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#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
use crate::TerrainPersistence;
use crate::{client::Client, Settings};
use common::{
Admin, AdminRole, CanBuild, ControlEvent, Controller, ForceUpdate, Health, Ori, Player,
Pos, Presence, PresenceKind, SkillSet, Vel,
event::{EventBus, ServerEvent},
mounting::{Rider, VolumeRider},
resources::{DeltaTime, PlayerPhysicsSetting, PlayerPhysicsSettings},
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{ClientGeneral, ServerGeneral};
use common_state::{AreasContainer, BlockChange, BuildArea};
use core::mem;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{Entities, Join, LendJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, Write, WriteStorage};
use std::{borrow::Cow, time::Instant};
use tracing::{debug, trace, warn};
use vek::*;
#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
pub type TerrainPersistenceData<'a> = Option<Write<'a, TerrainPersistence>>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "persistent_world"))]
pub type TerrainPersistenceData<'a> = core::marker::PhantomData<&'a mut ()>;
// NOTE: These writes are considered "rare", meaning (currently) that they are
// admin-gated features that players shouldn't normally access, and which we're
// not that concerned about the performance of when two players try to use them
// at once.
// In such cases, we're okay putting them behind a mutex and penalizing the
// system if they're actually used concurrently by lots of users. Please do not
// put less rare writes here, unless you want to serialize the system!
struct RareWrites<'a, 'b> {
block_changes: &'b mut BlockChange,
_terrain_persistence: &'b mut TerrainPersistenceData<'a>,
impl Sys {
fn handle_client_in_game_msg(
server_emitter: &mut common::event::Emitter<'_, ServerEvent>,
entity: specs::Entity,
client: &Client,
maybe_presence: &mut Option<&mut Presence>,
terrain: &ReadExpect<'_, TerrainGrid>,
can_build: &ReadStorage<'_, CanBuild>,
is_rider: &ReadStorage<'_, Is<Rider>>,
is_volume_rider: &ReadStorage<'_, Is<VolumeRider>>,
force_update: Option<&&mut ForceUpdate>,
skill_set: &mut Option<Cow<'_, SkillSet>>,
healths: &ReadStorage<'_, Health>,
rare_writes: &parking_lot::Mutex<RareWrites<'_, '_>>,
position: Option<&mut Pos>,
controller: Option<&mut Controller>,
settings: &Read<'_, Settings>,
build_areas: &Read<'_, AreasContainer<BuildArea>>,
player_physics_setting: Option<&mut PlayerPhysicsSetting>,
maybe_admin: &Option<&Admin>,
time_for_vd_changes: Instant,
msg: ClientGeneral,
player_physics: &mut Option<(Pos, Vel, Ori)>,
) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> {
let presence = match maybe_presence.as_deref_mut() {
Some(g) => g,
None => {
debug!(?entity, "client is not in_game, ignoring msg");
trace!(?msg, "ignored msg content");
return Ok(());
match msg {
// Go back to registered state (char selection screen)
ClientGeneral::ExitInGame => {
server_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::ExitIngame { entity });
*maybe_presence = None;
ClientGeneral::SetViewDistance(view_distances) => {
let clamped_vds = view_distances.clamp(settings.max_view_distance);
presence.terrain_view_distance.set_target(clamped_vds.terrain, time_for_vd_changes);
presence.entity_view_distance.set_target(clamped_vds.entity, time_for_vd_changes);
// Correct client if its requested VD is too high.
if view_distances.terrain != clamped_vds.terrain {
ClientGeneral::ControllerInputs(inputs) => {
if presence.kind.controlling_char() {
if let Some(controller) = controller {
ClientGeneral::ControlEvent(event) => {
if presence.kind.controlling_char() && let Some(controller) = controller {
// Skip respawn if client entity is alive
let skip_respawn = matches!(event, ControlEvent::Respawn)
&& healths.get(entity).map_or(true, |h| !h.is_dead);
if !skip_respawn {
ClientGeneral::ControlAction(event) => {
if presence.kind.controlling_char() {
if let Some(controller) = controller {
ClientGeneral::PlayerPhysics { pos, vel, ori, force_counter } => {
if presence.kind.controlling_char()
&& force_update.map_or(true, |force_update| force_update.counter() == force_counter)
&& healths.get(entity).map_or(true, |h| !h.is_dead)
&& is_rider.get(entity).is_none()
&& is_volume_rider.get(entity).is_none()
&& player_physics_setting
.map_or(true, |s| s.client_authoritative())
*player_physics = Some((pos, vel, ori));
ClientGeneral::BreakBlock(pos) => {
if let Some(comp_can_build) = can_build.get(entity) {
if comp_can_build.enabled {
for area in comp_can_build.build_areas.iter() {
if let Some(old_block) = build_areas
// TODO: Make this an exclusive check on the upper bound of the AABB
// Vek defaults to inclusive which is not optimal
.filter(|aabb| aabb.contains_point(pos))
.and_then(|_| terrain.get(pos).ok())
let new_block = old_block.into_vacant();
// Take the rare writes lock as briefly as possible.
