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2020-08-07 08:29:12 +00:00
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Linq;
2020-01-07 13:50:11 +00:00
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem;
using Wabbajack.Common;
using Wabbajack.Lib.Downloaders;
using Wabbajack.VirtualFileSystem;
using Directory = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Directory;
2019-11-24 13:04:57 +00:00
using File = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.File;
using FileInfo = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.FileInfo;
using Path = Alphaleonis.Win32.Filesystem.Path;
namespace Wabbajack.Lib
public abstract class AInstaller : ABatchProcessor
public bool IgnoreMissingFiles { get; internal set; } = false;
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
public AbsolutePath OutputFolder { get; private set; }
public AbsolutePath DownloadFolder { get; private set; }
public abstract ModManager ModManager { get; }
2020-03-26 21:15:44 +00:00
public AbsolutePath ModListArchive { get; private set; }
public ModList ModList { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<Hash, AbsolutePath> HashedArchives { get; } = new Dictionary<Hash, AbsolutePath>();
2020-01-07 13:50:11 +00:00
public GameMetaData Game { get; }
2020-04-10 01:29:53 +00:00
public SystemParameters? SystemParameters { get; set; }
2020-08-05 22:01:45 +00:00
public bool UseCompression { get; set; }
public AInstaller(AbsolutePath archive, ModList modList, AbsolutePath outputFolder, AbsolutePath downloadFolder, SystemParameters? parameters, int steps, Game game)
: base(steps)
ModList = modList;
ModListArchive = archive;
OutputFolder = outputFolder;
DownloadFolder = downloadFolder;
2020-01-07 13:50:11 +00:00
SystemParameters = parameters;
Game = game.MetaData();
private ExtractedFiles? ExtractedModListFiles { get; set; } = null;
public async Task ExtractModlist()
ExtractedModListFiles = await FileExtractor.ExtractAll(Queue, ModListArchive);
public void Info(string msg)
public void Status(string msg)
2020-02-08 04:35:08 +00:00
Queue.Report(msg, Percent.Zero);
public void Error(string msg)
throw new Exception(msg);
2020-03-25 22:30:43 +00:00
public async Task<byte[]> LoadBytesFromPath(RelativePath path)
await using var e = await ExtractedModListFiles![path].OpenRead();
return await e.ReadAllAsync();
2020-03-26 21:15:44 +00:00
public static ModList LoadFromFile(AbsolutePath path)
2020-03-26 21:15:44 +00:00
using var fs = new FileStream((string)path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
using var ar = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read);
var entry = ar.GetEntry("modlist");
if (entry == null)
2020-03-26 21:15:44 +00:00
entry = ar.GetEntry("modlist.json");
using (var e = entry.Open())
return e.FromJson<ModList>();
2020-03-26 21:15:44 +00:00
using (var e = entry.Open())
return e.FromJson<ModList>();
/// <summary>
/// We don't want to make the installer index all the archives, that's just a waste of time, so instead
/// we'll pass just enough information to VFS to let it know about the files we have.
