Adress review

- Rename Collider::get_radius to bounding_radius
- Check origin difference in CapsulePrism with EPSILON * 10.0 instead of
  magic 0.00001
- Add comments for closest_points, hardnened expression against NaNs
- Add comments to try_e2e_collision function, renamed to
  resolve_e2e_collision, make it return whether collision was triggered.
- Remove Collider::Box (it is Cylinder, which is subset of CapsulePrism
  with p0=p1=Vec2::zero())
This commit is contained in:
juliancoffee 2021-09-16 19:45:17 +03:00
parent 3dd6aa9dea
commit 4e3fb87526
5 changed files with 73 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -109,11 +109,6 @@ pub enum Collider {
Voxel {
id: String,
Box {
radius: f32,
z_min: f32,
z_max: f32,
/// Capsule prism with line segment from p0 to p1
CapsulePrism {
p0: Vec2<f32>,
@ -126,10 +121,9 @@ pub enum Collider {
impl Collider {
pub fn get_radius(&self) -> f32 {
pub fn bounding_radius(&self) -> f32 {
match self {
Collider::Voxel { .. } => 1.0,
Collider::Box { radius, .. } => *radius,
Collider::CapsulePrism { radius, p0, p1, .. } => {
let a = p0.distance(*p1);
a / 2.0 + *radius
@ -146,7 +140,6 @@ impl Collider {
pub fn get_z_limits(&self, modifier: f32) -> (f32, f32) {
match self {
Collider::Voxel { .. } => (0.0, 1.0),
Collider::Box { z_min, z_max, .. } => (*z_min * modifier, *z_max * modifier),
Collider::CapsulePrism { z_min, z_max, .. } => (*z_min * modifier, *z_max * modifier),
Collider::Point => (0.0, 0.0),

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ impl Cylinder {
char_state: Option<&crate::comp::CharacterState>,
) -> Self {
let scale = scale.map_or(1.0, |s| s.0);
let radius = collider.as_ref().map_or(0.5, |c| c.get_radius()) * scale;
let radius = collider.as_ref().map_or(0.5, |c| c.bounding_radius()) * scale;
let z_limit_modifier = char_state
.filter(|char_state| char_state.is_dodge())
.map_or(1.0, |_| 0.5)

