mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Merge branch 'sharp/improve-msg' into 'master'
Improve some server system performance See merge request veloren/veloren!3614
This commit is contained in:
@ -1752,6 +1752,12 @@ version = "1.2.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "9ea835d29036a4087793836fa931b08837ad5e957da9e23886b29586fb9b6650"
name = "drop_guard"
version = "0.3.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "2c4a817d8b683f6e649aed359aab0c47a875377516bb5791d0f7e46d9066d209"
name = "egui"
version = "0.12.0"
@ -4621,7 +4627,7 @@ source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "2f61dcf0b917cd75d4521d7343d1ffff3d1583054133c9b5cbea3375c703c40d"
dependencies = [
"tracy-client 0.13.2",
@ -6387,13 +6393,13 @@ dependencies = [
name = "tracing-tracy"
version = "0.10.0"
version = "0.9.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "ed3ebef1f9f0d00aaa29239537effef65b82c56040c680f540fc6cedfac7b230"
checksum = "23a42311a35ed976d72f359de43e9fe028ec9d9f1051c4c52bd05a4f66ff3cbf"
dependencies = [
"tracy-client 0.14.0",
@ -6407,17 +6413,6 @@ dependencies = [
name = "tracy-client"
version = "0.14.0"
source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
checksum = "f901ea566c34f5fdc987962495ebfea20c18d781e271967edcc0f9897e339815"
dependencies = [
name = "tracy-client-sys"
version = "0.17.1"
@ -6763,7 +6758,7 @@ version = "0.10.0"
dependencies = [
"tracy-client 0.13.2",
@ -6937,6 +6932,7 @@ dependencies = [
"hashbrown 0.12.3",
@ -6945,6 +6941,7 @@ dependencies = [
"parking_lot 0.12.1",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ struct Opt {
fn main() {
let opt = Opt::from_args();
// Start logging
let _guards = common_frontend::init_stdout(None);
// Run clients and stuff
// NOTE: "swarm0" is assumed to be an admin already
@ -72,9 +72,7 @@ fn main() {
loop {
fn run_client_new_thread(
@ -102,23 +100,26 @@ fn run_client(
opt: Opt,
finished_init: Arc<AtomicU32>,
) -> Result<(), veloren_client::Error> {
// Connect to localhost
let addr = ConnectionArgs::Tcp {
prefer_ipv6: false,
hostname: "localhost".into(),
let runtime_clone = Arc::clone(&runtime);
// NOTE: use a no-auth server
let mut client = runtime
let mut client = loop {
// Connect to localhost
let addr = ConnectionArgs::Tcp {
prefer_ipv6: false,
hostname: "localhost".into(),
let runtime_clone = Arc::clone(&runtime);
// NOTE: use a no-auth server
match runtime.block_on(Client::new(
&mut None,
|_| false,
.expect("Failed to connect to the server");
)) {
Err(e) => tracing::warn!(?e, "Client {} disconnected", index),
Ok(client) => break client,
let mut clock = common::clock::Clock::new(Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / 30.0));
@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ use common::{
recipe::{ComponentRecipeBook, RecipeBook},
resources::{PlayerEntity, TimeOfDay},
resources::{GameMode, PlayerEntity, TimeOfDay},
block::Block, map::MapConfig, neighbors, site::DungeonKindMeta, BiomeKind, SiteKindMeta,
SpriteKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize,
SpriteKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize, TerrainGrid,
trade::{PendingTrade, SitePrices, TradeAction, TradeId, TradeResult},
uid::{Uid, UidAllocator},
@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ impl Client {
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
let participant = match addr {
let mut participant = match addr {
ConnectionArgs::Tcp {
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ impl Client {
let stream = participant.opened().await?;
let mut ping_stream = participant.opened().await?;
let ping_stream = participant.opened().await?;
let mut register_stream = participant.opened().await?;
let character_screen_stream = participant.opened().await?;
let in_game_stream = participant.opened().await?;
@ -340,6 +340,314 @@ impl Client {
// Wait for initial sync
let mut ping_interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(1));
let ServerInit::GameSync {
} = loop {
tokio::select! {
// Spawn in a blocking thread (leaving the network thread free). This is mostly
// useful for bots.
res = register_stream.recv() => break res?,
_ = ping_interval.tick() => ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?,
// Spawn in a blocking thread (leaving the network thread free). This is mostly
// useful for bots.
let mut task = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
let map_size_lg =
common::terrain::MapSizeLg::new(world_map.dimensions_lg).map_err(|_| {
"Server sent bad world map dimensions: {:?}",
let sea_level = world_map.default_chunk.get_min_z() as f32;
// Initialize `State`
let pools = State::pools(GameMode::Client);
let mut state = State::client(pools, map_size_lg, world_map.default_chunk);
// Client-only components
let entity = state.ecs_mut().apply_entity_package(entity_package);
*state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = time_of_day;
*state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = PlayerEntity(Some(entity));
let map_size = map_size_lg.chunks();
let max_height = world_map.max_height;
let rgba = world_map.rgba;
let alt = world_map.alt;
if rgba.size() != map_size.map(|e| e as i32) {
return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into()));
if alt.size() != map_size.map(|e| e as i32) {
return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad altitude map.".into()));
let [west, east] = world_map.horizons;
let scale_angle = |a: u8| (a as f32 / 255.0 * <f32 as FloatConst>::FRAC_PI_2()).tan();
let scale_height = |h: u8| h as f32 / 255.0 * max_height;
let scale_height_big = |h: u32| (h >> 3) as f32 / 8191.0 * max_height;
debug!("Preparing image...");
let unzip_horizons = |(angles, heights): &(Vec<_>, Vec<_>)| {
let horizons = [unzip_horizons(&west), unzip_horizons(&east)];
// Redraw map (with shadows this time).
let mut world_map_rgba = vec![0u32; rgba.size().product() as usize];
let mut world_map_topo = vec![0u32; rgba.size().product() as usize];
let mut map_config = common::terrain::map::MapConfig::orthographic(
core::ops::RangeInclusive::new(0.0, max_height),
map_config.horizons = Some(&horizons);
let rescale_height = |h: f32| h / max_height;
let bounds_check = |pos: Vec2<i32>| {
pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0
&& pos.x < map_size.x as i32
&& pos.y < map_size.y as i32
fn sample_pos(
map_config: &MapConfig,
pos: Vec2<i32>,
alt: &Grid<u32>,
rgba: &Grid<u32>,
map_size: &Vec2<u16>,
map_size_lg: &common::terrain::MapSizeLg,
max_height: f32,
) -> common::terrain::map::MapSample {
let rescale_height = |h: f32| h / max_height;
let scale_height_big = |h: u32| (h >> 3) as f32 / 8191.0 * max_height;
let bounds_check = |pos: Vec2<i32>| {
pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0
&& pos.x < map_size.x as i32
&& pos.y < map_size.y as i32
let MapConfig {
} = *map_config;
let mut is_contour_line = false;
let mut is_border = false;
let (rgb, alt, downhill_wpos) = if bounds_check(pos) {
let posi = pos.y as usize * map_size.x as usize + pos.x as usize;
let [r, g, b, _a] = rgba[pos].to_le_bytes();
let is_water = r == 0 && b > 102 && g < 77;
let alti = alt[pos];
// Compute contours (chunks are assigned in the river code below)
let altj = rescale_height(scale_height_big(alti));
let contour_interval = 150.0;
let chunk_contour = (altj * gain / contour_interval) as u32;
// Compute downhill.
let downhill = {
let mut best = -1;
let mut besth = alti;
for nposi in neighbors(*map_size_lg, posi) {
let nbh = alt.raw()[nposi];
let nalt = rescale_height(scale_height_big(nbh));
let nchunk_contour = (nalt * gain / contour_interval) as u32;
if !is_contour_line && chunk_contour > nchunk_contour {
is_contour_line = true;
let [nr, ng, nb, _na] = rgba.raw()[nposi].to_le_bytes();
let n_is_water = nr == 0 && nb > 102 && ng < 77;
if !is_border && is_water && !n_is_water {
is_border = true;
if nbh < besth {
besth = nbh;
best = nposi as isize;
let downhill_wpos = if downhill < 0 {
} else {
(downhill as usize % map_size.x as usize) as i32,
(downhill as usize / map_size.x as usize) as i32,
) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32),
(Rgb::new(r, g, b), alti, downhill_wpos)
} else {
(Rgb::zero(), 0, None)
let alt = f64::from(rescale_height(scale_height_big(alt)));
let wpos = pos * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let downhill_wpos =
downhill_wpos.unwrap_or(wpos + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32));
let is_path = rgb.r == 0x37 && rgb.g == 0x29 && rgb.b == 0x23;
let rgb = rgb.map(|e: u8| e as f64 / 255.0);
let is_water = rgb.r == 0.0 && rgb.b > 0.4 && rgb.g < 0.3;
let rgb = if is_height_map {
if is_path {
// Path color is Rgb::new(0x37, 0x29, 0x23)
Rgb::new(0.9, 0.9, 0.63)
} else if is_water {
Rgb::new(0.23, 0.47, 0.53)
} else if is_contours && is_contour_line {
// Color contour lines
Rgb::new(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)
} else {
// Color hill shading
let lightness = (alt + 0.2).min(1.0) as f64;
Rgb::new(lightness, 0.9 * lightness, 0.5 * lightness)
} else if is_stylized_topo {
if is_path {
Rgb::new(0.9, 0.9, 0.63)
} else if is_water {
if is_border {
Rgb::new(0.10, 0.34, 0.50)
} else {
Rgb::new(0.23, 0.47, 0.63)
} else if is_contour_line {
Rgb::new(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
} else {
// Stylized colors
(rgb.r + 0.25).min(1.0),
(rgb.g + 0.23).min(1.0),
(rgb.b + 0.10).min(1.0),
} else {
Rgb::new(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
.map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8);
common::terrain::map::MapSample {
connections: None,
// Generate standard shaded map
map_config.is_shaded = true;
|pos| {
|wpos| {
let pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e / f as i32);
rescale_height(if bounds_check(pos) {
} else {
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
world_map_rgba[pos.y * map_size.x as usize + pos.x] =
u32::from_le_bytes([r, g, b, a]);
// Generate map with topographical lines and stylized colors
map_config.is_contours = true;
map_config.is_stylized_topo = true;
|pos| {
|wpos| {
let pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e / f as i32);
rescale_height(if bounds_check(pos) {
} else {
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
world_map_topo[pos.y * map_size.x as usize + pos.x] =
u32::from_le_bytes([r, g, b, a]);
let make_raw = |rgb| -> Result<_, Error> {
let mut raw = vec![0u8; 4 * world_map_rgba.len()];
LittleEndian::write_u32_into(rgb, &mut raw);
// Should not fail if the dimensions are correct.
let map =
image::ImageBuffer::from_raw(u32::from(map_size.x), u32::from(map_size.y), raw);
map.ok_or_else(|| Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into()))?
// Flip the image, since Voxygen uses an orientation where rotation from
// positive x axis to positive y axis is counterclockwise around the z axis.
let lod_base = rgba;
let lod_alt = alt;
let world_map_rgb_img = make_raw(&world_map_rgba)?;
let world_map_topo_img = make_raw(&world_map_topo)?;
let world_map_layers = vec![world_map_rgb_img, world_map_topo_img];
let horizons = (west.0, west.1, east.0, east.1)
.map(|(wa, wh, ea, eh)| u32::from_le_bytes([wa, wh, ea, eh]))
let lod_horizon = horizons;
let map_bounds = Vec2::new(sea_level, max_height);
debug!("Done preparing image...");
Grid::from_raw(map_size.map(|e| e as i32), lod_horizon),
(world_map_layers, map_size, map_bounds),
let (
@ -352,312 +660,11 @@ impl Client {
) = match loop {
) = loop {
tokio::select! {
res = register_stream.recv() => break res?,
res = &mut task => break res.expect("Client thread should not panic")?,
_ = ping_interval.tick() => ping_stream.send(PingMsg::Ping)?,
} {
ServerInit::GameSync {
} => {
// Initialize `State`
let mut state = State::client();
// Client-only components
let entity = state.ecs_mut().apply_entity_package(entity_package);
*state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = time_of_day;
*state.ecs_mut().write_resource() = PlayerEntity(Some(entity));
let map_size_lg = common::terrain::MapSizeLg::new(world_map.dimensions_lg)
.map_err(|_| {
"Server sent bad world map dimensions: {:?}",
let map_size = map_size_lg.chunks();
let max_height = world_map.max_height;
let sea_level = world_map.sea_level;
let rgba = world_map.rgba;
let alt = world_map.alt;
if rgba.size() != map_size.map(|e| e as i32) {
return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into()));
if alt.size() != map_size.map(|e| e as i32) {
return Err(Error::Other("Server sent a bad altitude map.".into()));
let [west, east] = world_map.horizons;
let scale_angle =
|a: u8| (a as f32 / 255.0 * <f32 as FloatConst>::FRAC_PI_2()).tan();
let scale_height = |h: u8| h as f32 / 255.0 * max_height;
let scale_height_big = |h: u32| (h >> 3) as f32 / 8191.0 * max_height;
debug!("Preparing image...");
let unzip_horizons = |(angles, heights): &(Vec<_>, Vec<_>)| {
let horizons = [unzip_horizons(&west), unzip_horizons(&east)];
// Redraw map (with shadows this time).
let mut world_map_rgba = vec![0u32; rgba.size().product() as usize];
let mut world_map_topo = vec![0u32; rgba.size().product() as usize];
let mut map_config = common::terrain::map::MapConfig::orthographic(
core::ops::RangeInclusive::new(0.0, max_height),
map_config.horizons = Some(&horizons);
let rescale_height = |h: f32| h / max_height;
let bounds_check = |pos: Vec2<i32>| {
pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0
&& pos.x < map_size.x as i32
&& pos.y < map_size.y as i32
fn sample_pos(
map_config: &MapConfig,
pos: Vec2<i32>,
alt: &Grid<u32>,
rgba: &Grid<u32>,
map_size: &Vec2<u16>,
map_size_lg: &common::terrain::MapSizeLg,
max_height: f32,
) -> common::terrain::map::MapSample {
let rescale_height = |h: f32| h / max_height;
let scale_height_big = |h: u32| (h >> 3) as f32 / 8191.0 * max_height;
let bounds_check = |pos: Vec2<i32>| {
pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0
&& pos.x < map_size.x as i32
&& pos.y < map_size.y as i32
let MapConfig {
} = *map_config;
let mut is_contour_line = false;
let mut is_border = false;
let (rgb, alt, downhill_wpos) = if bounds_check(pos) {
let posi = pos.y as usize * map_size.x as usize + pos.x as usize;
let [r, g, b, _a] = rgba[pos].to_le_bytes();
let is_water = r == 0 && b > 102 && g < 77;
let alti = alt[pos];
// Compute contours (chunks are assigned in the river code below)
let altj = rescale_height(scale_height_big(alti));
let contour_interval = 150.0;
let chunk_contour = (altj * gain / contour_interval) as u32;
// Compute downhill.
