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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
329 lines
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329 lines
12 KiB
use common::{terrain::TerrainChunkSize, vol::RectVolSize};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::{f64, io::Write, path::PathBuf, time::SystemTime};
use vek::*;
use veloren_world::{
self, get_shadows, uniform_idx_as_vec2, Alt, MapConfig, MapDebug, WorldOpts, WORLD_SIZE,
World, CONFIG,
const W: usize = 1024;
const H: usize = 1024;
fn main() {
// To load a map file of your choice, replace map_file with the name of your map
// (stored locally in the map directory of your Veloren root), and swap the
// sim::FileOpts::Save line below for the sim::FileOpts::Load one.
let map_file =
// "map_1575990726223.bin";
// "map_1575987666972.bin";
// "map_1576046079066.bin";
let mut _map_file = PathBuf::from("./maps");
let world = World::generate(5284, WorldOpts {
seed_elements: false,
// world_file: sim::FileOpts::LoadAsset(veloren_world::sim::DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP.into()),
world_file: sim::FileOpts::Load(_map_file),
// world_file: sim::FileOpts::Save,
log::info!("Sampling data...");
let sampler = world.sim();
let samples_data = {
let column_sample = world.sample_columns();
.map(|posi| {
.get(uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
let refresh_shadows = |light_direction: Vec3<f64>, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water| {
//Vec3::new(-0.8, 0.3, /*-1.0*/-(1.0 / TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as Alt)),
Vec3::new(light_direction.x, light_direction.z, light_direction.y/* / lgain*/),
TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64/* * scale*/,
TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as f64/* * scale*/,
Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0), // focus.into(),
max: WORLD_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)/* * scale*//* + focus.into() */,
CONFIG.sea_level as f64, // focus.z,
(CONFIG.sea_level + sampler.max_height) as f64, // (focus.z + self.max_height) as Alt,
|posi| {
let sample = sampler.get(uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi)).unwrap();
if is_basement {
sample.alt as f64
} else {
sample.basement as f64
}.max(if is_water { sample.water_alt as f64 } else { -f64::INFINITY })
let mut win =
minifb::Window::new("World Viewer", W, H, minifb::WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
let mut focus = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, CONFIG.sea_level as f64);
// Altitude is divided by gain and clamped to [0, 1]; thus, decreasing gain
// makes smaller differences in altitude appear larger.
let mut gain = /*CONFIG.mountain_scale*/sampler.max_height;
// The Z component during normal calculations is multiplied by gain; thus,
let mut lgain = 1.0;
let mut scale = WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 / W as f64;
// Right-handed coordinate system: light is going left, down, and "backwards"
// (i.e. on the map, where we translate the y coordinate on the world map to
// z in the coordinate system, the light comes from -y on the map and points
// towards +y on the map). In a right handed coordinate system, the
// "camera" points towards -z, so positive z is backwards "into" the camera.
// "In world space the x-axis will be pointing east, the y-axis up and the
// z-axis will be pointing south"
let mut light_direction = Vec3::new(-/*0.8*/1.3, -1.0, 0.3);
let mut is_basement = false;
let mut is_water = true;
let mut is_shaded = true;
let mut is_temperature = true;
let mut is_humidity = true;
let mut shadows = None; //refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water);
let mut samples = None;
while win.is_open() {
let config = MapConfig {
dimensions: Vec2::new(W, H),
shadows: shadows.as_deref(),
// is_sampled,
is_debug: true,
let mut buf = vec![0; W * H];
let MapDebug {
} = config.generate(sampler, |pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
let i = pos.x;
let j = pos.y;
buf[j * W + i] = u32::from_le_bytes([b, g, r, a]);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::F4) {
if let Some(len) = (W * H)
.checked_mul(scale as usize)
.and_then(|acc| acc.checked_mul(scale as usize))
let x = (W as f64 * scale) as usize;
let y = (H as f64 * scale) as usize;
let config = sim::MapConfig {
dimensions: Vec2::new(x, y),
scale: 1.0,
let mut buf = vec![0u8; 4 * len];
config.generate(sampler, |pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
let i = pos.x;
let j = pos.y;
(&mut buf[(j * x + i) * 4..]).write(&[r, g, b, a]).unwrap();
// TODO: Justify fits in u32.
let world_map = image::RgbaImage::from_raw(x as u32, y as u32, buf)
.expect("Image dimensions must be valid");
let mut path = PathBuf::from("./screenshots");
if !path.exists() {
if let Err(err) = std::fs::create_dir(&path) {
log::warn!("Couldn't create folder for screenshot: {:?}", err);
.map(|d| d.as_millis())
if let Err(err) = world_map.save(&path) {
log::warn!("Couldn't save screenshot: {:?}", err);
let spd = 32.0;
let lspd = 0.1;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::P) {
Gain / Shade gain: {:?} / {:?}\nScale / Focus: {:?} / {:?}\nLight: {:?}
Land(adjacent): (X = temp, Y = humidity): {:?}\nRivers: {:?}\nLakes: \
{:?}\nOceans: {:?}\nTotal water: {:?}\nTotal land(adjacent): {:?}",
rivers + lakes + oceans,
quads.iter().map(|x| x.iter().sum::<u32>()).sum::<u32>()
if win.get_mouse_down(minifb::MouseButton::Left) {
if let Some((mx, my)) = win.get_mouse_pos(minifb::MouseMode::Clamp) {
let pos = (Vec2::<f64>::from(focus) + (Vec2::new(mx as f64, my as f64) * scale))
.map(|e| e as i32);
"Chunk position: {:?}",
pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e * f as i32)
let is_camera = win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::C);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::B) {
is_basement ^= true;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::H) {
is_humidity ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::T) {
is_temperature ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::O) {
is_water ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::L) {
if is_camera {
shadows = match shadows {
Some(_) => None,
None => refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water),
} else {
is_shaded ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::M) {
samples = samples.xor(Some(&*samples_data));
// is_sampled ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::W) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.z -= lspd;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
focus.y -= spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::A) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.x -= lspd;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
focus.x -= spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::S) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.z += lspd;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
focus.y += spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::D) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.x += lspd;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
focus.x += spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::Q) {
if is_camera {
if (lgain * 2.0).is_normal() {
lgain *= 2.0;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
gain += 64.0;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::E) {
if is_camera {
if (lgain / 2.0).is_normal() {
lgain /= 2.0;
shadows = shadows.and_then(|_| {
refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale, is_basement, is_water)
} else {
gain = (gain - 64.0).max(64.0);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::R) {
if is_camera {
focus.z += spd * scale;
} else {
if (scale * 2.0).is_normal() {
scale *= 2.0;
// shadows = refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale,
// is_basement);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::F) {
if is_camera {
focus.z -= spd * scale;
} else {
if (scale / 2.0).is_normal() {
scale /= 2.0;
// shadows = refresh_shadows(light_direction, lgain, scale,
// is_basement);