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use crate::{
assets::{self, AssetExt, Error},
self, agent, humanoid,
inventory::loadout_builder::{LoadoutBuilder, LoadoutSpec},
Alignment, Body, Item,
npc::{self, NPC_NAMES},
use enum_map::EnumMap;
use serde::Deserialize;
use vek::*;
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum NameKind {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BodyBuilder {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum AlignmentMark {
impl Default for AlignmentMark {
fn default() -> Self { Self::Alignment(Alignment::Wild) }
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum LoadoutKind {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct InventorySpec {
loadout: LoadoutKind,
items: Vec<(u32, String)>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum Meta {
// FIXME: currently this is used for both base definition
// and extension manifest.
// This is why all fields have Uninit kind which is means
// that this field should be either Default or Unchanged
// depending on how it is used.
// When we will use extension manifests more, it would be nicer to
// split EntityBase and EntityExtension to different structs.
// Fields which have Uninit enum kind
// should be optional (or renamed to Unchanged) in EntityExtension
// and required (or renamed to Default) in EntityBase
/// Struct for EntityInfo manifest.
/// Intended to use with .ron files as base definition or
/// in rare cases as extension manifest.
/// Pure data struct, doesn't do anything until evaluated with EntityInfo.
/// Check assets/common/entity/template.ron or other examples.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use vek::Vec3;
/// use veloren_common::generation::EntityInfo;
/// // create new EntityInfo at dummy position
/// // and fill it with template config
/// let dummy_position = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
/// // rng is required because some elements may be randomly generated
/// let mut dummy_rng = rand::thread_rng();
/// let entity =
/// EntityInfo::at(dummy_position).with_asset_expect("common.entity.template", &mut dummy_rng);
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct EntityConfig {
/// Name of Entity
/// Can be Name(String) with given name
/// or Automatic which will call automatic name depend on Body
/// or Uninit (means it should be specified somewhere in code)
// Hidden, because its behaviour depends on `body` field.
name: NameKind,
/// Body
/// Can be Exact (Body with all fields e.g BodyType, Species, Hair color and
/// such) or RandomWith (will generate random body or species)
/// or Uninit (means it should be specified somewhere in code)
pub body: BodyBuilder,
/// Alignment, can be Uninit
pub alignment: AlignmentMark,
/// Loot
/// See LootSpec in lottery
pub loot: LootSpec<String>,
/// Loadout & Inventory
/// Check docs for `InventorySpec` struct in this file.
pub inventory: InventorySpec,
/// Meta Info for optional fields
/// Possible fields:
/// SkillSetAsset(String) with asset_specifier for skillset
pub meta: Vec<Meta>,
impl assets::Asset for EntityConfig {
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
impl EntityConfig {
pub fn from_asset_expect_owned(asset_specifier: &str) -> Self {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Failed to load {}. Error: {:?}", asset_specifier, e))
pub fn with_body(mut self, body: BodyBuilder) -> Self {
self.body = body;
/// Return all entity config specifiers
pub fn try_all_entity_configs() -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
let configs = assets::load_dir::<EntityConfig>("common.entity", true)?;
Ok(configs.ids().map(|id| id.to_string()).collect())
pub struct EntityInfo {
pub pos: Vec3<f32>,
pub is_waypoint: bool, // Edge case, overrides everything else
// Agent
pub has_agency: bool,
pub alignment: Alignment,
pub agent_mark: Option<agent::Mark>,
pub no_flee: bool,
// Stats
pub body: Body,
pub name: Option<String>,
pub scale: f32,
// Loot
pub loot: LootSpec<String>,
// Loadout
pub inventory: Vec<(u32, Item)>,
pub loadout: LoadoutBuilder,
pub make_loadout: Option<fn(LoadoutBuilder, Option<&SiteInformation>) -> LoadoutBuilder>,
// Skills
pub skillset_asset: Option<String>,
// Not implemented
pub pet: Option<Box<EntityInfo>>,
// Economy
// we can't use DHashMap, do we want to move that into common?
pub trading_information: Option<SiteInformation>,
//Option<hashbrown::HashMap<crate::trade::Good, (f32, f32)>>, /* price and available amount */
impl EntityInfo {
pub fn at(pos: Vec3<f32>) -> Self {
Self {
is_waypoint: false,
has_agency: true,
alignment: Alignment::Wild,
agent_mark: None,
body: Body::Humanoid(humanoid::Body::random()),
name: None,
scale: 1.0,
loot: LootSpec::Nothing,
inventory: Vec::new(),
loadout: LoadoutBuilder::empty(),
make_loadout: None,
skillset_asset: None,
pet: None,
trading_information: None,
no_flee: false,
/// Helper function for applying config from asset
/// with specified Rng for managing loadout.
