Better fix for 0 queue size

This commit is contained in:
trawzified 2020-01-21 21:40:47 +01:00
parent 882fbd3edc
commit 95f8f08a12

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@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ namespace Wabbajack.Lib
// Most of the heavy lifting is done on the scratch disk, so we'll use the value from that disk
var memory = Utils.GetMemoryStatus();
// Assume roughly 2GB of ram needed to extract each 7zip archive, and then leave 2GB for the OS. If calculation is lower or equal to 1 GB, use 1GB
var memory_guess = (memory.ullTotalPhys - (2 * GB)) / (2 * GB);
var based_on_memory = (memory_guess <= (1 * GB)) ? (1 * GB) : memory_guess;
var based_on_memory = Math.Max((memory.ullTotalPhys - (2 * GB)) / (2 * GB), 1);
var scratch_size = await RecommendQueueSize(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
var result = Math.Min((int)based_on_memory, (int)scratch_size);
Utils.Log($"Recommending a queue size of {result} based on disk performance, number of cores, and {((long)memory.ullTotalPhys).ToFileSizeString()} of system RAM");