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2021-07-08 12:21:08 +00:00
; FreeLancer - game configuration file
data path = ..\data
local_server = rpclocal.dll
initial_world = InitialWorld.ini ;relative to Data path
AppGUID = {A690F026-26F0-4e57-ACA0-ECF868E48D21}
2021-12-28 19:41:57 +00:00
movie_file = movies\MGS_Logo_Final.wmv
movie_file = movies\DA_Logo_Final.wmv
movie_file = movies\FL_Intro.wmv
2021-07-08 12:21:08 +00:00
;;;hostname = localhost ;Your local machine
;;;hostname = ;GUN server in Austin
;;;hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond
;;;hostname = ;GUN server in Redmond (DNS entry)
hostname = ;GUN server provided by
port = 2300
;name = M9Universe
;description = My cool Freelancer server
death_penalty = 100 ; percentage of your cargo (commoditied and unmounted equipment) lost at death in MP
[Initial MP DLLs]
path = ..\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST
[Initial SP DLLs]
path = ..\dlls\bin
DLL = Content.dll, GameSupport, HIGHEST
; required to operate gates and docks
; required to create ships in space
DLL = Content.dll, SpaceSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BaseSupport, NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, StoryLauncher, BELOW_NORMAL ;story/static missions
DLL = Content.dll, SpacePop, LOWEST ;populator
DLL = Content.dll, AISandbox, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, TestAutomation, BELOW_NORMAL
DLL = Content.dll, BasePop, LOWEST
2021-07-26 09:54:59 +00:00
DLL = callsign.dll, player 1 1-1
2021-07-08 12:21:08 +00:00
DLL = InfoCards.dll ; Contains all infocard text resources
DLL = MiscText.dll ; Contains other bulk text resource: rumor, offer, and mission text
DLL = NameResources.dll ; Contains names of things, primarily.
DLL = EquipResources.dll ;Contains names of equipment (in string table) and infocards for equipment (in HTML resources)
DLL = OfferBribeResources.dll ; Contains random mission offers and bribes
DLL = MiscTextInfo2.dll ;Contains MP UI elements as well as other misc. text
DLL = Controls.dll ; Contains the names and descriptions of some additional controls in the options menu and the custom version number
2021-07-08 12:21:08 +00:00
;;; ************************************************************************
;;; SNICHOLS: There is a multi-player optimization that has been made to
;;; the archetype system. This optimization allows archetype-holding packets
;;; to store those values in 16 bits instead of 32 bits. It is vital that
;;; the order of shared archetype initialization is kept in sync between
;;; the client and server. This must be verified before releasing any patch
;;; without increasing the "build number". Otherwise, unpredictable results
;;; will occur.
;;; ************************************************************************
;EMAURER must load solar archetypes before universe. Universe inspects solar OBJECT_TYPE values.
solar = solar\solararch.ini
universe = universe\universe.ini
constants = constants.ini ;constant variables
fonts = fonts\fonts.ini
rich_fonts = fonts\rich_fonts.ini
sounds = audio\ambience_sounds.ini ;sound-effects (NOT music) for exterior map locations, regions, areas and solar objects
sounds = audio\sounds.ini ;all sfx not falling into some other category
sounds = audio\engine_sounds.ini ;engine sounds only
sounds = audio\interface_sounds.ini
sounds = audio\music.ini
sounds = audio\story_sounds.ini ;dialogue for the story (except for news broadcasts)
sounds = audio\gf_sounds.ini ;sound-effects for gameflow - bases, rooms etc.
