Add a LinearUIOutputInvocation node to be the new terminal node for Linear UI graphs. This node is private and hidden from the Workflow Editor, as it is an implementation detail.
The Linear UI was using the Save Image node for this purpose. It allowed every linear graph to end a single node type, which handled saving metadata and board. This substantially reduced the complexity of the linear graphs.
This caused two related issues:
- Images were saved to disk twice
- Noticeable delay between when an image was decoded and showed up in the UI
To resolve this, the new LinearUIOutputInvocation node will handle adding an image to a board if one is provided.
Metadata is no longer provided in this unified node. Instead, the metadata graph helpers now need to know the node to add metadata to and provide it to the last node that actually outputs an image. This is a `l2i` node for txt2img & img2img graphs, and a different image-outputting node for canvas graphs.
HRF poses another complication, in that it changes the terminal node. To handle this, a new metadata util is added called `setMetadataReceivingNode()`. HRF calls this to change the node that should receive the graph's metadata.
This resolves the duplicate images issue and improves perf without otherwise changing the user experience.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [X] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
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## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
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## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
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- [ ] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
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## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [x] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No
## Description
[fix(nodes): bump version of nodes post-pydantic
This was not done, despite new metadata fields being added to many
[feat(ui): add update node
A workflow's nodes may update itself, if its major version matches the
template's major version.
If the major versions do not match, the user will need to delete and
re-add the node (current behaviour).
The update functionality is not automatic (for now). The logic to update
the node is pretty simple, but I want to ensure it works well first
before doing it automatically when a workflow is loaded.
- New `Details` tab on Workflow Inspector, displays node title, type,
version, and notes
- Button to update the node is displayed on the `Details` tab
- Add hook to determine if a node needs an update, may be updated (i.e.
major versions match), and the callback to update the node in state
- Remove the notes modal from the little info icon
- Modularize the node building logic
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
Probably exist but not sure where.
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Load an old workflow with nodes that need to be updated. Click on each
node that needs updating and click the update button. Workflow should
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
A workflow's nodes may update itself, if its major version matches the template's major version.
If the major versions do not match, the user will need to delete and re-add the node (current behaviour).
The update functionality is not automatic (for now). The logic to update the node is pretty simple, but I want to ensure it works well first before doing it automatically when a workflow is loaded.
- New `Details` tab on Workflow Inspector, displays node title, type, version, and notes
- Button to update the node is displayed on the `Details` tab
- Add hook to determine if a node needs an update, may be updated (i.e. major versions match), and the callback to update the node in state
- Remove the notes modal from the little info icon
- Modularize the node building logic
## Description
pin torch==2.1.0, torchvision=0.16.0
Prevents accidental upgrade to unreleased torch 2.1.1, which breaks
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #5065
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [X] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, because: it is trivial
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No
## Description
After the switch to the "ruff" linter, I noticed that the stylecheck
workflow is still described as "black" in the action logs. This small PR
should fix the issue.
No breaking changes for us.
Pydantic is working on its own faster JSON parser, `jiter`, and 2.5.0 starts bringing this in. See
There are a number of other bugfixes and minor changes in this version of pydantic.
The FastAPI update is mostly internal but let's stay up to date.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [X] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [X] Yes
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [ ] Optimization
- [x] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [x] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [x] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [X] Refactor
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [X] Extensively
- [ ] No, because:
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [X] Yes
- [ ] No
## Description
As discussed with @psychedelicious and @RyanJDick, this is the first
phase of the model manager refactor. In this phase, I've added support
for storing model configuration information the `invokeai.db` SQL3
database. All the code is separate from the original model manager, so
for the time being the frontend is still using the original YAML-based
configuration, so the web app still works.
To keep things clean, I've added a new FastAPI route called
`model_records` which can add, update, retrieve and delete model
The architecture is described in the first section of
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
There is a pytest for the model sql storage backend in
To populate `invokeai.db` with models from your current `models.yaml`,
do the following:
1. Stop the running server
2. Back up `invokeai.db`
3. Run `pip install -e .` to install the command used in the next step.
4. Run `invokeai-migrate-models-to-db`
This will iterate through `models.yaml` and create equivalent database
entries in the `model_config` table of `invokeai.db`. Only the models
named in the yaml file will be migrated, so anything that is autoloaded
will be ignored.
Note that in order to get the `model_records` router to be recognized by
the swagger API, I had to rebuild the frontend. Not sure why this was
necessary and would appreciate a pointer on a less radical way to do
## Added/updated tests?
- [X] Yes
- [ ] No
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [X] Bug Fix
- [X] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, because it's required
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, not necessary
## Description
We use Pytorch ~2.1.0 as a dependency for InvokeAI, but the installer
still installs 2.0.1 first until Invoke AIs dependencies kick in which
causes it to get deleted anyway and replaced with 2.1.0. This is
unnecessary and probably not wanted.
Fixed the dependencies for the installation script to install Pytorch
~2.1.0 to begin with.
P.s. Is there any reason why "torchmetrics==0.11.4" is pinned? What is
the reason for that? Does that change with Pytorch 2.1? It seems to work
since we use it already. It would be nice to know the reason.
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [x] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Description
Bit of a cleanup.
[chore(ui): delete unused
[feat(ui): add eslint rule
This rule enforces no arrow functions in component props. In practice,
it means all functions passed as component props must be wrapped in
This is a performance optimization to prevent unnecessary rerenders.
The rule is added and all violations have been fixed, whew!
[chore(ui): move useCopyImageToClipboard to
[chore(ui): move MM components & store to
Somehow they had ended up in `features/ui/tabs` which isn't right
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
UI should still work.
It builds successfully, and I tested things out - looks good to me.
Do not use `strict=True` when scaling controlnet conditioning.
When using `guess_mode` (e.g. `more_control` or `more_prompt`), `down_block_res_samples` and `scales` are zipped.
These two objects are of different lengths, so using zip's strict mode raises an error.
In testing, `len(scales) === len(down_block_res_samples) + 1`.
It appears this behaviour is intentional, as the final "extra" item in `scales` is used immediately afterwards.
## What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)
- [ ] Refactor
- [ ] Feature
- [ ] Bug Fix
- [X] Optimization
- [ ] Documentation Update
- [ ] Community Node Submission
## Have you discussed this change with the InvokeAI team?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, because: This is just housekeeping
## Have you updated all relevant documentation?
- [ ] Yes
- [X] No, not needed
## Description
Update Accelerate to the most recent version. No breaking changes.
Tested for 1 week in productive use now.
## Related Tickets & Documents
For pull requests that relate or close an issue, please include them
For example having the text: "closes #1234" would connect the current
request to issue 1234. And when we merge the pull request, Github will
automatically close the issue.
- Related Issue #
- Closes #
## QA Instructions, Screenshots, Recordings
Please provide steps on how to test changes, any hardware or
software specifications as well as any other pertinent information.
## Added/updated tests?
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No : _please replace this line with details on why tests
have not been included_
## [optional] Are there any post deployment tasks we need to perform?