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2015-01-16 02:36:31 +00:00
* Author: Commy2, based on KK_fnc_playerWeaponMulfunction from KillzoneKid
* Jam the weapon
2016-06-18 09:50:41 +00:00
* Arguments:
2015-02-08 22:54:12 +00:00
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Weapon <STRING>
2015-01-16 02:36:31 +00:00
2016-06-18 09:50:41 +00:00
* Return Value:
2015-01-16 02:36:31 +00:00
* None
2015-02-08 22:54:12 +00:00
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
* Example:
* [player, currentWeapon player] call ace_overheating_fnc_jamWeapon
2015-02-08 22:54:12 +00:00
* Public: No
2015-01-16 02:36:31 +00:00
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
#include "script_component.hpp"
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
params ["_unit", "_weapon"];
// don't jam a weapon with no rounds left
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
private _ammo = _unit ammo _weapon;
if (_ammo == 0) exitWith {};
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
private _jammedWeapons = _unit getVariable [QGVAR(jammedWeapons), []];
_jammedWeapons pushBack _weapon;
2015-01-13 03:23:14 +00:00
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(jammedWeapons), _jammedWeapons];
// Stop current burst
if (_ammo > 0) then {
_unit setAmmo [_weapon, 0];
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
// this is to re-activate the 'DefaultAction', so you can jam a weapon while full auto shootin
params ["_unit", "_weapon", "_ammo"];
_unit setAmmo [_weapon, _ammo];
}, [_unit, _weapon, _ammo]] call CBA_fnc_execNextFrame;
// only display the hint once, after you try to shoot an already jammed weapon
2015-01-13 03:23:14 +00:00
GVAR(knowAboutJam) = false;
2016-05-24 13:13:11 +00:00
["ace_weaponJammed", [_unit,_weapon]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent;
2015-01-13 03:23:14 +00:00
if (_unit getVariable [QGVAR(JammingActionID), -1] == -1) then {
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
private _condition = {
[_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_canUseWeapon
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
&& {currentMuzzle (_this select 1) in ((_this select 1) getVariable [QGVAR(jammedWeapons), []])}
&& {!(currentMuzzle (_this select 1) in ((_this select 1) getVariable [QEGVAR(safemode,safedWeapons), []]))}
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
private _statement = {
playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\weapons\Other\dry9.wss", _this select 0];
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
if (!(missionNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(knowAboutJam), false]) && {(_this select 1) ammo currentWeapon (_this select 1) > 0} && {GVAR(DisplayTextOnJam)}) then {
[localize LSTRING(WeaponJammed)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured);
GVAR(knowAboutJam) = true;
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
private _id = [_unit, "DefaultAction", _condition, _statement] call EFUNC(common,addActionEventHandler);
2015-12-15 07:09:26 +00:00
_unit setVariable [QGVAR(JammingActionID), _id];