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621 lines
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use crate::{
astar::{Astar, PathResult},
vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol},
use hashbrown::hash_map::DefaultHashBuilder;
use rand::prelude::*;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use vek::*;
// Path
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Path<T> {
nodes: Vec<T>,
impl<T> Default for Path<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
nodes: Vec::default(),
impl<T> FromIterator<T> for Path<T> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = T>>(iter: I) -> Self {
Self {
nodes: iter.into_iter().collect(),
#[allow(clippy::len_without_is_empty)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
impl<T> Path<T> {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.nodes.len() }
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &T> { self.nodes.iter() }
pub fn start(&self) -> Option<&T> { self.nodes.first() }
pub fn end(&self) -> Option<&T> { self.nodes.last() }
pub fn nodes(&self) -> &[T] { &self.nodes }
// Route: A path that can be progressed along
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Route {
path: Path<Vec3<i32>>,
next_idx: usize,
impl From<Path<Vec3<i32>>> for Route {
fn from(path: Path<Vec3<i32>>) -> Self { Self { path, next_idx: 0 } }
pub struct TraversalConfig {
/// The distance to a node at which node is considered visited.
pub node_tolerance: f32,
/// The slowdown factor when following corners.
/// 0.0 = no slowdown on corners, 1.0 = total slowdown on corners.
pub slow_factor: f32,
/// Whether the agent is currently on the ground.
pub on_ground: bool,
/// Whether the agent is currently in water.
pub in_liquid: bool,
/// The distance to the target below which it is considered reached.
pub min_tgt_dist: f32,
/// Whether the agent can climb.
pub can_climb: bool,
const DIAGONALS: [Vec2<i32>; 8] = [
Vec2::new(1, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 1),
Vec2::new(-1, 1),
Vec2::new(-1, 0),
Vec2::new(-1, -1),
Vec2::new(0, -1),
Vec2::new(1, -1),
impl Route {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path<Vec3<i32>> { &self.path }
pub fn next(&self, i: usize) -> Option<Vec3<i32>> {
self.path.nodes.get(self.next_idx + i).copied()
pub fn is_finished(&self) -> bool { self.next(0).is_none() }
pub fn traverse<V>(
&mut self,
vol: &V,
pos: Vec3<f32>,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: &TraversalConfig,
) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, f32)>
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let (next0, next1, next_tgt, be_precise) = loop {
// If we've reached the end of the path, stop
let next0 = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| pos.map(|e| e.floor() as i32));
let next1 = self.next(1).unwrap_or(next0);
// Stop using obstructed paths
if !walkable(vol, next1) {
return None;
let be_precise = DIAGONALS.iter().any(|pos| {
(-1..2).all(|z| {
vol.get(next0 + Vec3::new(pos.x, pos.y, z))
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
let next_tgt = next0.map(|e| e as f32) + Vec3::new(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
let closest_tgt = next_tgt.map2(pos, |tgt, pos| pos.clamped(tgt.floor(), tgt.ceil()));
// Determine whether we're close enough to the next to to consider it completed
let dist_sqrd = pos.xy().distance_squared(closest_tgt.xy());
if dist_sqrd
< traversal_cfg.node_tolerance.powi(2) * if be_precise { 0.25 } else { 1.0 }
&& (((pos.z - closest_tgt.z > 1.2 || (pos.z - closest_tgt.z > -0.2 && traversal_cfg.on_ground))
&& (pos.z - closest_tgt.z < 1.2 || (pos.z - closest_tgt.z < 2.9 && vel.z < -0.05))
&& vel.z <= 0.0
// Only consider the node reached if there's nothing solid between us and it
&& (vol
.ray(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.5, closest_tgt + Vec3::unit_z() * 1.5)
> pos.distance(closest_tgt) * 0.9 || dist_sqrd < 0.5)
&& self.next_idx < self.path.len())
|| (traversal_cfg.in_liquid
&& pos.z < closest_tgt.z + 0.8
&& pos.z > closest_tgt.z))
// Node completed, move on to the next one
self.next_idx += 1;
} else {
// The next node hasn't been reached yet, use it as a target
break (next0, next1, next_tgt, be_precise);
fn gradient(line: LineSegment2<f32>) -> f32 {
let r = (line.start.y - line.end.y) / (line.start.x - line.end.x);
if r.is_nan() { 100000.0 } else { r }
fn intersect(a: LineSegment2<f32>, b: LineSegment2<f32>) -> Option<Vec2<f32>> {
let ma = gradient(a);
let mb = gradient(b);
let ca = a.start.y - ma * a.start.x;
let cb = b.start.y - mb * b.start.x;
if (ma - mb).abs() < 0.0001 || (ca - cb).abs() < 0.0001 {
} else {
let x = (cb - ca) / (ma - mb);
let y = ma * x + ca;
Some(Vec2::new(x, y))
// We don't always want to aim for the centre of block since this can create
// jerky zig-zag movement. This function attempts to find a position
// inside a target block's area that aligned nicely with our velocity.
