- fixes no closing quote in pretty-printed dream_prompt string
- removes unecessary -f switch when txt2img used
In addition, this commit does an experimental commenting-out of the
random.seed() call in the variation-generating part of ldm.dream.generator.base.
This fixes the problem of two calls that use the same seed and -v0.1
generating different images (#641). However, it does not fix the issue
of two images generated using the same seed and -VXXXXXX being
* Feature complete for #266 with exception of several small deviations:
1. initial image and model weight hashes use full sha256 hash rather than first 8 digits
2. Initialization parameters for post-processing steps not provided
3. Uses top-level "images" tags for both a single image and a grid of images. This change was suggested in a comment.
* Added scripts/sd_metadata.py to retrieve and print metadata from PNG files
* New ldm.dream.args.Args class is a namespace like object which holds all defaults and can be modified during exection to hold current settings.
* Modified dream.py and server.py to accommodate Args class.