mess (server startup time related experimentation, in particular with

pathfinding between sites)
This commit is contained in:
Imbris 2023-04-16 17:01:00 -04:00
parent ed4643e80b
commit 1f5ebbd100
6 changed files with 594 additions and 24 deletions

common/src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
#![allow(dead_code, unused_mut, unused_variables)]
use crate::path::Path;
use core::{
cmp::Ordering::{self, Equal},
hash::{BuildHasher, Hash},
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PathEntry<S> {
// cost so far + heursitic
priority: f32,
node: S,
//cost: f32,
impl<S: Eq> PartialEq for PathEntry<S> {
fn eq(&self, other: &PathEntry<S>) -> bool { self.node.eq(&other.node) }
impl<S: Eq> Eq for PathEntry<S> {}
impl<S: Eq> Ord for PathEntry<S> {
// This method implements reverse ordering, so that the lowest cost
// will be ordered first
fn cmp(&self, other: &PathEntry<S>) -> Ordering {
impl<S: Eq> PartialOrd for PathEntry<S> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &PathEntry<S>) -> Option<Ordering> { Some(self.cmp(other)) }
// This is particularily hot in `BinaryHeap::pop`, so we provide this
// implementation.
// NOTE: This probably doesn't handle edge cases like `NaNs` in a consistent
// manner with `Ord`, but I don't think we need to care about that here(?)
// See note about reverse ordering above.
fn le(&self, other: &PathEntry<S>) -> bool { other.priority <= self.priority }
pub enum PathResult<T> {
impl<T> PathResult<T> {
pub fn into_path(self) -> Option<Path<T>> {
match self {
PathResult::Path(path) => Some(path),
_ => None,
pub fn map<U>(self, f: impl FnOnce(Path<T>) -> Path<U>) -> PathResult<U> {
match self {
PathResult::None(p) => PathResult::None(f(p)),
PathResult::Exhausted(p) => PathResult::Exhausted(f(p)),
PathResult::Path(p) => PathResult::Path(f(p)),
PathResult::Pending => PathResult::Pending,
// If node entry exists, this was visited!
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct NodeEntry<S> {
// if came_from == self this is the start node!
came_from: S,
cheapest_score: f32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Cluster<S> {
// TODO: we could use `(S, u8)` here?
// idea: if we bake in the gridness we could just store a direction
came_from: [Option<S>; 256],
cheapest_score: [f32; 256],
// ideas:
// * merge hashmaps
// * "chunked" exploration
// * things we put on priority queue don't need to point into a hashmap (i.e. we
// only need a hashmap to map from new/unknown nodes to whatever
// datastructure)
pub struct Astar<S, Hasher> {
iter: usize,
max_iters: usize,
potential_nodes: BinaryHeap<PathEntry<S>>, // cost, node pairs
// converting to single hash structure: 11349 ms -> 10462 ms / 10612 ms
// with two hash structures (came_from and cheapest_scores): 10861 ms
visited_nodes: HashMap<S, NodeEntry<S>, Hasher>,
// -> 25055 ms -> 15771 ms with Box -> fixed bugs 10731 ms, hmmm
clusters: HashMap<S, Box<Cluster<S>>, Hasher>, // TODO: Box cluster?
//came_from: HashMap<S, S, Hasher>,
//cheapest_scores: HashMap<S, f32, Hasher>,
//final_scores: HashMap<S, f32, Hasher>,
//visited: HashSet<S, Hasher>,
start_node: S,
cheapest_node: Option<S>,
cheapest_cost: Option<f32>,
/// NOTE: Must manually derive since Hasher doesn't implement it.
