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Freelancer-Manual.pdf | ||
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Freelancer: HD Edition
Freelancer: HD Edition is a mod that aims to improve every visual, aural, and gameplay aspect of the game Freelancer (2003) while keeping the look and feel as close to vanilla as possible. It also serves as an all-in-one package for players so they don't have to worry about installing countless patches and mods to create the perfect HD and bug-free install.
N.B. This mod does not add additional content op top of Freelancer but rather enhances what the game already has to offer. Although minor gameplay changes were made, Freelancer: HD Edition will always be compatible with vanilla Freelancer. Therefore, players can use this mod to play on all vanilla servers as long as the server owners allow these changes.
Join our Discord server to stay up to date with the latest news and information!
- HD Asteroids
- HD Character Models
- HD Cockpits
- HD Effects
- HD Mission & News images
- HD Nebulae
- HD Planets
- HD Ships
- HD Space objects
- HD Starspheres
- HD Startup Screen & Main Menu logo
- HD System & Universe Map
- Improved reflections
- Increased effect pool sizes
- Maximized draw distances
- New interface with new icons
- HQ Music
- Advanced Widescreen HUD
- 16:9 planetscape fixes
- Support for scrolling through menus
- Support for zooming in turret view
- Allow players to be called differently in Single Player
- Fixes in many bar scripts
- Enabled NPC paths in multiplayer
- Include player ships in ship filter
- Make all planets spin slowly
- Set maximum level in Single Player to 40
- Show the names of zones as you enter and leave them
- Show the remaining shield and hull points of the selected target as numbers
- 1.1 Patch
- Added more sound and general options
- Added support for running multiple instances of Freelancer on the same machine
- Added updated HUD Shift plugin
- All content from Jason's Freelancer Patch v1.25
- Direct3D 9 wrapper
- Disabled IPv6 adresses in Multiplayer Server list
- Fixed friendly jumphole in mission 6
- Fixed many typos, grammar mistakes, inconsistencies, and more, in the game's text strings
- Fixed missing/small text on 1440p and 4K displays
- Fixed MP3 codec error spam
- Fixed several incorrect/missing names and infocards in EW05, EW06, ST01, ST03 and ST03b
- Freelancer manual
- Improved infocards for unknown factions
- Improved Nomad group member names
- Make energy, shield, and hull bars solid
- No longer hide The Order and the Nomads from the factions list
- No-CD Patch
- Prevent intentional frame drops from occurring
- Realigned HUD elements
- Removed cruise speed display limit
- Removed general speed display limit
- Removed ESRB notice
- Removed unknown graphics card warning
- Show "Far" in contact list only at distances of 999.999K or higher
- Single Player console
- Smoothened jump effect
- Windows 10 compatibility patch (dgVoodoo2)
For the best possible experience, it is recommended to force enable anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering for Freelancer through your GPU settings. To learn how to do this, please visit the link from your GPU manufacturer:
- NVIDIA: https://www.nvidia.com/content/Control-Panel-Help/vLatest/en-us/mergedProjects/nv3d/Manage_3D_Settings_(reference).htm
- AMD: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/dh-012
- Intel: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000057285/graphics.html
If you have selected the Windows 10 compatibility patch when installing this mod, you can learn how to enable native anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering here: How to enable native MSAA and Anisotropic Filtering with the Windows 10 compatibility patch
Due to the large file size of many textures used in this mod, some users may experience significantly longer load times during gameplay. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to install Freelancer: HD Edition on an (M.2) SSD.
Installation instructions
N.B. Do NOT extract the files to your Freelancer folder manually, it won't work! This mod comes with a lot of custom options that can only be configured in FLMM
- Make sure you have a clean installation of Freelancer
- Download the mod from Releases
- Open the .flmod file using Freelancer Mod Manager 1.31
- Open Freelancer Mod Manager as an Administrator
- Activate Freelancer: HD Edition
Have something to contribute to make the mod even better? Feel free to create a pull request or feature request! We are always open to new suggestions and improvements. Making the repository public has allowed us as a community to create the best possible HD mod for Freelancer out there since many modders from around the world have contributed to this project.
- BC46
- HD Character Models
- HD Cockpits
- HD Explosion effects
- HD Mission & News images
- HD Nebulae
- HD Nomad, Corsair, Bretonia, Blood Dragon and Utility ships
- HD Starsphere improvements and HD Starsphere for ST03b
- HD Startup Screen & Main Menu logo
- HD System Map with HD Map objects
- HUD alignment fixes
- Improved reflections
- Many general HD and effect additions
- Many misc fixes
- Many misc improvements
- Maximized Draw Distances
- Mod script
- Spinning planets
- Text Strings Revision
- Buck Danny
- Unofficial FL SP 1.4 patch (included in Jason's Freelancer Patch)
- crosire et al.
- Dege
- Freestalker.fl
- Hrimthur
- Jason Hood
- Jeider, RenderG & Whiskas T-Mech
- Louva-Deus
- Freelancer SDK/QuickFix (included in Jason's Freelancer Patch)
- Microsoft
- Radiant
- Ruppetus
- Planetscapes Fixed for 16:9 Resolutions
- Many bar script fixes