; sounds = audio\news_sounds.ini ;dialogue for news broadcasts - re-usable PLUS story CUT on 20021211 MG
voices = audio\voices_space_male.ini ;dialogue for male NPCs in space (all re-usable)
voices = audio\voices_space_female.ini ;dialogue for female NPCs in space (all re-usable)
voices = audio\voices_base_male.ini ;dialogue for male NPCs on bases (all re-usable)
voices = audio\voices_base_female.ini ;dialogue for female NPCs on bases (all re-usable)
voices = audio\voices_recognizable.ini ;all the main characters<72> voice profiles (re-usable dialogue only) (must be read in before mission-specific lines)
voices = audio\voices_mission01.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 01 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission02.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 02 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission03.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 03 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission04.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 04 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission05.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 05 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission06.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 06 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission07.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 07 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission08.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 08 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission09.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 09 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission10.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 10 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission11.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 11 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission12.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 12 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
voices = audio\voices_mission13.ini ;dialogue specific to mission 13 (story & special supporting characters only - no reusable dialogue)
; voices = audio\voices_tutorial.ini ;dialogue specific to tutorial CUT on 20021211 MG
explosions = fx\explosions.ini
debris = fx\explosions.ini
asteroids = solar\asteroidarch.ini
equipment = equipment\light_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\select_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\misc_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\engine_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\ST_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\weapon_equip.ini
equipment = equipment\prop_equip.ini
ships = ships\shiparch.ini
ships = ships\rtc_shiparch.ini
goods = equipment\goods.ini
goods = equipment\engine_good.ini
goods = equipment\misc_good.ini
goods = equipment\st_good.ini
goods = equipment\weapon_good.ini
loadouts = ships\loadouts.ini
loadouts = ships\loadouts_special.ini
loadouts = ships\loadouts_utility.ini
loadouts = solar\loadouts.ini
bodyparts = characters\bodyparts.ini
costumes = characters\costumes.ini
PetalDB = PetalDB.ini
effects = fx\effect_types.ini ; needs to be before effects.ini
effects = fx\beam_effects.ini ; also needs to be before effects.ini
effects = fx\engines\engines_ale.ini
effects = fx\equipment\equipment_ale.ini
effects = fx\explosions\explosions_ale.ini
effects = fx\hull_hits\hull_hits_ale.ini
effects = fx\misc\misc_ale.ini
effects = fx\shields\shields_ale.ini
effects = fx\space\space_ale.ini
effects = fx\weapons\weapons_ale.ini
effects = fx\effects.ini
effects = fx\effects_explosion.ini
effect_shapes = fx\effect_shapes.ini
fuses = fx\fuse.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_br_battleship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_br_destroyer.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_br_gunship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_ku_battleship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_ku_destroyer.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_ku_gunship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_li_cruiser.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_li_dreadnought.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_rh_battleship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_rh_cruiser.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_rh_gunship.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_or_osiris.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_transport.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_suprise_solar.ini
fuses = fx\fuse_freeport7.ini
intro = interface\intro.ini
gate_tunnels = fx\gate_tunnel.ini
groups = InitialWorld.ini
HUD = interface\hud.ini
jump_effect = fx\jumpeffect.ini
igraph = igraph.ini
; bases has no filename but the key specifies the load order
markets = equipment\market_misc.ini
markets = equipment\market_ships.ini
markets = equipment\market_commodities.ini
NewCharDB = characters\NewCharacter.ini
WeaponModDB = equipment\WeaponModDB.ini
rtcslider = scripts\rtcslider.ini
;EMAURER these four should remain as set.
log = $Window,65540 ; alert all asserts
log = $Window,-1,1 ; alert all errors (SEV_ERROR=1)
;EMAURER comment out lines below to vary the amount of output spew.
log = $Text, 65536, 5 ; 65536 means 'don't care' about kind value.
; 5 refers to TRACE_LEVEL_5. means report all messages
; with severity of 5 or less. lower the number, more severe
; the message. WARNINGS are at level 2. reduce for less spew.
;log = $Text, 'I' ; incoming packet transmission
;log = $Text, 'O' ; outgoing packet transmission
;log = $Text, 'i' ; instance creation related messages (mass, MOI, equip)
;log = $Text, 'r' ; significant attitude/reputation events (show results of AdjustAttitude calls)
;log = $Text, 'a' ; detailed info regarding loading/unloading of archetypes.
log = $Text, 'c' ; report server-side events sent to contollers
log = $Text, 'm' ; mission-generated messages
log = $Text, 's' ; log second thread activity
;log = $Text, 'f' ; report file opens/closes
;log = $Text, 'e' ; explosion/fuse messages
log = $Text, 'd' ; damage messages
log = $Text, 'A' ; reload console command messages
; Error explanation
; log = where to display log message, kind of msg, severity of msg
; where: [no default]
; $window = popup dialog
; $text = debugger window
; filename = any filename
; kind: [default = -1]
; -1 // all kinds, distinguish display based on severity.
; ERR_RENDER ='R', // Render Pipeline
; ERR_WARN ='w', // minor general problems
; ERR_SPINST ='i', // instance creation messages
; ERR_REP ='r', // log significant attitude/reputation events
; ERR_ARCH ='a', // log unloads of archetypes.
; ERR_CTRL ='c', // log server-side events sent to contollers
; ERR_MISN ='m', // mission-generated messages
; ERR_ASYNC ='s', // log second thread activity
; ERR_FILEIO ='f', // print File open/close
; ERR_ASSERT = 65540 // asserts
; severity: [ default = all severities ]
; the lower the number the more severe
; SEV_FATAL = 0 // Unrecoverable errors
; SEV_ERROR = 1 // Recoverable errors
; SEV_WARNING = 2 // Conditions which may indicate a problem, but are handled
; SEV_NOTICE = 3 // Useful messages that are in release builds.
; SEV_TRACE_1 = 4 // Information useful for debugging or determining program flow
; SEV_TRACE_2..n = 5..n // Higher traces levels indicate more verbose information