Marcel bf136a62c5 Merge branch 'xMAC94x/veloren_anim_move' into 'master'
move anim code from voxygen/src/anim to voxygen/anim

See merge request veloren/veloren!1585
2020-12-01 20:01:26 +00:00

112 lines
3.5 KiB

authors = ["Joshua Barretto <>", "Imbris <>"]
default-run = "veloren-voxygen"
edition = "2018"
name = "veloren-voxygen"
version = "0.8.0"
# Cargo thinks it should build the voxygen binary even when a specific bench is specified for building
# Uncomment below and comment out default-run if you want to avoid this
# autobins = false
gl = ["gfx_device_gl", "gfx_gl"]
hot-anim = ["anim/use-dyn-lib"]
singleplayer = ["server"]
tweak = ["const-tweaker"]
simd = ["vek/platform_intrinsics"]
tracy = ["tracing-tracy", "common/tracy"]
default = ["gl", "singleplayer", "native-dialog", "simd"]
client = {package = "veloren-client", path = "../client"}
common = {package = "veloren-common", path = "../common"}
common_sys = {package = "veloren_common_sys", path = "../common/sys"}
anim = {package = "veloren-voxygen-anim", path = "anim", default-features = false}
# Graphics
gfx = "0.18.2"
gfx_device_gl = {version = "0.16.2", optional = true}
gfx_gl = {version = "0.6.1", optional = true}
glutin = "0.25.1"
old_school_gfx_glutin_ext = "0.25"
winit = {version = "0.23.0", features = ["serde"]}
# Ui
conrod_core = {git = "", branch="copypasta_0.7"}
conrod_winit = {git = "", branch="copypasta_0.7"}
euc = {git = ""}
iced = {package = "iced_native", git = "", rev = "f464316"}
iced_winit = {git = "", rev = "f464316"}
window_clipboard = "0.1.1"
glyph_brush = "0.7.0"
specs = {git = "", rev = "7a2e348ab2223818bad487695c66c43db88050a5"}
specs-idvs = {git = "", branch = "specs-git"}
# Mathematics
vek = {version = "0.12.0", features = ["serde"]}
# Controller
gilrs = {version = "0.7", features = ["serde"]}
# Singleplayer
server = {package = "veloren-server", path = "../server", optional = true}
# Utility
backtrace = "0.3.40"
bincode = "1.2"
chrono = "0.4.9"
cpal = "0.13"
copy_dir = "0.1.2"
crossbeam = "=0.7.2"
deunicode = "1.0"
# TODO: remove
directories-next = "2.0"
dot_vox = "4.0"
enum-iterator = "0.6"
failure = "0.1.6"
glsl-include = "0.3.1"
guillotiere = "0.5.2"
hashbrown = {version = "0.7.2", features = ["rayon", "serde", "nightly"]}
image = {version = "0.23.8", default-features = false, features = ["ico", "png"]}
native-dialog = { version = "0.4.2", default-features = false, optional = true }
num = "0.2"
ordered-float = { version = "2.0.0", default-features = false }
rand = "0.7"
rodio = {version = "0.13", default-features = false, features = ["wav", "vorbis"]}
ron = {version = "0.6", default-features = false}
serde = {version = "1.0", features = [ "rc", "derive" ]}
treeculler = "0.1.0"
uvth = "3.1.1"
# vec_map = { version = "0.8.2" }
const-tweaker = {version = "0.3.1", optional = true}
inline_tweak = "1.0.2"
itertools = "0.9.0"
# Tracy
tracing-tracy = { version = "0.3.0", optional = true }
# Logging
tracing = "0.1"
tracing-appender = "0.1"
tracing-log = "0.1.1"
tracing-subscriber = {version = "0.2.3", default-features = false, features = ["env-filter", "fmt", "chrono", "ansi", "smallvec", "tracing-log"]}
[target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies]
dispatch = "0.1.4"
winres = "0.1"
criterion = "0.3"
git2 = "0.13"
world = {package = "veloren-world", path = "../world"}
harness = false
name = "meshing_benchmark"