let downhill = {
let mut best = -1;
let mut besth = alti;
for nposi in neighbors(*map_size_lg, posi) {
let nbh = alt.raw()[nposi];
let nalt = rescale_height(scale_height_big(nbh));
let nchunk_contour = (nalt * gain / contour_interval) as u32;
if !is_contour_line && chunk_contour > nchunk_contour {
is_contour_line = true;
let [nr, ng, nb, _na] = rgba.raw()[nposi].to_le_bytes();
let n_is_water = nr == 0 && nb > 102 && ng < 77;
if !is_border && is_water && !n_is_water {
is_border = true;
if nbh < besth {
besth = nbh;
best = nposi as isize;
let downhill_wpos = if downhill < 0 {
} else {
(downhill as usize % map_size.x as usize) as i32,
(downhill as usize / map_size.x as usize) as i32,
) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32),
(Rgb::new(r, g, b), alti, downhill_wpos)
} else {
(Rgb::zero(), 0, None)
let alt = f64::from(rescale_height(scale_height_big(alt)));
let wpos = pos * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let downhill_wpos = downhill_wpos
.unwrap_or(wpos + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32));
let is_path = rgb.r == 0x37 && rgb.g == 0x29 && rgb.b == 0x23;
let rgb = rgb.map(|e: u8| e as f64 / 255.0);
let is_water = rgb.r == 0.0 && rgb.b > 0.4 && rgb.g < 0.3;
let rgb = if is_height_map {
if is_path {
// Path color is Rgb::new(0x37, 0x29, 0x23)
Rgb::new(0.9, 0.9, 0.63)
} else if is_water {
Rgb::new(0.23, 0.47, 0.53)
} else if is_contours && is_contour_line {
// Color contour lines
Rgb::new(0.15, 0.15, 0.15)
} else {
// Color hill shading
let lightness = (alt + 0.2).min(1.0) as f64;
Rgb::new(lightness, 0.9 * lightness, 0.5 * lightness)
} else if is_stylized_topo {
if is_path {
Rgb::new(0.9, 0.9, 0.63)
} else if is_water {
if is_border {
Rgb::new(0.10, 0.34, 0.50)
} else {
Rgb::new(0.23, 0.47, 0.63)
} else if is_contour_line {
Rgb::new(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
} else {
// Stylized colors
(rgb.r + 0.25).min(1.0),
(rgb.g + 0.23).min(1.0),
(rgb.b + 0.10).min(1.0),
} else {
Rgb::new(rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
.map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8);
common::terrain::map::MapSample {
connections: None,
// Generate standard shaded map
map_config.is_shaded = true;
|pos| {
|wpos| {
let pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e / f as i32);
rescale_height(if bounds_check(pos) {
} else {
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
world_map_rgba[pos.y * map_size.x as usize + pos.x] =
u32::from_le_bytes([r, g, b, a]);
// Generate map with topographical lines and stylized colors
map_config.is_contours = true;
map_config.is_stylized_topo = true;
|pos| {
|wpos| {
let pos = wpos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e / f as i32);
rescale_height(if bounds_check(pos) {
} else {
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
world_map_topo[pos.y * map_size.x as usize + pos.x] =
u32::from_le_bytes([r, g, b, a]);
let make_raw = |rgb| -> Result<_, Error> {
let mut raw = vec![0u8; 4 * world_map_rgba.len()];
LittleEndian::write_u32_into(rgb, &mut raw);
// Should not fail if the dimensions are correct.
let map =
image::ImageBuffer::from_raw(u32::from(map_size.x), u32::from(map_size.y), raw);
map.ok_or_else(|| Error::Other("Server sent a bad world map image".into()))?
// Flip the image, since Voxygen uses an orientation where rotation from
// positive x axis to positive y axis is counterclockwise around the z axis.
let lod_base = rgba;
let lod_alt = alt;
let world_map_rgb_img = make_raw(&world_map_rgba)?;
let world_map_topo_img = make_raw(&world_map_topo)?;
let world_map_layers = vec![world_map_rgb_img, world_map_topo_img];
let horizons = (west.0, west.1, east.0, east.1)
.map(|(wa, wh, ea, eh)| u32::from_le_bytes([wa, wh, ea, eh]))
let lod_horizon = horizons;
let map_bounds = Vec2::new(sea_level, max_height);
debug!("Done preparing image...");
Grid::from_raw(map_size.map(|e| e as i32), lod_horizon),
(world_map_layers, map_size, map_bounds),
@ -1899,7 +1906,19 @@ impl Client {
for key in keys.iter() {
if self.state.terrain().get_key(*key).is_none() {
let dist_to_player = (TerrainGrid::key_chunk(*key).map(|x| x as f32)
+ TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|x| x as f32) / 2.0)
let terrain = self.state.terrain();
if let Some(chunk) = terrain.get_key_arc(*key) {
if !skip_mode && !terrain.contains_key_real(*key) {
let chunk = Arc::clone(chunk);
self.state.insert_chunk(*key, chunk);
} else {
if !skip_mode && !self.pending_chunks.contains_key(key) {
@ -1917,11 +1936,6 @@ impl Client {
let dist_to_player =
(self.state.terrain().key_pos(*key).map(|x| x as f32)
+ TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|x| x as f32) / 2.0)
if dist_to_player < self.loaded_distance {
self.loaded_distance = dist_to_player;
@ -2510,7 +2524,12 @@ impl Client {
// ignore network events
while let Some(Ok(Some(event))) = self.participant.as_ref().map(|p| p.try_fetch_event()) {
while let Some(res) = self
.and_then(|p| p.try_fetch_event().transpose())
let event = res?;
trace!(?event, "received network event");
@ -2875,8 +2894,12 @@ impl Client {
) {
.send(ClientGeneral::PlayerPhysics { pos, vel, ori })?;
self.in_game_stream.send(ClientGeneral::PlayerPhysics {
force_counter: self.force_update_counter,
@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ tracing-log = "0.1.1"
tracing-subscriber = { version = "0.3.7", default-features = false, features = ["env-filter", "fmt", "time", "ansi", "smallvec", "tracing-log"]}
# Tracy
tracing-tracy = { version = "0.10.0", optional = true }
tracing-tracy = { version = "0.9.0", optional = true }
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use common::{grid::Grid, trade::Good};
use common::{grid::Grid, terrain::TerrainChunk, trade::Good};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Arc};
use vek::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ pub struct WorldMapMsg {
/// NOTE: Invariant: chunk count fits in a u16.
pub dimensions_lg: Vec2<u32>,
/// Sea level (used to provide a base altitude).
pub sea_level: f32,
/// Max height (used to scale altitudes).
pub max_height: f32,
/// RGB+A; the alpha channel is currently unused, but will be used in the
@ -124,6 +122,10 @@ pub struct WorldMapMsg {
pub horizons: [(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>); 2],
pub sites: Vec<SiteInfo>,
pub pois: Vec<PoiInfo>,
/// Default chunk (representing the ocean outside the map bounds). Sea
/// level (used to provide a base altitude) is the lower bound of this
/// chunk.
pub default_chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>,
pub type SiteId = common::trade::SiteId;
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ pub const MAX_WORLD_BLOCKS_LG: Vec2<u32> = Vec2 { x: 19, y: 19 };
/// [TERRAIN_CHUNK_BLOCKS_LG]))` fits in an i32 (derived from the invariant
/// NOTE: As an invariant, each dimension (in chunks) must fit in a u16.
/// NOTE: As an invariant, each dimension (in chunks) must fit in a i16.
/// NOTE: As an invariant, the product of dimensions (in chunks) must fit in a
/// usize.
@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ impl MapSizeLg {
let is_le_max = map_size_lg.x <= MAX_WORLD_BLOCKS_LG.x - TERRAIN_CHUNK_BLOCKS_LG
// Assertion on dimensions: chunks must fit in a u16.
// Assertion on dimensions: chunks must fit in a i16.
let chunks_in_range =
/* 1u16.checked_shl(map_size_lg.x).is_some() &&
1u16.checked_shl(map_size_lg.y).is_some(); */
map_size_lg.x <= 16 &&
map_size_lg.y <= 16;
/* 1u15.checked_shl(map_size_lg.x).is_some() &&
1u15.checked_shl(map_size_lg.y).is_some(); */
map_size_lg.x <= 15 &&
map_size_lg.y <= 15;
if is_le_max && chunks_in_range {
// Assertion on dimensions: blocks must fit in a i32.
let blocks_in_range =
@ -197,6 +197,15 @@ impl MapSizeLg {
/// Get the size of an array of the correct size to hold all chunks.
pub const fn chunks_len(self) -> usize { 1 << (self.0.x + self.0.y) }
/// Determine whether a chunk position is in bounds.
pub const fn contains_chunk(&self, chunk_key: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
let map_size = self.chunks();
chunk_key.x >= 0 && chunk_key.y >= 0 &&
chunk_key.x == chunk_key.x & ((map_size.x as i32) - 1) &&
chunk_key.y == chunk_key.y & ((map_size.y as i32) - 1)
impl From<MapSizeLg> for Vec2<u32> {
@ -188,6 +188,16 @@ impl TerrainGrid {
impl TerrainChunk {
/// Generate an all-water chunk at a specific sea level.
pub fn water(sea_level: i32) -> TerrainChunk {
Block::new(BlockKind::Water, Rgb::zero()),
/// Find the highest or lowest accessible position within the chunk
pub fn find_accessible_pos(&self, spawn_wpos: Vec2<i32>, ascending: bool) -> Vec3<f32> {
let min_z = self.get_min_z();
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::{
vol::{BaseVol, ReadVol, RectRasterableVol, SampleVol, WriteVol},
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@ pub enum VolGrid2dError<V: RectRasterableVol> {
// M = Chunk metadata
pub struct VolGrid2d<V: RectRasterableVol> {
/// Size of the entire (not just loaded) map.
map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
/// Default voxel for use outside of max map bounds.
default: Arc<V>,
chunks: HashMap<Vec2<i32>, Arc<V>>,
@ -29,6 +34,18 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> VolGrid2d<V> {
.map2(V::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| e.div_euclid(sz as i32))
pub fn key_chunk<K: Into<Vec2<i32>>>(key: K) -> Vec2<i32> {
key.into() * V::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32)
pub fn par_keys(&self) -> hashbrown::hash_map::rayon::ParKeys<Vec2<i32>, Arc<V>>
where V: Send + Sync,
pub fn chunk_offs(pos: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec3<i32> {
let offs = Vec2::<i32>::from(pos).map2(V::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz| e & (sz - 1) as i32);
@ -45,8 +62,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug> ReadVol for VolGrid2d<V> {
fn get(&self, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> Result<&V::Vox, VolGrid2dError<V>> {
let ck = Self::chunk_key(pos);
.and_then(|chunk| {
let co = Self::chunk_offs(pos);
@ -102,14 +118,14 @@ impl<I: Into<Aabr<i32>>, V: RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug> SampleVol<I> fo
fn sample(&self, range: I) -> Result<Self::Sample, VolGrid2dError<V>> {
let range = range.into();
let mut sample = VolGrid2d::new()?;
let mut sample = VolGrid2d::new(self.map_size_lg, Arc::clone(&self.default))?;
let chunk_min = Self::chunk_key(range.min);
let chunk_max = Self::chunk_key(range.max);
for x in chunk_min.x..chunk_max.x + 1 {
for y in chunk_min.y..chunk_max.y + 1 {
let chunk_key = Vec2::new(x, y);
let chunk = self.get_key_arc(chunk_key).cloned();
let chunk = self.get_key_arc_real(chunk_key).cloned();
if let Some(chunk) = chunk {
sample.insert(chunk_key, chunk);
@ -138,12 +154,14 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol + WriteVol + Clone + Debug> WriteVol for VolGrid2d<V>
impl<V: RectRasterableVol> VolGrid2d<V> {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, VolGrid2dError<V>> {
pub fn new(map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, default: Arc<V>) -> Result<Self, VolGrid2dError<V>> {
if Self::chunk_size()
.map(|e| e.is_power_of_two() && e > 0)
Ok(Self {
chunks: HashMap::default(),
} else {
@ -160,10 +178,37 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> VolGrid2d<V> {
pub fn get_key(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&V> {
self.chunks.get(&key).map(|arc_chunk| arc_chunk.as_ref())
self.get_key_arc(key).map(|arc_chunk| arc_chunk.as_ref())
pub fn get_key_arc(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&Arc<V>> { self.chunks.get(&key) }
pub fn get_key_real(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&V> {
self.get_key_arc_real(key).map(|arc_chunk| arc_chunk.as_ref())
pub fn contains_key(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
self.contains_key_real(key) ||
// Counterintuitively, areas outside the map are *always* considered to be in it, since
// they're assigned the default chunk.
pub fn contains_key_real(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
pub fn get_key_arc(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&Arc<V>> {
.or_else(|| if !self.map_size_lg.contains_chunk(key) { Some(&self.default) } else { None })
pub fn get_key_arc_real(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<&Arc<V>> {
pub fn clear(&mut self) { self.chunks.clear(); }
@ -172,7 +217,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> VolGrid2d<V> {
pub fn remove(&mut self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Arc<V>> { self.chunks.remove(&key) }
pub fn key_pos(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Vec2<i32> { key * V::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32) }
pub fn key_pos(&self, key: Vec2<i32>) -> Vec2<i32> { Self::key_chunk(key) }
pub fn pos_key(&self, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> Vec2<i32> { Self::chunk_key(pos) }
@ -219,8 +264,7 @@ impl<'a, V: RectRasterableVol + ReadVol> CachedVolGrid2d<'a, V> {
// Otherwise retrieve from the hashmap
let chunk = self
// Store most recently looked up chunk in the cache
self.cache = Some((ck, Arc::clone(chunk)));
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use common::{
terrain::{Block, TerrainChunk, TerrainGrid},
terrain::{Block, MapSizeLg, TerrainChunk, TerrainGrid},
vol::{ReadVol, WriteVol},
@ -94,37 +94,56 @@ pub struct State {
thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,
pub type Pools = Arc<ThreadPool>;
impl State {
/// Create a new `State` in client mode.