/// </summary>
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
protected async Task PrimeVFS()
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
VFS.AddKnown(ModList.Directives.OfType<FromArchive>().Select(d => d.ArchiveHashPath), HashedArchives);
2019-12-07 02:54:27 +00:00
await VFS.BackfillMissing();
public void BuildFolderStructure()
Info("Building Folder Structure");
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
.Select(d => OutputFolder.Combine(d.To.Parent))
2020-01-07 13:50:11 +00:00
2020-03-28 02:54:14 +00:00
.Do(f => f.CreateDirectory());
public async Task InstallArchives()
Info("Installing Archives");
Info("Grouping Install Files");
var grouped = ModList.Directives
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
.GroupBy(e => e.ArchiveHashPath.BaseHash)
.ToDictionary(k => k.Key);
var archives = ModList.Archives
.Select(a => new { Archive = a, AbsolutePath = HashedArchives.GetOrDefault(a.Hash) })
.Where(a => a.AbsolutePath != null)
Info("Installing Archives");
await archives.PMap(Queue, UpdateTracker,a => InstallArchive(Queue, a.Archive, a.AbsolutePath, grouped[a.Archive.Hash]));
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
private async Task InstallArchive(WorkQueue queue, Archive archive, AbsolutePath absolutePath, IGrouping<Hash, FromArchive> grouping)
Status($"Extracting {archive.Name}");
List<FromArchive> vFiles = grouping.Select(g =>
var file = VFS.Index.FileForArchiveHashPath(g.ArchiveHashPath);
g.FromFile = file;
return g;
var onFinish = await VFS.Stage(vFiles.Select(f => f.FromFile).Distinct());
Status($"Copying files for {archive.Name}");
async ValueTask CopyFile(AbsolutePath from, AbsolutePath to)
if (to.Exists)
if (to.IsReadOnly)
to.IsReadOnly = false;
2020-05-26 11:31:11 +00:00
await to.DeleteAsync();
if (from.Exists)
if (from.IsReadOnly)
from.IsReadOnly = false;
await @from.CopyToAsync(to);
// If we don't do this, the file will use the last-modified date of the file when it was compressed
// into an archive, which isn't really what we want in the case of files installed archives
to.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
2020-08-05 22:01:45 +00:00
foreach (var (idx, group) in vFiles.GroupBy(f => f.FromFile).Select((grp, i) => (i, grp)))
2020-02-08 04:35:08 +00:00
Utils.Status("Installing files", Percent.FactoryPutInRange(idx, vFiles.Count));
2020-04-10 01:29:53 +00:00
if (group.Key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("FromFile was null");
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
var firstDest = OutputFolder.Combine(group.First().To);
if (group.Key.IsNative)
await group.Key.AbsoluteName.HardLinkIfOversize(firstDest);
await group.Key.StagedFile.MoveTo(firstDest);
foreach (var copy in group.Skip(1))
await CopyFile(firstDest, OutputFolder.Combine(copy.To));
2020-08-05 22:01:45 +00:00
foreach (var toPatch in group.OfType<PatchedFromArchive>())
await using var patchStream = new MemoryStream();
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
Status($"Patching {toPatch.To.FileName}");
// Read in the patch data
2020-05-14 11:28:29 +00:00
Status($"Verifying unpatched file {toPatch.To.FileName}");
var toFile = OutputFolder.Combine(toPatch.To);
var hash = await toFile.FileHashAsync();
if (hash != toPatch.FromHash)
throw new InvalidDataException($"Invalid Hash for {toPatch.To} before patching");
2020-03-25 22:30:43 +00:00
byte[] patchData = await LoadBytesFromPath(toPatch.PatchID);
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
var oldData = new MemoryStream(await toFile.ReadAllBytesAsync());
// Remove the file we're about to patch
2020-05-26 11:31:11 +00:00
await toFile.DeleteAsync();
// Patch it
await using (var outStream = await toFile.Create())
Utils.ApplyPatch(oldData, () => new MemoryStream(patchData), outStream);
