Every `GalleryImage` was rerendering any time the app rerendered bc the selector function itself was not memoized. This resulted in the memoization cache inside the selector constantly being reset.
Same for `BatchImage`.
Also updated memoization for a few other selectors.
Eg `useGetMainModelsQuery()`, `useGetLoRAModelsQuery()` instead of `useListModelsQuery({base_type})`.
Add specific adapters for each model type. Just more organised and easier to consume models now.
Also updated LoRA UI to use the model name.
This introduces the core functionality for batch operations on images and multiple selection in the gallery/batch manager.
A number of other substantial changes are included:
- `imagesSlice` is consolidated into `gallerySlice`, allowing for simpler selection of filtered images
- `batchSlice` is added to manage the batch
- The wonky context pattern for image deletion has been changed, much simpler now using a `imageDeletionSlice` and redux listeners; this needs to be implemented still for the other image modals
- Minimum gallery size in px implemented as a hook
- Many style fixes & several bug fixes
- The UI and UX need to be figured out, especially for controlnet
- Batch processing is not hooked up; generation does not do anything with batch
- Routes to support batch image operations, specifically delete and add/remove to/from boards
- Set min size for floating gallery panel
- Correct the default pinned width (it cannot be less than the min width and this was sometimes happening during window resize)
Add `useMinimumPanelSize()` hook to provide minimum resizable panel sizes (in pixels).
The library we are using for the gallery panel uses percentages only. To provide a minimum size in pixels, we need to do some math to calculate the percentage of window size that corresponds to the desired min width in pixels.
The node polyfills needed to run the `swagger-parser` library (used to dereference the OpenAPI schema) cause the canvas tab to immediately crash when the package build is used in another react application.
I'm sure this is fixable but it's not clear what is causing the issue and troubleshooting is very time consuming.
Selectively rolling back the implementation of `swagger-parser`.
Themes are very fun but due to the differences in perceived saturation and lightness across the
the color spectrum, it's impossible to have have multiple themes that look great without hand-
crafting *every* shade for *every* theme. We've ended up with 4 OK themes (well, 3, because the
light theme was pretty bad).
I've removed the themes and added color mode support. There is now a single dark and light mode,
each with their own color palette and the classic grey / purple / yellow invoke colors that
@blessedcoolant first designed.
I've re-styled almost everything except the model manager and lightbox, which I keep forgetting
to work on.
One new concept is the Chakra `layerStyle`. This lets us define "layers" - think body, first layer,
second layer, etc - that can be applied on various components. By defining layers, we can be more
consistent about the z-axis and its relationship to color and lightness.
The TS Language Server slows down immensely with our translation JSON, which is used to provide kinda-type-safe translation keys. I say "kinda", because you don't get autocomplete - you only get red squigglies when the key is incorrect.
To improve the performance, we can opt out of this process entirely, at the cost of no red squigglies for translation keys. Hopefully we can resolve this in the future.
It's not clear why this became an issue only recently (like past couple weeks). We've tried rolling back the app dependencies, VSCode extensions, VSCode itself, and the TS version to before the time when the issue started, but nothing seems to improve the performance.
1. Disable `resolveJsonModule` in `tsconfig.json`
2. Ignore TS in `i18n.ts` when importing the JSON
3. Comment out the custom types in `i18.d.ts` entirely
It's possible that only `3` is needed to fix the issue.
I've tested building the app and running the build - it works fine, and translation works fine.
Everything seems to be working.
- Due to a change to `reactflow`, I regenerated `yarn.lock`
- New chakra CLI fixes issue I had made a patch for; removed the patch
- Change to fontsource changed how we import that font
- Change to fontawesome means we lost the txt2img tab icon, just chose a similar one
Only "real" conflicts were in:
- Reset and Upload buttons along top of initial image
- Also had to mess around with the control net & DnD image stuff after changing the styles
- Abstract image upload logic into hook - does not handle native HTML drag and drop upload - only the button click upload
`openapi-fetch` does not handle non-JSON `body`s, always stringifying them, and sets the `content-type` to `application/json`.
The patch here does two things:
- Do not stringify `body` if it is one of the types that should not be stringified (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch#body)
- Do not add `content-type: application/json` unless it really is stringified JSON.
Upstream issue: https://github.com/drwpow/openapi-typescript/issues/1123
I'm not a bit lost on fixing the types and adding tests, so not raising a PR upstream.
*migrate from `openapi-typescript-codegen` to `openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch`*
`openapi-typescript-codegen` is not very actively maintained - it's been over a year since the last update.
