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Raw Normal View History

#include "..\script_component.hpp"
* Author: AACO, kymckay
* Function used to set the camera focus
* Arguments:
* 0: New focus <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [player] call ace_spectator_fnc_setFocus
* Public: No
params [["_newFocus", objNull, [objNull,true]]];
// If boolean provided then first find a focus
if (_newFocus isEqualType true) then {
private _testFocus = ([] call FUNC(getTargetEntities)) select 0;
if (isNil "_testFocus") then {
if (MODE_FREE in GVAR(availableModes)) then {
WARNING("No available entities to focus on. Switching to free cam.");
[MODE_FREE] call FUNC(cam_setCameraMode);
_newFocus = objNull;
} else {
// Default to player if necessary
WARNING("No available entities to focus on. Using player.");
_newFocus = player;
} else {
_newFocus = _testFocus;
if (_newFocus != GVAR(camFocus) && { !(isNull _newFocus && { isNull GVAR(camFocus) }) }) then {
GVAR(camFocus) = _newFocus;
if (isNull _newFocus) then {
if (GVAR(camMode) == MODE_FREE) then {
[] call FUNC(cam_resetTarget);
} else {
[MODE_FREE] call FUNC(cam_setCameraMode);
} else {
[GVAR(camMode)] call FUNC(cam_setCameraMode);
// Only update display if it exists, this function is independent of it
if !(isNull SPEC_DISPLAY) then {
[] call FUNC(ui_updateListFocus);
[] call FUNC(ui_updateWidget);
[] call FUNC(ui_updateHelp);