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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
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use crate::{
login_provider::{LoginProvider, PendingLogin},
EditableSettings, Settings,
use common::{
comp::{self, Admin, Player, Stats},
event::{EventBus, ServerEvent},
recipe::{default_component_recipe_book, default_recipe_book, default_repair_recipe_book},
uid::{IdMaps, Uid},
use common_base::prof_span;
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{
CharacterInfo, ClientRegister, DisconnectReason, PlayerInfo, PlayerListUpdate, RegisterError,
ServerGeneral, ServerInit, WorldMapMsg,
use hashbrown::{hash_map, HashMap};
use itertools::Either;
use plugin_api::Health;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{
shred::ResourceId, Entities, Join, LendJoin, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage,
SystemData, World, WriteStorage,
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
use common_state::plugin::PluginMgr;
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
type ReadPlugin<'a> = Read<'a, PluginMgr>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "plugins"))]
type ReadPlugin<'a> = Option<Read<'a, ()>>;
pub struct ReadData<'a> {
entities: Entities<'a>,
stats: ReadStorage<'a, Stats>,
uids: ReadStorage<'a, Uid>,
server_event_bus: Read<'a, EventBus<ServerEvent>>,
login_provider: ReadExpect<'a, LoginProvider>,
player_metrics: ReadExpect<'a, PlayerMetrics>,
settings: ReadExpect<'a, Settings>,
editable_settings: ReadExpect<'a, EditableSettings>,
time_of_day: Read<'a, TimeOfDay>,
material_stats: ReadExpect<'a, comp::item::MaterialStatManifest>,
ability_map: ReadExpect<'a, comp::item::tool::AbilityMap>,
map: ReadExpect<'a, WorldMapMsg>,
trackers: TrackedStorages<'a>,
_healths: ReadStorage<'a, Health>, // used by plugin feature
_plugin_mgr: ReadPlugin<'a>, // used by plugin feature
_id_maps: Read<'a, IdMaps>, // used by plugin feature
/// This system will handle new messages from clients
pub struct Sys;
impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
type SystemData = (
Read<'a, EventBus<ServerEvent>>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Player>,
WriteStorage<'a, PendingLogin>,
const NAME: &'static str = "msg::register";
const ORIGIN: Origin = Origin::Server;
const PHASE: Phase = Phase::Create;
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
(event_bus, read_data, mut clients, mut players, mut pending_logins): Self::SystemData,
) {
// Player list to send new players, and lookup from UUID to entity (so we don't
// have to do a linear scan over all entities on each login to see if
// it's a duplicate).
// NOTE: For this to work as desired, we must maintain the invariant that there
// is just one player per UUID!
let (player_list, old_players_by_uuid): (HashMap<_, _>, HashMap<_, _>) = (
.map(|(entity, uid, player, stats, admin)| {
(*uid, PlayerInfo {
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admin.is_some(),
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
character: stats.map(|stats| CharacterInfo {
name: stats.name.clone(),
uuid: player.uuid(),
(player.uuid(), entity),
let max_players = usize::from(read_data.settings.max_players);
// NOTE: max_players starts as a u16, so this will not use unlimited memory even
// if people set absurdly high values (though we should also cap the value
// elsewhere).
let capacity = max_players * 2;
// List of new players to update player lists of all clients.
// Big enough that we hopefully won't have to reallocate.
// Also includes a list of logins to retry and finished_pending, since we
// happen to update those around the same time that we update the new
// players list.
// NOTE: stdlib mutex is more than good enough on Linux and (probably) Windows,
// but not Mac.
let new_players = parking_lot::Mutex::new((
HashMap::<_, (_, _, _, _)>::with_capacity(capacity),
// defer auth lockup
for (entity, client) in (&read_data.entities, &mut clients).join() {
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 0, |_, msg: ClientRegister| {
trace!(?msg.token_or_username, "defer auth lockup");
let pending = read_data.login_provider.verify(&msg.token_or_username);
let _ = pending_logins.insert(entity, pending);
let old_player_count = player_list.len();
// NOTE: this is just default value.
// It will be overwritten in ServerExt::update_character_data.
let battle_mode = read_data.settings.gameplay.battle_mode.default_mode();
&mut pending_logins,
// NOTE: Required because Specs has very poor work splitting for sparse joins.
|| read_data.server_event_bus.emitter(),
|server_emitter, (entity, uid, client, _, pending)| {
prof_span!("msg::register login");
if let Err(e) = || -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> {
let extra_checks = |username: String, uuid: authc::Uuid| {
// We construct a few things outside the lock to reduce contention.
let pending_login =
PendingLogin::new_success(username.clone(), uuid);
let player = Player::new(username, battle_mode, uuid, None);
let admin = read_data.editable_settings.admins.get(&uuid);
let msg = player
.then_some(PlayerInfo {
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admin.is_some(),
character: None, // new players will be on character select.
uuid: player.uuid(),
.map(|player_info| {
// Prepare the player list update to be sent to all clients.
PlayerListUpdate::Add(*uid, player_info),
// Check if this player was already logged in before the system
// started.
let old_player = old_players_by_uuid
// We only need the old client to report an error; however, we
// can't assume the old player has a client (even though it would
// be a bit strange for them not to), so we have to remember that
// case. So we grab the old client (outside the lock, to avoid
// contention). We have to distinguish this from the case of a
// *new* player already having logged in (which we can't check
// until the lock is taken); in that case, we *know* the client
// is present, since the list is only populated by the current
// join (which includes the client).
