Copy files from English

This commit is contained in:
Filip Bengtsson 2021-06-05 13:26:41 +02:00
parent 01e2b69fda
commit 6df35564c2
20 changed files with 1273 additions and 332 deletions

View File

@ -1,23 +1,12 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Swedish
/// Localization for "global" English
metadata: (
language_name: "Svenska",
language_identifier: "sv",
language_name: "English",
language_identifier: "en",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
// Make sure that fonts contain all swedisch characters
fonts: {
"opensans": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.OpenSans-Regular",
@ -40,327 +29,207 @@
scale_ratio: 1.0,
sub_directories: [],
sub_directories: [
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "användarnamn",
"common.singleplayer": "En spelare",
"common.multiplayer": "Flera spelare",
"common.servers": "Servrar",
"common.quit": "Avsluta",
"common.settings": "Inställningar",
"common.languages": "Språk",
"common.interface": "Gränssnitt",
"common.gameplay": "Spel",
"common.controls": "Kontroller",
"": "Video",
"common.sound": "Ljud",
"common.resume": "Återuppta",
"common.characters": "Karaktärer",
"common.close": "Stäng",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"": "Nej",
"common.back": "Tillbaka",
"common.create": "Skapa",
"common.okay": "Okej",
"common.disclaimer": "Varning",
"common.cancel": "Ångra",
"common.none": "Ingen",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Förlorade kopplingen!
Startade servern om?
Är klienten uppdaterad?"#,
"common.races.orc": "Orch",
"common.races.human": "Människa",
"common.races.dwarf": "Dvärg",
"common.races.elf": "Älva",
"common.races.undead": "Odöd",
"common.races.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Yxa",
"common.weapons.sword": "Svärd",
"common.weapons.staff": "Stav",
"common.weapons.bow": "Båge",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hammare",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Kopplar",
"main.creating_world": "Skapar värld",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Välkommen till alfaversionen av Veloren!
Before you dive into the fun, please keep a few things in mind:
- This is a very early alpha. Expect bugs, extremely unfinished gameplay, unpolished mechanics, and missing features.
- If you have constructive feedback or bug reports, you can contact us via Reddit, GitLab, or our community Discord server.
- Veloren is licensed under the GPL 3 open-source licence. That means you're free to play, modify, and redistribute the game however you wish (provided derived work is also under GPL 3).
- Veloren is a non-profit community project, and everybody working on it is a volunteer.
If you like what you see, you're welcome to join the development or art teams!
- 'Voxel RPG' is a genre in its own right. First-person shooters used to be called Doom clones.
Like them, we're trying to build a niche. This game is not a clone, and its development will diverge from existing games in the future.
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ Utvecklarna av Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Information om inloggningsprocessen:
Put in any username. No Account needed yet.
Character names and appearances will be saved locally.
Levels/Items are not saved yet."#,
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Visa inte detta vid start",
"hud.show_tips": "Visa Tips",
"hud.quests": "Quests",
"hud.you_died": "Du dog",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att visa tangentbindningar",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att visa debug info",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att t tangentbindningar",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Tryck {key} för att toggla debug info",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Press {key} to respawn at your Waypoint.
Press Enter, type in /waypoint and confirm to set it here."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Welcome to the Veloren Alpha!,
Some tips before you start:
MOST IMPORTANTLY: To set your respawn point type /waypoint into the chat.
This can also be done when you are already dead!
Press F1 to see the available key commands.
Type /help into the chat to see chat commands
There are chests and other objects randomly spawning in the World!
Right-Click to collect them.
To actually use whatever you loot from those chests open your inventory with 'B'.
Double click the items in your bag to use or equip them.
Throw them away by clicking them once and clicking outside of the bag
Nights can get pretty dark in Veloren.
Light your lantern by typing /lantern into the chat
Want to free your cursor to close this window? Press TAB!