impl<S: Clone + Eq + Hash + fmt::Debug, H: BuildHasher> fmt::Debug for Astar<S, H> {
fn fmt(&self, _f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { todo!() }
impl<S: Clone + Eq + Hash, H: BuildHasher + Clone> Astar<S, H> {
pub fn new(max_iters: usize, start: S, hasher: H) -> Self {
Self {
iter: 0,
potential_nodes: core::iter::once(PathEntry {
priority: 0.0,
//cost: 0.0,
node: start.clone(),
came_from: HashMap::with_hasher(hasher.clone()),
cheapest_scores: {
let mut h = HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(1, hasher.clone());
h.extend(core::iter::once((start.clone(), 0.0)));
final_scores: {
let mut h = HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(1, hasher.clone());
h.extend(core::iter::once((start.clone(), 0.0)));
visited: {
let mut s = HashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(1, hasher);
visited_nodes: {
let mut s = HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(1, hasher.clone());
s.extend(core::iter::once((start.clone(), NodeEntry {
came_from: start.clone(),
cheapest_score: 0.0,
clusters: HashMap::with_hasher(hasher),
start_node: start,
cheapest_node: None,
cheapest_cost: None,
pub fn poll<I>(
&mut self,
iters: usize,
// estimate how far we are from the target? but we are given two nodes... (current,
// previous)
mut heuristic: impl FnMut(&S, &S) -> f32,
// get neighboring nodes
mut neighbors: impl FnMut(&S) -> I,
// cost of edge between these two nodes
// I assume this is (source, destination)?
mut transition: impl FnMut(&S, &S) -> f32,
// have we reached a/the target?
mut satisfied: impl FnMut(&S) -> bool,
// this function clusters nodes together for cache locality purposes
// output (cluster base, offset in cluster)
cluster: impl Fn(&S) -> (S, u8),
) -> PathResult<S>
// Combining transition into this: 9913 ms -> 8204 ms (~1.7 out of ~6.5 seconds)
I: Iterator<Item = (S, f32)>,
if self.clusters.is_empty() {
let (key, index) = cluster(&self.start_node);
let mut came_from = std::array::from_fn(|_| None);
came_from[usize::from(index)] = Some(self.start_node.clone());
Box::new(Cluster {
cheapest_score: [0.0; 256],
let iter_limit = self.max_iters.min(self.iter + iters);
while self.iter < iter_limit {
// pop highest priority node
if let Some(PathEntry { node, .. }) = self.potential_nodes.pop() {
// if this is the destination, we return
if satisfied(&node) {
return PathResult::Path(self.reconstruct_path_to(node, cluster));
} else {
let (cluster_key, index) = cluster(&node);
let (node_cheapest, came_from) = self
.map(|c| {
// regression
//if node_cheapest < cost {
// we already processed it
// continue;
// 10700 ms -> 10477 ms (moving this out of the loop)
// we have to fetch this even though it was put into the priority queu
let node_cheapest = self
.map_or(f32::MAX, |n| n.cheapest_score);
// otherwise we iterate neighbors
// TODO: try for_each here
// 6879 ms -> 6989 ms (regression using for_each)
//neighbors(&node).for_each(|(neighbor, transition)| {
for (neighbor, transition) in neighbors(&node) {
// skipping here: 10694 ms -> 9913 ms (almost whole second out of 7 taken
// for this, this is because the `transition` call is fairly expensive)
if neighbor == came_from {
let (cluster_key, index) = cluster(&neighbor);
let mut previously_visited = false;
let neighbor_cheapest = self
.and_then(|c| {
previously_visited = c.came_from[usize::from(index)].is_some();
previously_visited.then(|| c.cheapest_score[usize::from(index)])
let neighbor_cheapest = self
.map_or(f32::MAX, |n| n.cheapest_score);
// 10573 ms -> 11546 ms (with entry api appears to be regression)
let mut previously_visited = true;
let neighbor_entry = self
.or_insert_with(|| {
previously_visited = false;
NodeEntry {
came_from: node.clone(),
cheapest_score: f32::MAX,
let neighbor_cheapest = neighbor_entry.cheapest_score;
let node_cheapest = *self.cheapest_scores.get(&node).unwrap_or(&f32::MAX);
let neighbor_cheapest =
// TODO: have caller provide transition cost with neighbors iterator (so
// that duplicate costs in `transition` can be avoided?)