// This has a twofold benefit:
// 1. Entities can move at any angle when
// running on a flat surface
// 2. We don't have to search diagonals when
// pathfinding - cartesian positions are enough since this code will
// make the entity move smoothly along them
let corners = [
Vec2::new(0, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 0),
Vec2::new(1, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 1),
Vec2::new(0, 0), // Repeated start
let vel_line = LineSegment2 {
start: pos.xy(),
end: pos.xy() + vel.xy() * 100.0,
let align = |block_pos: Vec3<i32>, precision: f32| {
let lerp_block =
|x, precision| Lerp::lerp(x, block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32), precision);
.filter_map(|i| {
let edge_line = LineSegment2 {
start: lerp_block(
(block_pos.xy() + corners[i]).map(|e| e as f32),
end: lerp_block(
(block_pos.xy() + corners[i + 1]).map(|e| e as f32),
intersect(vel_line, edge_line).filter(|intersect| {
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32 + 1.0),
< 0.001
.min_by_key(|intersect: &Vec2<f32>| {
(intersect.distance_squared(vel_line.end) * 1000.0) as i32
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
.map(|i| (0..2).map(move |j| Vec2::new(i, j)))
.map(|rpos| block_pos + rpos)
.map(|block_pos| {
let block_posf = block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32);
let proj = vel_line.projected_point(block_posf);
let clamped = lerp_block(
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
block_pos.xy().map(|e| e as f32),
(proj.distance_squared(clamped), clamped)
.min_by_key(|(d2, _)| (d2 * 1000.0) as i32)
let bez = CubicBezier2 {
start: pos.xy(),
ctrl0: pos.xy() + vel.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default() * 1.0,
ctrl1: align(next0, 1.0),
end: align(next1, 1.0),
// Use a cubic spline of the next few targets to come up with a sensible target
// position. We want to use a position that gives smooth movement but is
// also accurate enough to avoid the agent getting stuck under ledges or
// falling off walls.
let next_dir = bez
let straight_factor = next_dir
let bez = CubicBezier2 {
start: pos.xy(),
ctrl0: pos.xy() + vel.xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default() * 1.0,
ctrl1: align(
(1.0 - if (next0.z as f32 - pos.z).abs() < 0.25 && !be_precise {
} else {
end: align(next1, 1.0),
let tgt2d = bez.evaluate(if (next0.z as f32 - pos.z).abs() < 0.25 {
} else {
let tgt = if be_precise {
} else {
Vec3::from(tgt2d) + Vec3::unit_z() * next_tgt.z
tgt - pos,
// Control the entity's speed to hopefully stop us falling off walls on sharp corners.
