removing it caused array index issues with other stats. Note: should be
able to repurpose the stat for something else instead of removing and
needing a workaround.
- No longer track hitpoints from client side, now saved server side only
and pushed to clients on login.
- Changed use set / getUnitLoadout and should still have legacy player
data support that will upgrade automatically on first save.
- Default loadout can be controlled via new variables in epochconfig.hpp
- Made data validation check dynamic using isEqualTypeParams as it does
type checking and still fails if input is shorter than the default.
- Added back server side damage protection for the new player body. If
the new unit dies before the player switch it could cause login issues
and should not cause issues with scripted setdamage or hitpoints as
first thought.
This has no effect to Epoch, but if you are working with EPOCH_InteractedItem in custom scripts, the crate items are from the wrong wh (if a crate and a groundWH is in target.
local antagonists killed by non-local entity needed to be handled.
Local and Non-Local stat changes are now sent to server first then back
to the appropriate client after pToken check is verified.
- Moved configs to cfgepochclient
- Changed Keydown-Check from EPOCH_Buildmode to EPOCH_Target
- Replaced "resetonLogin" to only remove "forbidden items"
Fully customizable system.
Base system laid out more so as an example.
Client side stat change with optional send to server.
Server side stat change with optional send to client.
Server is backed up with token check if sent from client.
- change a few call compile + callExtension calls to parseSimpleArray +
callExtension as they return arrays.
- allow anti teleport check to be disabled with
antihack_antiTeleportCheck = "false" inside epochah.hpp
- optimized and made EPOCH_server_getRealTime command a normal server