// compute cost to traverse to each neighbor
let cost = node_cheapest + transition; //transition(&node, &neighbor);
// if this is cheaper than existing cost for that neighbor (or neighbor
// hasn't been visited)
// can we convince ourselves that this is always true if node was not
// visited?
if cost < neighbor_cheapest {
//neighbor_entry.cheapest_score = cost;
// note: unconditional insert, same cost as overwriting if it already
// exists
let previously_visited = self
.insert(neighbor.clone(), node.clone())
self.cheapest_scores.insert(neighbor.clone(), cost);
let previously_visited = self
.insert(neighbor.clone(), NodeEntry {
came_from: node.clone(),
cheapest_score: cost,
let cluster_mut =
self.clusters.entry(cluster_key).or_insert_with(|| {
Box::new(Cluster {
came_from: std::array::from_fn(|_| None),
cheapest_score: [0.0; 256],
cluster_mut.came_from[usize::from(index)] = Some(node.clone());
cluster_mut.cheapest_score[usize::from(index)] = cost;
let h = heuristic(&neighbor, &node);
// note that cheapest_scores does not include the heuristic
// this is what final_scores does, priority queue does include
// heuristic
let priority = cost + h;
// note this is literally unused, removing saves ~350 ms out of 11349
// (note this is all of startup time)
//self.final_scores.insert(neighbor.clone(), neighbor_cost);
if|cc| h < cc).unwrap_or(true) {
self.cheapest_node = Some(node.clone());
self.cheapest_cost = Some(h);
// commenting out if here: 11349 ms -> 12498 ms (but may give better
// paths?) (about 1 extra second or +10% time)
// with single hashmap change this has much more impact:
// 3473 ms -> 11981 ms
// if we hadn't already visted, add this to potential nodes, what about
// its neighbors, wouldn't they need to be revisted???
if !previously_visited {
self.potential_nodes.push(PathEntry {
node: neighbor,
} else {
return PathResult::None(
.map(|lc| self.reconstruct_path_to(lc, cluster))
self.iter += 1
if self.iter >= self.max_iters {
.map(|lc| self.reconstruct_path_to(lc, cluster))
} else {
pub fn get_cheapest_cost(&self) -> Option<f32> { self.cheapest_cost }
// At least in world site pathfinding this is super cheap compared to actually
// finding the path!
fn reconstruct_path_to(&mut self, end: S, cluster: impl Fn(&S) -> (S, u8)) -> Path<S> {
let mut path = vec![end.clone()];
let mut cnode = &end;
let (mut ckey, mut ci) = cluster(cnode);
while let Some(node) = self
.and_then(|c| c.came_from[usize::from(ci)].as_ref())
.filter(|n| *n != cnode)
.map(|n| &n.came_from)
.filter(|n| *n != cnode)
cnode = node;
(ckey, ci) = cluster(cnode);

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ pub mod uid;
// NOTE: Comment out macro to get rustfmt to re-order these as needed.
cfg_if! { if #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] {
pub mod astar;
pub mod astar2;
pub mod calendar;
pub mod character;
pub mod clock;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,9 @@ name = "tree"
name = "chunk_compression_benchmarks"
required-features = ["bin_compression"]
name = "world_generate_time"
name = "world_block_statistics"
required-features = ["bin_compression"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
use std::time::Instant;
use veloren_world::{
sim::{FileOpts, WorldOpts, DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP},
fn main() {
let threadpool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
let start = Instant::now();
let (world, index) = World::generate(
WorldOpts {
seed_elements: true,
// Load default map from assets.
world_file: FileOpts::LoadAsset(DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP.into()),
calendar: None,
core::hint::black_box((world, index));
println!("{} ms", start.elapsed().as_nanos() / 1_000_000);

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ use common::{
use common_base::prof_span;
use core::{fmt, hash::BuildHasherDefault, ops::Range};
use fxhash::FxHasher64;
use rand::prelude::*;
@ -54,7 +55,17 @@ pub struct Civs {
/// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
pub track_map: DHashMap<Id<Site>, DHashMap<Id<Site>, Id<Track>>>,
pub bridges: DHashMap<Vec2<i32>, (Vec2<i32>, Id<Site>)>,
// 8249 ms -> 7680 ms (change when switching to ahash)
// 7495 ms -> 8057 ms -> 7481 ms (ahash -> sip13 -> fxhasher)
// TODO: deterministic(?), this is certainly faster, presumably due to less collisions
pub bridges: hashbrown::HashMap<
(Vec2<i32>, Id<Site>),
//std::hash::BuildHasherDefault<fxhash::FxHasher32>, // too many collisions!