Enjoy your stay in the World of Veloren."#,
"hud.settings.general": "General",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Help Window",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Debug Info",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-On-Startup",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Scale",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relative Scaling",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Custom Scaling",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Crosshair",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparency",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toggle Experience Bar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Toggle Shortcuts",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toggle Shortcuts",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Scrolling Combat Text",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Single Damage Numbers",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Cumulated Damage",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Cumulated Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energybar Numbers",
"hud.settings.values": "Values",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentages",
"": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Background Transparency",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Pan Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoom Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invert Scroll Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Invert Mouse Y Axis",
"hud.settings.invert_controller_y_axis": "Invert Controller Y Axis",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "View Distance",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Field of View (deg)",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "AntiAliasing Mode",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Cloud Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Fluid Rendering Mode",
"": "Cheap",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Shiny",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Regular",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Music Volume",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Sound Effects Volume",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Audio Device",
// Control list
"hud.settings.control_names": r#"Free Cursor
Toggle Help Window
Toggle Interface
Toggle FPS and Debug Info
Take Screenshot
Toggle Nametags
Toggle Fullscreen
Move Forward
Move Left
Move Right
Move Backwards
Climb down
Auto Walk
Sheathe/Draw Weapons
Put on/Remove Helmet
Basic Attack
Secondary Attack/Block/Aim
Skillbar Slot 1
Skillbar Slot 2
Skillbar Slot 3
Skillbar Slot 4
Skillbar Slot 5
Skillbar Slot 6
Skillbar Slot 7
Skillbar Slot 8
Skillbar Slot 9
Skillbar Slot 10
Pause Menu
Send Chat Message
Scroll Chat
Chat commands:
/alias [Name] - Change your Chat Name
/tp [Name] - Teleports you to another player
/jump <dx> <dy> <dz> - Offset your position
/goto <x> <y> <z> - Teleport to a position
/kill - Kill yourself
/pig - Spawn pig NPC
/wolf - Spawn wolf NPC
/help - Display chat commands"#,
"": "Social",
"": "Online",
"": "Friends",
"": "Not yet available",
"": "Faction",
"": "{nb_player} player(s) online",
"hud.spell": "Spell",
/// End HUD section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Permanently delete this Character?",
"char_selection.change_server": "Change Server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Enter World",
"char_selection.logout": "Logout",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Create New Character",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Character Creation",
"char_selection.human_default": "Human Default",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Level {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Uncanny Valley",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Plains of Uncertainty",
"char_selection.beard": "Beard",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Hair Style",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Hair Color",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Chest color",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Eye color",
"": "Skin",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Eyebrows",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accessories",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Character Name",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Endurance
/// Start character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Logout",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Quit Game",
/// End Escape Menu Section
vector_map: {
"": [
"Press 'G' to light your lantern.",
"Press 'F1' to see all default keybindings.",
"You can type /say or /s to only chat with players directly around you.",
"You can type /region or /r to only chat with players a couple of hundred blocks around you.",
"Admins can use the /build command to enter build mode.",
"You can type /group or /g to only chat with players in your current group.",
"To send private messages type /tell followed by a player name and your message.",
"Keep an eye out for food, chests and other loot spread all around the world!",
"Inventory filled with food? Try crafting better food from it!",
"Wondering what there is to do? Try out one of the dungeons marked on the map!",
"Don't forget to adjust the graphics for your system. Press 'N' to open the settings.",
"Playing with others is fun! Press 'O' to see who is online.",
"Press 'J' to dance. Party!",
"Press 'L-Shift' to open your Glider and conquer the skies.",
"Veloren is still in Pre-Alpha. We do our best to improve it every day!",
"If you want to join the dev team or just have a chat with us, join our Discord server.",
"You can toggle showing your amount of health on the healthbar in the settings.",
"Sit near a campfire (with the 'K' key) to slowly recover from your injuries.",
"Need more bags or better armor to continue your journey? Press 'C' to open the crafting menu!",
"npc.speech.villager": [
"Isn't it such a lovely day?",
"How are you today?",
"Top of the morning to you!",
"I wonder what the Catoblepas thinks when it eats grass.",
"What do you think about this weather?",
"Thinking about those dungeons makes me scared. I hope someone will clear them out.",
"I'd like to go spelunking in a cave when I'm stronger.",
"Have you seen my cat?",
"Have you ever heard of the ferocious Land Sharks? I hear they live in deserts.",
"They say shiny gems of all kinds can be found in caves.",
"I'm just crackers about cheese!",
"Won't you come in? We were just about to have some cheese!",
"They say mushrooms are good for your health. Never eat them myself.",
"Don't forget the crackers!",
"I simply adore dwarven cheese. I wish I could make it.",
"I wonder what is on the other side of the mountains.",
"I hope to make my own glider someday.",
"Would you like to see my garden? Okay, maybe some other time.",
"Lovely day for a stroll in the woods!",
"To be, or not to be? I think I'll be a farmer.",
"Don't you think our village is the best?",
"What do you suppose makes Glowing Remains glow?",
"I think it's time for second breakfast!",
"Have you ever caught a firefly?",
"I just can't understand where those Sauroks keep coming from.",
"I wish someone would keep the wolves away from the village.",
"I had a wonderful dream about cheese last night. What does it mean?",
"I left some cheese with my brother. Now I don't know if it exists or not. I call it Schrödinger's cheese.",
"I left some cheese with my sister. Now I don't know if it exists or not. I call it Schrödinger's cheese.",
"Someone should do something about those cultists. Preferably not me.",
"I hope it rains soon. Would be good for the crops.",
"I love honey! And I hate bees.",
"I want to see the world one day. There's got to be more to life than this village.",
"npc.speech.villager_decline_trade": [
"Sorry, I don't have anything to trade.",
"Trade? Like I got anything that may interest you.",
"My house is mine, I won't trade it for anything.",
"npc.speech.merchant_advertisement": [
"Can I interest you in a trade?",
"Do you want to trade with me?",
"I have plenty of goods, Do you want to take a look?"
"npc.speech.merchant_busy": [
"Hey, wait your turn.",
"Please wait, I'm only one person.",
"Do you see the other person in front of you?",
"Just a moment, let me finish.",
"No cutting in line.",
"I'm busy, come back later."
"npc.speech.merchant_trade_successful": [
"Thank you for trading with me!",
"Thank you!",
"npc.speech.merchant_trade_declined": [
"Maybe another time, have a good day!",
"Too bad, maybe next time, then!"
