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use super::{load::BodySpec, FigureModelEntry};
use crate::{
mesh::{greedy::GreedyMesh, segment::generate_mesh_base_vol_terrain},
render::{BoneMeshes, ColLightInfo, FigureModel, Mesh, Renderer, TerrainVertex},
use anim::Skeleton;
use common::{
slot::{ArmorSlot, EquipSlot},
item::{item_key::ItemKey, modular, Item, ItemDefinitionId},
use core::{hash::Hash, ops::Range};
use crossbeam_utils::atomic;
use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::sync::Arc;
use vek::*;
/// A type produced by mesh worker threads corresponding to the information
/// needed to mesh figures.
struct MeshWorkerResponse<const N: usize> {
col_light: ColLightInfo,
opaque: Mesh<TerrainVertex>,
bounds: anim::vek::Aabb<f32>,
vertex_range: [Range<u32>; N],
/// NOTE: To test this cell for validity, we currently first use
/// Arc::get_mut(), and then only if that succeeds do we call AtomicCell::take.
/// This way, we avoid all atomic updates for the fast path read in the "not yet
/// updated" case (though it would be faster without weak pointers); since once
/// it's updated, we switch from `Pending` to `Done`, this is only suboptimal
/// for one frame.
type MeshWorkerCell<const N: usize> = atomic::AtomicCell<Option<MeshWorkerResponse<N>>>;
/// A future FigureModelEntryLod.
enum FigureModelEntryFuture<const N: usize> {
/// We can poll the future to see whether the figure model is ready.
// TODO: See if we can find away to either get rid of this Arc, or reuse Arcs across different
// figures. Updates to uvth for thread pool shared storage might obviate this requirement.
/// Stores the already-meshed model.
const LOD_COUNT: usize = 3;
type FigureModelEntryLod<'b> = Option<&'b FigureModelEntry<LOD_COUNT>>;
#[derive(Clone, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
/// TODO: merge item_key and extra field into an enum
pub struct FigureKey<Body> {
/// Body pointed to by this key.
pub(super) body: Body,
/// Only used by Body::ItemDrop
pub item_key: Option<Arc<ItemKey>>,
/// Extra state.
pub(super) extra: Option<Arc<CharacterCacheKey>>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum ToolKey {
/// Character data that should be visible when tools are visible (i.e. in third
/// person or when the character is in a tool-using state).
#[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(super) struct CharacterToolKey {
pub active: Option<ToolKey>,
pub second: Option<ToolKey>,
/// Character data that exists in third person only.
#[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub(super) struct CharacterThirdPersonKey {
pub head: Option<String>,
pub shoulder: Option<String>,
pub chest: Option<String>,
pub belt: Option<String>,
pub back: Option<String>,
pub pants: Option<String>,
#[derive(Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
/// NOTE: To avoid spamming the character cache with player models, we try to
/// store only the minimum information required to correctly update the model.
/// TODO: Memoize, etc.
pub(super) struct CharacterCacheKey {
/// Character state that is only visible in third person.
pub third_person: Option<CharacterThirdPersonKey>,
/// Tool state should be present when a character is either in third person,
/// or is in first person and the character state is tool-using.
/// NOTE: This representation could be tightened in various ways to
/// eliminate incorrect states, e.g. setting active_tool to None when no
/// tools are equipped, but currently we are more focused on the big
/// performance impact of recreating the whole model whenever the character
/// state changes, so for now we don't bother with this.
pub tool: Option<CharacterToolKey>,
pub lantern: Option<String>,
pub glider: Option<String>,
pub hand: Option<String>,
pub foot: Option<String>,
pub head: Option<String>,
impl CharacterCacheKey {
fn from(cs: Option<&CharacterState>, camera_mode: CameraMode, inventory: &Inventory) -> Self {
let is_first_person = match camera_mode {
CameraMode::FirstPerson => true,
CameraMode::ThirdPerson | CameraMode::Freefly => false,
let key_from_slot = |slot| {
.map(|i| i.item_definition_id())
.map(|id| match id {
// TODO: Properly handle items with components here. Probably wait until modular
// armor?
ItemDefinitionId::Simple(id) => id,
ItemDefinitionId::Compound { simple_base, .. } => simple_base,
ItemDefinitionId::Modular { pseudo_base, .. } => pseudo_base,
// Third person tools are only modeled when the camera is either not first
// person, or the camera is first person and we are in a tool-using
// state.
let are_tools_visible = !is_first_person
|| cs
.map(|cs| cs.is_attack() || cs.is_block() || cs.is_wield())
// If there's no provided character state but we're still somehow in first person,
// We currently assume there's no need to visually model tools.