pub sites: Store<Site>,
pub caves: Store<CaveInfo>,
@ -160,7 +171,7 @@ impl<'a, R: Rng> GenCtx<'a, R> {
impl Civs {
pub fn generate(seed: u32, sim: &mut WorldSim, index: &mut Index) -> Self {
let mut this = Self::default();
let rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
let name_rng = rng.clone();
@ -181,14 +192,18 @@ impl Civs {
// this.generate_caves(&mut ctx);
info!("starting civilisation creation");
prof_span!(guard, "create civs");
for _ in 0..initial_civ_count {
prof_span!("create civ");
debug!("Creating civilisation...");
if this.birth_civ(&mut ctx.reseed()).is_none() {
warn!("Failed to find starting site for civilisation.");
info!(?initial_civ_count, "all civilisations created");
prof_span!(guard, "find locations and establish sites");
for _ in 0..initial_civ_count * 3 {
attempt(5, || {
let (loc, kind) = match ctx.rng.gen_range(0..64) {
@ -260,6 +275,7 @@ impl Civs {
// Tick
//=== old economy is gone
@ -511,6 +527,8 @@ impl Civs {
// TODO: Move this
@ -730,7 +748,7 @@ impl Civs {
/// Adds lake POIs and names them
fn name_biomes(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) {
let map_size_lg = ctx.sim.map_size_lg();
let world_size = map_size_lg.chunks();
let mut biomes: Vec<(common::terrain::BiomeKind, Vec<usize>)> = Vec::new();
@ -769,7 +787,7 @@ impl Civs {
biomes.push((biome, filled));
common_base::prof_span!("after flood fill");
prof_span!("after flood fill");
let mut biome_count = 0;
for biome in biomes {
let name = match biome.0 {
@ -1013,7 +1031,7 @@ impl Civs {
/// Adds mountain POIs and name them
fn name_peaks(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) {
let map_size_lg = ctx.sim.map_size_lg();
const MIN_MOUNTAIN_ALT: f32 = 600.0;
const MIN_MOUNTAIN_CHAOS: f32 = 0.35;
@ -1093,6 +1111,7 @@ impl Civs {
loc: Vec2<i32>,
site_fn: impl FnOnce(Id<Place>) -> Site,
) -> Id<Site> {
const SITE_AREA: Range<usize> = 1..4; //64..256;
fn establish_site(
@ -1101,6 +1120,7 @@ impl Civs {
loc: Vec2<i32>,
site_fn: impl FnOnce(Id<Place>) -> Site,
) -> Id<Site> {
prof_span!("establish site inner");
let place = match ctx.sim.get(loc).and_then(|site| {
Some(place) => place,
None => civs.establish_place(ctx, loc, SITE_AREA),
@ -1112,6 +1132,7 @@ impl Civs {
let site = establish_site(self, ctx, loc, site_fn);
// Find neighbors
prof_span!(guard, "find neighbors");
const MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE: f32 = 2000.0;
let mut nearby = self
@ -1131,6 +1152,7 @@ impl Civs {
.filter(|(_, dist)| *dist < MAX_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE)
nearby.sort_by_key(|(_, dist)| *dist as i32);
if let SiteKind::Refactor
| SiteKind::Settlement
@ -1140,13 +1162,24 @@ impl Civs {
| SiteKind::Castle = self.sites[site].kind
for (nearby, _) in nearby.into_iter().take(5) {
prof_span!("for nearby");
// Find a novel path
if let Some((path, cost)) = find_path(
|start| self.bridges.get(&start).map(|(end, _)| *end),
) {
let maybe_path = {
prof_span!("find path");
|start| self.bridges.get(&start).map(|(end, _)| *end),
if maybe_path.is_some() {
} else {
if let Some((path, cost)) = maybe_path {
prof_span!("with path");
// Find a path using existing paths
if self
.route_between(site, nearby)
@ -1180,6 +1213,7 @@ impl Civs {
1 << (i as u8);
randomize_offset = true;
} else if !self.bridges.contains_key(&locs[1]) {
//dbg!("here"); called 18 times
let center = (locs[1] + locs[2]) / 2;
let id =
establish_site(self, &mut ctx.reseed(), center, move |place| {
@ -1305,45 +1339,144 @@ fn find_path(
) -> Option<(Path<Vec2<i32>>, f32)> {
const MAX_PATH_ITERS: usize = 100_000;
let sim = &ctx.sim;
// NOTE: If heuristic overestimates the actual cost, then A* is not guaranteed
// to produce the least-cost path (since it will explore partially based on
// the heuristic). TODO: heuristic can be larger than actual cost, since
// diagonals can only cost `1.0` if a path exists and since bridges have
// zero cost (and cover multiple tiles).