pub fn client() -> Self { Self::new(GameMode::Client) }
/// Create a new `State` in server mode.
pub fn server() -> Self { Self::new(GameMode::Server) }
pub fn new(game_mode: GameMode) -> Self {
pub fn pools(game_mode: GameMode) -> Pools {
let thread_name_infix = match game_mode {
GameMode::Server => "s",
GameMode::Client => "c",
GameMode::Singleplayer => "sp",
let thread_pool = Arc::new(
.thread_name(move |i| format!("rayon-{}-{}", thread_name_infix, i))
/// Create a new `State` in client mode.
pub fn client(pools: Pools, map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, default_chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>) -> Self {
Self::new(GameMode::Client, pools, map_size_lg, default_chunk)
/// Create a new `State` in server mode.
pub fn server(pools: Pools, map_size_lg: MapSizeLg, default_chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>) -> Self {
Self::new(GameMode::Server, pools, map_size_lg, default_chunk)
pub fn new(
game_mode: GameMode,
pools: Pools,
map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
default_chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>,
) -> Self {
Self {
ecs: Self::setup_ecs_world(game_mode, &thread_pool),
ecs: Self::setup_ecs_world(game_mode, Arc::clone(&pools), map_size_lg, default_chunk),
thread_pool: pools,
/// Creates ecs world and registers all the common components and resources
// TODO: Split up registering into server and client (e.g. move
// EventBus<ServerEvent> to the server)
fn setup_ecs_world(game_mode: GameMode, thread_pool: &Arc<ThreadPool>) -> specs::World {
fn setup_ecs_world(
game_mode: GameMode,
thread_pool: Arc<ThreadPool>,
map_size_lg: MapSizeLg,
default_chunk: Arc<TerrainChunk>,
) -> specs::World {
let mut ecs = specs::World::new();
// Uids for sync
@ -213,7 +232,7 @@ impl State {
ecs.insert(TerrainGrid::new(map_size_lg, default_chunk).unwrap());
@ -226,11 +245,7 @@ impl State {
let num_cpu = num_cpus::get() as u64;
let slow_limit = (num_cpu / 2 + num_cpu / 4).max(1);
tracing::trace!(?slow_limit, "Slow Thread limit");
ecs.insert(SlowJobPool::new(slow_limit, 10_000, thread_pool));
// TODO: only register on the server
@ -632,8 +632,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
)| {
let in_loaded_chunk = read
.get_key(read.terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)))
.contains_key(read.terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)));
// Apply physics only if in a loaded chunk
if in_loaded_chunk
@ -790,8 +789,7 @@ impl<'a> PhysicsData<'a> {
let in_loaded_chunk = read
.get_key(read.terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)))
.contains_key(read.terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e.floor() as i32)));
// Don't move if we're not in a loaded chunk
let pos_delta = if in_loaded_chunk {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ mod tests {
Ori, PhysicsState, Poise, Pos, Skill, Stats, Vel,
resources::{DeltaTime, GameMode, Time},
terrain::{MapSizeLg, TerrainChunk},
@ -14,12 +15,25 @@ mod tests {
use common_state::State;
use rand::thread_rng;
use specs::{Builder, Entity, WorldExt};
use std::time::Duration;
use vek::{approx::AbsDiffEq, Vec3};
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use vek::{approx::AbsDiffEq, Vec2, Vec3};
use veloren_common_systems::character_behavior;
if let Ok(map_size_lg) = MapSizeLg::new(Vec2 { x: 1, y: 1 }) {
} else {
panic!("Default world chunk size does not satisfy required invariants.");
fn setup() -> State {
let mut state = State::new(GameMode::Server);
let pools = State::pools(GameMode::Server);
let mut state = State::new(
let msm = MaterialStatManifest::load().cloned();
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ use common::{
resources::{DeltaTime, GameMode, Time},
terrain::{Block, BlockKind, SpriteKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkMeta, TerrainGrid},
Block, BlockKind, MapSizeLg, SpriteKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkMeta, TerrainGrid,
use common_ecs::{dispatch, System};
use common_net::sync::WorldSyncExt;
@ -24,12 +26,24 @@ const MILLIS_PER_SEC: f64 = 1_000.0;
pub const DT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(DT_MILLIS);
pub const DT_F64: f64 = DT_MILLIS as f64 / MILLIS_PER_SEC;
if let Ok(map_size_lg) = MapSizeLg::new(Vec2 { x: 10, y: 10 }) {
} else {
panic!("Default world chunk size does not satisfy required invariants.");
pub fn setup() -> State {
let mut state = State::new(GameMode::Server);
let pools = State::pools(GameMode::Server);
let mut state = State::new(
for x in 0..2 {
for y in 0..2 {
generate_chunk(&mut state, Vec2::new(x, y));
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ async fn stream_msg(s1_a: Arc<Mutex<Stream>>, s1_b: Arc<Mutex<Stream>>, data: &[
let mut s1_b = s1_b.lock().await;
let m = Message::serialize(&data, s1_b.params());
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut s1_a = s1_a.try_lock().unwrap();
let s1_a = s1_a.try_lock().unwrap();
for _ in 0..cnt {
@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ pub fn network_participant_stream(
) {
let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let (n_a, p1_a, s1_a, n_b, p1_b, s1_b) = runtime.block_on(async {
let n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &runtime);
let mut n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &runtime);
let n_b = Network::new(Pid::fake(1), &runtime);
let p1_b = n_b.connect(addr.1).await.unwrap();
let mut p1_b = n_b.connect(addr.1).await.unwrap();
let p1_a = n_a.connected().await.unwrap();
let s1_a = p1_a.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0).await.unwrap();
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use std::{sync::Arc, thread, time::Duration};
use tokio::{io, io::AsyncBufReadExt, runtime::Runtime, sync::RwLock};
use tracing::*;
use tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter;
use veloren_network::{ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Network, Participant, Pid, Promises};
use veloren_network::{ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Network, Participant, Pid, Promises, Stream};
///This example contains a simple chatserver, that allows to send messages
/// between participants, it's neither pretty nor perfect, but it should show
@ -106,26 +106,20 @@ fn main() {
fn server(address: ListenAddr) {
let r = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
let server = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
let server = Arc::new(server);
let mut server = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
let participants = Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new()));
r.block_on(async {
loop {
let p1 = Arc::new(server.connected().await.unwrap());
let server1 = server.clone();
tokio::spawn(client_connection(server1, p1, participants.clone()));
let mut p1 = server.connected().await.unwrap();
let s1 = p1.opened().await.unwrap();
tokio::spawn(client_connection(s1, participants.clone()));
async fn client_connection(
_network: Arc<Network>,
participant: Arc<Participant>,
participants: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Arc<Participant>>>>,
) {
let mut s1 = participant.opened().await.unwrap();
async fn client_connection(mut s1: Stream, participants: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Participant>>>) {
let username = s1.recv::<String>().await.unwrap();
println!("[{}] connected", username);
loop {
@ -141,7 +135,7 @@ async fn client_connection(
Err(_) => info!("error talking to client, //TODO drop it"),
Ok(mut s) => s.send((username.clone(), msg.clone())).unwrap(),
Ok(s) => s.send((username.clone(), msg.clone())).unwrap(),
@ -156,7 +150,7 @@ fn client(address: ConnectAddr) {
r.block_on(async {
let p1 = client.connect(address.clone()).await.unwrap(); //remote representation of p1
let mut s1 = p1
let s1 = p1
.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)
.unwrap(); //remote representation of s1
@ -188,7 +182,7 @@ fn client(address: ConnectAddr) {
// receiving i open and close a stream per message. this can be done easier but
// this allows me to be quite lazy on the server side and just get a list of
// all participants and send to them...
async fn read_messages(participant: Participant) {
async fn read_messages(mut participant: Participant) {
while let Ok(mut s) = participant.opened().await {
let (username, message) = s.recv::<(String, String)>().await.unwrap();
println!("[{}]: {}", username, message);
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
use crate::commands::{Command, FileInfo, LocalCommand, RemoteInfo};
use futures_util::{FutureExt, StreamExt};
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use std::{collections::HashMap, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
use tokio::{
fs, join,
@ -15,49 +15,65 @@ struct ControlChannels {
command_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<LocalCommand>,
pub struct Server {
run_channels: Option<ControlChannels>,
network: Network,
struct Shared {
served: RwLock<Vec<FileInfo>>,
remotes: RwLock<HashMap<Pid, Arc<Mutex<RemoteInfo>>>>,
receiving_files: Mutex<HashMap<u32, Option<String>>>,
pub struct Server {
run_channels: ControlChannels,
server: Network,
client: Network,
shared: Shared,
impl Server {
pub fn new(runtime: Arc<Runtime>) -> (Self, mpsc::UnboundedSender<LocalCommand>) {
let (command_sender, command_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
let server = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
let client = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
let run_channels = Some(ControlChannels { command_receiver });
let run_channels = ControlChannels { command_receiver };
Server {
served: RwLock::new(vec![]),
remotes: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
receiving_files: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
shared: Shared {
served: RwLock::new(vec![]),
remotes: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
receiving_files: Mutex::new(HashMap::new()),
pub async fn run(mut self, address: ListenAddr) {
let run_channels = self.run_channels.take().unwrap();
pub async fn run(self, address: ListenAddr) {
let run_channels = self.run_channels;
.command_manager(self.client, run_channels.command_receiver),
async fn command_manager(&self, command_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<LocalCommand>) {
impl Shared {
async fn command_manager(
client: Network,
command_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<LocalCommand>,
) {
trace!("Start command_manager");
let command_receiver = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(command_receiver);
.for_each_concurrent(None, async move |cmd| {
.for_each_concurrent(None, |cmd| async {
match cmd {
LocalCommand::Shutdown => println!("Shutting down service"),
LocalCommand::Disconnect => {
@ -66,7 +82,7 @@ impl Server {
LocalCommand::Connect(addr) => {
println!("Trying to connect to: {:?}", &addr);
match self.network.connect(addr.clone()).await {
match client.connect(addr.clone()).await {
Ok(p) => self.loop_participant(p).await,
Err(e) => println!("Failed to connect to {:?}, err: {:?}", &addr, e),
@ -89,7 +105,7 @@ impl Server {
LocalCommand::Get(id, path) => {
// i dont know the owner, just broadcast, i am laaaazyyy
for ri in self.remotes.read().await.values() {
let mut ri = ri.lock().await;
let ri = ri.lock().await;
if ri.get_info(id).is_some() {
//found provider, send request.
self.receiving_files.lock().await.insert(id, path.clone());
@ -105,20 +121,20 @@ impl Server {
trace!("Stop command_manager");
async fn connect_manager(&self) {
async fn connect_manager(&self, network: Network) {
trace!("Start connect_manager");
let iter = futures_util::stream::unfold((), |_| {
self.network.connected().map(|r| r.ok().map(|v| (v, ())))
let iter = futures_util::stream::unfold(network, async move |mut network| {
network.connected().await.ok().map(|v| (v, network))
iter.for_each_concurrent(/* limit */ None, async move |participant| {
iter.for_each_concurrent(/* limit */ None, |participant| async {
trace!("Stop connect_manager");
async fn loop_participant(&self, p: Participant) {
async fn loop_participant(&self, mut p: Participant) {
if let (Ok(cmd_out), Ok(file_out), Ok(cmd_in), Ok(file_in)) = (
p.open(3, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ fn main() {
fn server(address: ListenAddr, runtime: Arc<Runtime>) {
let registry = Arc::new(Registry::new());
let server = Network::new_with_registry(Pid::new(), &runtime, ®istry);
let mut server = Network::new_with_registry(Pid::new(), &runtime, ®istry);
SocketAddr::from(([0; 4], 59112)),
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ fn server(address: ListenAddr, runtime: Arc<Runtime>) {
loop {
info!("Waiting for participant to connect");
let p1 = runtime.block_on(server.connected()).unwrap(); //remote representation of p1
let mut p1 = runtime.block_on(server.connected()).unwrap(); //remote representation of p1
let mut s1 = runtime.block_on(p1.opened()).unwrap(); //remote representation of s1
runtime.block_on(async {
let mut last = Instant::now();
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ fn client(address: ConnectAddr, runtime: Arc<Runtime>) {
let p1 = runtime.block_on(client.connect(address)).unwrap(); //remote representation of p1
let mut s1 = runtime
let s1 = runtime
.block_on(p1.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0))
.unwrap(); //remote representation of s1
let mut last = Instant::now();
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ pub enum ParticipantEvent {
pub struct Participant {
local_pid: Pid,
remote_pid: Pid,
a2b_open_stream_s: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedSender<A2bStreamOpen>>,
b2a_stream_opened_r: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Stream>>,
b2a_event_r: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ParticipantEvent>>,
a2b_open_stream_s: mpsc::UnboundedSender<A2bStreamOpen>,
b2a_stream_opened_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Stream>,
b2a_event_r: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ParticipantEvent>,
b2a_bandwidth_stats_r: watch::Receiver<f32>,
a2s_disconnect_s: A2sDisconnect,
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ pub struct StreamParams {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on port `2999` to accept connections and connect to port `8080` to connect to a (pseudo) database Application
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async{
/// # //setup pseudo database!
