lightIntensity, handle soldier flashlights

This commit is contained in:
commy2 2015-04-07 20:54:25 +02:00
parent d34cfdb003
commit 722c2af4dc
3 changed files with 118 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ PREP(getHitPoints);
// turrets

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* Author: commy2
* Read properties of given flashlight. @todo, Can weapons themselves still have flashlights (no attachment)?
* Arguments:
* 0: A flashlight (String)
* Return Value:
* Stuff from config (Array)
#include "script_component.hpp"
private "_weapon";
_weapon = _this select 0;
private "_config";
_config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "ItemInfo" >> "FlashLight";
private ["_intensity", "_position", "_direction", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle"];
_intensity = getNumber (_config >> "intensity");
_position = getText (_config >> "position");
_direction = getText (_config >> "direction");
_innerAngle = getNumber (_config >> "innerAngle");
_outerAngle = getNumber (_config >> "outerAngle");
[_intensity, _position, _direction, _innerAngle, _outerAngle]
class FlashLight
color[] = {180,156,120};
ambient[] = {0.9,0.78,0.6};
intensity = 20;
size = 1;
innerAngle = 20;
outerAngle = 80;
coneFadeCoef = 5;
position = "flash dir";
direction = "flash";
useFlare = 1;
flareSize = 1.4;
flareMaxDistance = "100.0f";
dayLight = 0;
class Attenuation
start = 0.5;
constant = 0;
linear = 0;
quadratic = 1.1;
hardLimitStart = 20;
hardLimitEnd = 30;
scale[] = {0};

View File

@ -20,37 +20,80 @@ _lightSource = _this select 1;
private "_unitPos";
_unitPos = _unit modelToWorld (_unit selectionPosition "spine3");
private ["_lights", "_lightLevel"];
_lights = [_lightSource] call FUNC(getTurnedOnLights);
private "_lightLevel";
_lightLevel = 0;
private ["_properties", "_intensity", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle", "_position", "_direction", "_directionToUnit", "_distance", "_angle"];
if (_lightSource isKindOf "CAManBase") then {
// handle persons with flashlights
_properties = [_lightSource, _x] call FUNC(getLightProperties);
private "_weapon";
_weapon = currentWeapon _lightSource;
// @todo intensity affects range?
//_intensity = _properties select 0;
if !(_lightSource isFlashlightOn _weapon) exitWith {};
private ["_flashlight", "_properties", "_intensity", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle", "_position", "_direction", "_directionToUnit", "_distance", "_angle"];
_flashlight = switch (_weapon) do {
case (primaryWeapon _lightSource): {
primaryWeaponItems _lightSource select 1
case (secondaryWeapon _lightSource): {
secondaryWeaponItems _lightSource select 1
case (handgunWeapon _lightSource): {
handgunItems _lightSource select 1
default {""};
_properties = [_flashlight] call FUNC(getLightPropertiesWeapon);
_innerAngle = (_properties select 3) / 2;
_outerAngle = (_properties select 4) / 2;
// get world position and direction
_position = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 1));
_direction = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 2));
_position = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition "rightHand");
_direction = _lightSource weaponDirection _weapon;
_direction = _position vectorFromTo _direction;
_directionToUnit = _position vectorFromTo _unitPos;
_distance = _unitPos distance _position;
_angle = acos (_direction vectorDotProduct _directionToUnit);
_lightLevel = _lightLevel max ((linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]) * (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true]));
_lightLevel = (linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]) * (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true]);
//systemChat format ["%1 %2", (linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]), (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true])];
} else {
// handle any object, strcutures, cars, tanks, etc.
} forEach _lights;
private "_lights";
_lights = [_lightSource] call FUNC(getTurnedOnLights);
private ["_properties", "_intensity", "_innerAngle", "_outerAngle", "_position", "_direction", "_directionToUnit", "_distance", "_angle"];
_properties = [_lightSource, _x] call FUNC(getLightProperties);
// @todo intensity affects range?
//_intensity = _properties select 0;
_innerAngle = (_properties select 3) / 2;
_outerAngle = (_properties select 4) / 2;
// get world position and direction
_position = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 1));
_direction = _lightSource modelToWorld (_lightSource selectionPosition (_properties select 2));
_direction = _position vectorFromTo _direction;
_directionToUnit = _position vectorFromTo _unitPos;
_distance = _unitPos distance _position;
_angle = acos (_direction vectorDotProduct _directionToUnit);
_lightLevel = _lightLevel max ((linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]) * (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true]));
//systemChat format ["%1 %2", (linearConversion [0, 30, _distance, 1, 0, true]), (linearConversion [_innerAngle, _outerAngle, _angle, 1, 0, true])];
} forEach _lights;