// TODO: Figure out what to do here, and/or refactor how this works.
Self {
// Third person armor is only modeled when the camera mode is not first person.
third_person: if is_first_person {
} else {
Some(CharacterThirdPersonKey {
head: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Head)),
shoulder: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Shoulders)),
chest: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Chest)),
belt: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Belt)),
back: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Back)),
pants: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Legs)),
tool: if are_tools_visible {
let tool_key_from_item = |item: &Item| match item.item_definition_id() {
ItemDefinitionId::Simple(id) => ToolKey::Tool(String::from(id)),
ItemDefinitionId::Modular { .. } => {
ItemDefinitionId::Compound { simple_base, .. } => {
Some(CharacterToolKey {
active: inventory
second: inventory
} else {
lantern: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Lantern),
glider: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Glider),
hand: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Hands)),
foot: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Feet)),
head: key_from_slot(EquipSlot::Armor(ArmorSlot::Head)),
pub struct FigureModelCache<Skel = anim::character::CharacterSkeleton>
Skel: Skeleton,
Skel::Body: BodySpec,
models: HashMap<FigureKey<Skel::Body>, ((FigureModelEntryFuture<LOD_COUNT>, Skel::Attr), u64)>,
manifests: <Skel::Body as BodySpec>::Manifests,
watcher: ReloadWatcher,
impl<Skel: Skeleton> FigureModelCache<Skel>
Skel::Body: BodySpec + Eq + Hash,
pub fn new() -> Self {
// NOTE: It might be better to bubble this error up rather than panicking.
let manifests = <Skel::Body as BodySpec>::load_spec().unwrap();
let watcher = <Skel::Body as BodySpec>::reload_watcher(&manifests);
Self {
models: HashMap::new(),
pub fn watcher_reloaded(&mut self) -> bool { self.watcher.reloaded() }
/// NOTE: Intended for render time (useful with systems like wgpu that
/// expect data used by the rendering pipelines to be stable throughout
/// the render pass).
/// NOTE: Since this is intended to be called primarily in order to render
/// the model, we don't return skeleton data.
pub fn get_model<'b>(
&'b self,
// TODO: If we ever convert to using an atlas here, use this.
_col_lights: &super::FigureColLights,
body: Skel::Body,
inventory: Option<&Inventory>,
// TODO: Consider updating the tick by putting it in a Cell.
_tick: u64,
camera_mode: CameraMode,
character_state: Option<&CharacterState>,
item_key: Option<ItemKey>,
) -> FigureModelEntryLod<'b> {
// TODO: Use raw entries to avoid lots of allocation (among other things).
let key = FigureKey {
item_key: item_key.map(Arc::new),
extra: inventory.map(|inventory| {
if let Some(((FigureModelEntryFuture::Done(model), _), _)) = self.models.get(&key) {
} else {
pub fn get_or_create_model<'c>(
&'c mut self,
renderer: &mut Renderer,
col_lights: &mut super::FigureColLights,
body: Skel::Body,
inventory: Option<&Inventory>,
extra: <Skel::Body as BodySpec>::Extra,
tick: u64,
camera_mode: CameraMode,
character_state: Option<&CharacterState>,
slow_jobs: &SlowJobPool,
item_key: Option<ItemKey>,
) -> (FigureModelEntryLod<'c>, &'c Skel::Attr)
for<'a> &'a Skel::Body: Into<Skel::Attr>,
Skel::Body: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
<Skel::Body as BodySpec>::Spec: Send + Sync + 'static,
let skeleton_attr = (&body).into();
let key = FigureKey {
item_key: item_key.map(Arc::new),
extra: inventory.map(|inventory| {
// TODO: Use raw entries to avoid significant performance overhead.
match self.models.entry(key) {
Entry::Occupied(o) => {
let ((model, skel), last_used) = o.into_mut();
*last_used = tick;
match model {
FigureModelEntryFuture::Pending(recv) => {
if let Some(MeshWorkerResponse {
}) = Arc::get_mut(recv).take().and_then(|cell| cell.take())
let model_entry = col_lights.create_figure(
(opaque, bounds),
*model = FigureModelEntryFuture::Done(model_entry);
// NOTE: Borrow checker isn't smart enough to figure this out.
if let FigureModelEntryFuture::Done(model) = model {
} else {
} else {
FigureModelEntryFuture::Done(model) => Some(model),
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
let key = v.key().clone();
let slot = Arc::new(atomic::AtomicCell::new(None));
let manifests = self.manifests.clone();
let slot_ = Arc::clone(&slot);
slow_jobs.spawn("FIGURE_MESHING", move || {
// First, load all the base vertex data.