let mut guard = rare_writes.lock();
let _was_set = guard.block_changes.try_set(pos, new_block).is_some();
#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
if _was_set {
if let Some(terrain_persistence) = guard._terrain_persistence.as_mut()
terrain_persistence.set_block(pos, new_block);
ClientGeneral::PlaceBlock(pos, new_block) => {
if let Some(comp_can_build) = can_build.get(entity) {
if comp_can_build.enabled {
for area in comp_can_build.build_areas.iter() {
if build_areas
// TODO: Make this an exclusive check on the upper bound of the AABB
// Vek defaults to inclusive which is not optimal
.filter(|aabb| aabb.contains_point(pos))
// Take the rare writes lock as briefly as possible.
let mut guard = rare_writes.lock();
let _was_set = guard.block_changes.try_set(pos, new_block).is_some();
#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
if _was_set {
if let Some(terrain_persistence) = guard._terrain_persistence.as_mut()
terrain_persistence.set_block(pos, new_block);
ClientGeneral::UnlockSkill(skill) => {
// FIXME: How do we want to handle the error? Probably not by swallowing it.
let _ = skill_set.as_mut().map(|skill_set| {
SkillSet::unlock_skill_cow(skill_set, skill, |skill_set| skill_set.to_mut())
ClientGeneral::RequestSiteInfo(id) => {
server_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::RequestSiteInfo { entity, id });
ClientGeneral::RequestPlayerPhysics {
} => {
if let Some(setting) = player_physics_setting {
setting.client_optin = server_authoritative;
ClientGeneral::RequestLossyTerrainCompression {
} => {
presence.lossy_terrain_compression = lossy_terrain_compression;
ClientGeneral::UpdateMapMarker(update) => {
server_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::UpdateMapMarker { entity, update });
ClientGeneral::SpectatePosition(pos) => {
if let Some(admin) = maybe_admin && admin.0 >= AdminRole::Moderator && presence.kind == PresenceKind::Spectator {
if let Some(position) = position {
position.0 = pos;
| ClientGeneral::CreateCharacter { .. }
| ClientGeneral::EditCharacter { .. }
| ClientGeneral::DeleteCharacter(_)
| ClientGeneral::Character(_, _)
| ClientGeneral::Spectate(_)
| ClientGeneral::TerrainChunkRequest { .. }
| ClientGeneral::LodZoneRequest { .. }
| ClientGeneral::ChatMsg(_)
| ClientGeneral::Command(..)
| ClientGeneral::Terminate => {
debug!("Kicking possibly misbehaving client due to invalid client in game request");
/// This system will handle new messages from clients
pub struct Sys;
impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
type SystemData = (
Read<'a, EventBus<ServerEvent>>,
ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>,
ReadExpect<'a, SlowJobPool>,
ReadStorage<'a, CanBuild>,
WriteStorage<'a, ForceUpdate>,
ReadStorage<'a, Is<Rider>>,
ReadStorage<'a, Is<VolumeRider>>,
WriteStorage<'a, SkillSet>,
ReadStorage<'a, Health>,
Write<'a, BlockChange>,
WriteStorage<'a, Pos>,
WriteStorage<'a, Vel>,
WriteStorage<'a, Ori>,
WriteStorage<'a, Presence>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Controller>,
Read<'a, DeltaTime>,
Read<'a, Settings>,
Read<'a, AreasContainer<BuildArea>>,
Write<'a, PlayerPhysicsSettings>,
ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
ReadStorage<'a, Admin>,
const NAME: &'static str = "msg::in_game";
const ORIGIN: Origin = Origin::Server;
const PHASE: Phase = Phase::Create;
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
mut force_updates,
mut skill_sets,
mut block_changes,
mut positions,
mut velocities,
mut orientations,
mut presences,
mut clients,
mut controllers,
mut player_physics_settings_,
mut terrain_persistence,
): Self::SystemData,
) {
let time_for_vd_changes = Instant::now();
// NOTE: stdlib mutex is more than good enough on Linux and (probably) Windows,
// but not Mac.
let rare_writes = parking_lot::Mutex::new(RareWrites {
block_changes: &mut block_changes,
_terrain_persistence: &mut terrain_persistence,
let player_physics_settings = &*player_physics_settings_;
let mut deferred_updates = (
&mut clients,
(&mut presences).maybe(),
(&mut positions).maybe(),
(&mut velocities).maybe(),
(&mut orientations).maybe(),
(&mut controllers).maybe(),
(&mut force_updates).maybe(),
// NOTE: Required because Specs has very poor work splitting for sparse joins.
|| server_event_bus.emitter(),
|server_emitter, (
mut maybe_presence,
ref mut pos,
ref mut vel,
ref mut ori,
ref mut controller,
ref mut force_update,
)| {
let old_player_physics_setting = maybe_player.map(|p| {
let mut new_player_physics_setting = old_player_physics_setting;
// If an `ExitInGame` message is received this is set to `None` allowing further
// ingame messages to be ignored.
