Nicolás Badano
Refactored interaction key handling while boarded:
- Self-interaction key opens up your own self interaction menu
- Interaction key opens interaction options of the vehicle and passengers
2015-03-24 12:27:27 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Switching nicknames
2015-03-24 01:18:00 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Make self interact_menu finally work on the map screen!!
2015-03-23 18:26:20 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Make interac_menu work in real 2D:
- Children positions are calculated directly on screen space
- Saves a lot of worldToScreen, ATLtoASL, etc calls
- Selector is now a control instead of a 3D icon
2015-03-23 18:08:31 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Forgotten line
2015-03-23 16:53:28 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Added to cachedCall an option to clear the cache on an event
2015-03-21 17:50:35 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Debug stuff
2015-03-20 22:44:36 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Refactoring of interact_menu:
- Reordering of action members
- Removed full path from actions, so they can be mounted under different paths if needed
- Added api for creating actions
- Api for adding actions for objects or classes
2015-03-19 23:32:44 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Refactor the interact_menu so options for multiple objects can coexist inside a single action point
2015-03-17 00:37:28 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Cache the generation of active action trees for action points. This sensibly cuts down the execution of action conditions.
2015-03-10 23:23:13 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
- Solve a number of ASL vs ATL issues
- Replace the way of calculating 3D positions for subactions
2015-03-03 01:37:17 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Base interaction distance in distance to head instead of distance to camera. Works much better on third person view
2015-03-03 00:34:34 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
Compensate for movement during the frame to get rid of jittering
2015-03-03 00:16:38 -03:00
Nicolás Badano
- Modification of actions data structure to separate action parameters from children
- The action tree of each interaction point is parsed before drawing, pruning inactive actions
- Parent actions without statements or active children are not drawn, in order to reduce clutter
2015-03-02 23:29:57 -03:00