// This code is very imperfect: it does its best but it can still fail for particularly
// fast entities.
straight_factor * traversal_cfg.slow_factor + (1.0 - traversal_cfg.slow_factor),
.filter(|(bearing, _)| bearing.z < 2.1)
/// A self-contained system that attempts to chase a moving target, only
/// performing pathfinding if necessary
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Chaser {
last_search_tgt: Option<Vec3<f32>>,
route: Option<(Route, bool)>,
/// We use this hasher (AAHasher) because:
/// (1) we care about DDOS attacks (ruling out FxHash);
/// (2) we don't care about determinism across computers (we can use
/// AAHash).
astar: Option<Astar<Vec3<i32>, DefaultHashBuilder>>,
impl Chaser {
pub fn chase<V>(
&mut self,
vol: &V,
pos: Vec3<f32>,
vel: Vec3<f32>,
tgt: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: TraversalConfig,
) -> Option<(Vec3<f32>, f32)>
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
span!(_guard, "chase", "Chaser::chase");
let pos_to_tgt = pos.distance(tgt);
// If we're already close to the target then there's nothing to do
let end = self
.and_then(|(r, _)| r.path.end().copied())
.map(|e| e.map(|e| e as f32 + 0.5))
if ((pos - end) * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 2.0)).magnitude_squared()
< traversal_cfg.min_tgt_dist.powi(2)
self.route = None;
return None;
let bearing = if let Some((end, complete)) = self
.and_then(|(r, complete)| Some((r.path().end().copied()?, *complete)))
let end_to_tgt = end.map(|e| e as f32).distance(tgt);
// If the target has moved significantly since the path was generated then it's
// time to search for a new path. Also, do this randomly from time
// to time to avoid any edge cases that cause us to get stuck. In
// theory this shouldn't happen, but in practice the world is full
// of unpredictable obstacles that are more than willing to mess up
// our day. TODO: Come up with a better heuristic for this
if (end_to_tgt > pos_to_tgt * 0.3 + 5.0 && complete)
|| thread_rng().gen::<f32>() < 0.001
} else {
.and_then(|(r, _)| r.traverse(vol, pos, vel, &traversal_cfg))
} else {
if let Some((bearing, speed)) = bearing {
Some((bearing, speed))
} else {
let tgt_dir = (tgt - pos).xy().try_normalized().unwrap_or_default();
// Only search for a path if the target has moved from their last position. We
// don't want to be thrashing the pathfinding code for targets that
// we're unable to access!
if self
.map(|last_tgt| last_tgt.distance(tgt) > pos_to_tgt * 0.15 + 5.0)
|| self.astar.is_some()
|| self.route.is_none()
self.last_search_tgt = Some(tgt);
let (path, complete) = find_path(&mut self.astar, vol, pos, tgt, &traversal_cfg);
self.route = path.map(|path| {
let start_index = path
.min_by_key(|(_, node)| {
.map(|e| e as f32)
.distance_squared(pos.xy() + tgt_dir)
as i32
.map(|(idx, _)| idx);
Route {
next_idx: start_index.unwrap_or(0),
let walking_towards_edge = (-3..2).all(|z| {
(pos + Vec3::<f32>::from(tgt_dir) * 2.5).map(|e| e as i32) + Vec3::unit_z() * z,
.map(|b| b.is_air())
if !walking_towards_edge {
Some(((tgt - pos) * Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0))
} else {
#[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
fn walkable<V>(vol: &V, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> bool
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let below = vol
.get(pos - Vec3::unit_z())
let a = vol.get(pos).ok().copied().unwrap_or_else(Block::empty);
let b = vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z())
let on_ground = below.is_filled();
let in_liquid = a.is_liquid();
(on_ground || in_liquid) && !a.is_solid() && !b.is_solid()
/// Attempt to search for a path to a target, returning the path (if one was
/// found) and whether it is complete (reaches the target)
fn find_path<V>(
astar: &mut Option<Astar<Vec3<i32>, DefaultHashBuilder>>,
vol: &V,
startf: Vec3<f32>,
endf: Vec3<f32>,
traversal_cfg: &TraversalConfig,
) -> (Option<Path<Vec3<i32>>>, bool)
V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol,
let is_walkable = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| walkable(vol, *pos);