let heuristic = move |l: &Vec2<i32>, _: &Vec2<i32>| (l.distance_squared(b) as f32).sqrt();
let get_bridge = &get_bridge;
let neighbors = |l: &Vec2<i32>| {
let l = *l;
let bridge = get_bridge(l);
.filter_map(move |dir| walk_in_dir(sim, get_bridge, l, *dir))
.map(move |(p, _)| p)
.filter_map(move |dir| walk_in_dir(sim, bridge, l, *dir))
// Using walk_in_all_dirs saves ~500 ms
let potential = walk_in_all_dirs(sim, bridge, l);
potential.into_iter().filter_map(|p| p)
// transition cost?
let transition = |a: &Vec2<i32>, b: &Vec2<i32>| {
1.0 + walk_in_dir(sim, get_bridge, *a, (*b - *a).map(|e| e.signum()))
// factoring this out: 7463 ms -> 7356 ms
let bridge = get_bridge(*a);
1.0 + walk_in_dir(sim, bridge, *a, (*b - *a).map(|e| e.signum()))
.map_or(10000.0, |(_, cost)| cost)
let satisfied = |l: &Vec2<i32>| *l == b;
let cluster = |l: &Vec2<i32>| {
let bx = l.x.div_euclid(16);
let by = l.y.div_euclid(16);
let x = l.x % 16;
let y = l.y % 16;
(Vec2::new(bx, by), (x + y * 16) as u8)
// We use this hasher (FxHasher64) because
// (1) we don't care about DDOS attacks (ruling out SipHash);
// (2) we care about determinism across computers (ruling out AAHash);
// (3) we have 8-byte keys (for which FxHash is fastest).
let mut astar = Astar::new(
let mut astar = common::astar2::Astar::new(
.poll(MAX_PATH_ITERS, heuristic, neighbors, transition, satisfied)
.and_then(|path| astar.get_cheapest_cost().map(|cost| (path, cost)))
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
static CC: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn walk_in_all_dirs(
sim: &WorldSim,
bridge: Option<Vec2<i32>>,
a: Vec2<i32>,
) -> [Option<(Vec2<i32>, f32)>; 8] {
let mut potential = [None; 8];
let mut adjacents = [a; 8];
for i in 0..8 {
adjacents[i] += NEIGHBORS[i];
let Some(a_chunk) = sim.get(a) else { return potential };
let mut chunks = [None; 8];
for i in 0..8 {
if loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, adjacents[i]) {
chunks[i] = sim.get(adjacents[i]);
for i in 0..8 {
let Some(b_chunk) = chunks[i] else { continue };
let hill_cost = ((b_chunk.alt - a_chunk.alt).abs() / 5.0).powi(2);
let water_cost = (b_chunk.water_alt - b_chunk.alt + 8.0).clamped(0.0, 8.0) * 3.0; // Try not to path swamps / tidal areas
let wild_cost = if b_chunk.path.0.is_way() {
0.0 // Traversing existing paths has no additional cost!