`openapi-typescript` and `openapi-fetch` are part of the actively maintained repo. key differences:
- provides a `fetch` client instead of `axios`, which means we need to be a bit more verbose with typing thunks
- fetch client is created at runtime and has a very nice typescript DX
- generates a single file with all types in it, from which we then extract individual types. i don't like how verbose this is, but i do like how it is more explicit.
- removed npm api generation scripts - now we have a single `typegen` script
overall i have more confidence in this new library.
*use nanostores for api base and token*
very simple reactive store for api base url and token. this was suggested in the `openapi-fetch` docs and i quite like the strategy.
*organise rtk-query api*
split out each endpoint (models, images, boards, boardImages) into their own api extensions. tidy!
Basically updated all slices to be more descriptive in their names. Did so in order to make sure theres good naming scheme available for secondary models.
To determine whether the Load More button should work, we need to keep track of how many images are left to load for a given board or category.
The Assets tab doesn't work, though. Need to figure out a better way to handle this.
We need to access the initial image dimensions during the creation of the `ImageToImage` graph to determine if we need to resize the image.
Because the `initialImage` is now just an image name, we need to either store (easy) or dynamically retrieve its dimensions during graph creation (a bit less easy).
Took the easiest path. May need to revise this in the future.
Images that are used as parameters (e.g. init image, canvas images) are stored as full `ImageDTO` objects in state, separate from and duplicating any object representing those same objects in the `imagesSlice`.
We cannot store only image names as parameters, then pull the full `ImageDTO` from `imagesSlice`, because if an image is not on a loaded page, it doesn't exist in `imagesSlice`. For example, if you scroll down a few pages in the gallery and send that image to canvas, on reloading the app, the canvas will be unable to load that image.
We solved this temporarily by storing the full `ImageDTO` object wherever it was needed, but this is both inefficient and allows for stale `ImageDTO`s across the app.
One other possible solution was to just fetch the `ImageDTO` for all images at startup, and insert them into the `imagesSlice`, but then we run into an issue where we are displaying images in the gallery totally out of context.
For example, if an image from several pages into the gallery was sent to canvas, and the user refreshes, we'd display the first 20 images in gallery. Then to populate the canvas, we'd fetch that image we sent to canvas and add it to `imagesSlice`. Now we'd have 21 images in the gallery: 1 to 20 and whichever image we sent to canvas. Weird.
Using `rtk-query` solves this by allowing us to very easily fetch individual images in the components that need them, and not directly interact with `imagesSlice`.
This commit changes all references to images-as-parameters to store only the name of the image, and not the full `ImageDTO` object. Then, we use an `rtk-query` generated `useGetImageDTOQuery()` hook in each of those components to fetch the image.
We can use cache invalidation when we mutate any image to trigger automated re-running of the query and all the images are automatically kept up to date.
This also obviates the need for the convoluted URL fetching scheme for images that are used as parameters. The `imagesSlice` still need this handling unfortunately.
- Add graph builders for canvas txt2img & img2img - they are mostly copy and paste from the linear graph builders but different in a few ways that are very tricky to work around. Just made totally new functions for them.
- Canvas txt2img and img2img support ControlNet (not inpaint/outpaint). There's no way to determine in real-time which mode the canvas is in just yet, so we cannot disable the ControlNet UI when the mode will be inpaint/outpaint - it will always display. It's possible to determine this in near-real-time, will add this at some point.
- Canvas inpaint/outpaint migrated to use model loader, though inpaint/outpaint are still using the non-latents nodes.
Instead of manually creating every node and edge, we can simply copy/paste the base graph from node editor, then sub in parameters.
This is a much more intelligible process. We still need to handle seed, img2img fit and controlnet separately.
- remove UI-specific state (the enabled schedulers) from redux, instead derive it in a selector
- simplify logic by putting schedulers in an object instead of an array
- rename `activeSchedulers` to `enabledSchedulers`
- remove need for `useEffect()` when `enabledSchedulers` changes by adding a listener for the `enabledSchedulersChanged` action/event to `generationSlice`
- increase type safety by making `enabledSchedulers` an array of `SchedulerParam`, which is created by the zod schema for scheduler
There are some bugs with it that I cannot figure out related to `floating-ui` and `downshift`'s handling of refs.
Will need to revisit this component in the future.
* Testing change to LatentsToText to allow setting different cfg_scale values per diffusion step.
* Adding first attempt at float param easing node, using Penner easing functions.
* Core implementation of ControlNet and MultiControlNet.
* Added support for ControlNet and MultiControlNet to legacy non-nodal Txt2Img in backend/generator. Although backend/generator will likely disappear by v3.x, right now they are very useful for testing core ControlNet and MultiControlNet functionality while node codebase is rapidly evolving.
