Xiretza 06111612a3 voxygen: better translation of buff-death messages
This removes interpolation of translated strings, which is bad practice
because it simply doesn't work in many languages.

Translation files were updated using the following fish script. Some
resulting translations are truly terrible, but they always have been -
now it's just a lot more obvious.

function getbuff --argument langfile buff
    grep hud-outcome-$buff $langfile | cut -d= -f2- | string trim

set buffs burning bleeding curse crippled frozen mysterious

function replacebuffs --argument langfile entity
	set slug 'hud-chat-died_of_'$entity'_buff_msg'
    for buff in $buffs[-1..1]
        set bstr (getbuff $langfile $buff)
        or continue
        sed -i -e '/'$slug'/{p; s/[^=]* = \(.*\)/ .'$buff' = \1/; s/{ \$died_of_buff }/'(string replace / '\\/' $bstr)'/}' $langfile
    sed -i -E 's/('$slug' \=).*/\1/' $langfile

function dofile --argument langfile
    sed -i -e s/buff_nonexistent/nonexistent_buff/ $langfile
    for entity in pvp npc nonexistent
        replacebuffs $langfile $entity
    sed -i -e s/nonexistent_buff/buff_nonexistent/ $langfile
    sed -i -e /hud-outcome-/d $langfile
    sed -i -e '/#.*outcomes/d' $langfile

for langfile in assets/voxygen/i18n/*/hud/chat.ftl
    echo doing $langfile
    dofile $langfile
2023-08-29 17:09:48 +00:00

39 lines
2.2 KiB

hud-chat-all = Tothom
hud-chat-chat_tab_hover_tooltip = Clic Dret per a Ajustos
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }] s'ha connectat
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }] s'ha desconnectat
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }] ha mort
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }] ha mort a { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }] ha mort per caure d'una gran altura
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }] ha mort per ferides autoinfligides
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg =
.burning = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: cremat causat per [{ $attacker }]
.bleeding = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: dessagnat causat per [{ $attacker }]
.curse = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: maleït causat per [{ $attacker }]
.crippled = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: mutilat causat per [{ $attacker }]
.frozen = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: congelat causat per [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] ha derrotat [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] ha disparat [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] ha fet explotar [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] ha matat [{ $victim }] amb màgia
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg =
.burning = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: cremat
.bleeding = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: dessagnat
.curse = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: maleït
.crippled = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: mutilat
.frozen = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: congelat
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg =
.burning = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: cremat causat per { $attacker }
.bleeding = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: dessagnat causat per { $attacker }
.curse = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: maleït causat per { $attacker }
.crippled = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: mutilat causat per { $attacker }
.frozen = [{ $victim }] Ha mort: congelat causat per { $attacker }
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha matat [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha disparat [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha fet explotar [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha matat [{ $victim }] amb màgia
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha matat [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-loot_fail = La teva bossa és plena!
hud-chat-goodbye = Adeu!
hud-chat-connection_lost = S'ha perdut la connexió. Tancament en { $time } segons.