = Visibility::OutOfRange;
// Ensure the chunk is within the view frustum
let chunk_min = [chunk_pos.x, chunk_pos.y, chunk.z_bounds.0];
let chunk_max = [
chunk_pos.x + chunk_sz,
chunk_pos.y + chunk_sz,
let (in_frustum, last_plane_index) = AABB::new(chunk_min, chunk_max)
.coherent_test_against_frustum(&frustum, chunk.frustum_last_plane_index);
chunk.frustum_last_plane_index = last_plane_index;
chunk.visible = if in_frustum {
} else {
let chunk_box = Aabb {
min: Vec3::from(chunk_min),
max: Vec3::from(chunk_max),
if in_frustum {
let visible_box = chunk_box;
visible_bounding_box = visible_bounding_box
.map(|e| e.union(visible_box))
// FIXME: Hack that only works when only the lantern casts point shadows
// (and hardcodes the shadow distance). Should ideally exist per-light, too.
chunk.can_shadow_point = distance_2 < (128.0 * 128.0);
span!(guard, "Shadow magic");
// PSRs: potential shadow receivers
let visible_bounding_box = visible_bounding_box.unwrap_or(Aabb {
min: focus_pos - 2.0,
max: focus_pos + 2.0,
// PSCs: Potential shadow casters
let ray_direction = scene_data.get_sun_dir();
let collides_with_aabr = |a: math::Aabb<f32>, b: math::Aabr<f32>| {
let min = math::Vec4::new(a.min.x, a.min.y, b.min.x, b.min.y);
let max = math::Vec4::new(b.max.x, b.max.y, a.max.x, a.max.y);
#[cfg(feature = "simd")]
return min.partial_cmple_simd(max).reduce_and();
#[cfg(not(feature = "simd"))]
return min.partial_cmple(&max).reduce_and();
let (visible_light_volume, visible_psr_bounds) = if ray_direction.z < 0.0
&& renderer.render_mode().shadow.is_map()
let visible_bounding_box = math::Aabb::<f32> {
min: math::Vec3::from(visible_bounding_box.min - focus_off),
max: math::Vec3::from(visible_bounding_box.max - focus_off),
let focus_off = math::Vec3::from(focus_off);
let visible_bounds_fine = visible_bounding_box.as_::<f64>();
let inv_proj_view =
math::Mat4::from_col_arrays((proj_mat * view_mat).into_col_arrays())
let ray_direction = math::Vec3::<f32>::from(ray_direction);
let visible_light_volume = math::calc_focused_light_volume_points(
.map(|v| v.as_::<f32>())
let cam_pos = math::Vec4::from(view_mat.inverted() * Vec4::unit_w()).xyz();
let up: math::Vec3<f32> = { math::Vec3::up() };
let ray_mat = math::Mat4::look_at_rh(cam_pos, cam_pos + ray_direction, up);
let visible_bounds = math::Aabr::from(math::fit_psr(
|p| p,
let ray_mat = ray_mat * math::Mat4::translation_3d(-focus_off);
let can_shadow_sun = |pos: Vec2<i32>, chunk: &TerrainChunkData| {
let chunk_pos = pos.as_::<f32>() * chunk_sz;
// Ensure the chunk is within the PSR set.
let chunk_box = math::Aabb {
min: math::Vec3::new(chunk_pos.x, chunk_pos.y, chunk.z_bounds.0),
max: math::Vec3::new(
chunk_pos.x + chunk_sz,
chunk_pos.y + chunk_sz,
let chunk_from_light = math::fit_psr(
|p| p,
collides_with_aabr(chunk_from_light, visible_bounds)
// Handle potential shadow casters (chunks that aren't visible, but are still in
// range) to see if they could cast shadows.
// NOTE: We deliberately avoid doing this computation for chunks we already know
// are visible, since by definition they'll always intersect the visible view
// frustum.
.filter(|chunk| chunk.1.visible <= Visibility::InRange)
.for_each(|(&pos, chunk)| {
chunk.can_shadow_sun = can_shadow_sun(pos, chunk);
// Handle dead chunks that we kept around only to make sure shadows don't blink
// out when a chunk disappears.
// If the sun can currently cast shadows, we retain only those shadow chunks
// that both: 1. have not been replaced by a real chunk instance,
// and 2. are currently potential shadow casters (as witnessed by
// `can_shadow_sun` returning true).
// NOTE: Please make sure this runs *after* any code that could insert a chunk!
// Otherwise we may end up with multiple instances of the chunk trying to cast
// shadows at the same time.
let chunks = &self.chunks;
.retain(|(pos, chunk)| !chunks.contains_key(pos) && can_shadow_sun(*pos, chunk));
(visible_light_volume, visible_bounds)
} else {
// There's no daylight or no shadows, so there's no reason to keep any
// shadow chunks around.