* Added example of using ControlNet with legacy Txt2Img generator
* Resolving rebase conflict
* Added first controlnet preprocessor node for canny edge detection.
* Initial port of controlnet node support from generator-based TextToImageInvocation node to latent-based TextToLatentsInvocation node
* Switching to ControlField for output from controlnet nodes.
* Resolving conflicts in rebase to origin/main
* Refactored ControlNet nodes so they subclass from PreprocessedControlInvocation, and only need to override run_processor(image) (instead of reimplementing invoke())
* changes to base class for controlnet nodes
* Added HED, LineArt, and OpenPose ControlNet nodes
* Added an additional "raw_processed_image" output port to controlnets, mainly so could route ImageField to a ShowImage node
* Added more preprocessor nodes for:
Removed pil_output options, ControlNet preprocessors should always output as PIL. Removed diagnostics and other general cleanup.
* Prep for splitting pre-processor and controlnet nodes
* Refactored controlnet nodes: split out controlnet stuff into separate node, stripped controlnet stuff form image processing/analysis nodes.
* Added resizing of controlnet image based on noise latent. Fixes a tensor mismatch issue.
* More rebase repair.
* Added support for using multiple control nets. Unfortunately this breaks direct usage of Control node output port ==> TextToLatent control input port -- passing through a Collect node is now required. Working on fixing this...
* Fixed use of ControlNet control_weight parameter
* Fixed lint-ish formatting error
* Core implementation of ControlNet and MultiControlNet.
* Added first controlnet preprocessor node for canny edge detection.
* Initial port of controlnet node support from generator-based TextToImageInvocation node to latent-based TextToLatentsInvocation node
* Switching to ControlField for output from controlnet nodes.
* Refactored controlnet node to output ControlField that bundles control info.
* changes to base class for controlnet nodes
* Added more preprocessor nodes for:
Removed pil_output options, ControlNet preprocessors should always output as PIL. Removed diagnostics and other general cleanup.
* Prep for splitting pre-processor and controlnet nodes
* Refactored controlnet nodes: split out controlnet stuff into separate node, stripped controlnet stuff form image processing/analysis nodes.
* Added resizing of controlnet image based on noise latent. Fixes a tensor mismatch issue.
* Cleaning up TextToLatent arg testing
* Cleaning up mistakes after rebase.
* Removed last bits of dtype and and device hardwiring from controlnet section
* Refactored ControNet support to consolidate multiple parameters into data struct. Also redid how multiple controlnets are handled.
* Added support for specifying which step iteration to start using
each ControlNet, and which step to end using each controlnet (specified as fraction of total steps)
* Cleaning up prior to submitting ControlNet PR. Mostly turning off diagnostic printing. Also fixed error when there is no controlnet input.
* Added dependency on controlnet-aux v0.0.3
* Commented out ZoeDetector. Will re-instate once there's a controlnet-aux release that supports it.
* Switched CotrolNet node modelname input from free text to default list of popular ControlNet model names.
* Fix to work with current stable release of controlnet_aux (v0.0.3). Turned of pre-processor params that were added post v0.0.3. Also change defaults for shuffle.
* Refactored most of controlnet code into its own method to declutter TextToLatents.invoke(), and make upcoming integration with LatentsToLatents easier.
* Cleaning up after ControlNet refactor in TextToLatentsInvocation
* Extended node-based ControlNet support to LatentsToLatentsInvocation.
* chore(ui): regen api client
* fix(ui): add value to conditioning field
* fix(ui): add control field type
* fix(ui): fix node ui type hints
* fix(nodes): controlnet input accepts list or single controlnet
* Moved to controlnet_aux v0.0.4, reinstated Zoe controlnet preprocessor. Also in pyproject.toml had to specify downgrade of timm to 0.6.13 _after_ controlnet-aux installs timm >= 0.9.2, because timm >0.6.13 breaks Zoe preprocessor.
* Core implementation of ControlNet and MultiControlNet.
* Added first controlnet preprocessor node for canny edge detection.
* Switching to ControlField for output from controlnet nodes.
* Resolving conflicts in rebase to origin/main
* Refactored ControlNet nodes so they subclass from PreprocessedControlInvocation, and only need to override run_processor(image) (instead of reimplementing invoke())
* changes to base class for controlnet nodes
* Added HED, LineArt, and OpenPose ControlNet nodes
* Added more preprocessor nodes for:
Removed pil_output options, ControlNet preprocessors should always output as PIL. Removed diagnostics and other general cleanup.