/// # let database = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ pub struct StreamParams {
pub struct Network {
local_pid: Pid,
participant_disconnect_sender: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<Pid, A2sDisconnect>>>,
listen_sender: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedSender<(ListenAddr, oneshot::Sender<io::Result<()>>)>>,
connect_sender: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedSender<A2sConnect>>,
connected_receiver: Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Participant>>,
listen_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<(ListenAddr, oneshot::Sender<io::Result<()>>)>,
connect_sender: mpsc::UnboundedSender<A2sConnect>,
connected_receiver: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<Participant>,
shutdown_network_s: Option<oneshot::Sender<oneshot::Sender<()>>>,
@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ impl Network {
Self {
local_pid: participant_id,
listen_sender: Mutex::new(listen_sender),
connect_sender: Mutex::new(connect_sender),
connected_receiver: Mutex::new(connected_receiver),
shutdown_network_s: Some(shutdown_network_s),
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ impl Network {
/// # fn main() -> std::result::Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on port `2000` TCP on all NICs and `2001` UDP locally
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network
/// .listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap()))
@ -342,10 +342,7 @@ impl Network {
pub async fn listen(&self, address: ListenAddr) -> Result<(), NetworkError> {
let (s2a_result_s, s2a_result_r) = oneshot::channel::<io::Result<()>>();
debug!(?address, "listening on address");
.send((address, s2a_result_s))?;
self.listen_sender.send((address, s2a_result_s))?;
match s2a_result_r.await? {
//waiting guarantees that we either listened successfully or get an error like port in
// use
@ -401,10 +398,7 @@ impl Network {
let (pid_sender, pid_receiver) =
oneshot::channel::<Result<Participant, NetworkConnectError>>();
debug!(?address, "Connect to address");
.send((address, pid_sender))?;
self.connect_sender.send((address, pid_sender))?;
let participant = match pid_receiver.await? {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => return Err(NetworkError::ConnectFailed(e)),
@ -431,7 +425,7 @@ impl Network {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on port `2020` TCP and opens returns their Pid
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network
@ -454,11 +448,9 @@ impl Network {
/// [`listen`]: crate::api::Network::listen
/// [`ListenAddr`]: crate::api::ListenAddr
#[instrument(name="network", skip(self), fields(p = %self.local_pid))]
pub async fn connected(&self) -> Result<Participant, NetworkError> {
pub async fn connected(&mut self) -> Result<Participant, NetworkError> {
let participant = self
@ -536,9 +528,9 @@ impl Participant {
Self {
a2b_open_stream_s: Mutex::new(a2b_open_stream_s),
b2a_stream_opened_r: Mutex::new(b2a_stream_opened_r),
b2a_event_r: Mutex::new(b2a_event_r),
a2s_disconnect_s: Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(a2s_disconnect_s))),
@ -600,12 +592,10 @@ impl Participant {
) -> Result<Stream, ParticipantError> {
debug_assert!(prio <= network_protocol::HIGHEST_PRIO, "invalid prio");
let (p2a_return_stream_s, p2a_return_stream_r) = oneshot::channel::<Stream>();
if let Err(e) = self.a2b_open_stream_s.lock().await.send((
)) {
if let Err(e) =
.send((prio, promises, bandwidth, p2a_return_stream_s))
debug!(?e, "bParticipant is already closed, notifying");
return Err(ParticipantError::ParticipantDisconnected);
@ -638,11 +628,11 @@ impl Participant {
/// // Create a Network, connect on port 2110 and wait for the other side to open a stream
/// // Note: It's quite unusual to actively connect, but then wait on a stream to be connected, usually the Application taking initiative want's to also create the first Stream.
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let mut remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// # remote.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// let p1 = network.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// let mut p1 = network.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let p2 = remote.connected().await?;
/// # p2.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// let _s1 = p1.opened().await?;
@ -657,8 +647,8 @@ impl Participant {
/// [`connected`]: Network::connected
/// [`open`]: Participant::open
#[instrument(name="network", skip(self), fields(p = %self.local_pid))]
pub async fn opened(&self) -> Result<Stream, ParticipantError> {
match self.b2a_stream_opened_r.lock().await.recv().await {
pub async fn opened(&mut self) -> Result<Stream, ParticipantError> {
match self.b2a_stream_opened_r.recv().await {
Some(stream) => {
let sid = stream.sid;
debug!(?sid, "Receive opened stream");
@ -694,8 +684,8 @@ impl Participant {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on port `2030` TCP and opens returns their Pid and close connection.
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let mut remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let err = runtime.block_on(async {
/// network
/// .listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap()))
@ -779,11 +769,11 @@ impl Participant {
/// // Create a Network, connect on port 2040 and wait for the other side to open a stream
/// // Note: It's quite unusual to actively connect, but then wait on a stream to be connected, usually the Application taking initiative want's to also create the first Stream.
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let mut remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// # remote.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// let p1 = network.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// let mut p1 = network.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let p2 = remote.connected().await?;
/// let event = p1.fetch_event().await?;
/// drop(network);
@ -794,8 +784,8 @@ impl Participant {
/// ```
/// [`ParticipantEvent`]: crate::api::ParticipantEvent
pub async fn fetch_event(&self) -> Result<ParticipantEvent, ParticipantError> {
match self.b2a_event_r.lock().await.recv().await {
pub async fn fetch_event(&mut self) -> Result<ParticipantEvent, ParticipantError> {
match self.b2a_event_r.recv().await {
Some(event) => Ok(event),
None => {
debug!("event_receiver failed, closing participant");
@ -811,16 +801,13 @@ impl Participant {
/// [`ParticipantEvent`]: crate::api::ParticipantEvent
/// [`fetch_event`]: Participant::fetch_event
pub fn try_fetch_event(&self) -> Result<Option<ParticipantEvent>, ParticipantError> {
match &mut self.b2a_event_r.try_lock() {
Ok(b2a_event_r) => match b2a_event_r.try_recv() {
Ok(event) => Ok(Some(event)),
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => Ok(None),
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
pub fn try_fetch_event(&mut self) -> Result<Option<ParticipantEvent>, ParticipantError> {
match self.b2a_event_r.try_recv() {
Ok(event) => Ok(Some(event)),
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => Ok(None),
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
Err(_) => Ok(None),
@ -892,14 +879,14 @@ impl Stream {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2200` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then answer `Hello World`
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let remote_p = remote.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # // keep it alive
/// # let _stream_p = remote_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// //Send Message
/// stream_a.send("Hello World")?;
@ -914,7 +901,7 @@ impl Stream {
/// [`recv`]: Stream::recv
/// [`Serialized`]: Serialize
pub fn send<M: Serialize>(&mut self, msg: M) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
pub fn send<M: Serialize>(&self, msg: M) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
self.send_raw_move(Message::serialize(&msg, self.params()))
@ -933,7 +920,7 @@ impl Stream {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote1 = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote2 = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
@ -943,8 +930,8 @@ impl Stream {
/// # assert_eq!(remote1_p.remote_pid(), remote2_p.remote_pid());
/// # remote1_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// # remote2_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let participant_b = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_b = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// let mut stream_b = participant_b.opened().await?;
@ -966,7 +953,7 @@ impl Stream {
/// [`compress`]: lz_fear::raw::compress2
/// [`Message::serialize`]: crate::message::Message::serialize
pub fn send_raw(&mut self, message: &Message) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
pub fn send_raw(&self, message: &Message) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
self.send_raw_move(Message {
data: message.data.clone(),
#[cfg(feature = "compression")]
@ -974,7 +961,7 @@ impl Stream {
fn send_raw_move(&mut self, message: Message) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
fn send_raw_move(&self, message: Message) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
if self.send_closed.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
return Err(StreamError::StreamClosed);
@ -1002,14 +989,14 @@ impl Stream {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2220` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then listen on it
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let remote_p = remote.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let mut stream_p = remote_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// # stream_p.send("Hello World");
/// let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// //Recv Message
/// println!("{}", stream_a.recv::<String>().await?);
@ -1036,14 +1023,14 @@ impl Stream {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2230` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then listen on it
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let remote_p = remote.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let mut stream_p = remote_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// # stream_p.send("Hello World");
/// let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// //Recv Message
/// let msg = stream_a.recv_raw().await?;
@ -1092,7 +1079,7 @@ impl Stream {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2240` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then listen on it
/// let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// runtime.block_on(async {
/// network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
@ -1100,7 +1087,7 @@ impl Stream {
/// # let mut stream_p = remote_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// # stream_p.send("Hello World");
/// # std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
/// let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// //Try Recv Message
/// println!("{:?}", stream_a.try_recv::<String>()?);
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@
//! // Server
//! async fn server(runtime: &Runtime) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
//! let server_network = Network::new(Pid::new(), runtime);
//! let mut server_network = Network::new(Pid::new(), runtime);
//! server_network
//! .listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap()))
//! .await?;
//! let client = server_network.connected().await?;
//! let mut client = server_network.connected().await?;
//! let mut stream = client.opened().await?;
//! let msg: String = stream.recv().await?;
//! println!("Got message: {}", msg);
@ -78,14 +78,14 @@ impl Message {
/// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// // Create a Network, listen on Port `2300` and wait for a Stream to be opened, then listen on it
/// # let runtime = Runtime::new().unwrap();
/// # let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let mut network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &runtime);
/// # runtime.block_on(async {
/// # network.listen(ListenAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let remote_p = remote.connect(ConnectAddr::Tcp("".parse().unwrap())).await?;
/// # let mut stream_p = remote_p.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0).await?;
/// # stream_p.send("Hello World");
/// # let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// # let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
/// let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
/// //Recv Message
/// let msg = stream_a.recv_raw().await?;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ use helper::{network_participant_stream, tcp, SLEEP_EXTERNAL, SLEEP_INTERNAL};
fn close_network() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _, _p1_a, mut s1_a, _, _p1_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _, _p1_a, s1_a, _, _p1_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fn close_network() {
fn close_participant() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p1_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, p1_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, p1_a, s1_a, _n_b, p1_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ fn close_streams_in_block_on() {
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
r.block_on(async {
//make it locally so that they are dropped later
let mut s1_a = s1_a;
let s1_a = s1_a;
let mut s1_b = s1_b;
assert_eq!(s1_b.recv().await, Ok("ping".to_string()));
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ fn close_streams_in_block_on() {
fn stream_simple_3msg_then_close() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ fn stream_simple_3msg_then_close() {
fn stream_send_first_then_receive() {
// recv should still be possible even if stream got closed if they are in queue
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ fn stream_send_first_then_receive() {
fn stream_send_1_then_close_stream() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
s1_a.send("this message must be received, even if stream is closed already!")
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ fn stream_send_1_then_close_stream() {
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100000 {
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream() {
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100000 {
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote() {
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote2() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100000 {
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote2() {
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote3() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100000 {
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote3() {
fn close_part_then_network() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, n_a, p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..1000 {
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ fn close_part_then_network() {
fn close_network_then_part() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, n_a, p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..1000 {
@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fn close_network_then_part() {
fn close_network_then_disconnect_part() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, n_a, p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..1000 {
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ fn close_network_then_disconnect_part() {
fn close_runtime_then_network() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100 {
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ fn close_runtime_then_network() {
fn close_runtime_then_part() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100 {
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ fn close_runtime_then_part() {
fn close_network_from_async() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100 {
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ fn close_network_from_async() {
fn close_part_from_async() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
for _ in 0..100 {
@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ fn close_part_from_async() {
fn opened_stream_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let mut s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, mut p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let mut s2_b = r.block_on(p_b.opened()).unwrap();
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ fn opened_stream_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn opened_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let mut s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(3, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, mut p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(3, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ fn opened_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn open_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let mut s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, mut p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let s2_a = r.block_on(p_a.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ fn open_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn failed_stream_open_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, mut p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -345,14 +345,14 @@ fn failed_stream_open_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn open_participant_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let r = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
let n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let mut n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let n_b = Network::new(Pid::fake(1), &r);
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = r.block_on(n_b.connect(addr.1)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
@ -365,18 +365,18 @@ fn open_participant_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn open_participant_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let r = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
let n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let mut n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let n_b = Network::new(Pid::fake(1), &r);
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = r.block_on(n_b.connect(addr.1)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut s1_a = r.block_on(p_a.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.block_on(s1_a.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
@ -385,19 +385,19 @@ fn open_participant_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
fn close_network_scheduler_completely() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let r = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
let n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let mut n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &r);
let n_b = Network::new(Pid::fake(1), &r);
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = r.block_on(n_b.connect(addr.1)).unwrap();
let mut p_b = r.block_on(n_b.connect(addr.1)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let s1_b = r.block_on(p_b.open(4, Promises::empty(), 0)).unwrap();
let p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut p_a = r.block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ fn close_network_scheduler_completely() {
fn dont_panic_on_multiply_recv_after_close() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ fn dont_panic_on_multiply_recv_after_close() {
fn dont_panic_on_recv_send_after_close() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ fn dont_panic_on_recv_send_after_close() {
fn dont_panic_on_multiple_send_after_close() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ pub fn network_participant_stream(
) {
let runtime = Arc::new(Runtime::new().unwrap());
let (n_a, p1_a, s1_a, n_b, p1_b, s1_b) = runtime.block_on(async {
let n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &runtime);
let mut n_a = Network::new(Pid::fake(0), &runtime);
let n_b = Network::new(Pid::fake(1), &runtime);
let p1_b = n_b.connect(addr.1).await.unwrap();
let mut p1_b = n_b.connect(addr.1).await.unwrap();
let p1_a = n_a.connected().await.unwrap();
let s1_a = p1_a.open(4, Promises::ORDERED, 0).await.unwrap();
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use veloren_network::{ConnectAddr, ListenAddr, Network, ParticipantEvent, Pid, P
fn stream_simple() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("Hello World".to_string()));
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ fn stream_simple() {
fn stream_try_recv() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ fn stream_try_recv() {
fn stream_simple_3msg() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ fn stream_simple_3msg() {
fn stream_simple_mpsc() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(mpsc());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(mpsc());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("Hello World".to_string()));
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ fn stream_simple_mpsc() {
fn stream_simple_mpsc_3msg() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(mpsc());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(mpsc());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ fn stream_simple_mpsc_3msg() {
fn stream_simple_quic() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(quic());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(quic());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("Hello World".to_string()));
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn stream_simple_quic() {
fn stream_simple_quic_3msg() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(quic());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(quic());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ fn stream_simple_quic_3msg() {
fn stream_simple_udp() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(udp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(udp());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("Hello World".to_string()));
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ fn stream_simple_udp() {
fn stream_simple_udp_3msg() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(udp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(udp());
s1_a.send("Hello World").unwrap();
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ fn api_stream_send_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
r.block_on(async {
let network = network;
let mut network = network;
let remote = remote;
@ -196,8 +196,8 @@ fn api_stream_send_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let _stream_p = remote_p
.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)
let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
let stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
//Send Message
stream_a.send("Hello World")?;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ fn api_stream_recv_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let network = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
let remote = Network::new(Pid::new(), &r);
r.block_on(async {
let network = network;
let mut network = network;
let remote = remote;
@ -221,11 +221,11 @@ fn api_stream_recv_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let remote_p = remote
let mut stream_p = remote_p
let stream_p = remote_p
.open(4, Promises::ORDERED | Promises::CONSISTENCY, 0)
stream_p.send("Hello World")?;
let participant_a = network.connected().await?;
let mut participant_a = network.connected().await?;
let mut stream_a = participant_a.opened().await?;
//Send Message
assert_eq!("Hello World".to_string(), stream_a.recv::<String>().await?);
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ fn api_stream_recv_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
fn wrong_parse() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
match r.block_on(s1_b.recv::<String>()) {
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ fn wrong_parse() {
fn multiple_try_recv() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcp());
@ -295,9 +295,9 @@ fn listen_on_ipv6_doesnt_block_ipv4() {
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcpv6);
let (_r, _n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = network_participant_stream(tcpv6);
let (_r2, _n_a2, _p_a2, mut s1_a2, _n_b2, _p_b2, mut s1_b2) = network_participant_stream(tcpv4);
let (_r2, _n_a2, _p_a2, s1_a2, _n_b2, _p_b2, mut s1_b2) = network_participant_stream(tcpv4);
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ fn listen_on_ipv6_doesnt_block_ipv4() {
fn check_correct_channel_events() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let con_addr = tcp();
let (r, _n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(con_addr.clone());
let (r, _n_a, mut p_a, _, _n_b, mut p_b, _) = network_participant_stream(con_addr.clone());
let event_a = r.block_on(p_a.fetch_event()).unwrap();
let event_b = r.block_on(p_b.fetch_event()).unwrap();
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ rustls-pemfile = { version = "1", default-features = false }
atomicwrites = "0.3.0"
chrono = { version = "0.4.22", features = ["serde"] }
chrono-tz = { version = "0.6", features = ["serde"] }
drop_guard = { version = "0.3.0" }
humantime = "2.1.0"
itertools = "0.10"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ serde = { version = "1.0.110", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.50"
rand = { version = "0.8", features = ["small_rng"] }
hashbrown = { version = "0.12", features = ["rayon", "serde", "nightly"] }
parking_lot = { version = "0.12" }
rayon = "1.5"
crossbeam-channel = "0.5"
prometheus = { version = "0.13", default-features = false}
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use common::{
use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
use specs::Entity as EcsEntity;
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
@ -59,6 +60,14 @@ impl ChunkGenerator {
let index = index.as_index_ref();
let payload = world
.generate_chunk(index, key, || cancel.load(Ordering::Relaxed), Some(time))
// FIXME: Since only the first entity who cancels a chunk is notified, we end up
// delaying chunk re-requests for up to 3 seconds for other clients, which isn't
// great. We *could* store all the other requesting clients here, but it could
// bloat memory a lot. Currently, this isn't much of an issue because we rarely
// have large numbers of pending chunks, so most of them are likely to be nearby an
// actual player most of the time, but that will eventually change. In the future,
// some solution that always pushes chunk updates to players (rather than waiting
// for explicit requests) should adequately solve this kind of issue.