(Vec::new(), math::Aabr {
min: math::Vec2::zero(),
max: math::Vec2::zero(),
pub fn get(&self, chunk_key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&TerrainChunkData> {
pub fn chunk_count(&self) -> usize { self.chunks.len() }
pub fn visible_chunk_count(&self) -> usize {
.filter(|(_, c)| c.visible == Visibility::Visible)
pub fn shadow_chunk_count(&self) -> usize { self.shadow_chunks.len() }
pub fn render_shadows(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
global: &GlobalModel,
(is_daylight, light_data): super::LightData,
focus_pos: Vec3<f32>,
) {
span!(_guard, "render_shadows", "Terrain::render_shadows");
if !renderer.render_mode().shadow.is_map() {
let focus_chunk = Vec2::from(focus_pos).map2(TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE, |e: f32, sz| {
(e as i32).div_euclid(sz as i32)
let chunk_iter = Spiral2d::new()
.filter_map(|rpos| {
let pos = focus_chunk + rpos;
// Directed shadows
// NOTE: We also render shadows for dead chunks that were found to still be
// potential shadow casters, to avoid shadows suddenly disappearing at
// very steep sun angles (e.g. sunrise / sunset).
if is_daylight {
.filter(|chunk| chunk.can_shadow_sun())
.chain(self.shadow_chunks.iter().map(|(_, chunk)| chunk))
.for_each(|chunk| {
// Directed light shadows.
// Point shadows
// NOTE: We don't bother retaining chunks unless they cast sun shadows, so we
// don't use `shadow_chunks` here.
light_data.iter().take(1).for_each(|_light| {
chunk_iter.clone().for_each(|chunk| {
if chunk.can_shadow_point {
pub fn render(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
global: &GlobalModel,
lod: &LodData,
focus_pos: Vec3<f32>,
) {
span!(_guard, "render", "Terrain::render");
let focus_chunk = Vec2::from(focus_pos).map2(TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE, |e: f32, sz| {
(e as i32).div_euclid(sz as i32)
let chunk_iter = Spiral2d::new()
.filter_map(|rpos| {
let pos = focus_chunk + rpos;
self.chunks.get(&pos).map(|c| (pos, c))
for (_, chunk) in chunk_iter {
if chunk.visible == Visibility::Visible {
pub fn render_translucent(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
global: &GlobalModel,
lod: &LodData,
focus_pos: Vec3<f32>,
cam_pos: Vec3<f32>,
sprite_render_distance: f32,
) {
span!(_guard, "render_translucent", "Terrain::render_translucent");
let focus_chunk = Vec2::from(focus_pos).map2(TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE, |e: f32, sz| {
(e as i32).div_euclid(sz as i32)
// Avoid switching textures
let chunk_iter = Spiral2d::new()
.filter_map(|rpos| {
let pos = focus_chunk + rpos;
self.chunks.get(&pos).map(|c| (pos, c))
// Terrain sprites
// TODO: move to separate functions
span!(guard, "Terrain sprites");
let chunk_size = V::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f32);
let chunk_mag = (chunk_size * (f32::consts::SQRT_2 * 0.5)).magnitude_squared();
for (pos, chunk) in chunk_iter.clone() {
if chunk.visible == Visibility::Visible {
let sprite_low_detail_distance = sprite_render_distance * 0.75;
let sprite_mid_detail_distance = sprite_render_distance * 0.5;
let sprite_hid_detail_distance = sprite_render_distance * 0.35;
let sprite_high_detail_distance = sprite_render_distance * 0.15;
let chunk_center = pos.map2(chunk_size, |e, sz| (e as f32 + 0.5) * sz);
let focus_dist_sqrd = Vec2::from(focus_pos).distance_squared(chunk_center);
let dist_sqrd =
.min(Vec2::from(cam_pos).distance_squared(chunk_center - chunk_size * 0.5))
chunk_center - chunk_size.x * 0.5 + chunk_size.y * 0.5,
Vec2::from(cam_pos).distance_squared(chunk_center + chunk_size.x * 0.5),
chunk_center + chunk_size.x * 0.5 - chunk_size.y * 0.5,
if focus_dist_sqrd < sprite_render_distance.powf(2.0) {
for (kind, instances) in (&chunk.sprite_instances).into_iter() {
let SpriteData { model, locals, .. } = if kind
.map(|config| config.wind_sway >= 0.4)
&& dist_sqrd <= chunk_mag
|| dist_sqrd < sprite_high_detail_distance.powf(2.0)
} else if dist_sqrd < sprite_hid_detail_distance.powf(2.0) {
} else if dist_sqrd < sprite_mid_detail_distance.powf(2.0) {
} else if dist_sqrd < sprite_low_detail_distance.powf(2.0) {
} else {
// Translucent
.filter(|(_, chunk)| chunk.visible == Visibility::Visible)
.filter_map(|(_, chunk)| {
.map(|model| (model, &chunk.locals))
.rev() // Render back-to-front
.for_each(|(model, locals)| {