"npc.speech.villager_cultist_alarm": [
"Lookout! There is a cultist on the loose!",
"To arms! The cultists are attacking!",
"How dare the cultists attack our village!",
"Death to the cultists!",
"Cultists will not be tolerated here!",
"Murderous cultist!",
"Taste the edge of my sword, you dirty cultist!",
"Nothing can clean the blood from your hands, cultist!",
"Billions of blistering blue barnacles! A cultist among us!",
"The evils of this cultist are about to be over!",
"This cultist is mine!",
"Prepare to meet your maker, foul cultist!",
"I see a cultist! Get them!",
"I see a cultist! Attack!",
"I see a cultist! Don't let them escape!",
"Would the most honorable cultist care for some DEATH?!",
"Never forgive! Never forget! Cultist, regret!",
"Die, cultist!",
"Your reign of terror will seize!",
"Here's for all that you've done!",
"We don't take kindly to your types around here.",
"You should have stayed underground!",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Help, I'm under attack!",
"Help! I'm under attack!",
"Ouch! I'm under attack!",
"Ouch! I'm under attack! Help!",
"Help me! I'm under attack!",
"I'm under attack! Help!",
"I'm under attack! Help me!",
"Help! Help!",
"Help! Help! Help!",
"I'm under attack!",
"AAAHHH! I'm under attack!",
"AAAHHH! I'm under attack! Help!",
"Help! We're under attack!",
"Help! Murderer!",
"Help! There's a murderer on the loose!",
"Help! They're trying to kill me!",
"Guards, I'm under attack!",
"Guards! I'm under attack!",
"I'm under attack! Guards!",
"Help! Guards! I'm under attack!",
"Guards! Come quick!",
"Guards! Guards!",
"Guards! There's a villain attacking me!",
"Guards, slay this foul villain!",
"Guards! There's a murderer!",
"Guards! Help me!",
"You won't get away with this! Guards!",
"You fiend!",
"Help me!",
"Help! Please!",
"Ouch! Guards! Help!",
"They're coming for me!",
"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!",
"Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.",
"'Tis but a scratch!",
"Stop that!",
"What did I ever do to you?!",
"Please stop attacking me!",
"Hey! Watch where you point that thing!",
"Heinous wretch, be gone with you!",
"Stop it! Go away!",
"Now you're making me mad!",
"Oi! Who do you think you are?!",
"I'll have your head for that!",
"Stop, please! I carry nothing of value!",
"I'll set my brother on you, he's bigger than I am!",
"Nooo, I'm telling mother!",
"Curse you!",
"Please don't do that.",
"That wasn't very nice!",
"Your weapon works, you can put it away now!",
"Spare me!",
"Please, I have a family!",
"I'm too young to die!",
"Can we talk about this?",
"Violence is never the answer!",
"Today is turning out to be a very bad day...",
"Hey, that hurt!",
"How rude!",
"Stop, I beg you!",
"A pox upon you!",
"This isn't fun.",
"How dare you?!",
"You'll pay for that!",
"Keep that up and you'll be sorry!",
"Don't make me hurt you!",
"There must be some misunderstanding!",
"You don't need to do this!",
"Be gone, fiend!",
"That really hurt!",
"Why would you do that?",
"By the spirits, cease!",
"You must have me confused with someone else!",
"I don't deserve this!",
"Please don't do that again.",
"Guards, throw this monster in the lake!",
"I'll set my tarasque on you!",
"Why meeeeeee?",
"npc.speech.villager_enemy_killed": [
"I have destroyed my enemy!",
"Finally at peace!",
"... now what was I doing?",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Buffs
"buff.remove": "Click to remove",
"buff.title.missing": "Missing Title",
"buff.desc.missing": "Missing Description",
"buff.title.heal": "Heal",
"buff.desc.heal": "Gain health over time.",
"buff.title.potion": "Potion",
"buff.desc.potion": "Drinking...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Saturation",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Gain health over time from consumables.",
"buff.title.campfire_heal": "Campfire Heal",
"buff.desc.campfire_heal": "Resting at a campfire heals {rate}% per second.",
"buff.title.invulnerability": "Invulnerability",
"buff.desc.invulnerability": "You cannot be damaged by any attack.",
"buff.title.protectingward": "Protecting Ward",
"buff.desc.protectingward": "You are protected, somewhat, from attacks.",
"buff.title.frenzied": "Frenzied",
"buff.desc.frenzied": "You are imbued with unnatural speed and can ignore minor injuries.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Bleeding",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Inflicts regular damage.",
"buff.title.cursed": "Cursed",
"buff.desc.cursed": "You are cursed.",
"buff.title.burn": "On Fire",
"buff.desc.burn": "You are burning alive",
"buff.title.crippled": "Crippled",
"buff.desc.crippled": "Your movement is crippled as your legs are heavily injured.",
"buff.title.frozen": "Frozen",
"buff.desc.frozen": "Your movements and attacks are slowed.",
"buff.title.wet": "Wet",
"buff.desc.wet": "The ground rejects your feet, making it hard to stop.",
// Buffs stats
"": "Restores {str_total} Health",
"buff.stat.increase_max_stamina": "Raises Maximum Stamina by {strength}",
"buff.stat.increase_max_health": "Raises Maximum Health by {strength}",
"buff.stat.invulnerability": "Grants invulnerability",
// Text
"buff.text.over_seconds": "over {dur_secs} seconds",
"buff.text.for_seconds": "for {dur_secs} seconds",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Loading characters...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Permanently delete this Character?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Deleting Character...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Change Server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Enter World",
"char_selection.logout": "Logout",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Create New Character",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Creating Character...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Character Creation",
"char_selection.human_default": "Human Default",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Level {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Wilderness",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Plains of Uncertainty",
"char_selection.beard": "Beard",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Hair Style",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Hair Color",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Eye Color",
"": "Skin",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Eye Details",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accessories",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Your Character needs a name!",
"char_selection.version_mismatch": "WARNING! This server is running a different, possibly incompatible game version. Please update your game.",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "username",
"common.singleplayer": "Singleplayer",
"common.multiplayer": "Multiplayer",
"common.servers": "Servers",
"common.quit": "Quit",
"common.settings": "Settings",
"common.languages": "Languages",
"common.interface": "Interface",
"common.gameplay": "Gameplay",
"common.controls": "Controls",
"": "Graphics",
"common.sound": "Sound",
"": "Chat",
"common.resume": "Resume",
"common.characters": "Characters",
"common.close": "Close",
"common.yes": "Yes",
"": "No",
"common.back": "Back",
"common.create": "Create",
"common.okay": "Okay",
"common.add": "Add",
"common.accept": "Accept",
"common.decline": "Decline",
"common.disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"common.cancel": "Cancel",
"common.none": "None",
"common.error": "Error",
"common.fatal_error": "Fatal Error",
"": "You",
"common.automatic": "Auto",
"common.random": "Random",
"common.empty": "Empty",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Interface Settings",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Gameplay Settings",
"common.controls_settings": "Controls Settings",
"common.video_settings": "Graphics Settings",
"common.sound_settings": "Sound Settings",
"common.language_settings": "Language Settings",
"common.chat_settings": "Chat Settings",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Connection lost!