2020-03-25 12:47:25 +00:00
Status($"Verifying Patch {toPatch.To.FileName}");
2020-05-14 11:28:29 +00:00
hash = await toFile.FileHashAsync();
if (hash != toPatch.Hash)
2020-07-07 20:17:49 +00:00
Utils.Log($"NOTE: Invalid Hash for {toPatch.To} after patching {hash} vs {toPatch.Hash}");
if (await VirusScanner.ShouldScan(toFile) &&
await ClientAPI.GetVirusScanResult(toFile) == VirusScanner.Result.Malware)
await toFile.DeleteAsync();
Utils.ErrorThrow(new Exception($"Virus scan of patched executable reported possible malware: {toFile.ToString()} ({(long)hash})"));
2020-08-05 22:01:45 +00:00
2020-08-07 08:29:12 +00:00
foreach (var file in group)
2020-08-05 22:01:45 +00:00
if (UseCompression)
foreach (var file in group)
Utils.Status($"Compacting {file.To}");
await file.To.RelativeTo(OutputFolder).Compact(FileCompaction.Algorithm.XPRESS16K);
Status("Unstaging files");
await onFinish();
public async Task DownloadArchives()
var missing = ModList.Archives.Where(a => !HashedArchives.ContainsKey(a.Hash)).ToList();
Info($"Missing {missing.Count} archives");
Info("Getting Nexus API Key, if a browser appears, please accept");
var dispatchers = missing.Select(m => m.State.GetDownloader()).Distinct();
2019-12-07 02:45:13 +00:00
await Task.WhenAll(dispatchers.Select(d => d.Prepare()));
2020-02-06 05:30:31 +00:00
await DownloadMissingArchives(missing);
public async Task DownloadMissingArchives(List<Archive> missing, bool download = true)
if (download)
foreach (var a in missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() == typeof(ManualDownloader.State)))
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
var outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(a.Name);
await a.State.Download(a, outputPath);
await missing.Where(a => a.State.GetType() != typeof(ManualDownloader.State))
.PMap(Queue, async archive =>
Info($"Downloading {archive.Name}");
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
var outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(archive.Name);
if (download)
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
if (outputPath.Exists)
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
var origName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archive.Name);
var ext = Path.GetExtension(archive.Name);
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
var uniqueKey = archive.State.PrimaryKeyString.StringSha256Hex();
outputPath = DownloadFolder.Combine(origName + "_" + uniqueKey + "_" + ext);
2020-05-26 11:31:11 +00:00
await outputPath.DeleteAsync();
return await DownloadArchive(archive, download, outputPath);
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
public async Task<bool> DownloadArchive(Archive archive, bool download, AbsolutePath? destination = null)
if (destination == null)
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
destination = DownloadFolder.Combine(archive.Name);
await DownloadDispatcher.DownloadWithPossibleUpgrade(archive, destination.Value);
catch (Exception ex)
Utils.Log($"Download error for file {archive.Name}");
return false;
return false;
public async Task HashArchives()
Utils.Log("Looking for files to hash");
var toHash = DownloadFolder.EnumerateFiles()
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
.Where(e => e.Extension != Consts.HashFileExtension)
2020-05-16 21:27:23 +00:00
Utils.Log($"Found {toHash.Count} files to hash");
var hashResults = await
.PMap(Queue, async e => (await e.FileHashCachedAsync(), e));
2020-04-12 18:18:08 +00:00
2020-03-25 22:49:32 +00:00
.OrderByDescending(e => e.Item2.LastModified)
.GroupBy(e => e.Item1)
.Select(e => e.First())
.Select(e => new KeyValuePair<Hash, AbsolutePath>(e.Item1, e.Item2)));
/// <summary>
/// Disabled
/// </summary>
public void ValidateFreeSpace()
// Disabled, caused more problems than it was worth.