pub fn with_asset_expect<R>(self, asset_specifier: &str, loadout_rng: &mut R) -> Self
R: rand::Rng,
let config = EntityConfig::load_expect_cloned(asset_specifier);
self.with_entity_config(config, Some(asset_specifier), loadout_rng)
/// Evaluate and apply EntityConfig
pub fn with_entity_config<R>(
mut self,
config: EntityConfig,
config_asset: Option<&str>,
loadout_rng: &mut R,
) -> Self
R: rand::Rng,
let EntityConfig {
} = config;
match body {
BodyBuilder::RandomWith(string) => {
let npc::NpcBody(_body_kind, mut body_creator) =
string.parse::<npc::NpcBody>().unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("failed to parse body {:?}. Err: {:?}", &string, err)
let body = body_creator();
self = self.with_body(body);
BodyBuilder::Exact(body) => {
self = self.with_body(body);
BodyBuilder::Uninit => {},
// NOTE: set name after body, as it's used with automatic name
match name {
NameKind::Name(name) => {
self = self.with_name(name);
NameKind::Automatic => {
self = self.with_automatic_name();
NameKind::Uninit => {},
if let AlignmentMark::Alignment(alignment) = alignment {
self = self.with_alignment(alignment);
self = self.with_loot_drop(loot);
// NOTE: set loadout after body, as it's used with default equipement
self = self.with_inventory(inventory, config_asset, loadout_rng);
for field in meta {
match field {
Meta::SkillSetAsset(asset) => {
self = self.with_skillset_asset(asset);
/// Return EntityInfo with LoadoutBuilder and items overwritten
// NOTE: helper function, think twice before exposing it
fn with_inventory<R>(
mut self,
inventory: InventorySpec,
config_asset: Option<&str>,
rng: &mut R,
) -> Self
R: rand::Rng,
let config_asset = config_asset.unwrap_or("???");
let InventorySpec { loadout, items } = inventory;
// FIXME: this shouldn't always overwrite
// inventory. Think about this when we get to
// entity config inheritance.
self.inventory = items
.map(|(num, i)| (num, Item::new_from_asset_expect(&i)))
match loadout {
LoadoutKind::FromBody => {
self = self.with_default_equip();
LoadoutKind::Asset(loadout) => {
let loadout = LoadoutBuilder::from_asset(&loadout, rng).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("failed to load loadout for {config_asset}: {e:?}");
self.loadout = loadout;
LoadoutKind::Inline(loadout_spec) => {
let loadout =
LoadoutBuilder::from_loadout_spec(*loadout_spec, rng).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
panic!("failed to load loadout for {config_asset}: {e:?}");
self.loadout = loadout;
/// Return EntityInfo with LoadoutBuilder overwritten
// NOTE: helper function, think twice before exposing it
fn with_default_equip(mut self) -> Self {
let loadout_builder = LoadoutBuilder::from_default(&self.body);
self.loadout = loadout_builder;
pub fn do_if(mut self, cond: bool, f: impl FnOnce(Self) -> Self) -> Self {
if cond {
self = f(self);
pub fn into_waypoint(mut self) -> Self {
self.is_waypoint = true;
pub fn with_alignment(mut self, alignment: Alignment) -> Self {
self.alignment = alignment;
pub fn with_body(mut self, body: Body) -> Self {
self.body = body;
pub fn with_name(mut self, name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.name = Some(name.into());
pub fn with_agency(mut self, agency: bool) -> Self {
self.has_agency = agency;
pub fn with_agent_mark(mut self, agent_mark: impl Into<Option<agent::Mark>>) -> Self {
self.agent_mark = agent_mark.into();
pub fn with_loot_drop(mut self, loot_drop: LootSpec<String>) -> Self {
self.loot = loot_drop;
pub fn with_scale(mut self, scale: f32) -> Self {
self.scale = scale;
pub fn with_lazy_loadout(
mut self,
creator: fn(LoadoutBuilder, Option<&SiteInformation>) -> LoadoutBuilder,
) -> Self {
self.make_loadout = Some(creator);
pub fn with_skillset_asset(mut self, asset: String) -> Self {
self.skillset_asset = Some(asset);
pub fn with_automatic_name(mut self) -> Self {
let npc_names = NPC_NAMES.read();
let name = match &self.body {
Body::Humanoid(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.humanoid, body.species)),
Body::QuadrupedMedium(body) => {
Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.quadruped_medium, body.species))
Body::BirdMedium(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.bird_medium, body.species)),
Body::BirdLarge(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.bird_large, body.species)),
Body::FishSmall(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.fish_small, body.species)),
Body::FishMedium(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.fish_medium, body.species)),
Body::Theropod(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.theropod, body.species)),
