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* Author: Garth 'L-H' de Wet
* Starts defusing an explosive
* Arguments:
* 0: Unit <OBJECT>
* 1: Target explosive <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Nothing
* Example:
* [player, ACE_Interaction_Target] call ACE_Explosives_fnc_StartDefuse;
* Public: Yes
#include "script_component.hpp"
2015-08-15 19:35:33 +00:00
params ["_unit", "_target"];
2015-04-29 05:05:02 +00:00
private["_actionToPlay", "_defuseTime", "_isEOD"];
2015-04-29 05:05:02 +00:00
_target = attachedTo (_target);
_fnc_DefuseTime = {
2015-08-15 19:35:33 +00:00
params ["_specialist", "_target"];
2015-04-29 05:05:02 +00:00
private ["_defuseTime"];
_defuseTime = 5;
if (isNumber(ConfigFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> typeOf (_target) >> "ACE_DefuseTime")) then {
_defuseTime = getNumber(ConfigFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> typeOf (_target) >> "ACE_DefuseTime");
if (!_specialist && {GVAR(PunishNonSpecialists)}) then {
_defuseTime = _defuseTime * 1.5;
_actionToPlay = "MedicOther";
if (STANCE _unit == "Prone") then {
_actionToPlay = "PutDown";
if (ACE_player != _unit) then {
// If the unit is a player, call the function on the player.
if (isPlayer _unit) then {
[[_unit, _target], QFUNC(startDefuse), _unit] call EFUNC(common,execRemoteFnc);
} else {
_unit playActionNow _actionToPlay;
_unit disableAI "MOVE";
_unit disableAI "TARGET";
_defuseTime = [[_unit] call EFUNC(Common,isEOD), _target] call _fnc_DefuseTime;
2015-08-15 19:35:33 +00:00
params ["_unit", "_target"];
TRACE_2("defuse finished",_unit,_target);
[_unit, _target] call FUNC(defuseExplosive);
_unit enableAI "MOVE";
_unit enableAI "TARGET";
2015-08-15 19:35:33 +00:00
}, [_unit, _target], _defuseTime] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
} else {
_unit playActionNow _actionToPlay;
_isEOD = [_unit] call EFUNC(Common,isEOD);
_defuseTime = [_isEOD, _target] call _fnc_DefuseTime;
if (_isEOD || {!GVAR(RequireSpecialist)}) then {
2015-05-28 19:59:04 +00:00
[_defuseTime, [_unit,_target], {(_this select 0) call FUNC(defuseExplosive)}, {}, (localize LSTRING(DefusingExplosive))] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);