.map_err(|_| entity);
let _ = chunk_tx.send((key, payload));
@ -82,6 +91,10 @@ impl ChunkGenerator {
pub fn par_pending_chunks(&self) -> impl rayon::iter::ParallelIterator<Item = Vec2<i32>> + '_ {
pub fn cancel_if_pending(&mut self, key: Vec2<i32>) {
if let Some(cancel) = self.pending_chunks.remove(&key) {
cancel.store(true, Ordering::Relaxed);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use common_net::msg::{ClientType, ServerGeneral, ServerMsg};
use network::{Message, Participant, Stream, StreamError, StreamParams};
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use specs::Component;
use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Mutex};
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;
/// Client handles ALL network related information of everything that connects
/// to the server Client DOES NOT handle game states
@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ use std::sync::{atomic::AtomicBool, Mutex};
pub struct Client {
pub client_type: ClientType,
pub participant: Option<Participant>,
pub last_ping: Mutex<f64>,
pub last_ping: f64,
pub login_msg_sent: AtomicBool,
//TODO: improve network crate so that `send` is no longer `&mut self` and we can get rid of
// this Mutex. This Mutex is just to please the compiler as we do not get into contention
general_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
ping_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
register_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
character_screen_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
in_game_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
terrain_stream: Mutex<Stream>,
//TODO: Consider splitting each of these out into their own components so all the message
//processing systems can run in parallel with each other (though it may turn out not to
//matter that much).
general_stream: Stream,
ping_stream: Stream,
register_stream: Stream,
character_screen_stream: Stream,
in_game_stream: Stream,
terrain_stream: Stream,
general_stream_params: StreamParams,
ping_stream_params: StreamParams,
@ -63,14 +64,14 @@ impl Client {
Client {
participant: Some(participant),
last_ping: Mutex::new(last_ping),
login_msg_sent: AtomicBool::new(false),
general_stream: Mutex::new(general_stream),
ping_stream: Mutex::new(ping_stream),
register_stream: Mutex::new(register_stream),
character_screen_stream: Mutex::new(character_screen_stream),
in_game_stream: Mutex::new(in_game_stream),
terrain_stream: Mutex::new(terrain_stream),
@ -145,16 +146,12 @@ impl Client {
pub(crate) fn send_prepared(&self, msg: &PreparedMsg) -> Result<(), StreamError> {
match msg.stream_id {
0 => self.register_stream.lock().unwrap().send_raw(&msg.message),
1 => self
2 => self.in_game_stream.lock().unwrap().send_raw(&msg.message),
3 => self.general_stream.lock().unwrap().send_raw(&msg.message),
4 => self.ping_stream.lock().unwrap().send_raw(&msg.message),
5 => self.terrain_stream.lock().unwrap().send_raw(&msg.message),
0 => self.register_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
1 => self.character_screen_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
2 => self.in_game_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
3 => self.general_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
4 => self.ping_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
5 => self.terrain_stream.send_raw(&msg.message),
_ => unreachable!("invalid stream id"),
@ -238,17 +235,17 @@ impl Client {
pub(crate) fn recv<M: DeserializeOwned>(
&mut self,
stream_id: u8,
) -> Result<Option<M>, StreamError> {
// TODO: are two systems using the same stream?? why is there contention here?
match stream_id {
0 => self.register_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
1 => self.character_screen_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
2 => self.in_game_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
3 => self.general_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
4 => self.ping_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
5 => self.terrain_stream.lock().unwrap().try_recv(),
0 => self.register_stream.try_recv(),
1 => self.character_screen_stream.try_recv(),
2 => self.in_game_stream.try_recv(),
3 => self.general_stream.try_recv(),
4 => self.ping_stream.try_recv(),
5 => self.terrain_stream.try_recv(),
_ => unreachable!("invalid stream id"),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use crate::{Client, ClientType, ServerInfo};
use crossbeam_channel::{bounded, unbounded, Receiver, Sender};
use futures_util::future::FutureExt;
use network::{Network, Participant, Promises};
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration};
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::{runtime::Runtime, select, sync::oneshot};
use tracing::{debug, error, trace, warn};
@ -14,7 +14,13 @@ pub(crate) struct ServerInfoPacket {
pub(crate) type IncomingClient = Client;
pub(crate) struct ConnectionHandler {
_network: Arc<Network>,
/// We never actually use this, but if it's dropped before the network has a
/// chance to exit, it won't block the main thread, and if it is dropped
/// after the network thread ends, it will drop the network here (rather
/// than delaying the network thread). So it emulates the effects of
/// storing the network in an Arc, without us losing mutability in the
/// network thread.
_network_receiver: oneshot::Receiver<Network>,
thread_handle: Option<tokio::task::JoinHandle<()>>,
pub client_receiver: Receiver<IncomingClient>,
pub info_requester_receiver: Receiver<Sender<ServerInfoPacket>>,
@ -27,36 +33,48 @@ pub(crate) struct ConnectionHandler {
/// and time
impl ConnectionHandler {
pub fn new(network: Network, runtime: &Runtime) -> Self {
let network = Arc::new(network);
let network_clone = Arc::clone(&network);
let (stop_sender, stop_receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let (network_sender, _network_receiver) = oneshot::channel();
let (client_sender, client_receiver) = unbounded::<IncomingClient>();
let (info_requester_sender, info_requester_receiver) =
let thread_handle = Some(runtime.spawn(Self::work(
Self {
_network: network,
stop_sender: Some(stop_sender),
async fn work(
network: Arc<Network>,
network: Network,
client_sender: Sender<IncomingClient>,
info_requester_sender: Sender<Sender<ServerInfoPacket>>,
stop_receiver: oneshot::Receiver<()>,
network_sender: oneshot::Sender<Network>,
) {
// Emulate the effects of storing the network in an Arc, without losing
// mutability.
let mut network_sender = Some(network_sender);
let mut network = drop_guard::guard(network, move |network| {
// If the network receiver was already dropped, we just drop the network here,
// just like Arc, so we don't care about the result.
let _ = network_sender
.expect("Only used once in drop")
let mut stop_receiver = stop_receiver.fuse();
loop {
let participant = match select!(
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ use common::{
event::{EventBus, ServerEvent},
resources::{BattleMode, Time, TimeOfDay},
resources::{BattleMode, GameMode, Time, TimeOfDay},
terrain::{TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize},
@ -244,7 +244,45 @@ impl Server {
let battlemode_buffer = BattleModeBuffer::default();
let mut state = State::server();
let pools = State::pools(GameMode::Server);
#[cfg(feature = "worldgen")]
let (world, index) = World::generate(
WorldOpts {
seed_elements: true,
world_file: if let Some(ref opts) = settings.map_file {
} else {
// Load default map from assets.
calendar: Some(settings.calendar_mode.calendar_now()),
#[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))]
let (world, index) = World::generate(settings.world_seed);
#[cfg(feature = "worldgen")]
let map = world.get_map_data(index.as_index_ref(), &pools);
#[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))]
let map = WorldMapMsg {
dimensions_lg: Vec2::zero(),
max_height: 1.0,
rgba: Grid::new(Vec2::new(1, 1), 1),
horizons: [(vec![0], vec![0]), (vec![0], vec![0])],
alt: Grid::new(Vec2::new(1, 1), 1),
sites: Vec::new(),
pois: Vec::new(),
default_chunk: Arc::new(world.generate_oob_chunk()),
let mut state = State::server(
@ -295,6 +333,7 @@ impl Server {
let pool = state.ecs_mut().write_resource::<SlowJobPool>();
pool.configure("CHUNK_DROP", |_n| 1);
pool.configure("CHUNK_GENERATOR", |n| n / 2 + n / 4);
pool.configure("CHUNK_SERIALIZER", |n| n / 2);
@ -350,39 +389,6 @@ impl Server {
.insert(AutoMod::new(&settings.moderation, censor));
#[cfg(feature = "worldgen")]
let (world, index) = World::generate(
WorldOpts {
seed_elements: true,
world_file: if let Some(ref opts) = settings.map_file {
} else {
// Load default map from assets.
calendar: Some(settings.calendar_mode.calendar_now()),
#[cfg(feature = "worldgen")]
let map = world.get_map_data(index.as_index_ref(), state.thread_pool());
#[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))]
let (world, index) = World::generate(settings.world_seed);
#[cfg(not(feature = "worldgen"))]
let map = WorldMapMsg {
dimensions_lg: Vec2::zero(),
max_height: 1.0,
rgba: Grid::new(Vec2::new(1, 1), 1),
horizons: [(vec![0], vec![0]), (vec![0], vec![0])],
sea_level: 0.0,
alt: Grid::new(Vec2::new(1, 1), 1),
sites: Vec::new(),
pois: Vec::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "worldgen")]
@ -784,10 +790,11 @@ impl Server {
// so, we delete them. We check for
// `home_chunk` in order to avoid duplicating
// the entity under some circumstances.
terrain.get_key(chunk_key).is_none() && terrain.get_key(*hc).is_none()
&& terrain.get_key_real(*hc).is_none()
Some(Anchor::Entity(entity)) => !self.state.ecs().is_alive(*entity),
None => terrain.get_key(chunk_key).is_none(),
None => terrain.get_key_real(chunk_key).is_none(),
.map(|(entity, _, _, _)| entity)
@ -97,16 +97,15 @@ impl LoginProvider {
PendingLogin { pending_r }
pub(crate) fn login(
&mut self,
pub(crate) fn login<R>(
pending: &mut PendingLogin,
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")] world: &EcsWorld,
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")] plugin_manager: &PluginMgr,
admins: &HashMap<Uuid, AdminRecord>,
whitelist: &HashMap<Uuid, WhitelistRecord>,
banlist: &HashMap<Uuid, BanEntry>,
player_count_exceeded: bool,
) -> Option<Result<(String, Uuid), RegisterError>> {
player_count_exceeded: impl FnOnce(String, Uuid) -> (bool, R),
) -> Option<Result<R, RegisterError>> {
match pending.pending_r.try_recv() {
Ok(Err(e)) => Some(Err(e)),
Ok(Ok((username, uuid))) => {
@ -138,15 +137,13 @@ impl LoginProvider {
return Some(Err(RegisterError::NotOnWhitelist));
// non-admins can only join if the player count has not been exceeded.
if admin.is_none() && player_count_exceeded {
return Some(Err(RegisterError::TooManyPlayers));
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
// Plugin player join hooks execute for all players, but are only allowed to
// filter non-admins.
// We also run it before checking player count, to avoid lock contention in the
// plugin.
match plugin_manager.execute_event(world, &PlayerJoinEvent {
player_name: username.clone(),
player_id: *uuid.as_bytes(),
@ -166,8 +163,13 @@ impl LoginProvider {
info!(?username, "New User");
Some(Ok((username, uuid)))
// non-admins can only join if the player count has not been exceeded.
let (player_count_exceeded, res) = player_count_exceeded(username, uuid);
if admin.is_none() && player_count_exceeded {
return Some(Err(RegisterError::TooManyPlayers));
Err(oneshot::error::TryRecvError::Closed) => {
error!("channel got closed to early, this shouldn't happen");
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ pub struct Settings {
pub gameserver_protocols: Vec<Protocol>,
pub metrics_address: SocketAddr,
pub auth_server_address: Option<String>,
pub max_players: usize,
pub max_players: u16,
pub world_seed: u32,
pub server_name: String,
pub start_time: f64,
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
.filter_map(|(chunk_key, meta)| {
.map(|chunk| (Arc::clone(chunk), chunk_key, meta))
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use common::{
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{ClientGeneral, ServerGeneral};
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, WriteExpect};
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, WriteExpect, WriteStorage};
use std::sync::{atomic::Ordering, Arc};
use tracing::debug;
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
ReadExpect<'a, CharacterLoader>,
WriteExpect<'a, CharacterUpdater>,
ReadStorage<'a, Uid>,
ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
ReadStorage<'a, Admin>,
ReadStorage<'a, Presence>,
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
mut character_updater,
mut clients,
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
) {
let mut server_emitter = server_event_bus.emitter();
for (entity, client) in (&entities, &clients).join() {
for (entity, client) in (&entities, &mut clients).join() {
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 1, |client, msg| {
&mut server_emitter,
@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ use common::{
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::ClientGeneral;
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadStorage};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{Entities, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadStorage, WriteStorage};
use tracing::{debug, error, warn};
impl Sys {
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
ReadStorage<'a, Uid>,
ReadStorage<'a, ChatMode>,
ReadStorage<'a, Player>,
ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
const NAME: &'static str = "msg::general";
@ -79,27 +80,30 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
(entities, server_event_bus, time, uids, chat_modes, players, clients): Self::SystemData,
(entities, server_event_bus, time, uids, chat_modes, players, mut clients): Self::SystemData,
) {
let mut server_emitter = server_event_bus.emitter();
(&entities, &mut clients, players.maybe())
|| server_event_bus.emitter(),
|server_emitter, (entity, client, player)| {
let res = super::try_recv_all(client, 3, |client, msg| {
for (entity, client, player) in (&entities, &clients, players.maybe()).join() {
let res = super::try_recv_all(client, 3, |client, msg| {
&mut server_emitter,
if let Ok(1_u64..=u64::MAX) = res {
// Update client ping.
