Merge branch 'AldanTanneo/trade_space_calculation_changes' into 'master'

Implemented trading stackable items with a full inventory

See merge request veloren/veloren!2491
This commit is contained in:
Marcel 2021-07-05 10:34:04 +00:00
commit 3ee123b745
3 changed files with 611 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Adjust Yeti difficulty
- Now most of the food gives Saturation in the process of eating
- Mushroom Curry gives long-lasting Regeneration buff
- Trades now consider if items can stack in full inventories.
### Removed

View File

@ -327,6 +327,22 @@ impl Inventory {
self.slots().any(|slot| slot.as_ref() == Some(item))
/// Return the first slot id containing the item
pub fn get_slot_of_item(&self, item: &Item) -> Option<InvSlotId> {
.find(|&(_, it)| {
if let Some(it) = it {
// TODO: add a ComponentKey struct to compare components, see issue #1226
it.item_definition_id() == item.item_definition_id()
} else {
.map(|(slot, _)| slot)
/// Get content of a slot
pub fn get(&self, inv_slot_id: InvSlotId) -> Option<&Item> {

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use common_net::{
sync::{Uid, WorldSyncExt},
use hashbrown::hash_map::Entry;
use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use specs::{world::WorldExt, Entity as EcsEntity};
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use tracing::{error, trace};
@ -209,7 +209,36 @@ fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
trace!("committing trade: {:?}", trade);
// Compute the net change in slots of each player during the trade, to detect
// out-of-space-ness before transferring any items
let mut delta_slots: [isize; 2] = [0, 0];
let mut delta_slots: [i64; 2] = [0, 0];
// local struct used to calculate delta_slots for stackable items.
// Uses u128 as an intermediate value to prevent overflow.
struct ItemQuantities {
full_stacks: u64,
quantity_sold: u128,
freed_capacity: u128,
unusable_capacity: u128,
// local struct used to calculate delta_slots for stackable items
struct TradeQuantities {
max_stack_size: u32,
trade_quantities: [ItemQuantities; 2],
impl TradeQuantities {
fn new(max_stack_size: u32) -> Self {
Self {
trade_quantities: [ItemQuantities::default(), ItemQuantities::default()],
// Hashmap to compute merged stackable stacks, including overflow checks
// TODO: add a ComponentKey struct to compare items properly, see issue #1226
let mut stackable_items: HashMap<String, TradeQuantities> = HashMap::new();
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
for (slot, quantity) in trade.offers[who].iter() {
let inventory = inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).expect(invmsg);
@ -224,7 +253,9 @@ fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
return TradeResult::Declined;
match item.amount().cmp(&quantity) {
// assuming the quantity is never 0
match item.amount().cmp(quantity) {
Ordering::Less => {
"PendingTrade invariant violation in trade {:?}: party {} offered more of \
@ -234,25 +265,109 @@ fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
return TradeResult::Declined;
Ordering::Equal => {
delta_slots[who] -= 1; // exact, removes the whole stack
delta_slots[1 - who] += 1; // overapproximation, assumes the stack won't merge
if item.is_stackable() {
// Marks a full stack to remove. Can no longer accept items from the other
// party, and therefore adds the remaining capacity it holds to
// `unusable_capacity`.
let TradeQuantities {
} = stackable_items
.or_insert_with(|| TradeQuantities::new(item.max_amount()));
trade_quantities[who].full_stacks += 1;
trade_quantities[who].quantity_sold += *quantity as u128;
trade_quantities[who].unusable_capacity +=
*max_stack_size as u128 - item.amount() as u128;
} else {
delta_slots[who] -= 1; // exact, removes the whole stack
delta_slots[1 - who] += 1; // item is not stackable, so the stacks won't merge
Ordering::Greater => {
// No change to delta_slots[who], since they have leftovers
delta_slots[1 - who] += 1; // overapproximation, assumes the stack won't merge
if item.is_stackable() {
// Marks a partial stack to remove, able to accepts items from the other
// party, and therefore adds the additional capacity freed after the item
// exchange to `freed_capacity`.
let TradeQuantities {
max_stack_size: _,
} = stackable_items
.or_insert_with(|| TradeQuantities::new(item.max_amount()));
trade_quantities[who].quantity_sold += *quantity as u128;
trade_quantities[who].freed_capacity += *quantity as u128;
} else {
// unreachable in theory
"Inventory invariant violation in trade {:?}: party {} has a stack \
larger than 1 of an unstackable item",
trade, who
return TradeResult::Declined;
// at this point delta_slots only contains the slot variations for unstackable
// items. The following loops calculates capacity for stackable items and
// computes the final delta_slots in consequence.
for (
TradeQuantities {
) in stackable_items.iter()
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
// removes all exchanged full stacks.
delta_slots[who] -= trade_quantities[who].full_stacks as i64;
// calculates the available item capacity in the other party's inventory,
// substracting the unusable space calculated previously,
// and adding the capacity freed by the trade.
let other_party_capacity = inventories
.get_mut(entities[1 - who])
.filter_map(|it| {
if it.item_definition_id() == item_id {
Some(*max_stack_size as u128 - it.amount() as u128)
} else {
- trade_quantities[1 - who].unusable_capacity
+ trade_quantities[1 - who].freed_capacity;
// checks if the capacity in remaining partial stacks of the other party is
// enough to contain everything, creates more stacks otherwise
if other_party_capacity < trade_quantities[who].quantity_sold {
let surplus = trade_quantities[who].quantity_sold - other_party_capacity;
// the total amount of exchanged slots can never exceed the max inventory size
// (around 4 * 2^32 slots), so the cast to i64 should be safe
delta_slots[1 - who] += (surplus / *max_stack_size as u128) as i64 + 1;
trace!("delta_slots: {:?}", delta_slots);
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
// Inventories should never exceed 2^{63} slots, so the usize -> isize
// Inventories should never exceed 2^{63} slots, so the usize -> i64
// conversions here should be safe
let inv = inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).expect(invmsg);
if inv.populated_slots() as isize + delta_slots[who] > inv.capacity() as isize {
if inv.populated_slots() as i64 + delta_slots[who] > inv.capacity() as i64 {
return TradeResult::NotEnoughSpace;
let mut items = [Vec::new(), Vec::new()];
let ability_map = ecs.read_resource::<AbilityMap>();
