main-login-authentication_error = Auth error on server
main-login-internal_error = Internal error on client (most likely, player character was deleted)
main-login-failed_auth_server_url_invalid = Failed to connect to auth server
main-login-insecure_auth_scheme = The auth Scheme HTTP is NOT supported. It's insecure! For development purposes, HTTP is allowed for 'localhost' or debug builds
main-login-server_full = Server is full
main-login-untrusted_auth_server = Auth server not trusted
main-login-outdated_client_or_server = ServerWentMad: Probably versions are incompatible, check for updates.
main-login-timeout = Timeout: Server did not respond in time. (Overloaded or network issues).
main-login-server_shut_down = Server shut down
main-login-network_error = Network error
main-login-network_wrong_version = Mismatched server and client version, please update your game client.
main-login-failed_sending_request = Request to Auth server failed
main-login-invalid_character = The selected character is invalid
main-login-client_crashed = Client crashed
main-login-not_on_whitelist = You need a Whitelist entry by an Admin to join
main-login-banned = You have been banned with the following reason
main-login-kicked = You have been kicked with the following reason
main-login-select_language = Select a language
main-login-client_version = Client Version
main-login-server_version = Server Version
main-login-client_init_failed = Client failed to initialize: { $init_fail_reason }
main-login-username_bad_characters = Username contains invalid characters! (Only alphanumeric, '_' and '-' are allowed)
main-login-username_too_long = Username is too long! Max length is: { $max_len }
main-servers-select_server = Select a server
main-servers-singleplayer_error = Failed to connect to internal server: { $sp_error }
main-servers-network_error = Server network/socket error: { $raw_error }