Did the server restart?
Is the client up to date?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Orc",
"common.species.human": "Human",
"common.species.dwarf": "Dwarf",
"common.species.elf": "Elf",
"common.species.undead": "Undead",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Axe",
"common.weapons.sword": "Sword",
"common.weapons.staff": "Staff",
"common.weapons.bow": "Bow",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hammer",
"common.weapons.general": "General Combat",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Sceptre",
"common.weapons.shield": "Shield",
"common.weapons.spear": "Spear",
"common.weapons.hammer_simple": "Simple Hammer",
"common.weapons.sword_simple": "Simple Sword",
"common.weapons.staff_simple": "Simple Staff",
"common.weapons.axe_simple": "Simple Axe",
"common.weapons.bow_simple": "Simple Bow",
"common.weapons.unique": "Unique",
"common.tool.debug": "Debug",
"common.tool.faming": "Farming Tool",
"common.tool.pick": "Pickaxe",
"common.kind.modular_component": "Modular Component",
"common.kind.glider": "Glider",
"common.kind.consumable": "Consumable",
"common.kind.throwable": "Can be thrown",
"common.kind.utility": "Utility",
"common.kind.ingredient": "Ingredient",
"common.kind.lantern": "Lantern",
"": "One-Handed",
"common.hands.two": "Two-Handed",
"common.rand_appearance": "Random appearance",
"common.rand_name": "Random name",
"common.stats.combat_rating": "CR",
"common.stats.power": "Power",
"common.stats.speed": "Speed",
"common.stats.poise": "Poise",
"common.stats.crit_chance": "Crit Chance",
"common.stats.crit_mult": "Crit Mult",
"common.stats.armor": "Armor",
"common.stats.poise_res":"Stun Res",
"common.stats.slots": "Slots",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Logout",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Quit Game",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"gameinput.primary": "Basic Attack",
"gameinput.secondary": "Secondary Attack",
"gameinput.block": "Block",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Swap Loadout",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Toggle Cursor",
"": "Toggle Help Window",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Toggle Interface",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Toggle FPS and Debug Info",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Take Screenshot",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Toggle Nametags",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Toggle Fullscreen",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Move Forward",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Move Left",
"gameinput.moveright": "Move Right",
"gameinput.moveback": "Move Backwards",
"gameinput.jump": "Jump",
"gameinput.glide": "Glider",
"gameinput.roll": "Roll",
"gameinput.climb": "Climb",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Climb Down",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Wall Leap",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Toggle Lantern",
"gameinput.mount": "Mount",
"": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Command",
"gameinput.escape": "Escape",
"": "Map",
"gameinput.bag": "Bag",
"": "Trade",
"": "Social",
"gameinput.sit": "Sit",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Spells",
"gameinput.settings": "Settings",
"gameinput.respawn": "Respawn",
"gameinput.charge": "Charge",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Toggle Wield",
"gameinput.interact": "Interact",
"gameinput.freelook": "Free Look",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Auto Walk/Swim",
"gameinput.cameraclamp": "Camera Clamp",
"": "Dance",
"": "Select Entity",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Accept Group Invite",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Decline Group Invite",
"gameinput.cyclecamera": "Cycle camera",
"gameinput.crafting": "Crafting",
"": "Fly",
"gameinput.sneak": "Sneak",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Swim downwards",
"gameinput.swimup": "Swim upwards",
"gameinput.mapzoomin": "Increase map zoom",
"gameinput.mapzoomout": "Decrease map zoom",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "{playername}'s Inventory",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "{playername}'s Stats",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Armor",
"hud.bag.stats": "Stats",
"hud.bag.head": "Head",
"hud.bag.neck": "Neck",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabard",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Shoulders",
"hud.bag.chest": "Chest",
"hud.bag.hands": "Hands",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lantern",
"hud.bag.glider": "Glider",
"hud.bag.belt": "Belt",
"hud.bag.ring": "Ring",
"hud.bag.back": "Back",
"hud.bag.legs": "Legs",
"hud.bag.feet": "Feet",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Mainhand",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Offhand",
"hud.bag.inactive_mainhand": "Inactive Mainhand",
"hud.bag.inactive_offhand": "Inactive Offhand",
"hud.bag.swap_equipped_weapons_title": "Swap equipped weapons",
"hud.bag.swap_equipped_weapons_desc": "Press {key}",
"hud.bag.bag": "Bag",
"": "Health",
"hud.bag.stamina": "Stamina",
"hud.bag.combat_rating": "Combat Rating",
"": "Protection",
"hud.bag.stun_res": "Stun Resilience",
"hud.bag.combat_rating_desc": "Calculated from your\nequipment and health.",
"hud.bag.protection_desc": "Damage reduction through armor",
"hud.bag.stun_res_desc": "Resilience against being stunned by consecutive hits.\nRegenerates like Stamina.",
"hud.bag.sort_by_name": "Sort by Name",
"hud.bag.sort_by_quality": "Sort by Quality",
"hud.bag.sort_by_category": "Sort by Category",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"character_window.character_name": "Character Name",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Endurance
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"": "All",
"": "Right click for settings",
// Debuff outcomes
"hud.outcome.burning": "died of: burning",
"hud.outcome.curse": "died of: curse",
"hud.outcome.bleeding": "died of: bleeding",
"hud.outcome.crippled": "died of: crippled",
"hud.outcome.frozen": "died of: frozen",
// Chat outputs
"": "[{name}] is online now",
"": "[{name}] went offline",
"": "[{name}] died",
"": "[{name}] died in {environment}",
"": "[{name}] died from fall damage",
"": "[{name}] died from self-inflicted wounds",
"": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} caused by [{attacker}]",
"": "[{attacker}] defeated [{victim}]",
