Remove Thermal from assembled UAV by default

This commit is contained in:
He-Man 2020-03-07 23:54:34 +01:00
parent 9780e003d2
commit 2a39355a7b

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
debug = "true"; // true = enable extra rpt debug lines, false to disable
ForceGender = ""; // Force Players to spawn as "Male" or "Female"
RemoveLaserfromUAV = "true"; // remove LaserDesignator from assembled UAV's
RemoveTIfromUAV = "true"; // remove Thermal from assembled UAV's
UseOldRevive = "false"; // Revive / Heal Player has been changed to use "HandleDamage" Eventhandler. If scripts are breaking it for you, set it to true (not recommended!)
UnconsciousChance = 30; // Change in percent to get unconscious by a hit with an Axe / Sledge / Sword
@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
GetOutMan = "_this call EPOCH_getOutMan;_this call Epoch_custom_EH_GetOutMan";
SeatSwitchedMan = "_this call EPOCH_custom_EH_SeatSwitchedMan";
FiredNear = "_this call EPOCH_custom_EH_FiredNear";
WeaponAssembled = "clearItemCargoGlobal (_this select 1);if (['CfgEpochClient','RemoveLaserfromUAV',true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then {(_this select 1) removeWeaponTurret ['Laserdesignator_mounted',[0]]}; if ((_this select 1) isKindOf 'UAV_01_base_F' || (_this select 1) isKindOf 'UAV_06_base_F') then {['UAV assembled - Connect it with DynaMenu (Space)',5] call Epoch_Message}";
WeaponAssembled = "clearItemCargoGlobal (_this select 1);if (['CfgEpochClient','RemoveTIfromUAV',true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then {(_this select 1) disableTIEquipment true}; if (['CfgEpochClient','RemoveLaserfromUAV',true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then {(_this select 1) removeWeaponTurret ['Laserdesignator_mounted',[0]]}; if ((_this select 1) isKindOf 'UAV_01_base_F' || (_this select 1) isKindOf 'UAV_06_base_F') then {['UAV assembled - Connect it with DynaMenu (Space)',5] call Epoch_Message}";
// suppress these units from spawning near Jammer or Traders
nonJammerAI[] = {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F","PHANTOM","EPOCH_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperG_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F","EPOCH_RyanZombie_1"};
nonTraderAI[] = {"B_Heli_Transport_01_F","PHANTOM","EPOCH_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperG_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F","Epoch_Cloak_F","GreatWhite_F","EPOCH_RyanZombie_1"};