.map(|entity| (entity, Some(clients.get(entity))));
// We take the lock only when necessary, and for a short duration,
// to avoid contention with other threads. We need to hold the
// guard past the end of the login function because otherwise
// there's a race between when we read it and when we (potentially)
// write to it.
let guard = new_players.lock();
// Guard comes first in the tuple so it's dropped before the other
// stuff if login returns an error.
old_player_count + guard.0.len() >= max_players,
(guard, (pending_login, player, admin, msg, old_player)),
// Destructure new_players_guard last so it gets dropped before the other
// three.
let (
(pending_login, player, admin, msg, old_player),
mut new_players_guard,
) = match LoginProvider::login(
) {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(r) => {
match r {
Err(e) => {
// NOTE: Done only on error to avoid doing extra work within
// the lock.
trace!(?e, "pending login returned error");
return Ok(());
// Swap the order of the tuple, so when it's destructured guard
// is dropped first.
Ok((guard, res)) => (res, guard),
let (new_players_by_uuid, retries, finished_pending) = &mut *new_players_guard;
// Check if the user logged in before us during this tick (this is why we
// need the lock held).
let uuid = player.uuid();
let old_player = old_player.map_or_else(
move || match new_players_by_uuid.entry(uuid) {
// We don't actually extract the client yet, to avoid doing extra
// work with the lock held.
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => Either::Left((o.get().0, None)),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(v) => Either::Right(v),
let vacant_player = match old_player {
Either::Left((old_entity, old_client)) => {
if matches!(old_client, None | Some(Some(_))) {
// We can't login the new client right now as the
// removal of the old client and player occurs later in
// the tick, so we instead setup the new login to be
// processed in the next tick
// Create "fake" successful pending auth and mark it to
// be inserted into pending_logins at the end of this
// run.
retries.push((entity, pending_login));
let old_client = old_client
.or_else(|| clients.get(old_entity))
"All entries in the new player list were explicitly \
joining on client",
let _ = old_client.send(ServerGeneral::Disconnect(
"You have logged in from another location.",
} else {
// A player without a client is strange, so we don't really want
// to retry. Warn about this case and hope that trying to
// perform the disconnect process removes the invalid player
// entry.
"Player without client detected for entity {:?}",
// Remove old client
return Ok(());
Either::Right(v) => v,
let Some(msg) = msg else {
// Invalid player
return Ok(());
// We know the player list didn't already contain this entity because we
// joined on !players, so we can assume from here that we'll definitely be
// adding a new player.
// Add to list to notify all clients of the new player
vacant_player.insert((entity, player, admin, msg));
// Tell the client its request was successful.
// Send client all the tracked components currently attached to its entity
// as well as synced resources (currently only `TimeOfDay`)
debug!("Starting initial sync with client.");
client.send(ServerInit::GameSync {
// Send client their entity
entity_package: read_data
.create_entity_package_with_uid(entity, *uid, None, None, None),
time_of_day: *read_data.time_of_day,
max_group_size: read_data.settings.max_player_group_size,
client_timeout: read_data.settings.client_timeout,
world_map: (*read_data.map).clone(),
recipe_book: default_recipe_book().cloned(),
component_recipe_book: default_component_recipe_book().cloned(),
repair_recipe_book: default_repair_recipe_book().cloned(),
material_stats: (*read_data.material_stats).clone(),
ability_map: (*read_data.ability_map).clone(),
server_constants: ServerConstants {
day_cycle_coefficient: read_data.settings.day_cycle_coefficient()
debug!("Done initial sync with client.");
// Send initial player list
}() {
trace!(?e, "failed to process register");
let (new_players, retries, finished_pending) = new_players.into_inner();
finished_pending.into_iter().for_each(|e| {
// Remove all entities in finished_pending from pending_logins.
// Insert retry attempts back into pending_logins to be processed next tick
for (entity, pending) in retries {
let _ = pending_logins.insert(entity, pending);
// Handle new players.
let msgs = new_players
.map(|(entity, player, admin, msg)| {
let username = &player.alias;
let uuid = player.uuid();
info!(?username, "New User");
// Add Player component to this client.
// Note that since players has been write locked for the duration of this
// system, we know that nobody else added any players since we
// last checked its value, and we checked that everything in
// new_players was not already in players, so we know the insert
// succeeds and the old entry was vacant. Moreover, we know that all new
// players we added have different UUIDs both from each other, and from any old
// players, preserving the uniqueness invariant.
.insert(entity, player)
.expect("The entity was joined against in the same system, so it exists");
// Give the Admin component to the player if their name exists in
// admin list
if let Some(admin) = admin {
// We need to defer writing to the Admin storage since it's borrowed immutably
// by this system via TrackedStorages.
event_bus.emit_now(ServerEvent::MakeAdmin {
admin: Admin(admin.role.into()),
// Tell all clients to add the new players to the player list, in parallel.
(players.mask(), &clients)
.for_each(|(_, client)| {
// Send messages sequentially within each client; by the time we have enough
// players to make parallelizing useful, we will have way more
// players than cores.
msgs.iter().for_each(|msg| {
let _ = client.send_prepared(msg);