sapperRngChance = 100; // increase number to reduce chances and reduce to increase. Default 100 = 1% - 55% if soiled (+ 2% if in city) chance to spawn sapper
droneRngChance = 100; // increase number to reduce chances and reduce to increase. Default 100 = // 2% chance (+ 4% chance if in city) (1% - 2% Half if using silencer) to spawn drone if shot fired
detonateDistMax = 8; //Random distance between 3m and this number at which sapper detonates. Min value = 4
groanTrig = 16; //Percentage chance of a groan. Min value = 4
sRange = 300; //Distance from target over which sapper will dispose. Range within which sapper code will be aware of targets. Distance up to which sapper will attempt to find a spot to hide in. Min Value = 150.
smellDist = 24; //Distance up to which sapper can smell. Used to decide if sapper can see target when deciding to charge and influences target selection. Is influenced by wind direction. Min Value = 8.
class CfgEpochUAV
UAVMinDist = 48; //Minimum distance to choose next position when roaming. Min Value = 8.
UAVMaxDist = 180; //Maximum distance to choose next position when roaming. Min Value = 42 / Max Value = 400.
UAVHeight = 100; //Set height when roaming, slight randomness is applied to this value. UAV will choose own height when locked onto target. Min Value = 42 / Max Value = 280. UAV can still spot targets from height !
class CfgEpochAirDrop
AirDropFreq = 1200; //AirDropChance, to decide if Air drop occurs, will only be checked once per AirDropFreq time period, for each player. Min value = 120.
AirDropChance = 6; //Percentage chance of air drop, for current player. Checked every AirDropFreq and upon antagonists spawn trigger. -1 To disable.
class CfgEpochCloak
cRange = 300; //Distance, from target, at which Cloak will dispose. Cloak is also aware of players within this range. (Min: 60 / Max: 600)
cAggression = 75; //Percentage chance of attack, currently a psychological attack (Cultist spooky voice). (Min: 1 / Max: 100)
attackFrequency = 120; //One attack only per this period. (Min: 120)
attackDistance = 38; // Distance, from target, up to which Cloak will attack. Lower for less vocals. (Min: 16)
targetChangeFrequency = 42; //Cloak will only attempt to change target once per this period. Make Higher to stick to first target player. (Min: 42)
teleportChance = 66; //Chance for cloak to teleport. (Min: 1)
hoverFrequency = 1280; //Cloak has new hover attack. When player is above cloak, and at a distance, cloak will float to player and teleport attack. Only perform one of these moves per this period. (Min: 240)