- !import_model <path/to/model/weights> will import a new model,
prompt the user for its name and description, write it to the
models.yaml file, and load it.
- !edit_model <model_name> will bring up a previously-defined model
and prompt the user to edit its descriptive fields.
Example of !import_model
invoke> <b>!import_model models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model-epoch08-float16.ckpt</b>
>> Model import in process. Please enter the values needed to configure this model:
Name for this model: <b>waifu-diffusion</b>
Description of this model: <b>Waifu Diffusion v1.3</b>
Configuration file for this model: <b>configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml</b>
Default image width: <b>512</b>
Default image height: <b>512</b>
>> New configuration:
config: configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml
description: Waifu Diffusion v1.3
height: 512
weights: models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model-epoch08-float16.ckpt
width: 512
OK to import [n]? <b>y</b>
>> Caching model stable-diffusion-1.4 in system RAM
>> Loading waifu-diffusion from models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model-epoch08-float16.ckpt
| LatentDiffusion: Running in eps-prediction mode
| DiffusionWrapper has 859.52 M params.
| Making attention of type 'vanilla' with 512 in_channels
| Working with z of shape (1, 4, 32, 32) = 4096 dimensions.
| Making attention of type 'vanilla' with 512 in_channels
| Using faster float16 precision
Example of !edit_model
invoke> <b>!edit_model waifu-diffusion</b>
>> Editing model waifu-diffusion from configuration file ./configs/models.yaml
description: <b>Waifu diffusion v1.4beta</b>
weights: models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/<b>model-epoch10-float16.ckpt</b>
config: configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml
width: 512
height: 512
>> New configuration:
config: configs/stable-diffusion/v1-inference.yaml
description: Waifu diffusion v1.4beta
weights: models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model-epoch10-float16.ckpt
height: 512
width: 512
OK to import [n]? y
>> Caching model stable-diffusion-1.4 in system RAM
>> Loading waifu-diffusion from models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model-epoch10-float16.ckpt
- This PR enables two new commands in the invoke.py script
!models -- list the available models and their cache status
!switch <model> -- switch to the indicated model
invoke> !models
laion400m not loaded Latent Diffusion LAION400M model
stable-diffusion-1.4 active Stable Diffusion inference model version 1.4
waifu-1.3 cached Waifu anime model version 1.3
invoke> !switch waifu-1.3
>> Caching model stable-diffusion-1.4 in system RAM
>> Retrieving model waifu-1.3 from system RAM cache
The name and descriptions of the models are taken from
`config/models.yaml`. A future enhancement to `model_cache.py` will be
to enable new model stanzas to be added to the file
programmatically. This will be useful for the WebGUI.
More details:
- Use fast switching algorithm described in PR #948
- Models are selected using their configuration stanza name
given in models.yaml.
- To avoid filling up CPU RAM with cached models, this PR
implements an LRU cache that monitors available CPU RAM.
- The caching code allows the minimum value of available RAM
to be adjusted, but invoke.py does not currently have a
command-line argument that allows you to set it. The
minimum free RAM is arbitrarily set to 2 GB.
- Add optional description field to configs/models.yaml
Unrelated fixes:
- Added ">>" to CompViz model loading messages in order to make user experience
more consistent.
- When generating an image greater than defaults, will only warn about possible
VRAM filling the first time.
- Fixed bug that was causing help message to be printed twice. This involved
moving the import line for the web backend into the section where it is
Coauthored by: @ArDiouscuros
- This PR enables two new commands in the invoke.py script
!models -- list the available models and their cache status
!switch <model> -- switch to the indicated model
invoke> !models
laion400m not loaded Latent Diffusion LAION400M model
stable-diffusion-1.4 active Stable Diffusion inference model version 1.4
waifu-1.3 cached Waifu anime model version 1.3
invoke> !switch waifu-1.3
>> Caching model stable-diffusion-1.4 in system RAM
>> Retrieving model waifu-1.3 from system RAM cache
More details:
- Use fast switching algorithm described in PR #948
- Models are selected using their configuration stanza name
given in models.yaml.
- To avoid filling up CPU RAM with cached models, this PR
implements an LRU cache that monitors available CPU RAM.
- The caching code allows the minimum value of available RAM
to be adjusted, but invoke.py does not currently have a
command-line argument that allows you to set it. The
minimum free RAM is arbitrarily set to 2 GB.
- Add optional description field to configs/models.yaml
Unrelated fixes:
- Added ">>" to CompViz model loading messages in order to make user experience
more consistent.
- When generating an image greater than defaults, will only warn about possible
VRAM filling the first time.
- Fixed bug that was causing help message to be printed twice. This involved
moving the import line for the web backend into the section where it is
- the prompt argument comes before the optional arguments
- usage statement shows 'invoke>' rather than 'invoke.py'
- use pydoc pager to help display long help message
- the prompt argument comes before the optional arguments
- usage statement shows 'invoke>' rather than 'invoke.py'
- use pydoc pager to help display long help message