let mut clearable_maybe_presence = maybe_presence.as_deref_mut();
let mut skill_set = skill_set.map(Cow::Borrowed);
let mut player_physics = None;
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 2, |client, msg| {
&mut clearable_maybe_presence,
&mut skill_set,
&mut player_physics,
if let Some((new_pos, new_vel, new_ori)) = player_physics
&& let Some(old_pos) = pos.as_deref_mut()
&& let Some(old_vel) = vel.as_deref_mut()
&& let Some(old_ori) = ori.as_deref_mut()
enum Rejection {
TooFar { old: Vec3<f32>, new: Vec3<f32> },
TooFast { vel: Vec3<f32> },
let rejection = if maybe_admin.is_some() {
} else {
// Reminder: review these frequently to ensure they're reasonable
const MAX_H_VELOCITY: f32 = 75.0;
const MAX_V_VELOCITY: std::ops::Range<f32> = -100.0..80.0;
'rejection: {
let is_velocity_ok = new_vel.0.xy().magnitude_squared() < MAX_H_VELOCITY.powi(2)
&& MAX_V_VELOCITY.contains(&new_vel.0.z);
if !is_velocity_ok {
break 'rejection Some(Rejection::TooFast { vel: new_vel.0 });
// How far the player is permitted to stray from the correct position (perhaps due to
// latency problems).
const POSITION_THRESHOLD: f32 = 16.0;
// The position can either be sensible with respect to either the old or the new
// velocity such that we don't punish for edge cases after a sudden change
let is_position_ok = [old_vel.0, new_vel.0]
.any(|ref_vel| {
let rpos = new_pos.0 - old_pos.0;
// Determine whether the change in position is broadly consistent with both
// the magnitude and direction of the velocity, with appropriate thresholds.
LineSegment3 {
start: Vec3::zero(),
end: ref_vel * dt.0,
// + 1.5 accounts for minor changes in position without corresponding
// velocity like block hopping/snapping
.distance_squared(rpos) < (rpos.magnitude() * 0.5 + 1.5 + POSITION_THRESHOLD).powi(2)
if !is_position_ok {
break 'rejection Some(Rejection::TooFar { old: old_pos.0, new: new_pos.0 });
if let Some(rejection) = rejection {
// TODO: Log when false positives aren't generated often
let alias = maybe_player.map(|p| &p.alias);
match rejection {
Rejection::TooFar { old, new } => warn!("Rejected physics for player {alias:?} (new position {new:?} is too far from old position {old:?})"),
Rejection::TooFast { vel } => warn!("Rejected physics for player {alias:?} (new velocity {vel:?} is too fast)"),
// Perhaps this is overzealous?
if let Some(mut setting) = new_player_physics_setting.as_mut() {
setting.server_force = true;
warn!("Switching player {alias:?} to server-side physics");
// Reject the change and force the server's view of the physics state
force_update.as_mut().map(|fu| fu.update());
} else {
*old_pos = new_pos;
*old_vel = new_vel;
*old_ori = new_ori;
// Ensure deferred view distance changes are applied (if the
// requsite time has elapsed).
if let Some(presence) = maybe_presence {
// Return the possibly modified skill set, and possibly modified server physics
// settings.
let skill_set_update = skill_set.and_then(|skill_set| match skill_set {
Cow::Borrowed(_) => None,
Cow::Owned(skill_set) => Some((entity, skill_set)),
// NOTE: Since we pass Option<&mut _> rather than &mut Option<_> to
// handle_client_in_game_msg, and the new player was initialized to the same
// value as the old setting , we know that either both the new and old setting
// are Some, or they are both None.
let physics_update = maybe_player.map(|p| p.uuid())
.filter(|_| old_player_physics_setting != new_player_physics_setting));
(skill_set_update, physics_update)
// NOTE: Would be nice to combine this with the map_init somehow, but I'm not sure if
// that's possible.
.filter(|(x, y)| x.is_some() || y.is_some())
// NOTE: I feel like we shouldn't actually need to allocate here, but hopefully this
// doesn't turn out to be important as there shouldn't be that many connected clients.
// The reason we can't just use unzip is that the two sides might be different lengths.
let player_physics_settings = &mut *player_physics_settings_;
// Deferred updates to skillsets and player physics.
// NOTE: It is an invariant that there is at most one client entry per player
// uuid; since we joined on clients, it follows that there's just one update
// per uuid, so the physics update is sound and doesn't depend on evaluation
// order, even though we're not updating directly by entity or uid (note that
// for a given entity, we process messages serially).
.for_each(|(skill_set_update, physics_update)| {
if let Some((entity, new_skill_set)) = skill_set_update {
// We know this exists, because we already iterated over it with the skillset
// lock taken, so we can ignore the error.
// Note that we replace rather than just updating. This is in order to avoid
// dropping here; we'll drop later on a background thread, in case skillsets are
// slow to drop.
.map(|mut old_skill_set| mem::swap(&mut *old_skill_set, new_skill_set));
if let &mut Some((uuid, player_physics_setting)) = physics_update {
// We don't necessarily know this exists, but that's fine, because dropping
// player physics is a no op.
.insert(uuid, player_physics_setting);
// Finally, drop the deferred updates in another thread.
slow_jobs.spawn("CHUNK_DROP", move || {