*client.last_ping.lock().unwrap() = time.0
if let Ok(1_u64..=u64::MAX) = res {
// Update client ping.
client.last_ping = time.0
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ pub fn add_server_systems(dispatch_builder: &mut DispatcherBuilder) {
/// handles all send msg and calls a handle fn
/// Aborts when a error occurred returns cnt of successful msg otherwise
pub(crate) fn try_recv_all<M, F>(
client: &Client,
client: &mut Client,
stream_id: u8,
mut f: F,
) -> Result<u64, crate::error::Error>
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ use common::{
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::PingMsg;
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadStorage};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{Entities, ParJoin, Read, WriteStorage};
use tracing::{debug, info};
impl Sys {
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
Read<'a, EventBus<ServerEvent>>,
Read<'a, Time>,
ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
Read<'a, Settings>,
@ -36,45 +37,49 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
(entities, server_event_bus, time, clients, settings): Self::SystemData,
(entities, server_event_bus, time, mut clients, settings): Self::SystemData,
) {
let mut server_emitter = server_event_bus.emitter();
(&entities, &mut clients).par_join().for_each_init(
|| server_event_bus.emitter(),
|server_emitter, (entity, client)| {
// ignore network events
while let Some(Ok(Some(_))) =
client.participant.as_mut().map(|p| p.try_fetch_event())
for (entity, client) in (&entities, &clients).join() {
// ignore network events
while let Some(Ok(Some(_))) = client.participant.as_ref().map(|p| p.try_fetch_event()) {
let res = super::try_recv_all(client, 4, Self::handle_ping_msg);
let res = super::try_recv_all(client, 4, Self::handle_ping_msg);
match res {
Err(e) => {
debug!(?entity, ?e, "network error with client, disconnecting");
Ok(1_u64..=u64::MAX) => {
// Update client ping.
*client.last_ping.lock().unwrap() = time.0
Ok(0) => {
let last_ping: f64 = *client.last_ping.lock().unwrap();
if time.0 - last_ping > settings.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64
// Timeout
info!(?entity, "timeout error with client, disconnecting");
match res {
Err(e) => {
debug!(?entity, ?e, "network error with client, disconnecting");
} else if time.0 - last_ping > settings.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64 * 0.5 {
// Try pinging the client if the timeout is nearing.
Ok(1_u64..=u64::MAX) => {
// Update client ping.
client.last_ping = time.0
Ok(0) => {
let last_ping: f64 = client.last_ping;
if time.0 - last_ping > settings.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64
// Timeout
info!(?entity, "timeout error with client, disconnecting");
} else if time.0 - last_ping
> settings.client_timeout.as_secs() as f64 * 0.5
// Try pinging the client if the timeout is nearing.
@ -12,18 +12,21 @@ use common::{
uid::{Uid, UidAllocator},
use common_base::prof_span;
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{
CharacterInfo, ClientRegister, DisconnectReason, PlayerInfo, PlayerListUpdate, RegisterError,
ServerGeneral, ServerInit, WorldMapMsg,
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use hashbrown::{hash_map, HashMap};
use itertools::Either;
use plugin_api::Health;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{
shred::ResourceId, storage::StorageEntry, Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage,
SystemData, World, WriteExpect, WriteStorage,
shred::ResourceId, Entities, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, SystemData, World,
use tracing::{debug, trace};
use tracing::{debug, info, trace, warn};
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
use {common_state::plugin::memory_manager::EcsWorld, common_state::plugin::PluginMgr};
@ -38,8 +41,8 @@ pub struct ReadData<'a> {
entities: Entities<'a>,
stats: ReadStorage<'a, Stats>,
uids: ReadStorage<'a, Uid>,
clients: ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
server_event_bus: Read<'a, EventBus<ServerEvent>>,
login_provider: ReadExpect<'a, LoginProvider>,
player_metrics: ReadExpect<'a, PlayerMetrics>,
settings: ReadExpect<'a, Settings>,
editable_settings: ReadExpect<'a, EditableSettings>,
@ -59,10 +62,10 @@ pub struct Sys;
impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
type SystemData = (
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Player>,
WriteStorage<'a, Admin>,
WriteStorage<'a, PendingLogin>,
WriteExpect<'a, LoginProvider>,
const NAME: &'static str = "msg::register";
@ -71,218 +74,346 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
mut players,
mut admins,
mut pending_logins,
mut login_provider,
): Self::SystemData,
(read_data, mut clients, mut players, mut admins, mut pending_logins): Self::SystemData,
) {
let mut server_emitter = read_data.server_event_bus.emitter();
// Player list to send new players.
let player_list = (
// Player list to send new players, and lookup from UUID to entity (so we don't
// have to do a linear scan over all entities on each login to see if
// it's a duplicate).
// NOTE: For this to work as desired, we must maintain the invariant that there
// is just one player per UUID!
let (player_list, old_players_by_uuid): (HashMap<_, _>, HashMap<_, _>) = (
.map(|(uid, player, stats, admin)| {
(*uid, PlayerInfo {
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admin.is_some(),
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
character: stats.map(|stats| CharacterInfo {
name: stats.name.clone(),
.map(|(entity, uid, player, stats, admin)| {
(*uid, PlayerInfo {
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admin.is_some(),
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
character: stats.map(|stats| CharacterInfo {
name: stats.name.clone(),
uuid: player.uuid(),
uuid: player.uuid(),
(player.uuid(), entity),
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
let max_players = usize::from(read_data.settings.max_players);
// NOTE: max_players starts as a u16, so this will not use unlimited memory even
// if people set absurdly high values (though we should also cap the value
// elsewhere).
let capacity = max_players * 2;
// List of new players to update player lists of all clients.
let mut new_players = Vec::new();
// Big enough that we hopefully won't have to reallocate.
// Also includes a list of logins to retry and finished_pending, since we
// happen to update those around the same time that we update the new
// players list.
// NOTE: stdlib mutex is more than good enough on Linux and (probably) Windows,
// but not Mac.
let new_players = parking_lot::Mutex::new((
HashMap::<_, (_, _, _, _)>::with_capacity(capacity),
// defer auth lockup
for (entity, client) in (&read_data.entities, &read_data.clients).join() {
for (entity, client) in (&read_data.entities, &mut clients).join() {
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 0, |_, msg: ClientRegister| {
trace!(?msg.token_or_username, "defer auth lockup");
let pending = login_provider.verify(&msg.token_or_username);
let pending = read_data.login_provider.verify(&msg.token_or_username);
let _ = pending_logins.insert(entity, pending);
let mut finished_pending = vec![];
let mut retries = vec![];
let mut player_count = player_list.len();
let max_players = read_data.settings.max_players;
for (entity, client, pending) in
(&read_data.entities, &read_data.clients, &mut pending_logins).join()
if let Err(e) = || -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> {
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
let ecs_world = EcsWorld {
entities: &read_data.entities,
health: (&read_data._healths).into(),
uid: (&read_data.uids).into(),
player: (&players).into(),
uid_allocator: &read_data._uid_allocator,
let old_player_count = player_list.len();
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
let ecs_world = EcsWorld {
entities: &read_data.entities,
health: (&read_data._healths).into(),
uid: (&read_data.uids).into(),
// NOTE: Only the old player list is provided, to avoid scalability
// bottlenecks.
player: (&players).into(),
uid_allocator: &read_data._uid_allocator,
let (username, uuid) = match login_provider.login(
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
player_count >= max_players,
) {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(r) => {
// NOTE: this is just default value.
// It will be overwritten in ServerExt::update_character_data.
let battle_mode = read_data.settings.gameplay.battle_mode.default_mode();
&mut pending_logins,
// NOTE: Required because Specs has very poor work splitting for sparse joins.
|| read_data.server_event_bus.emitter(),
|server_emitter, (entity, uid, client, _, pending)| {
prof_span!("msg::register login");
if let Err(e) = || -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> {
let extra_checks = |username: String, uuid: authc::Uuid| {
// We construct a few things outside the lock to reduce contention.
let pending_login =
PendingLogin::new_success(username.clone(), uuid);
let player = Player::new(username, battle_mode, uuid, None);
let admin = read_data.editable_settings.admins.get(&uuid);
let msg = player
.then_some(PlayerInfo {
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admin.is_some(),
character: None, // new players will be on character select.
uuid: player.uuid(),
.map(|player_info| {
// Prepare the player list update to be sent to all clients.
PlayerListUpdate::Add(*uid, player_info),
// Check if this player was already logged in before the system
// started.
let old_player = old_players_by_uuid
// We only need the old client to report an error; however, we
// can't assume the old player has a client (even though it would
// be a bit strange for them not to), so we have to remember that
// case. So we grab the old client (outside the lock, to avoid
// contention). We have to distinguish this from the case of a
// *new* player already having logged in (which we can't check
// until the lock is taken); in that case, we *know* the client
// is present, since the list is only populated by the current
// join (which includes the client).
.map(|entity| (entity, Some(clients.get(entity))));
// We take the lock only when necessary, and for a short duration,
// to avoid contention with other threads. We need to hold the
// guard past the end of the login function because otherwise
// there's a race between when we read it and when we (potentially)
// write to it.
let guard = new_players.lock();
// Guard comes first in the tuple so it's dropped before the other
// stuff if login returns an error.
old_player_count + guard.0.len() >= max_players,
(guard, (pending_login, player, admin, msg, old_player)),
// Destructure new_players_guard last so it gets dropped before the other
// three.
let (
(pending_login, player, admin, msg, old_player),
mut new_players_guard,
) = match LoginProvider::login(
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
#[cfg(feature = "plugins")]
) {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(r) => {
match r {
Err(e) => {
// NOTE: Done only on error to avoid doing extra work within
// the lock.
trace!(?e, "pending login returned error");
return Ok(());
// Swap the order of the tuple, so when it's destructured guard
// is dropped first.
Ok((guard, res)) => (res, guard),
let (new_players_by_uuid, retries, finished_pending) = &mut *new_players_guard;
trace!(?r, "pending login returned");
match r {
Err(e) => {
// Check if the user logged in before us during this tick (this is why we
// need the lock held).
let uuid = player.uuid();
let old_player = old_player.map_or_else(
move || match new_players_by_uuid.entry(uuid) {
// We don't actually extract the client yet, to avoid doing extra
// work with the lock held.
hash_map::Entry::Occupied(o) => Either::Left((o.get().0, None)),
hash_map::Entry::Vacant(v) => Either::Right(v),
let vacant_player = match old_player {
Either::Left((old_entity, old_client)) => {
if matches!(old_client, None | Some(Some(_))) {
// We can't login the new client right now as the
// removal of the old client and player occurs later in
// the tick, so we instead setup the new login to be
// processed in the next tick
// Create "fake" successful pending auth and mark it to
// be inserted into pending_logins at the end of this
// run.
retries.push((entity, pending_login));
let old_client = old_client
.or_else(|| clients.get(old_entity))
"All entries in the new player list were explicitly \
joining on client",
let _ = old_client.send(ServerGeneral::Disconnect(
"You have logged in from another location.",
} else {
// A player without a client is strange, so we don't really want
// to retry. Warn about this case and hope that trying to
// perform the disconnect process removes the invalid player
// entry.
"Player without client detected for entity {:?}",
// Remove old client
return Ok(());
Ok((username, uuid)) => (username, uuid),
Either::Right(v) => v,
// Check if user is already logged-in
if let Some((old_entity, old_client, _)) =
(&read_data.entities, &read_data.clients, &players)
.find(|(_, _, old_player)| old_player.uuid() == uuid)
// Remove old client
let _ = old_client.send(ServerGeneral::Disconnect(DisconnectReason::Kicked(
String::from("You have logged in from another location."),
// We can't login the new client right now as the
// removal of the old client and player occurs later in
// the tick, so we instead setup the new login to be
// processed in the next tick
// Create "fake" successful pending auth and mark it to
// be inserted into pending_logins at the end of this
// run
retries.push((entity, PendingLogin::new_success(username, uuid)));
return Ok(());
let Some(msg) = msg else {
// Invalid player
return Ok(());
// NOTE: this is just default value.
// It will be overwritten in ServerExt::update_character_data.
let battle_mode = read_data.settings.gameplay.battle_mode.default_mode();
let player = Player::new(username, battle_mode, uuid, None);
// We know the player list didn't already contain this entity because we
// joined on !players, so we can assume from here that we'll definitely be
// adding a new player.
let admin = read_data.editable_settings.admins.get(&uuid);
// Add to list to notify all clients of the new player
vacant_player.insert((entity, player, admin, msg));
if !player.is_valid() {
// Invalid player
return Ok(());
// Tell the client its request was successful.
if let Ok(StorageEntry::Vacant(v)) = players.entry(entity) {
// Add Player component to this client, if the entity exists.
player_count += 1;
// Send client all the tracked components currently attached to its entity
// as well as synced resources (currently only `TimeOfDay`)
debug!("Starting initial sync with client.");
client.send(ServerInit::GameSync {
// Send client their entity
entity_package: read_data
.create_entity_package_with_uid(entity, *uid, None, None, None),
time_of_day: *read_data.time_of_day,
max_group_size: read_data.settings.max_player_group_size,
client_timeout: read_data.settings.client_timeout,
world_map: (*read_data.map).clone(),
recipe_book: default_recipe_book().cloned(),
component_recipe_book: default_component_recipe_book().cloned(),
material_stats: (*read_data.material_stats).clone(),
ability_map: (*read_data.ability_map).clone(),
debug!("Done initial sync with client.");
// Give the Admin component to the player if their name exists in
// admin list
if let Some(admin) = admin {
.insert(entity, Admin(admin.role.into()))
.expect("Inserting into players proves the entity exists.");
// Send initial player list
}() {
trace!(?e, "failed to process register");
// Tell the client its request was successful.