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ use specs::{
Entities, Entity, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, SystemData, Write, WriteExpect,
use std::ops::{ControlFlow, Range};
use std::ops::Range;
use vek::*;
/// The density of the fluid as a function of submersion ratio in given fluid
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
phys_cache.velocity_dt = vel.0 *;
let entity_center = position.0 + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, z_min + half_height);
let flat_radius = collider.map_or(0.5, Collider::get_radius) * scale;
let flat_radius = collider.map_or(0.5, Collider::bounding_radius) * scale;
let radius = (flat_radius.powi(2) + half_height.powi(2)).sqrt();
// Move center to the middle between OLD and OLD+VEL_DT
@ -234,9 +234,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
let neighborhood_radius = match collider {
Some(Collider::CapsulePrism { radius, .. }) => radius * scale,
Some(Collider::Box { .. } | Collider::Voxel { .. } | Collider::Point) | None => {
Some(Collider::Voxel { .. } | Collider::Point) | None => flat_radius,
phys_cache.neighborhood_radius = neighborhood_radius;
@ -250,7 +248,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
// Other advantage of early-return is that we don't
// later divide by zero and return NaN
if len < 0.000001 {
if len < std::f32::EPSILON * 10.0 {
Some((*p0, *p0))
} else {
// Apply orientation to origins of prism.
@ -276,9 +274,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
Some((p0, p1))
Some(Collider::Box { .. } | Collider::Voxel { .. } | Collider::Point) | None => {
Some(Collider::Voxel { .. } | Collider::Point) | None => None,
}; = origins;
phys_cache.ori = ori;
@ -460,7 +456,10 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
for i in 0..increments {
let factor = i as f32 * step_delta;
match try_e2e_collision(
// We are not interested if collision succeed
// or no as of now.
// Collision reaction is done inside.
let _ = resolve_e2e_collision(
// utility variables for our entity
&mut collision_registered,
&mut entity_entity_collisions,
@ -486,10 +485,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
) {
ControlFlow::Continue(..) => continue,
ControlFlow::Break(..) => break,
@ -824,7 +820,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
// Additionally, multiply radius by 0.1 to make
// the cylinder smaller to avoid lag.
let radius = collider.get_radius() * scale * 0.1;
let radius = collider.bounding_radius() * scale * 0.1;
let (z_min, z_max) = collider.get_z_limits(scale);
let mut cpos = *pos;
@ -847,45 +843,6 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
tgt_pos = cpos.0;
Collider::Box {
} => {
// Deprecated, should remove?
// Scale collider
let radius = radius.min(0.45) * scale;
let z_min = *z_min * scale;
let z_max = z_max.clamped(1.2, 1.95) * scale;
let cylinder = (radius, z_min, z_max);
let mut cpos = *pos;
&mut cpos,
&mut vel,
&mut physics_state,
|entity, vel| land_on_ground = Some((entity, vel)),
// Sticky things shouldn't move when on a surface
if physics_state.on_surface().is_some() && sticky.is_some() {
vel.0 = physics_state.ground_vel;
tgt_pos = cpos.0;
Collider::CapsulePrism {
@ -894,7 +851,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
radius: _,
} => {
// Scale collider
let radius = collider.get_radius().min(0.45) * scale;
let radius = collider.bounding_radius().min(0.45) * scale;
let z_min = *z_min * scale;
let z_max = z_max.clamped(1.2, 1.95) * scale;
@ -1039,7 +996,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
let entity_center = pos.0 + (z_limits.0 + half_height) * Vec3::unit_z();
let path_center = entity_center + pos_delta / 2.0;
let flat_radius = collider.get_radius() * scale;
let flat_radius = collider.bounding_radius() * scale;
let radius = (flat_radius.powi(2) + half_height.powi(2)).sqrt();
let path_bounding_radius = radius + (pos_delta / 2.0).magnitude();
@ -1087,7 +1044,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
// use bounding cylinder regardless of our collider
// TODO: extract point-terrain collision above to its own
// function
let radius = collider.get_radius();
let radius = collider.bounding_radius();
let (z_min, z_max) = collider.get_z_limits(1.0);
let radius = radius.min(0.45) * scale;
@ -1301,7 +1258,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
.for_each(|(entity, pos, scale, collider)| {
let scale =|s| s.0).unwrap_or(1.0);
let radius_2d =
(|c| c.get_radius()).unwrap_or(0.5) * scale).ceil() as u32;
(|c| c.bounding_radius()).unwrap_or(0.5) * scale).ceil() as u32;
let pos_2d = pos.0.xy().map(|e| e as i32);
const POS_TRUNCATION_ERROR: u32 = 1;
spatial_grid.insert(pos_2d, radius_2d + POS_TRUNCATION_ERROR, entity);
@ -1801,8 +1758,9 @@ fn voxel_collider_bounding_sphere(
/// Returns whether interesction between entities occured
fn try_e2e_collision(
fn resolve_e2e_collision(
// utility variables for our entity
collision_registered: &mut bool,
entity_entity_collisions: &mut u64,
@ -1828,7 +1786,7 @@ fn try_e2e_collision(
collider_other: Option<&Collider>,
mass: Mass,
mass_other: Mass,
) -> ControlFlow<()> {
) -> bool {
// Find the distance betwen our collider and
// collider we collide with and get vector of pushback.
@ -1850,7 +1808,7 @@ fn try_e2e_collision(
let in_z_range = ceiling >= floor_other && floor <= ceiling_other;
if !in_z_range {
return ControlFlow::Continue(());
return false;
let ours = ColliderContext {
@ -1865,7 +1823,7 @@ fn try_e2e_collision(
let in_collision_range = diff.magnitude_squared() <= collision_dist.powi(2);
if !in_collision_range {
return ControlFlow::Continue(());
return false;
// If entities have not yet collided this tick (but just did) and if entity
@ -1900,16 +1858,17 @@ fn try_e2e_collision(
&& !matches!(collider_other, Some(Collider::Voxel { .. }))
&& !matches!(collider, Some(Collider::Voxel { .. }))
let mass_coefficient = mass_other.0 / (mass.0 + mass_other.0);
let distance_coefficient = collision_dist - diff.magnitude();
let force = 400.0 * distance_coefficient * mass_coefficient;
let force = ELASTIC_FORCE_COEFFICIENT * distance_coefficient * mass_coefficient;
*vel_delta += Vec3::from(diff.normalized()) * force * step_delta;
*collision_registered = true;
struct ColliderContext<'a> {
@ -1958,17 +1917,32 @@ fn projection_between(c0: ColliderContext, c1: ColliderContext) -> (Vec2<f32>, f
/// Returns the points on line segments n and m respectively that are the
/// closest to one-another. If the lines are parallel, an arbitrary,
/// unspecified pair of points that sit on the line segments will be chosen.
fn closest_points(n: LineSegment2<f32>, m: LineSegment2<f32>) -> (Vec2<f32>, Vec2<f32>) {
let p0 = n.start;
let r1 = n.end - n.start;
let q0 = m.start;
let r2 = m.end - m.start;
// TODO: Rewrite this to something reasonable, if you have faith
// The solution for following equations
// t = (q0.x + u * r2.x - p0.x) / r1.x
// u = (p0.y + t * r1.y - q0.y) / r2.y
let t = (r2.y / r2.x * (q0.x - p0.x) + p0.y - q0.y) / (r1.x * r2.y / r2.x - r1.y);
let u = (p0.y + t * r1.y - q0.y) / r2.y;
let a = n.start;
let b = n.end - n.start;
let c = m.start;
let d = m.end - m.start;
// Check to prevent div by 0.0 (produces NaNs) and minimize precision
// loss from dividing by small values.
// If both d.x and d.y are 0.0 then the segment is a point and we are fine
// to fallback to the end point projection.
let t = if d.x > d.y {
(d.y / d.x * (c.x - a.x) + a.y - c.y) / (b.x * d.y / d.x - b.y)
} else {
(d.x / d.y * (c.y - a.y) + a.x - c.x) / (b.y * d.x / d.y - b.x)
let u = if d.y > d.x {
(a.y + t * b.y - c.y) / d.y
} else {
(a.x + t * b.x - c.x) / d.x
// Check to see whether the lines are parallel
if !t.is_finite() || !u.is_finite() {
@ -1978,14 +1952,14 @@ fn closest_points(n: LineSegment2<f32>, m: LineSegment2<f32>) -> (Vec2<f32>, Vec
(n.start, m.projected_point(n.start)),
(n.end, m.projected_point(n.end)),
.min_by_key(|(a, b)| ordered_float::OrderedFloat(a.distance_squared(*b)))
.expect("Lines had non-finite elements")
.min_by_key(|(a, b)| ordered_float::OrderedFloat(a.distance_squared(*b)))
.expect("Lines had non-finite elements")
} else {
let t = t.clamped(0.0, 1.0);
let u = u.clamped(0.0, 1.0);
let close_n = p0 + r1 * t;
let close_m = q0 + r2 * u;
let close_n = a + b * t;
let close_m = c + d * u;
let proj_n = n.projected_point(close_m);
let proj_m = m.projected_point(close_n);

