- available infill methods is server state - remove it from client state, use the query to populate the dropdown
- add listener to ensure the selected infill method is an available one
As it said in comment to this branch we want to use conditioning run:
if cfg_injection: # only applying ControlNet to conditional instead of in unconditioned
But in code used unconditioning
Later in code confirms that we want to run conditioning generation by
comment and tensor concatenation order(as all code expect to get [uc, c]
if cfg_injection:
# Inferred ControlNet only for the conditional batch.
# To apply the output of ControlNet to both the unconditional and conditional batches,
# add 0 to the unconditional batch to keep it unchanged.
down_samples = [torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(d), d]) for d in down_samples]
mid_sample = torch.cat([torch.zeros_like(mid_sample), mid_sample])
Adds a Clear Nodes Button with Confirmation Dialog, I think I Did it
right 😃
I am sure there is a way to make the Confirmation look better and have
Yes/No instead of OK/Cancel
- Restore recall functionality to `CurrentImageButtons` and `ImageContextMenu`.
- Debounce metadata requests for `ImageMetadataViewer` and `CurrentImageButtons` by 500ms. It's possible to scroll through these really fast, so we want to debounce the network requests.
- `ImageContextMenu` is lazy-mounted so it does not need to be debounced; it makes the metadata request as soon as you click it.
- Move next/prev image selection logic into hook and add the hotkeys for this to `CurrentImageButtons`. The hotkeys now work when metadata viewer is open.
I will follow up with improved loading state during the debounced calls in the future
- Update for new routes
- Update model storage in state to be `MainModelField` type instead of `string`, simplifies a lot of model handling
- Update model-related stuff for model `name` --> `model_name`
- Update linear graphs to use `MetadataAccumulator`
- Update `ImageMetadataViewer` UI
- Ensure all `recall` functions work (well, the ones that are active anyways)
Metadata for the Linear UI is now sneakily provided via a `MetadataAccumulator` node, which the client populates / hooks up while building the graph.
Additionally, we provide the unexpanded graph with the metadata API response.
Both of these are embedded into the PNGs.
- Remove `metadata` from `ImageDTO`
- Split up the `images/` routes to accomodate this; metadata is only retrieved per-image
- `images/{image_name}` now gets the DTO
- `images/{image_name}/metadata` gets the new metadata
- `images/{image_name}/full` gets the full-sized image file
- Remove old metadata service
- Add `MetadataAccumulator` node, `CoreMetadataField`, hook up to `LatentsToImage` node
- Add `get_raw()` method to `ItemStorage`, retrieves the row from DB as a string, no pydantic parsing
- Update `images`related services to handle storing and retrieving the new metadata
- Add `get_metadata_graph_from_raw_session` which extracts the `graph` from `session` without needing to hydrate the session in pydantic, in preparation for providing it as metadata; also removes all references to the `MetadataAccumulator` node
Our model fields use `model_name`, but the API response uses `name`. Some places use `model_type` but the API response used `type`.
Changed the API response to provide `model_name` and `model_type`, which simplifies how we manage models on the client substantially.