} else {
3.0 // + (1.0 - b_chunk.tree_density) * 20.0 // Prefer going through forests, for aesthetics
let cost = 1.0 + hill_cost + water_cost + wild_cost;
potential[i] = Some((adjacents[i], cost));
// Look for potential bridge spots in the cardinal directions if
// `loc_suitable_for_wallking` was false for the adjacent chunk.
for i in 0..4 {
// These happen to be the dirs where: dir.x == 0 || dir.y == 0
let i = i * 2;
if potential[i].is_none() {
let dir = NEIGHBORS[i];
// if we can skip over unsuitable area with a bridge
potential[i] = (4..=5).find_map(|i| {
loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, a + dir * i)
.then(|| (a + dir * i, 120.0 + (i - 4) as f32 * 10.0))
// If current position is a bridge, skip to its destination.
if let Some(p) = bridge {
let dir = (p - a).map(|e| e.signum());
if let Some((dir_index, _)) = NEIGHBORS
.find(|(_, n_dir)| **n_dir == dir)
potential[dir_index] = Some((p, 0.0));
/// Return Some if travel between a location and a chunk next to it is permitted
/// If permitted, the approximate relative const of traversal is given
// (TODO: by whom?)
// Return tuple: (final location, cost)
fn walk_in_dir(
sim: &WorldSim,
get_bridge: impl Fn(Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Vec2<i32>>,
// Is there a bridge at `a`?
bridge: Option<Vec2<i32>>,
a: Vec2<i32>,
dir: Vec2<i32>,
) -> Option<(Vec2<i32>, f32)> {
if let Some(p) = get_bridge(a).filter(|p| (p - a).map(|e| e.signum()) == dir) {
//CC.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if let Some(p) = bridge.filter(|p| (p - a).map(|e| e.signum()) == dir) {
// Traversing an existing bridge has no cost.
Some((p, 0.0))
} else if loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, a + dir) {
@ -1360,6 +1493,7 @@ fn walk_in_dir(
Some((a + dir, 1.0 + hill_cost + water_cost + wild_cost))
} else if dir.x == 0 || dir.y == 0 {
// if we can skip over unsuitable area with a bridge
(4..=5).find_map(|i| {
loc_suitable_for_walking(sim, a + dir * i)
.then(|| (a + dir * i, 120.0 + (i - 4) as f32 * 10.0))
@ -1372,10 +1506,14 @@ fn walk_in_dir(
/// Return true if a position is suitable for walking on
fn loc_suitable_for_walking(sim: &WorldSim, loc: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
if sim.get(loc).is_some() {
!NEIGHBORS.iter().any(|n| {
sim.get(loc + *n)
.map_or(false, |chunk| chunk.river.near_water())
// 7181 ms -> 6868 ms (300 ms! almost 10% of pathfinding time)
.map(|n| {
sim.get(loc + *n)
.map_or(false, |chunk| chunk.river.near_water())
.fold(false, |acc, near_water| acc & near_water)
} else {
@ -1411,6 +1549,7 @@ fn find_site_loc(
proximity_reqs: &ProximityRequirements,
site_kind: SiteKind,
) -> Option<Vec2<i32>> {
const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = 10000;
let mut loc = None;
for _ in 0..MAX_ATTEMPTS {

View File

@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ pub enum RiverKind {
impl RiverKind {
pub fn is_ocean(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, RiverKind::Ocean) }
#[inline(always)] // saves ~100 ms on current `world_generate_time`
pub fn is_river(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, RiverKind::River { .. }) }
pub fn is_lake(&self) -> bool { matches!(*self, RiverKind::Lake { .. }) }
@ -212,7 +213,11 @@ impl RiverData {
pub fn near_river(&self) -> bool { self.is_river() || !self.neighbor_rivers.is_empty() }
pub fn near_water(&self) -> bool { self.near_river() || self.is_lake() || self.is_ocean() }
pub fn near_water(&self) -> bool {
// 7408 ms -> 7270 ms (only 50 ms difference now)
self.river_kind.is_some() || !self.neighbor_rivers.is_empty()
//self.near_river() || self.is_lake() || self.is_ocean()
/// Draw rivers and assign them heights, widths, and velocities. Take some