"": "[{attacker}] shot [{victim}]",
"": "[{attacker}] blew up [{victim}]",
"": "[{attacker}] killed [{victim}] with magic",
"": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff}",
"": "[{victim}] {died_of_buff} caused by {attacker}",
"": "{attacker} killed [{victim}]",
"": "{attacker} shot [{victim}]",
"": "{attacker} blew up [{victim}]",
"": "{attacker} killed [{victim}] with magic",
"": "{attacker} killed [{victim}]",
"": "You picked up [{item}]",
"": "Your Inventory is full!",
"": "Goodbye!",
"": "Connection lost. Kicking in {time} seconds.",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"hud.crafting": "Crafting",
"": "Recipes",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredients:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Craft",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Requires:",
// Crafting Stations
"hud.crafting.req_crafting_station": "Requires:",
"hud.crafting.anvil": "Anvil",
"hud.crafting.cauldron": "Cauldron",
"hud.crafting.cooking_pot": "Cooking Pot",
"hud.crafting.crafting_bench": "Crafting Bench",
// Tabs
"hud.crafting.tabs.all": "All",
"hud.crafting.tabs.armor": "Armor",
"hud.crafting.tabs.dismantle": "Dismantle",
"": "Food",
"hud.crafting.tabs.glider": "Gliders",
"hud.crafting.tabs.potion": "Potions",
"hud.crafting.tabs.tool": "Tools",
"hud.crafting.tabs.utility": "Utility",
"hud.crafting.tabs.weapon": "Weapons",
"hud.crafting.tabs.bag": "Bags",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"": "Group",
"": "[{name}] invited you to their group!",
"": "[{name}] would like to trade with you.",
"": "Invite",
"": "Kick",
"": "Assign Leader",
"": "Leave Group",
"" : "Dead",
"": "Out of range",
"": "Add to Friends",
"": "Link Groups",
"": "In Menu",
"": "Group Members",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "General",
"hud.settings.none": "None",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Toggle",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Hold",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Help Window",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Debug Info",
"hud.settings.show_hitboxes": "Show hitboxes",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-On-Startup",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Scale",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relative Scaling",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Custom Scaling",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Crosshair",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparency",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Toggle Shortcuts",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Buffs at Skillbar",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Buffs at Minimap",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toggle Experience Bar",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Scrolling Combat Text",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Single Damage Numbers",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Cumulated Damage",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Cumulated Incoming Damage",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Speech Bubble",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Speech Bubble Dark Mode",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Speech Bubble Icon",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energybar Numbers",
"hud.settings.values": "Values",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentages",
"": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Background Transparency",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Character Names in chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Loading Screen Tips",
"hud.settings.reset_interface": "Reset to Defaults",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Pan Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoom Sensitivity",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_angle": "Angle for vertical camera clamp mode",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invert Scroll Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Invert Mouse Y Axis",
"hud.settings.invert_controller_y_axis": "Invert Controller Y Axis",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Camera Smoothing",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Free look behavior",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Auto walk behavior",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_behavior": "Camera clamp behavior",
"hud.settings.player_physics_behavior": "Player physics (experimental)",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Stop auto walk on movement",
"hud.settings.auto_camera": "Auto camera",
"hud.settings.reset_gameplay": "Reset to Defaults",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "View Distance",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Sprites View Distance",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Entities View Distance",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.present_mode": "Present Mode",
"hud.settings.present_mode.fifo": "Fifo",
"hud.settings.present_mode.mailbox": "Mailbox",
"hud.settings.present_mode.immediate": "Immediate",
"hud.settings.fov": "Field of View (deg)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma",
"hud.settings.exposure": "Exposure",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Ambiance Brightness",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "AntiAliasing Mode",
"hud.settings.upscale_factor": "Internal Resolution",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Cloud Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Fluid Rendering Mode",
"": "Cheap",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Shiny",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Minimal",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Low",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Medium",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "High",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.ultra": "Ultra",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Fullscreen",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Fullscreen Mode",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Exclusive",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Borderless",
"hud.settings.gpu_profiler": "Enable GPU timing (not supported everywhere)",
"hud.settings.particles": "Particles",