let get_walkable_z = |pos| {
let mut z_incr = 0;
for _ in 0..32 {
let test_pos = pos + Vec3::unit_z() * z_incr;
if is_walkable(&test_pos) {
return Some(test_pos);
z_incr = -z_incr + if z_incr <= 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
let (start, end) = match (
get_walkable_z(startf.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)),
get_walkable_z(endf.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)),
) {
(Some(start), Some(end)) => (start, end),
_ => return (None, false),
let heuristic = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| (pos.distance_squared(end) as f32).sqrt();
let neighbors = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| {
let pos = *pos;
const DIRS: [Vec3<i32>; 17] = [
Vec3::new(0, 1, 0), // Forward
Vec3::new(0, 1, 1), // Forward upward
Vec3::new(0, 1, -1), // Forward downward
Vec3::new(0, 1, -2), // Forward downwardx2
Vec3::new(1, 0, 0), // Right
Vec3::new(1, 0, 1), // Right upward
Vec3::new(1, 0, -1), // Right downward
Vec3::new(1, 0, -2), // Right downwardx2
Vec3::new(0, -1, 0), // Backwards
Vec3::new(0, -1, 1), // Backward Upward
Vec3::new(0, -1, -1), // Backward downward
Vec3::new(0, -1, -2), // Backward downwardx2
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 0), // Left
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 1), // Left upward
Vec3::new(-1, 0, -1), // Left downward
Vec3::new(-1, 0, -2), // Left downwardx2
Vec3::new(0, 0, -1), // Downwards
const JUMPS: [Vec3<i32>; 4] = [
Vec3::new(0, 1, 2), // Forward Upwardx2
Vec3::new(1, 0, 2), // Right Upwardx2
Vec3::new(0, -1, 2), // Backward Upwardx2
Vec3::new(-1, 0, 2), // Left Upwardx2
// let walkable = [
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(1, 0, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(-1, 0, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(0, 1, 0))),
// is_walkable(&(pos + Vec3::new(0, -1, 0))),
// ];
// const DIAGONALS: [(Vec3<i32>, [usize; 2]); 8] = [
// (Vec3::new(1, 1, 0), [0, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, 1, 0), [1, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(1, -1, 0), [0, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, -1, 0), [1, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(1, 1, 1), [0, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, 1, 1), [1, 2]),
// (Vec3::new(1, -1, 1), [0, 3]),
// (Vec3::new(-1, -1, 1), [1, 3]),
// ];
.filter(|_| {
vol.get(pos).map(|b| !b.is_liquid()).unwrap_or(true)
|| traversal_cfg.can_climb
.map(move |dir| (pos, dir))
.filter(move |(pos, dir)| {
&& is_walkable(&(*pos + **dir))
&& ((dir.z < 1
|| vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 2)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
&& (dir.z < 2
|| vol
.get(pos + Vec3::unit_z() * 3)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
&& (dir.z >= 0
|| vol
.get(pos + *dir + Vec3::unit_z() * 2)
.map(|b| !b.is_solid())
.map(move |(pos, dir)| pos + dir)
// .chain(
// .iter()
// .filter(move |(dir, [a, b])| {
// is_walkable(&(pos + *dir)) && walkable[*a] &&
// walkable[*b] })
// .map(move |(dir, _)| pos + *dir),
// )
let transition = |a: &Vec3<i32>, b: &Vec3<i32>| {
let crow_line = LineSegment2 {
start: startf.xy(),
end: endf.xy(),
// Modify the heuristic a little in order to prefer paths that take us on a
// straight line toward our target. This means we get smoother movement.
1.0 + crow_line.distance_to_point(b.xy().map(|e| e as f32)) * 0.025
+ (b.z - a.z - 1).max(0) as f32 * 10.0
let satisfied = |pos: &Vec3<i32>| pos == &end;
let mut new_astar = match astar.take() {
None => Astar::new(25_000, start, heuristic, DefaultHashBuilder::default()),
Some(astar) => astar,
let path_result = new_astar.poll(100, heuristic, neighbors, transition, satisfied);
*astar = Some(new_astar);
match path_result {
PathResult::Path(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), true)
PathResult::None(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), false)
PathResult::Exhausted(path) => {
*astar = None;
(Some(path), false)
PathResult::Pending => (None, false),