* Prep for splitting pre-processor and controlnet nodes
* Refactored controlnet nodes: split out controlnet stuff into separate node, stripped controlnet stuff form image processing/analysis nodes.
* Added resizing of controlnet image based on noise latent. Fixes a tensor mismatch issue.
* Added support for using multiple control nets. Unfortunately this breaks direct usage of Control node output port ==> TextToLatent control input port -- passing through a Collect node is now required. Working on fixing this...
* Fixed use of ControlNet control_weight parameter
* Core implementation of ControlNet and MultiControlNet.
* Added first controlnet preprocessor node for canny edge detection.
* Initial port of controlnet node support from generator-based TextToImageInvocation node to latent-based TextToLatentsInvocation node
* Switching to ControlField for output from controlnet nodes.
* Refactored controlnet node to output ControlField that bundles control info.
* changes to base class for controlnet nodes
* Added more preprocessor nodes for:
Removed pil_output options, ControlNet preprocessors should always output as PIL. Removed diagnostics and other general cleanup.
* Prep for splitting pre-processor and controlnet nodes
* Refactored controlnet nodes: split out controlnet stuff into separate node, stripped controlnet stuff form image processing/analysis nodes.
* Added resizing of controlnet image based on noise latent. Fixes a tensor mismatch issue.
* Cleaning up TextToLatent arg testing
* Cleaning up mistakes after rebase.
* Removed last bits of dtype and and device hardwiring from controlnet section
* Refactored ControNet support to consolidate multiple parameters into data struct. Also redid how multiple controlnets are handled.
* Added support for specifying which step iteration to start using
each ControlNet, and which step to end using each controlnet (specified as fraction of total steps)
* Cleaning up prior to submitting ControlNet PR. Mostly turning off diagnostic printing. Also fixed error when there is no controlnet input.
* Commented out ZoeDetector. Will re-instate once there's a controlnet-aux release that supports it.
* Switched CotrolNet node modelname input from free text to default list of popular ControlNet model names.
* Fix to work with current stable release of controlnet_aux (v0.0.3). Turned of pre-processor params that were added post v0.0.3. Also change defaults for shuffle.
* Refactored most of controlnet code into its own method to declutter TextToLatents.invoke(), and make upcoming integration with LatentsToLatents easier.
* Cleaning up after ControlNet refactor in TextToLatentsInvocation
* Extended node-based ControlNet support to LatentsToLatentsInvocation.
* chore(ui): regen api client
* fix(ui): fix node ui type hints
* fix(nodes): controlnet input accepts list or single controlnet
* Added Mediapipe image processor for use as ControlNet preprocessor.
Also hacked in ability to specify HF subfolder when loading ControlNet models from string.
* Fixed bug where MediapipFaceProcessorInvocation was ignoring max_faces and min_confidence params.
* Added nodes for float params: ParamFloatInvocation and FloatCollectionOutput. Also added FloatOutput.
* Added mediapipe install requirement. Should be able to remove once controlnet_aux package adds mediapipe to its requirements.
* Added float to FIELD_TYPE_MAP ins constants.ts
* Progress toward improvement in fieldTemplateBuilder.ts getFieldType()
* Fixed controlnet preprocessors and controlnet handling in TextToLatents to work with revised Image services.
* Cleaning up from merge, re-adding cfg_scale to FIELD_TYPE_MAP
* Making sure cfg_scale of type list[float] can be used in image metadata, to support param easing for cfg_scale
* Fixed math for per-step param easing.
* Added option to show plot of param value at each step
* Just cleaning up after adding param easing plot option, removing vestigial code.
* Modified control_weight ControlNet param to be polistmorphic --
can now be either a single float weight applied for all steps, or a list of floats of size total_steps, that specifies weight for each step.
* Added more informative error message when _validat_edge() throws an error.
* Just improving parm easing bar chart title to include easing type.
* Added requirement for easing-functions package
* Taking out some diagnostic prints.
* Added option to use both easing function and mirror of easing function together.
* Fixed recently introduced problem (when pulled in main), triggered by num_steps in StepParamEasingInvocation not having a default value -- just added default.
Co-authored-by: psychedelicious <4822129+psychedelicious@users.noreply.github.com>
The processor is automatically selected when model is changed.
But if the user manually changes the processor, processor settings, or disables the new `Auto configure processor` switch, auto processing is disabled.
The user can enable auto configure by turning the switch back on.
When auto configure is enabled, a small dot is overlaid on the expand button to remind the user that the system is not auto configuring the processor for them.
If auto configure is enabled, the processor settings are reset to the default for the selected model.