"hud.settings.lossy_terrain_compression": "Lossy terrain compression",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolution",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bit Depth",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Refresh Rate",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Lighting Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Type A - High ",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Type B - Medium",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Type L - Cheap",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Shadow Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "None",
"": "Cheap",
"": "Map",
"": "Resolution",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "LoD Detail",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Save window size",
"hud.settings.reset_graphics": "Reset to Defaults",
"hud.settings.master_volume": "Master Volume",
"hud.settings.inactive_master_volume_perc": "Inactive Window Volume",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Music Volume",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Sound Effects Volume",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Audio Device",
"hud.settings.reset_sound": "Reset to Defaults",
"hud.settings.english_fallback": "Display English for missing translations",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Press a key...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "None",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Reset to Defaults",
"hud.settings.chat_tabs": "Chat Tabs",
"hud.settings.label": "Label:",
"hud.settings.delete": "Delete",
"hud.settings.show_all": "Show all",
"hud.settings.messages": "Messages",
"hud.settings.activity": "Activity",
"hud.settings.death": "Death",
"": "Group",
"hud.settings.faction": "Faction",
"": "World",
"hud.settings.region": "Region",
"hud.settings.say": "Say",
"hud.settings.none": "None",
"hud.settings.all": "All",
"hud.settings.group_only": "Group only",
"hud.settings.reset_chat" : "Reset to Defaults",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Map and Questlog
"": "Map",
"": "Quests",
"": "Topographic",
"": "Difficulty",
"": "Towns",
"": "Castles",
"": "Dungeons",
"": "Caves",
"": "Cave",
"": "Mountains",
"": "Voxel map",
"": "Giant Trees",
"": "Giant Tree",
"": "Town",
"": "Castle",
"": "Dungeon",
"": "Dungeon\n\nDifficulty: {difficulty}",
"": "Drag",
"": "Zoom",
"": "Set Waypoint",
"": "Recenter",
"": "Marked Location",
"": "Click to remove",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Don't show this on Startup",
"hud.show_tips": "Show Tips",
"hud.quests": "Quests",
"hud.you_died": "You Died",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Waypoint Saved",
"hud.sp_arrow_txt": "SP",
"hud.inventory_full": "Inventory Full",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Keybindings",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lantern",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Press {key} to show debug info",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Press {key} to toggle keybindings",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Press {key} to toggle debug info",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Press {key} to respawn at the last campfire you visited."#,
// Tutorial Button
"hud.tutorial_btn": r#"Tutorial"#,
"hud.tutorial_click_here": r#"Press [ {key} ] to free your cursor and click this button!"#,
"hud.tutorial_elements": r#"Crafting"#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Greetings Traveller!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"To begin your journey you could start looking through this village and gather some supplies.
You are welcome to take whatever you need on your journey!
Look at the bottom right of the screen to find various things like your bag, the crafting menu and the map.
The crafting menu allows you to create armor, weapons, food and much more!
The wild animals all around town are a great source of Leather Scraps to create some protection against the dangers of the world.
Whenever you feel ready, try to get even better equipment from the many challenges marked on your map!
"hud.spell": "Spells",
// Diary
"hud.diary": "Diary",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Free look active. Press {key} to disable.",
"hud.camera_clamp_indicator": "Camera vertical clamp active. Press {key} to disable.",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Auto walk/swim active",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOCKED",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"": "Other Players",
"": "Online:",
"": "Friends",
"": "Not yet available",
"": "Faction",
"": "{nb_player} player(s) online",
"": "Name",
"": "Level",
"": "Zone",
"": "Account",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"": "Trade window",
"": "Drag the items you want to trade\n into the corresponding area.",
"": "The trade is now locked to give you\n time to review it.",
/// Phase3 should only be visible for a few milliseconds if everything is working properly, but is included for completeness
"": "Trade is being processed.",
"": "{playername}'s offer",
"": "{playername}\nhas accepted",
"": "Accept",
"": "Decline",
"": "Trade request sent to {playername}.",
"": "Trade completed successfully.",
"": "Trade declined.",
"": "Not enough space to complete the trade.",
"": "Buy price",
"": "Sell Price",
"": "coin(s)",
"": "<Shift-Click to Add/Remove from trade.>",
"": "<Ctrl-Click to Auto-Balance with this.>",
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
/// Start Main screen section
"main.username": "Username",
"main.server": "Server",
"main.password": "Password",
"main.connecting": "Connecting",
"main.creating_world": "Creating world",
"main.tip": "Tip:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Welcome to the alpha version of Veloren!
Before you dive into the fun, please keep a few things in mind:
- This is a very early alpha. Expect bugs, extremely unfinished gameplay, unpolished mechanics, and missing features.
- If you have constructive feedback or bug reports, you can contact us via Reddit, GitLab, or our community Discord server.
- Veloren is licensed under the GPL 3 open-source licence. That means you're free to play, modify, and redistribute the game however
you wish (provided derived work is also under GPL 3).
- Veloren is a non-profit community project, and everybody working on it is a volunteer.
If you like what you see, you're welcome to join the development or art teams!
