add swedish translation

This commit is contained in:
Tim Stahel 2020-02-06 08:27:02 +01:00 committed by Forest Anderson
parent 74c04503dd
commit 3074ce839d

assets/voxygen/i18n/sv.ron Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// Localization for Swedish
metadata: (
language_name: "Svenska",
language_identifier: "sv",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "användarnamn",
"common.singleplayer": "En spelare",
"common.multiplayer": "Flera spelare",
"common.servers": "Servrar",
"common.quit": "Avsluta",
"common.settings": "Inställningar",
"common.languages": "Språk",
"common.interface": "Gränssnitt",
"common.gameplay": "Spel",
"common.controls": "Kontroller",
"": "Video",
"common.sound": "Ljud",
"common.resume": "Återuppta",
"common.characters": "Karaktärer",
"common.close": "Stäng",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"": "Nej",
"common.back": "Tillbaka",
"common.create": "Skapa",
"common.okay": "Okej",
"common.disclaimer": "Varning",
"common.cancel": "Ångra",
"common.none": "Ingen",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Förlorade kopplingen!
Startade servern om?
Är klienten uppdaterad?"#,
"common.races.orc": "Orch",
"common.races.human": "Människa",
"common.races.dwarf": "Dvärg",
"common.races.elf": "Älva",
"common.races.undead": "Odöd",
"common.races.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Yxa",
"common.weapons.sword": "Svärd",
"common.weapons.staff": "Stav",
"common.weapons.bow": "Båge",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hammare",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Kopplar",
"main.creating_world": "Skapar värld",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Välkommen till alfaversionen av Veloren!
Before you dive into the fun, please keep a few things in mind:
- This is a very early alpha. Expect bugs, extremely unfinished gameplay, unpolished mechanics, and missing features.
- If you have constructive feedback or bug reports, you can contact us via Reddit, GitLab, or our community Discord server.
- Veloren is licensed under the GPL 3 open-source licence. That means you're free to play, modify, and redistribute the game however you wish (provided derived work is also under GPL 3).
- Veloren is a non-profit community project, and everybody working on it is a volunteer.
If you like what you see, you're welcome to join the development or art teams!
- 'Voxel RPG' is a genre in its own right. First-person shooters used to be called Doom clones.
Like them, we're trying to build a niche. This game is not a clone, and its development will diverge from existing games in the future.
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ Utvecklarna av Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Information om inloggningsprocessen:
Put in any username. No Account needed yet.
Character names and appearances will be saved locally.
Levels/Items are not saved yet."#,
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Visa inte detta vid start",
"hud.show_tips": "Visa Tips",
"hud.quests": "Quests",
"hud.you_died": "Du dog",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att visa tangentbindningar",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att visa debug info",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att t tangentbindningar",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att toggla debug info",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Press {key} to respawn at your Waypoint.
Press Enter, type in /waypoint and confirm to set it here."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Welcome to the Veloren Alpha!,
Some tips before you start:
MOST IMPORTANTLY: To set your respawn point type /waypoint into the chat.
This can also be done when you are already dead!
Press F1 to see the available key commands.
Type /help into the chat to see chat commands
There are chests and other objects randomly spawning in the World!
Right-Click to collect them.
To actually use whatever you loot from those chests open your inventory with 'B'.
Double click the items in your bag to use or equip them.
Throw them away by clicking them once and clicking outside of the bag
Nights can get pretty dark in Veloren.
Light your lantern by typing /lantern into the chat
Want to free your cursor to close this window? Press TAB!
Enjoy your stay in the World of Veloren."#,
"hud.settings.general": "General",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Help Window",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Debug Info",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-On-Startup",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Scale",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relative Scaling",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Custom Scaling",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Crosshair",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparency",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toggle Experience Bar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Toggle Shortcuts",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toggle Shortcuts",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Scrolling Combat Text",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Single Damage Numbers",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Cumulated Damage",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Cumulated Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energybar Numbers",
"hud.settings.values": "Values",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentages",
"": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Background Transparency",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Pan Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoom Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invert Scroll Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Invert Mouse Y Axis",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "View Distance",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Field of View (deg)",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "AntiAliasing Mode",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Cloud Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Fluid Rendering Mode",
"": "Cheap",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Shiny",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Regular",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Music Volume",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Sound Effects Volume",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Audio Device",
// Control list
"hud.settings.control_names": r#"Free Cursor
Toggle Help Window
Toggle Interface
Toggle FPS and Debug Info
Take Screenshot
Toggle Nametags
Toggle Fullscreen
Move Forward
Move Left
Move Right
Move Backwards
Climb down
Auto Walk
Sheathe/Draw Weapons
Put on/Remove Helmet
Basic Attack
Secondary Attack/Block/Aim
Skillbar Slot 1
Skillbar Slot 2
Skillbar Slot 3
Skillbar Slot 4
Skillbar Slot 5
Skillbar Slot 6
Skillbar Slot 7
Skillbar Slot 8
Skillbar Slot 9
Skillbar Slot 10
Pause Menu
Send Chat Message
Scroll Chat
Chat commands:
/alias [Name] - Change your Chat Name
/tp [Name] - Teleports you to another player
/jump <dx> <dy> <dz> - Offset your position
/goto <x> <y> <z> - Teleport to a position
/kill - Kill yourself
/pig - Spawn pig NPC
/wolf - Spawn wolf NPC
/help - Display chat commands"#,
"": "Social",
"": "Online",
"": "Friends",
"": "Not yet available",
"": "Faction",
"": "{nb_player} player(s) online",
"hud.spell": "Spell",
/// End HUD section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Permanently delete this Character?",
"char_selection.change_server": "Change Server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Enter World",
"char_selection.logout": "Logout",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Create New Character",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Character Creation",
"char_selection.human_default": "Human Default",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Level {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Uncanny Valley",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Plains of Uncertainty",
"char_selection.beard": "Beard",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Hair Style",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Hair Color",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Chest color",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Eye color",
"": "Skin",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Eyebrows",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accessories",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Character Name",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Endurance
/// Start character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Logout",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Quit Game",
/// End Escape Menu Section