let msm = ecs.read_resource::<MaterialStatManifest>();
@ -268,6 +383,7 @@ fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
if let Err(leftovers) = inventories
.get_mut(entities[1 - who])
@ -282,5 +398,474 @@ fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
mod tests {
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use super::*;
use common::{comp::slot::InvSlotId, uid::UidAllocator};
use specs::{Builder, World};
// Creates a specs World containing two Entities which have Inventory
// components. Left over inventory size is determined by input. Mapping to the
// returned Entities. Any input over the maximum default inventory size will
// result in maximum left over space.
fn create_mock_trading_world(
player_inv_size: usize,
merchant_inv_size: usize,
) -> (World, EcsEntity, EcsEntity) {
let mut mockworld = World::new();
let player: EcsEntity;
let merchant: EcsEntity;
player = mockworld
merchant = mockworld
use specs::saveload::MarkerAllocator;
let mut uids = mockworld.write_component::<Uid>();
let mut uid_allocator = mockworld.write_resource::<UidAllocator>();
uids.insert(player, uid_allocator.allocate(player, None))
.expect("inserting player uid failed");
uids.insert(merchant, uid_allocator.allocate(merchant, None))
.expect("inserting merchant uid failed");
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
if player_inv_size < playerinv.capacity() {
for _ in player_inv_size..playerinv.capacity() {
let mut merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
if merchant_inv_size < merchantinv.capacity() {
for _ in merchant_inv_size..merchantinv.capacity() {
(mockworld, player, merchant)
fn prepare_merchant_inventory(mockworld: &World, merchant: EcsEntity) {
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
for _ in 0..10 {
fn commit_trade_with_stackable_item_test() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(1, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let potion =
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let potioninvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(potioninvid, 1);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::Completed);
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let potioncount = playerinv.item_count(&(*potion));
assert_eq!(potioncount, 2);
fn commit_trade_with_full_inventory_test() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(1, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let fish = common::comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect("");
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let fishinvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(fishinvid, 1);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::NotEnoughSpace);
fn commit_trade_with_empty_inventory_test() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(20, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let fish = common::comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect("");
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let fishinvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(fishinvid, 1);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::Completed);
fn commit_trade_with_both_full_inventories_test() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(2, 2);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let fish = common::comp::Item::new_from_asset_expect("");
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let fishinvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let potion =
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let potioninvid = playerinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let mut playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
playeroffers.insert(potioninvid, 1);
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(fishinvid, 10);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::Completed);
fn commit_trade_with_overflow() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(2, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let mut potion =
.set_amount(potion.max_amount() - 2)
.expect("Should be below the max amount");
let potion =
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let potioninvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(potioninvid, 10);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::Completed);
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let slot1 = playerinv
.expect("There should be a slot here");
let item1 = playerinv
.expect("The slot should not be empty");
let slot2 = playerinv
.expect("There should be a slot here");
let item2 = playerinv
.expect("The slot should not be empty");
assert_eq!(item1.amount(), potion.max_amount());
assert_eq!(item2.amount(), 8);
fn commit_trade_with_inventory_overflow_failure() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(2, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let mut potion =
.set_amount(potion.max_amount() - 2)
.expect("Should be below the max amount");
let mut potion =
.set_amount(potion.max_amount() - 2)
.expect("Should be below the max amount");
let potion =
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let potioninvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(potioninvid, 5);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::NotEnoughSpace);
fn commit_trade_with_inventory_overflow_success() {
let (mockworld, player, merchant) = create_mock_trading_world(2, 20);
prepare_merchant_inventory(&mockworld, merchant);
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut().is_none() should have returned already";
let capmsg = "There should be enough space here";
let mut inventories = mockworld.write_component::<Inventory>();
let mut playerinv = inventories.get_mut(player).expect(invmsg);
let mut potion =
.set_amount(potion.max_amount() - 2)
.expect("Should be below the max amount");
let mut potion =
.set_amount(potion.max_amount() - 2)
.expect("Should be below the max amount");
let potion =
let merchantinv = inventories.get_mut(merchant).expect(invmsg);
let potioninvid = merchantinv
.expect("expected get_slot_of_item to return");
let playerid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let merchantid = mockworld
.expect("mockworld.uid_from_entity(player) should have returned");
let playeroffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
let mut merchantoffers: HashMap<InvSlotId, u32> = HashMap::new();
merchantoffers.insert(potioninvid, 4);
let trade = PendingTrade {
parties: [playerid, merchantid],
accept_flags: [true, true],
offers: [playeroffers, merchantoffers],
phase: common::trade::TradePhase::Review,
let traderes = commit_trade(&mockworld, &trade);
assert_eq!(traderes, TradeResult::Completed);