Body::QuadrupedSmall(body) => {
Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.quadruped_small, body.species))
Body::Dragon(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.dragon, body.species)),
Body::QuadrupedLow(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.quadruped_low, body.species)),
Body::Golem(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.golem, body.species)),
Body::BipedLarge(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.biped_large, body.species)),
Body::Arthropod(body) => Some(get_npc_name(&npc_names.arthropod, body.species)),
_ => None,
self.name = name.map(str::to_owned);
/// map contains price+amount
pub fn with_economy<'a>(mut self, e: impl Into<Option<&'a SiteInformation>>) -> Self {
self.trading_information = e.into().cloned();
pub fn with_no_flee(mut self) -> Self {
self.no_flee = true;
pub fn with_loadout(mut self, loadout: LoadoutBuilder) -> Self {
self.loadout = loadout;
pub struct ChunkSupplement {
pub entities: Vec<EntityInfo>,
pub rtsim_max_resources: EnumMap<rtsim::ChunkResource, usize>,
impl ChunkSupplement {
pub fn add_entity(&mut self, entity: EntityInfo) { self.entities.push(entity); }
pub fn get_npc_name<
SpeciesData: for<'b> core::ops::Index<&'b Species, Output = npc::SpeciesNames>,
body_data: &'a comp::BodyData<npc::BodyNames, SpeciesData>,
species: Species,
) -> &'a str {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::SkillSetBuilder;
use hashbrown::HashMap;
#[derive(Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
enum MetaId {
impl Meta {
fn id(&self) -> MetaId {
match self {
Meta::SkillSetAsset(_) => MetaId::SkillSetAsset,
fn validate_body(body: &BodyBuilder, config_asset: &str) {
match body {
BodyBuilder::RandomWith(string) => {
let npc::NpcBody(_body_kind, mut body_creator) =
string.parse::<npc::NpcBody>().unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"failed to parse body {:?} in {}. Err: {:?}",
&string, config_asset, err
let _ = body_creator();
BodyBuilder::Uninit | BodyBuilder::Exact { .. } => {},
fn validate_inventory(inventory: InventorySpec, body: &BodyBuilder, config_asset: &str) {
let InventorySpec { loadout, items } = inventory;
match loadout {
LoadoutKind::FromBody => {
if body.clone() == BodyBuilder::Uninit {
// there is a big chance to call automatic name
// when body is yet undefined
panic!("Used FromBody loadout with Uninit body in {}", config_asset);
LoadoutKind::Asset(asset) => {
let loadout =
LoadoutSpec::load_cloned(&asset).expect("failed to load loadout asset");
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Config {config_asset} is broken: {e:?}"));
LoadoutKind::Inline(spec) => {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Config {config_asset} is broken: {e:?}"));
// TODO: check for number of items
// 1) just with 16 default slots?
// - well, keep in mind that not every item can stack to infinite amount
// 2) discover total capacity from loadout?
for (num, item_str) in items {
let item = Item::new_from_asset(&item_str);
let mut item = item.unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("can't load {} in {}: {:?}", item_str, config_asset, err);
item.set_amount(num).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"can't set amount {} for {} in {}: {:?}",
num, item_str, config_asset, err
fn validate_name(name: NameKind, body: BodyBuilder, config_asset: &str) {
if name == NameKind::Automatic && body == BodyBuilder::Uninit {
// there is a big chance to call automatic name
// when body is yet undefined
// use .with_automatic_name() in code explicitly
panic!("Used Automatic name with Uninit body in {}", config_asset);
fn validate_loot(loot: LootSpec<String>, _config_asset: &str) {
use crate::lottery;
fn validate_meta(meta: Vec<Meta>, config_asset: &str) {
let mut meta_counter = HashMap::new();
for field in meta {
.and_modify(|c| *c += 1)
match field {
Meta::SkillSetAsset(asset) => {
for (meta_id, counter) in meta_counter {
if counter > 1 {
panic!("Duplicate {:?} in {}", meta_id, config_asset);
fn test_all_entity_assets() {
// Get list of entity configs, load everything, validate content.
let entity_configs =
try_all_entity_configs().expect("Failed to access entity configs directory");
for config_asset in entity_configs {
let EntityConfig {
alignment: _alignment, // can't fail if serialized, it's a boring enum
} = EntityConfig::from_asset_expect_owned(&config_asset);
validate_body(&body, &config_asset);
// body dependent stuff
validate_inventory(inventory, &body, &config_asset);
validate_name(name, body, &config_asset);
// misc
validate_loot(loot, &config_asset);
validate_meta(meta, &config_asset);