DiskSpaceInfo DriveInfo(string path)
return Volume.GetDiskFreeSpace(Volume.GetUniqueVolumeNameForPath(path));
var paths = new[] {(OutputFolder, ModList.InstallSize),
(DownloadFolder, ModList.DownloadSize),
(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ModList.ScratchSpaceSize)};
paths.GroupBy(f => DriveInfo(f.Item1).DriveName)
.Do(g =>
var required = g.Sum(i => i.Item2);
var contains = g.Sum(folder =>
Directory.EnumerateFiles(folder.Item1, "*", DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive)
.Sum(file => new FileInfo(file).Length));
var available = DriveInfo(g.Key).FreeBytesAvailable;
if (required - contains > available)
throw new NotEnoughDiskSpaceException(
2020-01-13 21:11:07 +00:00
$"This ModList requires {required.ToFileSizeString()} on {g.Key} but only {available.ToFileSizeString()} is available.");
/// <summary>
/// The user may already have some files in the OutputFolder. If so we can go through these and
/// figure out which need to be updated, deleted, or left alone
/// </summary>
public async Task OptimizeModlist()
2020-01-13 21:11:07 +00:00
Utils.Log("Optimizing ModList directives");
2020-01-13 21:11:07 +00:00
// Clone the ModList so our changes don't modify the original data
ModList = ModList.Clone();
var indexed = ModList.Directives.ToDictionary(d => d.To);
var profileFolder = OutputFolder.Combine("profiles");
var savePath = (RelativePath)"saves";
2019-11-24 23:03:36 +00:00
UpdateTracker.NextStep("Looking for files to delete");
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
await OutputFolder.EnumerateFiles()
2020-05-26 11:31:11 +00:00
.PMap(Queue, UpdateTracker, async f =>
2020-03-28 02:54:14 +00:00
var relativeTo = f.RelativeTo(OutputFolder);
Utils.Status($"Checking if ModList file {relativeTo}");
if (indexed.ContainsKey(relativeTo) || f.InFolder(DownloadFolder))
if (f.InFolder(profileFolder) && f.Parent.FileName == savePath) return;
2020-03-28 02:54:14 +00:00
Utils.Log($"Deleting {relativeTo} it's not part of this ModList");
2020-05-26 11:31:11 +00:00
await f.DeleteAsync();
Utils.Log("Cleaning empty folders");
2020-01-07 04:46:36 +00:00
var expectedFolders = indexed.Keys
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
.Select(f => f.RelativeTo(OutputFolder))
2020-01-07 04:46:36 +00:00
// We ignore the last part of the path, so we need a dummy file name
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
2020-03-28 02:54:14 +00:00
.Where(f => f.InFolder(OutputFolder))
2020-01-07 04:46:36 +00:00
.SelectMany(path =>
// Get all the folders and all the folder parents
// so for foo\bar\baz\qux.txt this emits ["foo", "foo\\bar", "foo\\bar\\baz"]
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
var split = ((string)path.RelativeTo(OutputFolder)).Split('\\');
return Enumerable.Range(1, split.Length - 1).Select(t => string.Join("\\", split.Take(t)));
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
.Select(p => OutputFolder.Combine(p))
2020-03-28 04:33:26 +00:00
var toDelete = OutputFolder.EnumerateDirectories(true)
.Where(p => !expectedFolders.Contains(p))
2020-03-28 04:33:26 +00:00
.OrderByDescending(p => ((string)p).Length)
foreach (var dir in toDelete)
await dir.DeleteDirectory(dontDeleteIfNotEmpty:true);
2020-03-28 04:33:26 +00:00
catch (Exception)
// ignored because it's not worth throwing a fit over
Utils.Log("Error when trying to clean empty folders. This doesn't really matter.");
UpdateTracker.NextStep("Looking for unmodified files");
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
(await indexed.Values.PMap(Queue, UpdateTracker, async d =>
// Bit backwards, but we want to return null for
// all files we *want* installed. We return the files
// to remove from the install list.
Status($"Optimizing {d.To}");
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
var path = OutputFolder.Combine(d.To);
if (!path.Exists) return null;
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
if (path.Size != d.Size) return null;
return await path.FileHashCachedAsync() == d.Hash ? d : null;
.Do(d =>
if (d != null)
2020-01-13 21:11:07 +00:00
UpdateTracker.NextStep("Updating ModList");
Utils.Log($"Optimized {ModList.Directives.Count} directives to {indexed.Count} required");
var requiredArchives = indexed.Values.OfType<FromArchive>()
2020-03-25 23:15:19 +00:00
.GroupBy(d => d.ArchiveHashPath.BaseHash)
.Select(d => d.Key)
ModList.Archives = ModList.Archives.Where(a => requiredArchives.Contains(a.Hash)).ToList();
ModList.Directives = indexed.Values.ToList();
public class NotEnoughDiskSpaceException : Exception
public NotEnoughDiskSpaceException(string s) : base(s)