View File

@ -203,20 +203,7 @@ impl StateExt for State {
comp::Body::Ship(ship) => comp::Collider::Voxel {
id: ship.manifest_entry().to_string(),
_ => {
let (p0, p1, radius) = body.sausage();
// TODO:
// It would be cool not have z_min as hardcoded 0.0
// but it needs to work nicer with terrain collisions.
comp::Collider::CapsulePrism {
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: body.height(),
_ => capsule(&body),
@ -248,11 +235,7 @@ impl StateExt for State {
.with(comp::Collider::Box {
radius: body.max_radius(),
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: body.height(),
@ -314,11 +297,7 @@ impl StateExt for State {
if projectile.is_point {
projectile_base = projectile_base.with(comp::Collider::Point)
} else {
projectile_base = projectile_base.with(comp::Collider::Box {
radius: body.max_radius(),
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: body.height(),
projectile_base = projectile_base.with(capsule(&body))
@ -391,11 +370,7 @@ impl StateExt for State {
.with(comp::Collider::Box {
radius: comp::Body::Object(object).max_radius(),
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: comp::Body::Object(object).height()
// .with(comp::Sticky)
@ -467,7 +442,9 @@ impl StateExt for State {
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Pos(spawn_point));
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Vel(Vec3::zero()));
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Ori::default());
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Collider::Box {
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Collider::CapsulePrism {
p0: Vec2::zero(),
p1: Vec2::zero(),
radius: 0.4,
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: 1.75,
@ -509,11 +486,7 @@ impl StateExt for State {
// and we call nothing that can delete it in any of the subsequent
// commands, so we can assume that all of these calls succeed,
// justifying ignoring the result of insertion.
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, comp::Collider::Box {
radius: body.max_radius(),
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: body.height(),
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, capsule(&body));
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body);
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body.mass());
self.write_component_ignore_entity_dead(entity, body.density());
@ -896,3 +869,15 @@ fn send_to_group(g: &comp::Group, ecs: &specs::World, msg: &comp::ChatMsg) {
fn capsule(body: &comp::Body) -> comp::Collider {
let (p0, p1, radius) = body.sausage();
comp::Collider::CapsulePrism {
z_min: 0.0,
z_max: body.height(),

View File

@ -1164,30 +1164,6 @@ impl Scene {
match collider {
comp::Collider::Box {
} => {
let shape_id = hitboxes.entry(entity).or_insert_with(|| {
self.debug.add_shape(DebugShape::Cylinder {
radius: *radius,
height: *z_max - *z_min,
let hb_pos = [pos.0.x, pos.0.y, pos.0.z + *z_min, 0.0];
let color = if group == Some(&comp::group::ENEMY) {
[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5]
} else if group == Some(&comp::group::NPC) {
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5]
} else {
[0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5]
// cylinders don't need orientation anyway
let ori = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0];
self.debug.set_context(*shape_id, hb_pos, color, ori);
comp::Collider::CapsulePrism {