fixed crash when opening crafting menu since A3 1.66.
workaround for HandleDisconnect not firing since A3 1.66.
changed playableUnits to allPlayers
improved Epoch_selectInventoryItem function
improved inventory locked check with arma 1.66 features.
removed attachto filter from scripts.txt as it has protection via
add exceptions for CBA/CUP thanks to @SirDice and @Ghostrider-DbD- for
the reports
- experiment with using dynamic UI (HOLD down Space Bar) for base
building: enable, disable, free mode, and snap alignment options. build
mode can still be disabled with "1" key only if already enabled.
- Replace the use of 1,2,3 keys for base building to free them up to be
used for Arma 3 weapon switching.
removed "wet" HUD icon for now.
reworked login fsm, thanks to some feedback on the forum.
removed most blocking of f1-12 keys and number keys via keyDown
comment out some diag_log spam.
workaround for Arma 3 client crash when an admin uses F5 to delete a
Fixed Ryan Zombies mod detection issues.
Optimized and fixed wall state issues thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan for PR and
Xirtti for the feedback.
tanoa mission file added that adds RyanZombies to the addons array
Test extended options support for double click item interaction sub
- "Drink" gas to poison your self.
- Pour our Honey "Empty" option to gain the empty jar without consuming
the honey.
increased anti-teleport range
added experimental vehicle immunity if locked inside an owned base (with
Players now start with only 30% Hunger and Thirst instead of 100%.
[Changed] Dynamic sub menu for inventory item interaction and crafting
options. (Double click item in your inventory)
[Changed] Armor stat inventory feature now dynamic and no longer forced
via config.
[Changed] Group menu and requests are now on the self action menu.
new compiler with optional v2 format more like BI's
added expanded startup init logic
moved mirror setup to own function inside epoch core
moved server init code to main gamemode init logic.
More work on Dynamic HUD and hudConfigs are now found in CfgEpochClient.
Animal spawn table now found in CfgEpochClient.
Two new functions added to handle get(In|Out)Man Event Handlers.
moved forced disabling of build mode when getting in vehicle to getInMan
EH function.
removed a few unused files.