// Send client all the tracked components currently attached to its entity as
// well as synced resources (currently only `TimeOfDay`)
debug!("Starting initial sync with client.");
client.send(ServerInit::GameSync {
// Send client their entity
.create_entity_package(entity, None, None, None)
// NOTE: We are apparently okay with crashing if a uid is removed from
// a non-logged-in player without removing the whole thing.
"We created this entity as marked() (using create_entity_synced) so \
it definitely has a uid",
time_of_day: *read_data.time_of_day,
max_group_size: read_data.settings.max_player_group_size,
client_timeout: read_data.settings.client_timeout,
world_map: (*read_data.map).clone(),
recipe_book: default_recipe_book().cloned(),
component_recipe_book: default_component_recipe_book().cloned(),
material_stats: (*read_data.material_stats).clone(),
ability_map: (*read_data.ability_map).clone(),
debug!("Done initial sync with client.");
// Send initial player list
// Add to list to notify all clients of the new player
}() {
trace!(?e, "failed to process register")
for e in finished_pending {
let (new_players, retries, finished_pending) = new_players.into_inner();
finished_pending.into_iter().for_each(|e| {
// Remove all entities in finished_pending from pending_logins.
// Insert retry attempts back into pending_logins to be processed next tick
for (entity, pending) in retries {
let _ = pending_logins.insert(entity, pending);
// Handle new players.
// Tell all clients to add them to the player list.
let player_info = |entity| {
let player_info = read_data.uids.get(entity).zip(players.get(entity));
player_info.map(|(u, p)| (entity, u, p))
for (entity, uid, player) in new_players.into_iter().filter_map(player_info) {
let mut lazy_msg = None;
for (_, client) in (&players, &read_data.clients).join() {
if lazy_msg.is_none() {
lazy_msg = Some(client.prepare(ServerGeneral::PlayerListUpdate(
PlayerListUpdate::Add(*uid, PlayerInfo {
player_alias: player.alias.clone(),
is_online: true,
is_moderator: admins.get(entity).is_some(),
character: None, // new players will be on character select.
uuid: player.uuid(),
let msgs = new_players
.map(|(entity, player, admin, msg)| {
let username = &player.alias;
info!(?username, "New User");
// Add Player component to this client.
// Note that since players has been write locked for the duration of this
// system, we know that nobody else added any players since we
// last checked its value, and we checked that everything in
// new_players was not already in players, so we know the insert
// succeeds and the old entry was vacant. Moreover, we know that all new
// players we added have different UUIDs both from each other, and from any old
// players, preserving the uniqueness invariant.
.insert(entity, player)
.expect("The entity was joined against in the same system, so it exists");
// Give the Admin component to the player if their name exists in
// admin list
if let Some(admin) = admin {
.insert(entity, Admin(admin.role.into()))
.expect("Inserting into players proves the entity exists.");
lazy_msg.as_ref().map(|msg| client.send_prepared(msg));
// Tell all clients to add the new players to the player list, in parallel.
(players.mask(), &clients)
.for_each(|(_, client)| {
// Send messages sequentially within each client; by the time we have enough
// players to make parallelizing useful, we will have way more
// players than cores.
msgs.iter().for_each(|msg| {
let _ = client.send_prepared(msg);
@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use common::{
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, ParMode, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{ClientGeneral, ServerGeneral};
use rayon::iter::ParallelIterator;
use specs::{Entities, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, Write};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, Write, WriteStorage};
use tracing::{debug, trace};
/// This system will handle new messages from clients
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
Write<'a, Vec<ChunkRequest>>,
ReadStorage<'a, Pos>,
ReadStorage<'a, Presence>,
ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
WriteStorage<'a, Client>,
const NAME: &'static str = "msg::terrain";
@ -48,17 +48,19 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
mut chunk_requests,
mut clients,
): Self::SystemData,
) {
let mut new_chunk_requests = (&entities, &clients, (&presences).maybe())
let mut new_chunk_requests = (&entities, &mut clients, (&presences).maybe())
// NOTE: Required because Specs has very poor work splitting for sparse joins.
|| (chunk_send_bus.emitter(), server_event_bus.emitter()),
|(chunk_send_emitter, server_emitter), (entity, client, maybe_presence)| {
let mut chunk_requests = Vec::new();
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 5, |_, msg| {
let _ = super::try_recv_all(client, 5, |client, msg| {
let presence = match maybe_presence {
Some(g) => g,
None => {
@ -64,7 +64,23 @@ macro_rules! trackers {
vel: Option<Vel>,
ori: Option<Ori>,
) -> Option<EntityPackage<EcsCompPacket>> {
let uid = self.uid.get(entity).copied()?.0;
let uid = self.uid.get(entity).copied()?;
Some(self.create_entity_package_with_uid(entity, uid, pos, vel, ori))
/// See [create_entity_package].
/// NOTE: Only if you're certain you know the UID for the entity, and it hasn't
/// changed!
pub fn create_entity_package_with_uid(
entity: EcsEntity,
uid: Uid,
pos: Option<Pos>,
vel: Option<Vel>,
ori: Option<Ori>,
) -> EntityPackage<EcsCompPacket> {
let uid = uid.0;
let mut comps = Vec::new();
// NOTE: we could potentially include a bitmap indicating which components are present instead of tagging
// components with the type in order to save bandwidth
@ -94,7 +110,7 @@ macro_rules! trackers {
vel.map(|c| comps.push(c.into()));
ori.map(|c| comps.push(c.into()));
Some(EntityPackage { uid, comps })
EntityPackage { uid, comps }
/// Create sync package for switching a client to another entity specifically to
@ -32,7 +32,13 @@ use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::ServerGeneral;
use common_state::TerrainChanges;
use comp::Behavior;
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage, Write, WriteExpect, WriteStorage};
use core::cmp::Reverse;
use itertools::Itertools;
use rayon::{iter::Either, prelude::*};
use specs::{
storage::GenericReadStorage, Entities, Entity, Join, ParJoin, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage,
Write, WriteExpect, WriteStorage,
use std::sync::Arc;
use vek::*;
@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
let chunk = Arc::new(chunk);
// Add to list of chunks to send to nearby players.
new_chunks.push((key, Arc::clone(&chunk)));
// TODO: code duplication for chunk insertion between here and state.rs
// Insert the chunk into terrain changes
@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
// Insert a safezone if chunk contains the spawn position
if server_settings.gameplay.safe_spawn && is_spawn_chunk(key, *spawn_point, &terrain) {
if server_settings.gameplay.safe_spawn && is_spawn_chunk(key, *spawn_point) {
server_emitter.emit(ServerEvent::CreateSafezone {
range: Some(SAFE_ZONE_RADIUS),
pos: Pos(spawn_point.0),
@ -231,93 +237,167 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
let mut repositioned = Vec::new();
for (entity, pos, _) in (&entities, &mut positions, &reposition_on_load).join() {
// If an entity is marked as needing repositioning once the chunk loads (e.g.
// from having just logged in), reposition them.
let chunk_pos = terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e as i32));
if let Some(chunk) = terrain.get_key(chunk_pos) {
pos.0 = terrain
// TODO: Consider putting this in another system since this forces us to take
// positions by write rather than read access.
let repositioned = (&entities, &mut positions, (&mut force_update).maybe(), reposition_on_load.mask())
// TODO: Consider using par_bridge() because Rayon has very poor work splitting for
// sparse joins.
.filter_map(|(entity, pos, force_update, _)| {
// NOTE: We use regular as casts rather than as_ because we want to saturate on
// overflow.
let entity_pos = pos.0.map(|x| x as i32);
// If an entity is marked as needing repositioning once the chunk loads (e.g.
// from having just logged in), reposition them.
let chunk_pos = TerrainGrid::chunk_key(entity_pos);
let chunk = terrain.get_key(chunk_pos)?;
let new_pos = terrain
.map(|x| x.as_::<f32>())
.unwrap_or_else(|| chunk.find_accessible_pos(pos.0.xy().as_::<i32>(), false));
.map(|force_update| force_update.update());
let _ = waypoints.insert(entity, Waypoint::new(pos.0, *time));
for entity in repositioned {
.unwrap_or_else(|| chunk.find_accessible_pos(entity_pos.xy(), false));
pos.0 = new_pos;
force_update.map(|force_update| force_update.update());
Some((entity, new_pos))
for (entity, new_pos) in repositioned {
let _ = waypoints.insert(entity, Waypoint::new(new_pos, *time));
// Send the chunk to all nearby players.
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
|| chunk_send_bus.emitter(),
|chunk_send_emitter, (key, _chunk)| {
(&entities, &presences, &positions, &clients)
.for_each(|(entity, presence, pos, _client)| {
let chunk_pos = terrain.pos_key(pos.0.map(|e| e as i32));
// Subtract 2 from the offset before computing squared magnitude
// 1 since chunks need neighbors to be meshed
// 1 to act as a buffer if the player moves in that direction
let adjusted_dist_sqr = (chunk_pos - key)
.map(|e: i32| (e.unsigned_abs()).saturating_sub(2))
let max_view_distance = server_settings.max_view_distance.unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
let (presences_position_entities, presences_positions) = prepare_player_presences(
let real_max_view_distance = convert_to_loaded_vd(u32::MAX, max_view_distance);
if adjusted_dist_sqr <= presence.terrain_view_distance.current().pow(2) {
chunk_send_emitter.emit(ChunkSendEntry {
chunk_key: key,
// Send the chunks to all nearby players.
|| chunk_send_bus.emitter(),
|chunk_send_emitter, chunk_key| {
// We only have to check players inside the maximum view distance of the server
// of our own position.
// We start by partitioning by X, finding only entities in chunks within the X
// range of us. These are guaranteed in bounds due to restrictions on max view
// distance (namely: the square of any chunk coordinate plus the max view
// distance along both axes must fit in an i32).
let min_chunk_x = chunk_key.x - real_max_view_distance;
let max_chunk_x = chunk_key.x + real_max_view_distance;
let start = presences_position_entities
.partition_point(|((pos, _), _)| i32::from(pos.x) < min_chunk_x);
// NOTE: We *could* just scan forward until we hit the end, but this way we save
// a comparison in the inner loop, since also needs to check the
// list length. We could also save some time by starting from
// start rather than end, but the hope is that this way the
// compiler (and machine) can reorder things so both ends are
// fetched in parallel; since the vast majority of the time both fetched
// elements should already be in cache, this should not use any
// extra memory bandwidth.
// TODO: Benchmark and figure out whether this is better in practice than just
// scanning forward.
let end = presences_position_entities
.partition_point(|((pos, _), _)| i32::from(pos.x) < max_chunk_x);
let interior = &presences_position_entities[start..end];
.filter(|((player_chunk_pos, player_vd_sqr), _)| {
chunk_in_vd(*player_chunk_pos, *player_vd_sqr, *chunk_key)
.for_each(|(_, entity)| {
chunk_send_emitter.emit(ChunkSendEntry {
entity: *entity,
chunk_key: *chunk_key,
let tick = (tick.0 % 16) as i32;
// Remove chunks that are too far from players.
let mut chunks_to_remove = Vec::new();
.map(|(k, _)| k)
// Note that all chunks involved here (both terrain chunks and pending chunks)
// are guaranteed in bounds. This simplifies the rest of the logic
// here.
let chunks_to_remove = terrain
// There may be lots of pending chunks, so don't check them all. This should be okay
// as long as we're maintaining a reasonable tick rate.
// Don't check every chunk every tick (spread over 16 ticks)
.filter(|k| k.x.unsigned_abs() % 4 + (k.y.unsigned_abs() % 4) * 4 == (tick.0 % 16) as u32)
// There shouldn't be to many pending chunks so we will just check them all
.for_each(|chunk_key| {
let mut should_drop = true;
// TODO: Investigate whether we can add support for performing this filtering directly
// within hashbrown (basically, specify we want to iterate through just buckets with
// hashes in a particular range). This could provide significiant speedups since we
// could avoid having to iterate through a bunch of buckets we don't care about.
// TODO: Make the percentage of the buckets that we go through adjust dynamically
// depending on the current number of chunks. In the worst case, we might want to scan
// just 1/256 of the chunks each tick, for example.
.filter(|k| k.x % 4 + (k.y % 4) * 4 == tick)
.filter(|&chunk_key| {
// We only have to check players inside the maximum view distance of the server of
// our own position.
// We start by partitioning by X, finding only entities in chunks within the X
// range of us. These are guaranteed in bounds due to restrictions on max view
// distance (namely: the square of any chunk coordinate plus the max view distance
// along both axes must fit in an i32).
let min_chunk_x = chunk_key.x - real_max_view_distance;
let max_chunk_x = chunk_key.x + real_max_view_distance;
let start = presences_positions
.partition_point(|(pos, _)| i32::from(pos.x) < min_chunk_x);
// NOTE: We *could* just scan forward until we hit the end, but this way we save a
// comparison in the inner loop, since also needs to check the list length. We
// could also save some time by starting from start rather than end, but the hope
// is that this way the compiler (and machine) can reorder things so both ends are
// fetched in parallel; since the vast majority of the time both fetched elements
// should already be in cache, this should not use any extra memory bandwidth.
// TODO: Benchmark and figure out whether this is better in practice than just
// scanning forward.
let end = presences_positions
.partition_point(|(pos, _)| i32::from(pos.x) < max_chunk_x);
let interior = &presences_positions[start..end];
!interior.iter().any(|&(player_chunk_pos, player_vd_sqr)| {
chunk_in_vd(player_chunk_pos, player_vd_sqr, chunk_key)
// For each player with a position, calculate the distance.
for (presence, pos) in (&presences, &positions).join() {
if chunk_in_vd(pos.0, chunk_key, &terrain, presence.terrain_view_distance.current()) {
should_drop = false;
let chunks_to_remove = chunks_to_remove
.filter_map(|key| {
// Register the unloading of this chunk from terrain persistence
#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
if let Some(terrain_persistence) = _terrain_persistence.as_mut() {
if should_drop {
// TODO: code duplication for chunk insertion between here and state.rs
terrain.remove(key).map(|chunk| {
if !chunks_to_remove.is_empty() {
// Drop chunks in a background thread.
slow_jobs.spawn("CHUNK_DROP", move || {
for key in chunks_to_remove {
// Register the unloading of this chunk from terrain persistence
#[cfg(feature = "persistent_world")]
if let Some(terrain_persistence) = _terrain_persistence.as_mut() {
// TODO: code duplication for chunk insertion between here and state.rs
if terrain.remove(key).is_some() {
@ -467,26 +547,173 @@ impl NpcData {
pub fn chunk_in_vd(
player_pos: Vec3<f32>,
chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>,
terrain: &TerrainGrid,
vd: u32,
) -> bool {
pub fn convert_to_loaded_vd(vd: u32, max_view_distance: u32) -> i32 {
// Hardcoded max VD to prevent stupid view distances from creating overflows.