let meshes =
<Skel::Body as BodySpec>::bone_meshes(&key, &manifests, extra);
// Then, set up meshing context.
let mut greedy = FigureModel::make_greedy();
let mut opaque = Mesh::<TerrainVertex>::new();
// Choose the most conservative bounds for any LOD model.
let mut figure_bounds = anim::vek::Aabb {
min: anim::vek::Vec3::zero(),
max: anim::vek::Vec3::zero(),
// Meshes all bone models for this figure using the given mesh generation
// function, attaching it to the current greedy mesher and opaque vertex
// list. Returns the vertex bounds of the meshed model within the opaque
// mesh.
let mut make_model = |generate_mesh: for<'a, 'b> fn(
&mut GreedyMesh<'a>,
&'b mut _,
&'a _,
-> _| {
let vertex_start = opaque.vertices().len();
// NOTE: Cast to u8 is safe because i < 16.
.filter_map(|(i, bm)| bm.as_ref().map(|bm| (i as u8, bm)))
.for_each(|(i, (segment, offset))| {
// Generate this mesh.
let (_opaque_mesh, bounds) = generate_mesh(&mut greedy, &mut opaque, segment, *offset, i);
// Update the figure bounds to the largest granularity seen so far
// (NOTE: this is more than a little imperfect).
// FIXME: Maybe use the default bone position in the idle animation
// to figure this out instead?
// NOTE: vertex_start and vertex_end *should* fit in a u32, by the
// following logic:
// Our new figure maximum is constrained to at most 2^8 × 2^8 × 2^8.
// This uses at most 24 bits to store every vertex exactly once.
// Greedy meshing can store each vertex in up to 3 quads, we have 3
// greedy models, and we store 1.5x the vertex count, so the maximum
// total space a model can take up is 3 * 3 * 1.5 * 2^24; rounding
// up to 4 * 4 * 2^24 gets us to 2^28, which clearly still fits in a
// u32.
// (We could also, though we prefer not to, reason backwards from the
// maximum figure texture size of 2^15 × 2^15, also fits in a u32; we
// can also see that, since we can have at most one texture entry per
// vertex, any texture atlas of size 2^14 × 2^14 or higher should be
// able to store data for any figure. So the only reason we would fail
// here would be if the user's computer could not store a texture large
// enough to fit all the LOD models for the figure, not for fundamental
// reasons related to fitting in a u32).
// Therefore, these casts are safe.
vertex_start as u32..opaque.vertices().len() as u32
fn generate_mesh<'a>(
greedy: &mut GreedyMesh<'a>,
opaque_mesh: &mut Mesh<TerrainVertex>,
segment: &'a Segment,
offset: Vec3<f32>,
bone_idx: u8,
) -> BoneMeshes {
let (opaque, _, _, bounds) = generate_mesh_base_vol_terrain(
(greedy, opaque_mesh, offset, Vec3::one(), bone_idx),
(opaque, bounds)
fn generate_mesh_lod_mid<'a>(
greedy: &mut GreedyMesh<'a>,
opaque_mesh: &mut Mesh<TerrainVertex>,
segment: &'a Segment,
offset: Vec3<f32>,
bone_idx: u8,
) -> BoneMeshes {
let lod_scale = 0.6;
let (opaque, _, _, bounds) = generate_mesh_base_vol_terrain(
offset * lod_scale,
Vec3::one() / lod_scale,
(opaque, bounds)
fn generate_mesh_lod_low<'a>(
greedy: &mut GreedyMesh<'a>,
opaque_mesh: &mut Mesh<TerrainVertex>,
segment: &'a Segment,
offset: Vec3<f32>,
bone_idx: u8,
) -> BoneMeshes {
let lod_scale = 0.3;
let (opaque, _, _, bounds) = generate_mesh_base_vol_terrain(
offset * lod_scale,
Vec3::one() / lod_scale,
(opaque, bounds)
let models = [
slot_.store(Some(MeshWorkerResponse {
col_light: greedy.finalize(),
bounds: figure_bounds,
vertex_range: models,
let skel = &(v
.insert(((FigureModelEntryFuture::Pending(slot), skeleton_attr), tick))
(None, skel)
pub fn clear_models(&mut self) { self.models.clear(); }
pub fn clean(&mut self, col_lights: &mut super::FigureColLights, tick: u64)
<Skel::Body as BodySpec>::Spec: Clone,
// TODO: Don't hard-code this.
if tick % 60 == 0 {
self.models.retain(|_, ((model_entry, _), last_used)| {
// Wait about a minute at 60 fps before invalidating old models.
let delta = 60 * 60;
let alive = *last_used + delta > tick;
if !alive {
if let FigureModelEntryFuture::Done(model_entry) = model_entry {