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ The Veloren Devs"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Information on the Login Process:
Please note that you need an account
to play on auth-enabled servers.
You can create an account over at"#,
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server not found",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Auth error on server",
"main.login.internal_error": "Internal error on client (most likely, player character was deleted)",
"main.login.failed_auth_server_url_invalid": "Failed to connect to auth server",
"main.login.insecure_auth_scheme": "The auth Scheme HTTP is NOT supported. It's insecure! For development purposes, HTTP is allowed for 'localhost' or debug builds",
"main.login.server_full": "Server is full",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Auth server not trusted",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "ServerWentMad: Probably versions are incompatible, check for updates.",
"main.login.timeout": "Timeout: Server did not respond in time. (Overloaded or network issues).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Server shut down",
"main.login.network_error": "Network error",
"main.login.network_wrong_version": "Mismatched server and client version, please update your game client.",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Request to Auth server failed",
"main.login.invalid_character": "The selected character is invalid",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Client crashed",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "You need a Whitelist entry by an Admin to join",
"main.login.banned": "You have been banned with the following reason",
"main.login.kicked": "You have been kicked with the following reason",
"main.login.select_language": "Select a language",
"main.login.client_version": "Client Version",
"main.login.server_version": "Server Version",
"main.servers.select_server": "Select a server",
/// End Main screen section
vector_map: {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
"hud.rank_up": "New Skillpoint",
"hud.skill.sp_available": "{number} SP available",
"hud.skill.not_unlocked": "Not yet unlocked",
"hud.skill.req_sp": "\n\nRequires {number} SP",
// Skills
// General
"hud.skill.inc_health_title": "Increase Health",
"hud.skill.inc_health": "Increases max health by 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.inc_stam_title": "Increase Stamina",
"hud.skill.inc_stam": "Increases max stamina by 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword_title": "Unlock Sword",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword": "Unlocks sword skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe_title": "Unlock Axe",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe": "Unlocks axe skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer_title": "Unlock Hammer",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer": "Unlocks hammer skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow_title": "Unlock Bow",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow": "Unlocks bow skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff_title": "Unlock Staff",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff": "Unlocks staff skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre_title": "Unlock Sceptre",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre": "Unlocks sceptre skill tree{SP}",
"hud.skill.dodge_title": "Dodge",
"": "Dodge rolls are triggered with middle-click, and grant temporary immunity to melee attacks (iframes) while you're rolling.",
"hud.skill.roll_stamina_title": "Roll Stamina Cost",
"hud.skill.roll_stamina": "Rolling uses 10% less stamina{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_speed_title": "Rolling Speed",
"hud.skill.roll_speed": "Roll 10% faster{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_dur_title": "Rolling Duration",
"hud.skill.roll_dur": "Roll for 10% more time{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_title": "Climbing",
"hud.skill.climbing": "Jumping higher",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost_title": "Climbing Cost",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost": "Climbing uses 20% less stamina{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed_title": "Climbing Speed",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed": "Climb 20% faster{SP}",
"hud.skill.swim_title": "Swimming",
"hud.skill.swim": "Moving in wet environment",
"hud.skill.swim_speed_title": "Swimming Speed",
"hud.skill.swim_speed": "Swim 40% faster{SP}",
// Sceptre
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal Beam",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal": "Drain the life from your enemies",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage_title": "Damage",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage": "Deal 20% more damage{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range_title": "Range",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range": "Your beam reaches 20% further{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal": "Convert an additional 15% of damage into health{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen_title": "Stamina Regen",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen": "Replenish your stamina by an additional 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_title": "Healing Beam",
"hud.skill.sc_heal": "Heal your allies using the blood of your enemies",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal_title": "Heal",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal": "Increases the amount you heal others by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost_title": "Stamina Cost",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost": "Healing others requires 20% less stamina{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range_title": "Range",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range": "Your beam reachs 20% further{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock_title": "Warding Aura Unlock",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock": "Allows you to ward your allies against enemy attacks{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength_title": "Strength",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength": "The strength of your protection increases by 15%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration_title": "Duration",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration": "The effects of your ward last 20% longer{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range_title": "Radius",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range": "Your ward reaches 25% further{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost_title": "Stamina Cost",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost": "Creating the ward requries 15% less energy{SP}",
// Staff
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range_title" : "Shockwave Range",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range" : "throw things that used to be out of reach, range increased 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost_title" : "Shockwave Cost",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost" : "Decreases the energy cost to throw helpless villagers by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback_title" : "Shockwave Knockback",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback" : "Increases throw potential by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage_title" : "Shockwave Damage",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock_title" : "Shockwave Unlock",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock" : "Unlocks the ability to throw enemies away using fire{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_title" : "Flamethrower",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower" : "Throws fire, cook'em all",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity_title" : "Flame Velocity",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity" : "Gets the fire there faster, 25% faster{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range_title" : "Flamethrower Range",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range" : "For when the flames just won't reach, they go 25% further{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain_title" : "Energy Drain",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain" : "Decreases the rate energy is drained by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage_title" : "Flamethrower Damage",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage" : "Increases damage by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius_title" : "Explosion Radius",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius" : "Bigger is better, increases explosion radius by 15%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_stamina_regen_title" : "Stamina Regen",
"hud.skill.st_stamina_regen" : "Increases stamina gain by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_fireball_title" : "Fireball",
"hud.skill.st_fireball" : "Shoots a fireball that explodes on impact",
"hud.skill.st_damage_title" : "Damage",
"hud.skill.st_damage" : "Increases damage by 20%{SP}",
// Bow
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed_title" : "Projectile Speed",
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed" : "Allows you to shoot arrows further, faster, by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_title" : "Charged Shoot",