// This must be a value ≤
// √(i32::MAX - 2 * ((1 << (MAX_WORLD_BLOCKS_LG - TERRAIN_CHUNK_BLOCKS_LG) - 1)²
// - 1)) / 2
// since otherwise we could end up overflowing. Since it is a requirement that
// each dimension (in chunks) has to fit in a i16, we can derive √((1<<31)-1
// - 2*((1<<15)-1)^2) / 2 ≥ 1 << 7 as the absolute limit.
// TODO: Make this more official and use it elsewhere.
const MAX_VD: u32 = 1 << 7;
// This fuzzy threshold prevents chunks rapidly unloading and reloading when
// players move over a chunk border.
const UNLOAD_THRESHOLD: u32 = 2;
let player_chunk_pos = terrain.pos_key(player_pos.map(|e| e as i32));
let adjusted_dist_sqr = (player_chunk_pos - chunk_pos)
.map(|e: i32| e.unsigned_abs())
adjusted_dist_sqr <= (vd.max(crate::MIN_VD) + UNLOAD_THRESHOLD).pow(2)
// NOTE: This cast is safe for the reasons mentioned above.
.min(MAX_VD) as i32
fn is_spawn_chunk(chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>, spawn_pos: SpawnPoint, terrain: &TerrainGrid) -> bool {
let spawn_chunk_pos = terrain.pos_key(spawn_pos.0.map(|e| e as i32));
/// Returns: ((player_chunk_pos, player_vd_squared), entity, is_client)
fn prepare_for_vd_check(
world_aabr_in_chunks: &Aabr<i32>,
max_view_distance: u32,
entity: Entity,
presence: &Presence,
pos: &Pos,
client: Option<u32>,
) -> Option<((Vec2<i16>, i32), Entity, bool)> {
let is_client = client.is_some();
let pos = pos.0;
let vd = presence.terrain_view_distance.current();
// NOTE: We use regular as casts rather than as_ because we want to saturate on
// overflow.
let player_pos = pos.map(|x| x as i32);
let player_chunk_pos = TerrainGrid::chunk_key(player_pos);
let player_vd = convert_to_loaded_vd(vd, max_view_distance);
// We filter out positions that are *clearly* way out of range from
// consideration. This is pretty easy to do, and means we don't have to
// perform expensive overflow checks elsewhere (otherwise, a player
// sufficiently far off the map could cause chunks they were nowhere near to
// stay loaded, parallel universes style).
// One could also imagine snapping a player to the part of the map nearest to
// them. We don't currently do this in case we rely elsewhere on players
// always being near the chunks they're keeping loaded, but it would allow
// us to use u32 exclusively so it's tempting.
let player_aabr_in_chunks = Aabr {
min: player_chunk_pos - player_vd,
max: player_chunk_pos + player_vd,
(world_aabr_in_chunks.max.x >= player_aabr_in_chunks.min.x &&
world_aabr_in_chunks.min.x <= player_aabr_in_chunks.max.x &&
world_aabr_in_chunks.max.y >= player_aabr_in_chunks.min.y &&
world_aabr_in_chunks.min.y <= player_aabr_in_chunks.max.y)
// The cast to i32 here is definitely safe thanks to MAX_VD limiting us to fit
// within i32^2.
// The cast from each coordinate to i16 should also be correct here. This is because valid
// world chunk coordinates are no greater than 1 << 14 - 1; since we verified that the
// player is within world bounds modulo player_vd, which is guaranteed to never let us
// overflow an i16 when added to a u14, safety of the cast follows.
.then(|| ((player_chunk_pos.as_::<i16>(), player_vd.pow(2) as i32), entity, is_client))
pub fn prepare_player_presences<'a, P>(
world: &World,
max_view_distance: u32,
entities: &Entities<'a>,
positions: P,
presences: &ReadStorage<'a, Presence>,
clients: &ReadStorage<'a, Client>,
) -> (Vec<((Vec2<i16>, i32), Entity)>, Vec<(Vec2<i16>, i32)>)
P: GenericReadStorage<Component = Pos> + Join<Type = &'a Pos>,
// We start by collecting presences and positions from players, because they are
// very sparse in the entity list and therefore iterating over them for each
// chunk can be quite slow.
let world_aabr_in_chunks = Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
// NOTE: Cast is correct because chunk coordinates must fit in an i32 (actually, i16).
max: world
.map(|x| x.saturating_sub(1))
let (mut presences_positions_entities, mut presences_positions): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
(entities, presences, positions, clients.mask().maybe())
.filter_map(|(entity, presence, position, client)| {
.partition_map(|(player_data, entity, is_client)| {
// For chunks with clients, we need to record their entity, because they might
// be used for insertion. These elements fit in 8 bytes, so
// this should be pretty cache-friendly.
if is_client {
Either::Left((player_data, entity))
} else {
// For chunks without clients, we only need to record the position and view
// distance. These elements fit in 4 bytes, which is even cache-friendlier.
// We sort the presence lists by X position, so we can efficiently filter out
// players nowhere near the chunk. This is basically a poor substitute for
// the effects of a proper KDTree, but a proper KDTree has too much overhead
// to be worth using for such a short list (~ 1000 players at most). We
// also sort by y and reverse view distance; this will become important later.
.sort_unstable_by_key(|&((pos, vd2), _)| (pos.x, pos.y, Reverse(vd2)));
presences_positions.sort_unstable_by_key(|&(pos, vd2)| (pos.x, pos.y, Reverse(vd2)));
// For the vast majority of chunks (present and pending ones), we'll only ever
// need the position and view distance. So we extend it with these from the
// list of client chunks, and then do some further work to improve
// performance (taking advantage of the fact that they don't require
// entities).
.map(|&(player_data, _)| player_data),
// Since both lists were previously sorted, we use stable sort over unstable
// sort, as it's faster in that case (theoretically a proper merge operation
// would be ideal, but it's not worth pulling in a library for).
presences_positions.sort_by_key(|&(pos, vd2)| (pos.x, pos.y, Reverse(vd2)));
// Now that the list is sorted, we deduplicate players in the same chunk (this
// is why we need to sort y as well as x; dedup only works if the list is
// sorted by the element we use to dedup). Importantly, we can then use
// only the *first* element as a substitute for all the players in the
// chunk, because we *also* sorted from greatest to lowest view
// distance, and dedup_by removes all but the first matching element. In the
// common case where a few chunks are very crowded, this further reduces the
// work required per chunk.
presences_positions.dedup_by_key(|&mut (pos, _)| pos);
(presences_positions_entities, presences_positions)
pub fn chunk_in_vd(player_chunk_pos: Vec2<i16>, player_vd_sqr: i32, chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>) -> bool {
// NOTE: Guaranteed in bounds as long as prepare_player_presences prepared the
// player_chunk_pos and player_vd_sqr.
let adjusted_dist_sqr = (player_chunk_pos.as_::<i32>() - chunk_pos).magnitude_squared();
adjusted_dist_sqr <= player_vd_sqr
fn is_spawn_chunk(chunk_pos: Vec2<i32>, spawn_pos: SpawnPoint) -> bool {
// FIXME: Ensure spawn_pos doesn't overflow before performing this cast.
let spawn_chunk_pos = TerrainGrid::chunk_key(spawn_pos.0.map(|e| e as i32));
chunk_pos == spawn_chunk_pos
@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
use crate::{chunk_serialize::ChunkSendEntry, client::Client, presence::Presence};
use common::{comp::Pos, event::EventBus, terrain::TerrainGrid};
use crate::{chunk_serialize::ChunkSendEntry, client::Client, presence::Presence, Settings};
use common::{comp::Pos, event::EventBus};
use common_ecs::{Job, Origin, Phase, System};
use common_net::msg::{CompressedData, ServerGeneral};
use common_state::TerrainChanges;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use specs::{Entities, Join, Read, ReadExpect, ReadStorage};
use std::sync::Arc;
use world::World;
/// This systems sends new chunks to clients as well as changes to existing
/// chunks
@ -12,7 +15,8 @@ pub struct Sys;
impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
type SystemData = (
ReadExpect<'a, TerrainGrid>,
ReadExpect<'a, Arc<World>>,
Read<'a, Settings>,
Read<'a, TerrainChanges>,
ReadExpect<'a, EventBus<ChunkSendEntry>>,
ReadStorage<'a, Pos>,
@ -26,26 +30,71 @@ impl<'a> System<'a> for Sys {
fn run(
_job: &mut Job<Self>,
(entities, terrain, terrain_changes, chunk_send_bus, positions, presences, clients): Self::SystemData,
): Self::SystemData,
) {
let mut chunk_send_emitter = chunk_send_bus.emitter();
let max_view_distance = server_settings.max_view_distance.unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
let (presences_position_entities, _) = super::terrain::prepare_player_presences(
let real_max_view_distance =
super::terrain::convert_to_loaded_vd(u32::MAX, max_view_distance);
// Sync changed chunks
for chunk_key in &terrain_changes.modified_chunks {
for (entity, presence, pos) in (&entities, &presences, &positions).join() {
if super::terrain::chunk_in_vd(
) {
chunk_send_emitter.emit(ChunkSendEntry {
chunk_key: *chunk_key,
|| chunk_send_bus.emitter(),
|chunk_send_emitter, &chunk_key| {
// We only have to check players inside the maximum view distance of the server
// of our own position.
// We start by partitioning by X, finding only entities in chunks within the X
// range of us. These are guaranteed in bounds due to restrictions on max view
// distance (namely: the square of any chunk coordinate plus the max view
// distance along both axes must fit in an i32).
let min_chunk_x = chunk_key.x - real_max_view_distance;
let max_chunk_x = chunk_key.x + real_max_view_distance;
let start = presences_position_entities
.partition_point(|((pos, _), _)| i32::from(pos.x) < min_chunk_x);
// NOTE: We *could* just scan forward until we hit the end, but this way we save
// a comparison in the inner loop, since also needs to check the
// list length. We could also save some time by starting from
// start rather than end, but the hope is that this way the
// compiler (and machine) can reorder things so both ends are
// fetched in parallel; since the vast majority of the time both fetched
// elements should already be in cache, this should not use any
// extra memory bandwidth.
// TODO: Benchmark and figure out whether this is better in practice than just
// scanning forward.
let end = presences_position_entities
.partition_point(|((pos, _), _)| i32::from(pos.x) < max_chunk_x);
let interior = &presences_position_entities[start..end];
.filter(|((player_chunk_pos, player_vd_sqr), _)| {
super::terrain::chunk_in_vd(*player_chunk_pos, *player_vd_sqr, chunk_key)
.for_each(|(_, entity)| {
chunk_send_emitter.emit(ChunkSendEntry {
entity: *entity,
// TODO: Don't send all changed blocks to all clients
// Sync changed blocks
@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ impl World {
pub const fn map_size_lg(&self) -> MapSizeLg { DEFAULT_WORLD_CHUNKS_LG }
pub fn generate_oob_chunk(&self) -> TerrainChunk { TerrainChunk::water(0) }
pub fn generate_chunk(
_index: IndexRef,
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ const GEN_SIZE: i32 = 4;
pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
// Generate chunks here to test
let mut terrain = TerrainGrid::new().unwrap();
let (world, index) = World::generate(
sim::WorldOpts {
@ -27,6 +26,11 @@ pub fn criterion_benchmark(c: &mut Criterion) {
let mut terrain = TerrainGrid::new(
let index = index.as_index_ref();
.flat_map(|x| (0..GEN_SIZE).map(move |y| Vec2::new(x, y)))
@ -889,8 +889,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
neighbours &= scene_data
.get_key(pos + Vec2::new(i, j))
.contains_key_real(pos + Vec2::new(i, j));
@ -978,8 +977,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
neighbours &= scene_data
.get_key(neighbour_chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, j))
.contains_key_real(neighbour_chunk_pos + Vec2::new(i, j));
if neighbours {
@ -746,7 +746,11 @@ fn main() {
let mut totals: BTreeMap<&str, f32> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut total_timings: BTreeMap<&str, f32> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut count = 0;
let mut volgrid = VolGrid2d::new().unwrap();
let mut volgrid = VolGrid2d::new(
for (i, spiralpos) in Spiral2d::with_radius(RADIUS)
.map(|v| v + sitepos.as_())
@ -255,7 +255,6 @@ impl World {
.map(|zcache| zcache.sample.stone_col)
.unwrap_or_else(|| index.colors.deep_stone_color.into()),
let water = Block::new(BlockKind::Water, Rgb::zero());
let (base_z, sim_chunk) = match self
@ -269,15 +268,9 @@ impl World {
Some(base_z) => (base_z as i32, self.sim.get(chunk_pos).unwrap()),
// Some((base_z, sim_chunk)) => (base_z as i32, sim_chunk),
None => {
return Ok((
CONFIG.sea_level as i32,
// NOTE: This is necessary in order to generate a handful of chunks at the edges
// of the map.
return Ok((self.sim().generate_oob_chunk(), ChunkSupplement::default()));
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ use common::{
map::MapConfig, uniform_idx_as_vec2, vec2_as_uniform_idx, BiomeKind, MapSizeLg,
TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize,
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ use std::{
io::{BufReader, BufWriter},
ops::{Add, Div, Mul, Neg, Sub},
use tracing::{debug, warn};
use vek::*;
@ -1590,6 +1591,10 @@ impl WorldSim {
pub fn get_size(&self) -> Vec2<u32> { self.map_size_lg().chunks().map(u32::from) }
pub fn generate_oob_chunk(&self) -> TerrainChunk {
TerrainChunk::water(CONFIG.sea_level as i32)
/// Draw a map of the world based on chunk information. Returns a buffer of
/// u32s.
pub fn get_map(&self, index: IndexRef, calendar: Option<&Calendar>) -> WorldMapMsg {
@ -1684,13 +1689,13 @@ impl WorldSim {
WorldMapMsg {
dimensions_lg: self.map_size_lg().vec(),
sea_level: CONFIG.sea_level,
max_height: self.max_height,
rgba: Grid::from_raw(self.get_size().map(|e| e as i32), v),
alt: Grid::from_raw(self.get_size().map(|e| e as i32), alts),
sites: Vec::new(), // Will be substituted later
pois: Vec::new(), // Will be substituted later
default_chunk: Arc::new(self.generate_oob_chunk()),
Reference in New Issue
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