"hud.skill.bow_charged" : "Because you waited longer",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage_title" : "Charged Damage",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage" : "Increases damage by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen_title" : "Charged Regen",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen" : "Increases stamina recovery by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback_title" : "Charged Knockback",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback" : "Knock enemies further back by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed_title" : "Charged Speed",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed" : "Increases the rate that you charge the attack by 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_title" : "Charged Move Speed",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move" : "Increases how fast you can shuffle while charging the attack by 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_title" : "Repeater",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater" : "Shoots faster the longer you fire for",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage_title" : "Repeater Damage",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost_title" : "Repeater Cost",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost" : "Decreases the energy cost to become a repeater by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed_title" : "Repeater Speed",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed" : "Increases the rate at which you fire arrows by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock_title" : "Unlocks Shotgun",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock" : "Unlocks ability to fire multiple arrows at once{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage_title" : "Shotgun Damage",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost_title" : "Shotgun Cost",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost" : "Decreases the cost of shotgun by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count_title" : "Shotgun Arrows",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count" : "Increases the number of arrows in the burst by 1{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread_title" : "Shotgun Spread",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread" : "Decreases the spread of the arrows by 20%{SP}",
// Hammer
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius_title" : "Leap Radius",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius" : "Increases attack radius on ground slam by 1 meter{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance_title" : "Leap Distance",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance" : "Increases distance of leap by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost_title" : "Leap Cost",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost" : "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback_title" : "Leap Knockback",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback" : "Increases knockback from leap by 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage_title" : "Leap Damage",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage" : "Increases damage of leap by 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap_title" : "Unlock Leap",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap" : "Unlocks a leap{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_title" : "Charged Melee",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee" : "Melee but with charge",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate_title" : "Charge Rate",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate" : "Increases the rate that you charge the swing by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain_title" : "Charged Melee Energy Drain",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain" : "Decreases the rate energy drains when charging by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage_title" : "Charged Melee Damage",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage" : "Increases the damage of the charged swing by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title" : "Charged Melee Knockback",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback" : "Massively increases throw potential of swing by 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_title" : "Single Strike",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike" : "As single as you are",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen_title" : "Single Strike Regen",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen" : "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed_title" : "Single Strike Speed",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed" : "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage_title" : "Single Strike Damage",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage" : "Increases the damage with each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback_title" : "Single Strike Knockback",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback" : "Increase throw potential of swings by 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill." : "",
// Sword
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_title": "Triple Strike",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str": "Strike, up to three times",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo_title": "Triple Strike Combo",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo": "Unlocks combo scaling on triple strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg_title": "Triple Strike Damage",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg": "Increases the damage each successive strike does{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp_title": "Triple Strike Speed",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp": "Increases attack speed gained by each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg_title": "Triple Strike Regen",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg": "Increases stamina gain on each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_title": "Dash",
"hud.skill.sw_dash": "Pin through your enemies",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg_title": "Dash Damage",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg": "Increases initial damage of the dash by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain_title": "Dash Drain",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain": "Decreases the rate energy is drained while dashing by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost_title": "Dash Cost",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost": "Decreases the initial cost of the dash by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed_title": "Dash Speed",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed": "Increases how fast you go while dashing by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through_title": "Charge Through",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through": "Allows you to charge through the first enemies you hit{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale_title": "Dash Scaling Damage",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale": "Increases the damage scaling from the dash by 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_title": "Spin Unlock",
"hud.skill.sw_spin": "Unlocks the sword spin{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg_title": "Spin Damage",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg": "Increases the damage done by 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd_title": "Spin Speed",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd": "Increase the speed at which you spin by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost": "Decreases the energy cost of each spin by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins_title": "Spin Spins",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins": "Increases the number of times you can spin{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt_title": "Interrupting Attacks",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt": "Allows you to immediately cancel an attack with another attack{SP}",
// Axe
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_title": "Double Strike",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike": "Chop down those villains",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo_title": "Double Strike Combo",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo": "Unlocks a second strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage_title": "Double Strike Damage",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage": "Increases the damage dealt in each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed_title": "Double Strike Speed",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed": "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen_title": "Double Strike Regen",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen": "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_title": "Axe Spin",
"hud.skill.axe_spin": "You spin it right round ...",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin_title": "Infinite Axe Spin",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin": "Spin for as long as you have energy{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage_title": "Spin Damage",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage": "Increases the damage each spin does by 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter_title": "Spin Helicopter",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter": "You fall a little slower while spinning{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed_title": "Spin Speed",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed": "Increases your spin speed by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost": "Decreases stamina cost of spinning by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap_title": "Unlock Leap",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap": "Unlocks a leap spin{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage_title": "Leap Damage",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage": "Increases damage of leap by 35%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback_title": "Leap Knockback",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback": "Increases knockback from leap by 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost_title": "Leap Cost",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost": "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance_title": "Leap Distance",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance": "Increases distance of leap by 20%{SP}",
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